
Secret Santa (2018)
After an unknown assailant spikes the punch of a pharmaceutical family Christmas with a military...

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated Secret Santa (2018) in Movies
Dec 8, 2019
As alternative Christmas films go this one is way out there and probably the most Christmassy of them all. We've got actual Christmas events which is more than some.
Christmases in the family are always an over the top affair, snowy location, enormous turkey, secret Santa gifts and competition. But where there should be fun and merriment there's always a little bit of resentment, bitterness and not so friendly jabs.
April has turned over a new leaf and this Christmas is meant to be a way to apologise for past wrongs and bring everyone back together for some much needed family bonding, what she doesn't know is that someone else has other ideas. The family doesn't need more pleasantries, it needs a bit of truth.
Secret Santa is just pure batshit crazy and takes dysfunctional family to another level, there's so much going on that you'll certainly never be bored watching it. We obviously have a lot of gratuitous violence and there's also some nudity and sex thanks to Jackson, his girlfriend, and a... well, I won't spoil that bit. These are all selling points, right!?
What kick starts the craziness is the punch being spiked with an experimental military-grade truth serum, the effects start with what appears just to be their normal family bitchiness but it soon progresses into something a lot more homicidal. I liked that they kept a bit of a mix, not everyone showed the same sort of rage and it really depended on their original demeanour. The most extreme was definitely Jackson, and Nathan Hedrick certainly gives a fantastic, if disturbing, performance in the role. But everyone really commits to their parts and that's the thing that stopped this film from sliding into a bad made-for-TV affair.
There are so many things I want to mention but I don't want to spoil the fun to be had from watching this, so I'll just say that something wacky and nuts happens approximately every two minutes.
The film is done in such a way that you really get pulled into the action of it all by being up close and personal, and throughout there's a real contrast between the good and the bad, even in the opening titles. We're also treated to some great musical choices throughout and the festive vibe shines through. Make sure you watch into the credits as there are some great little additions to the story in them.
If you've brought the DVD then you'll also have a "making of" featurette, you absolutely need to watch this. It's almost as long as the film but it was really interesting to watch. Finding out the background to some of these films really does help you have a different appreciation for them and listening to the story begin Secret Santa was a real bonus.
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Christmases in the family are always an over the top affair, snowy location, enormous turkey, secret Santa gifts and competition. But where there should be fun and merriment there's always a little bit of resentment, bitterness and not so friendly jabs.
April has turned over a new leaf and this Christmas is meant to be a way to apologise for past wrongs and bring everyone back together for some much needed family bonding, what she doesn't know is that someone else has other ideas. The family doesn't need more pleasantries, it needs a bit of truth.
Secret Santa is just pure batshit crazy and takes dysfunctional family to another level, there's so much going on that you'll certainly never be bored watching it. We obviously have a lot of gratuitous violence and there's also some nudity and sex thanks to Jackson, his girlfriend, and a... well, I won't spoil that bit. These are all selling points, right!?
What kick starts the craziness is the punch being spiked with an experimental military-grade truth serum, the effects start with what appears just to be their normal family bitchiness but it soon progresses into something a lot more homicidal. I liked that they kept a bit of a mix, not everyone showed the same sort of rage and it really depended on their original demeanour. The most extreme was definitely Jackson, and Nathan Hedrick certainly gives a fantastic, if disturbing, performance in the role. But everyone really commits to their parts and that's the thing that stopped this film from sliding into a bad made-for-TV affair.
There are so many things I want to mention but I don't want to spoil the fun to be had from watching this, so I'll just say that something wacky and nuts happens approximately every two minutes.
The film is done in such a way that you really get pulled into the action of it all by being up close and personal, and throughout there's a real contrast between the good and the bad, even in the opening titles. We're also treated to some great musical choices throughout and the festive vibe shines through. Make sure you watch into the credits as there are some great little additions to the story in them.
If you've brought the DVD then you'll also have a "making of" featurette, you absolutely need to watch this. It's almost as long as the film but it was really interesting to watch. Finding out the background to some of these films really does help you have a different appreciation for them and listening to the story begin Secret Santa was a real bonus.
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