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Generation Wealth (2018)
Generation Wealth (2018)
2018 | Documentary

" I always want to shout out props to hard hitting essay films. This was nuts! I felt sick during and after, but I was full of admiration for the sheer strength and determination it took to make this film and the thinking that forged these themes into a cogent survey of something extreme and disturbing in human nature and the times in which we live. Not for the over-sensitive."

Zero de conduite (1933)
Zero de conduite (1933)
1933 | Comedy, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"It is easy to see how this previously banned surrealist/Dadaist masterpiece influenced so many filmmakers to come. Jean Vigo’s use of physical comedy and the slightly provocative nature of the film’s subject matter work together to create a generally outré atmosphere that at times borders on the chaotic. It makes for a mesmerizing watch. Without Zéro de conduite, it’s hard to imagine a 400 Blows or If…."

The January Man: A Year of Walking Britain
The January Man: A Year of Walking Britain
Christopher Somerville | 2017 | Natural World
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A charming and thoughtful book about life, family, nature and the joy of walking (0 more)
Nothing (0 more)
The Long and Winding Road
The relationship between fathers and sons is contested ground. An emotional boxing match with incomprehension at golden opportunities wasted in one corner, and frustration at being held to impossible standards in the other.

The sometimes awkward, but always close, relationship between journalist Christopher Somerville and his war hero father is at the heart of this hugely engaging mix of memoir and nature writing. Their shared love of walking was the bond that united two very different characters in a story that unfolds against a backdrop of profound social change.

The quiet stoicism that saw a generation of men through the war giving way to rebellion born of affluence, then morphing into the busy atomisation of twenty first century life. This could make for a maudlin exercise in chin stroking, but is saved from it by Somerville’s good humour and inherent optimism.

Added to this is a deep love of nature and the English countryside and the people who have painted, written about or made their living from it over the centuries. Somerville is able to translate this into nature writing that carries the message that we should value what we’ve got without being either sentimental or didactic.

As a memoirist, he has an eye for the eccentricities of family life and a welcome sense of empathy with the experience of his parent’s generation and how it shaped their outlook. Being reserved is not the same thing as being distant, love strong enough to last a lifetime doesn’t need to announce itself with flowers and candy hearts; it manifests in the little acts that make up a life.

This is also a resolutely practical book, something Somerville senior would have approved of, with several associated walks that can be downloaded. Even if the journey from the bookcase to your easy chair is the closest you get to hiking, it is still worth reading.

ClareR (5603 KP) rated The Rain Heron in Books

Aug 23, 2021  
The Rain Heron
The Rain Heron
Robbie Arnott | 2020 | Dystopia, Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Rain Heron has a dreamlike, fairytale quality to it that I loved. In fact, the first part of the novel is exactly like a fairytale: an unlucky farmer is rewarded by becoming more prosperous, but in remembering the hard times that they had, the farmer shares their wealth. However, a jealous neighbour soon makes their feelings felt, and no one comes out of the situation well.

Further away, near the sea, another mans jealousy of nature has terrible consequences, causing poverty and abandonment of a seaside village.

These threads of story are interwoven with that of a woman who lives alone in the mountains in order to escape the effects of a military coup. But the soldiers come looking for her - and for the Rain Heron.

This is a book about mans need to control nature and their inability to. The more man tries to control it, the more damage is done.

I loved the feel of this novel. It’s a fable of our modern times, about how our actions are having a lasting and devastating effect on our climate and nature.

I would most definitely recommend this book, and Arnott’s previous book as well, Flames, if you haven’t read it. Both are masterpieces in magical realism. Rain Heron is a timely book as we come to realise just what an impact climate change is having on our world, and comes highly recommended from me!
Redesigning Fate (The Revive Series, #1)
Redesigning Fate (The Revive Series, #1)
A.M. Wilson | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
SIN!!!!!!!!!!! (3 more)
You will need therapy by the end of this series
Warning Not For Faint Hearted (1 more)
If you are of squeamish nature do not read.
SIn Mine get another Book Boyfriend
Out of all Indie authors i know there are two that can attack your emotions so brutally and beautifully you will never know to read another book again or just give up and cry in the corner.

There are numerous complex and multi-dimensional characters in Allison books my favorite belongs in this series.

 Alexander Sinclair more commonly known as Sin a moody Bar tender who has heart of gold. Even the psychopathic Stalker Travis has something about him has a sexy I know you could kill rape kill and torture me but man your so appealing there's a part of me that don't care.

These books deal with the darkest of real world situation and should you be of a squeamish nature do not read.
Lust, Lies and Lemon Cakes Too
Lust, Lies and Lemon Cakes Too
Steven Morris | 2018 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I'll be completely honest with you, I didn't have high hopes for this book due to having read the first one in the series. However, it turned out to be a welcome surprise. Not only was the sequel better written than the first but I feel that it was also funnier and easier to read. Adding to this, I was actually dissapointed to find I had come to the end of the book as I was looking forward to learning more about the protagonists funny life.

The books light-hearted nature was definitely helped by the fact that a lot of the humour is revolved about the male protagonist going 'viral' on the internet. I feel this helps the reader to identify with him due to the fact that technology is slowly becoming more and more prevalent in our society.

I would definitely reccommend this book to people who are looking for a light read, due to its funny nature.
When nature unleashes its fury on your part of the world, it's of course a fantastic idea to lay in all the emergency supplies recommended by the authorities.

But sometimes when it comes to disasters, it's not clean water or boarded up windows that will save you. It's information. Even apps such as Facebook can be vital for its safety check capability and Snapchat has allowed people to follow what's happening on the ground.

These apps can help and should be as much a part of your family's disaster preparedness kit as a flashlight and first aid supplies.



Communication, Photo & Video and Social Networking

7.4 (180 Ratings) Rate It


Life's more fun when you live in the moment :) Happy Snapping! * * * Please note: Snapchatters...

Find My Family, Friends, Phone

Find My Family, Friends, Phone

Social Networking and Lifestyle

(0 Ratings) Rate It


Life360 is the world's leading realtime, location-sharing app, and is the best way to coordinate...



Communication, Entertainment, Events and Social Networking

7.6 (436 Ratings) Rate It


Keeping up with friends is faster than ever. • See what friends are up to • Share updates,...



Weather and Reference

(0 Ratings) Rate It


The FEMA app is your one-stop-shop with tools and tips to keep you safe before, during, and after...

Be Ready by Canadian Red Cross

Be Ready by Canadian Red Cross

Weather and Education

(0 Ratings) Rate It


House fires, floods, power outages, and even catastrophic earthquakes – whatever the disaster, the...

and 5 other items
The Handmaiden (2017)
The Handmaiden (2017)
2017 | Drama, Mystery, Romance
9.3 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
An opulent and striking exploration of the oppressive nature of the male gaze, The Handmaiden does feel like it runs about 20 minutes too long, but honestly, the film’s finale is so wickedly satisfying that I didn’t mind Chan-Wook taking a bit longer
Boyhood (2014)
Boyhood (2014)
2014 | Drama
Unique, masterful coming-of-age film
Richard Linklater is incredible. He has such patience and a wonderful eye for human nature. To make a film over 11 years is no mean feat and yet he accomplished a unique and beautiful piece of art. The film itself is about the childhood and adolescence of Mason Evans Jr. and the subtle changes of growing up, that make this an original coming of age movie.
Roll for the Galaxy
Roll for the Galaxy
2014 | Civilization, Dice Game, Economic, Science Fiction, Space
Fresh take on dice game that retains excitement and addictive nature. Familiar brand and simple rules make it very accessible. Fast gameplay packs in a lot of meaningful decisions. Dice manipulation and speculation mitigate luck. SO MANY DICE. (0 more)
It's going to get a little loud in here. (0 more)