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All the Summer Girls
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not the type of thing I normally read, but I've been hearing a lot of good things about it from patrons at the library, as the book largely takes place in Avalon, and even makes mention of many recognizable local establishments. While that is kind of cool, it is not ultimately what made me like the book so much. The characters are interesting and the situations they find themselves dealing with are engaging and relatable. The writing does periodically feel a bit rambling, but more often than not the descriptive nature of the book only helps to pull one into the world being created. My only real complaint is that the climax of what is seemingly the central plot point seems to end a bit too abruptly. Not to say it isn't the ending I wanted, it just seemed like it was the one thing the author sort of glossed over, which seemed slightly disappointing. Still, a great book and perfect for reading on the beach on a warm Summer day.
The Signature of All Things
The Signature of All Things
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First of all.. this book is loooooooooonnnnng. I feel like I may have read 3 books in 1 binding.

I expected it to be similar to Eat, Pray, Love in style, but boy was I incorrect! Don't get me wrong, the writing is beautiful, the characters are extremely interesting and I loved the first half ... I couldn't get enough of this riveting story, rich historical references and so much beauty in the descriptions of nature and plants and their surroundings. I felt like I was learning so much, as well as being treated to a beautiful story. I was hooked in, and fast....

But then.... I got stuck. Like REALLY stuck. I felt like it just turned into a different writer all together? I couldn't focus, the tone changed, the story faltered as quickly as the characters lives did. It was hard for me to finish this one. I loved the first half of the book. I wish she had stopped it there ... it just went on too long, and I was so sad that it did.