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Sarah (7798 KP) rated Geostorm (2017) in Movies

Jul 9, 2018 (Updated Jul 9, 2018)  
Geostorm (2017)
Geostorm (2017)
2017 | Action, Mystery, Sci-Fi
Ruined by awful dialogue
Let's face it, you never begin any film with Gerard Butler in with high expectations, but this one was surprisingly better than I'd expected.

This is probably the best I've ever seen Butler act. His American accent was impressively good by his standards and only once did I hear him slip into his native Scottish. The rest of the cast are alright, but they've got little to work with what with poor character motivations and the even poorer script. The effects are very good, although the plot itself is potentially a little too farfetched and has The Day After Tomorrow meets Armageddon written all over it. Indeed I was very surprised to see that this wasn't actually made by Roland Emmerich.

A few plot nuances aside, the main issue with this is the dialogue. It's absolutely atrocious, to the point where I was visibly cringing throughout the film. Its not good when a film makes you embarrassed for the script writer. If it hadn't been for this, i probably would've rated this a lot higher as it was surprisingly enjoyable, even if it did raise a few unintentional laughs.
Future Home of the Living God
Future Home of the Living God
Louise Erdrich | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It’s all been done before...
Cedar Hawk Songmaker is pregnant. Unfortunately, evolution seems to be going backwards at an alarming rate in all things: animals, crops, babies....
Society goes mad, the giver collapses, and a religious government takes over. Another story where a woman is just a womb and the baby is the only important thing. This frustrates me: there’s only a finite number of women, and surely only a small number who are able to give birth to babies who haven’t ‘devolved’? Why risk them dying? Why force them to ‘breed’? I just don’t get these stories. I liked the first person, diary entry approach to the novel, by the way. It works really well.
This is very similar to A Handmaids Tale: men and religion controls the state, a declining birth rate, Big Brother is watching (thanks to George Orwell for that little sort device). Nice touch with the Native American Indians, by the way.
I have an idea - how about a (good, well-written) story where there’s a declining birth rate, men are to blame and WOMEN are in charge?! Has anyone written that yet? I’d buy it! Any suggestions will probably be read!
The Blood of Four Gods and Other Stories
The Blood of Four Gods and Other Stories
Jamie Lackey | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Blood of Four Gods and Other Stories is a collection of short stories by Jamie Lackey, with a strong Asian/Native American theme. None of the stories are guaranteed a HAE, and in fact, I would say at least half have their own particular ending. These stories are all very vivid when you read them, which is excellent - Jamie Lackey's descriptive voice is in full flow. However, some of them are not so 'nice' to read, and so the descriptions can make you swallow slightly as you read them. Some only seem like snippets, and I would love to know more about the characters and the worlds in which they live.

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, I thoroughly enjoyed each of these stories. With smooth pacing, well rounded characters, and with individual stories for each and every one, this is a wonderful collection of stories, sure to delight. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Island of the Blue Dolphins
Scott O’Dell | 1960 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
8.3 (18 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong heroine (2 more)
Accurately conveys feelings of loneliness
Brings a little known piece of history to attention
Pretty depressing for a middle grade book (1 more)
Themes of loneliness will likely be missed by many given the age group
The story of the Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island
This was my absolute favorite book growing up and I still cherish it more than a decade later.

Island of the Blue Dolphins is based on The Lone Woman of San Nicolas Island: Juana Maria, a Nicoleño Native American left alone on San Nicolas Island for 18 years. She was the last surviving member of her tribe and died after she was rescued. This incredible story has largely been lost in the greater narrative of American history.

The story follows a young girl named Karana as she learns to survive on her own. Facing certain death, her tribe flees the island and Karana is left behind. The story has plenty of adventure as Karana fights to survive, learning how to be resourceful – hunting for food and materials for clothing, building shelters, and dealing with the local wild dogs and other dangerous creatures on the island. Where this book really shines is how the writing managed to portray Karana’s feelings of isolation and loneliness which really struck a chord with me.

The book is beautifully written and I’ve read it countless times since it was first gifted to me in elementary school. I look forward to when my own daughters grow older and I can share this story with them. This is a wonderful book for all ages that I absolutely adore. Fantastic for middle grade girls just getting into reading.
The Blood of Four Gods and Other Stories
The Blood of Four Gods and Other Stories
Jamie Lackey | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Blood of Four Gods and Other Stories by Jamie Lackey
The Blood of Four Gods and Other Stories is a collection of short stories by Jamie Lackey, with a strong Asian/Native American theme. None of the stories are guaranteed a HAE, and in fact, I would say at least half have their own particular ending. These stories are all very vivid when you read them, which is excellent - Jamie Lackey's descriptive voice is in full flow. However, some of them are not so 'nice' to read, and so the descriptions can make you swallow slightly as you read them. Some only seem like snippets, and I would love to know more about the characters and the worlds in which they live.

With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, I thoroughly enjoyed each of these stories. With smooth pacing, well rounded characters, and with individual stories for each and every one, this is a wonderful collection of stories, sure to delight. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mouse Trapped (Mirage Mysteries #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Phoenix Robbery detective Marsha “Mouse” is shot in a meeting with an informant gone wrong. All the police have to go on is part of a name and the original tip that the thieves were targeting a collection of Native American silver jewelry. Homicide detectives Joe and Tom are pursuing some of the tangential leads, which brings them into the Robbery side of the case. Can the two figure out what happened without inciting a turf war within the police department?

It’s nice to have a mystery that involves another crime as well, and I enjoyed tracking down the thieves as a way to find the killer. Since the only clue is part of a name, we get too many suspects with similar sounding names, meaning we have to work hard to remember them all until we really get to know the characters. New Christian Joe is trying to grow in his faith, something I enjoyed seeing. I first read this book over 25 years ago, and it’s nice to see it stacks up to my memories of the series.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Awix (3310 KP) rated No Escape (2015) in Movies

Mar 26, 2018 (Updated Mar 26, 2018)  
No Escape (2015)
No Escape (2015)
2015 | Drama, Thriller
6.9 (13 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Technically competent suspense-thriller can't help coming across as a little bit suspect in the signals it's sending (also, title may not be strictly accurate). Nice American family go to a country which looks like Thailand but definitely isn't, dearie me no, and find themselves imperilled by a native uprising triggered by the Prime Minister's new water works. Can they escape before Pierce Brosnan starts singing again?

As I say, solidly put together, and if nothing else Lake Bell's performance is pretty much immaculate - but you have to wonder if the film's depiction of Asian countries isn't defamatory, or at least scare-mongering. It's not surprising this film was banned in some parts of Asia. There's a lot of bafflegab about the hordes of machete-wielding psychos being locals upset about globalisation, but c'mon, guys, this is clearly a film inspired by fears of radical Islamist terrorism, and as such it seems to be presenting every person in Indonesia, Cambodia, Thailand, etc, as a potential psychopathic killer. For something which is basically second-cousin to a zombie movie, it takes itself terribly seriously; a bit too seriously given how implausible the plot rapidly becomes. Perks up a bit when Brosnan is on screen (not often enough), but is this kind of subject matter really the stuff of such broad entertainment? As a thriller this is okay, but a point knocked off for the dubious subtext.
You Die When You Die
You Die When You Die
Angus Watson | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic witty pre-historic Viking / Native American fantasy
This is the alternative-reality story of the Hardworkers, a small clan of Viking descendants in pre-Columbian North America. A mentally-damaged young boy in the clan has a premonition that the village will be attacked and they should head west. When the village is indeed attacked by natives (who themselves had a premonition of these Vikings ending the world), the clan quickly up-sticks and head off.
There follows a brilliant, exciting, funny story of this small clan with mixed abilities (some well trained warriors, some powerful yet cowardly warlocks, some useless wastes of space) travelling across North America, hunted by the magically-enhanced warriors sent to end them, and meeting numerous clans and tribes along the way.
The wonderful merging of plausible pre-history America and a more familiar fantasy setting (prophecies, evil empires, warriors) results in this superb story. The dialogue is witty and funny, the world is familiar yet strange enough to make you think, and the action sequences are fantastically narrated, often from different viewpoints.
The characters are all very well crafted and unique, and their interactions and conflicts really spur this story on.
I would urge anyone keen on fantasy to read this book. While the cover, and title, may suggest it is a brutal slobberknocker of a book, it is actually very clever, funny and thrilling.
I cannot wait to jump in to the next book in this trilogy. Wootah!!!
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Since I don't feel like writing a review, I'll just detail what I liked and disliked about the book.

The subject matter - From what I know, I think the author handled Wicca/Witchcraft very well.
How it was written - I'm not the grammar police and don't know everything about it, so it was fine with me. Sometimes I think that the books that have the best grammar are the most unrealistic and holds the reader away from the book and story because of this. I mean Mr. Sellars has a point, how many people really speak or think in proper English?
Most of the book.

The constant use of paleface, squaw, and other white or Native American Indian terms. I get that Rowan and Ben are friends and they use the words as buddies (and the author means well I assume), but I think it's unlikely that anyone would say them so much - it felt forced and unrealistic to me.
Some repetitions of phrases, descriptions, etc. - i.e. Felicity's hair, eyes, temperament, other actions people did, or descriptions of places.
The use of the word query. How many people actually use that word? LoL
The ending was a bit saccharine and not very likely, but I'll let that pass.

Some of the descriptions made me a bit queasy but I think it added to the storyline.

Overall, I was very impressed with the story, will read the next and be on the lookout for others in the series.
Friction in Motion
Sy Kadella | 2018
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Jerry is woken by his father one faithful morning, to be informed that him, his father and grandfather will be taking a men-only road trip. Jerry is an emotionally detached child prodigy and wants nothing less than for his parents to finally divorce so that everyone can finally understand why he is the way he is. His father has fits that have put a strain on his marriage and his family which has split the family to sides. His sister siding with his mother and Jerry standing with his dad because he feels that no one will be there for his dad, so if leaving on a long road trip with no end in sights means leaving his sister and mom behind he is ready to go. On this road to discovery Jerry, he visits his mobster uncle, a spirit channeling aunt, a native American Indian healer, and a depressed punker.
This tale is remissive of an epic poem and how the discovery of yourself leads to places you would not normally go. Sy Kadella is a talented storyteller who leaves you wondering about the experiences that Jerry must endure to finally see where he is and where he is going. Jerry is a very complex character who unravels in layers as his journey unfold which is a treat unto itself. To be honest the story is slow in places and almost stalls as the details overrun the overall tale. It was an enjoyable tale even though you do have to dig through in places.