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**✿❀ Maki ❀✿** (7 KP) rated Lore in Podcasts

May 3, 2018 (Updated May 3, 2018)  
Society & Culture
8.8 (35 Ratings)
Podcast Rating
interesting stories (1 more)
amazingly atmospheric background music
can get repetitive (1 more)
"it seems"
I really like the premise of Lore. I'm endlessly fascinated by folklore, and the narrative structure of the podcast works for me. They're the perfect length to keep my attention, and the background music helps set the mood for the stories.

I only really have two small issues with Lore:

First, there's the somewhat repetitive nature of the subject matter (before every episode, my husband and I place bets on whether or not the episode is going to mention vampires, pooka, or H.H. Holmes - and lately - the Fox Sisters or Arthur Conan Doyle.) I do realize there's really only so many stories Menke can tell before he runs out of stories though, especially with the North American/UK-centric slant of the show.

And second, I don't mean to nitpick, but sometimes, it seems, Menke tends to overuse "it seems" as an interjection. It seems.

I apologize in advance if you can never unhear that writing quirk.
All the Summer Girls
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not the type of thing I normally read, but I've been hearing a lot of good things about it from patrons at the library, as the book largely takes place in Avalon, and even makes mention of many recognizable local establishments. While that is kind of cool, it is not ultimately what made me like the book so much. The characters are interesting and the situations they find themselves dealing with are engaging and relatable. The writing does periodically feel a bit rambling, but more often than not the descriptive nature of the book only helps to pull one into the world being created. My only real complaint is that the climax of what is seemingly the central plot point seems to end a bit too abruptly. Not to say it isn't the ending I wanted, it just seemed like it was the one thing the author sort of glossed over, which seemed slightly disappointing. Still, a great book and perfect for reading on the beach on a warm Summer day.
The Signature of All Things
The Signature of All Things
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
First of all.. this book is loooooooooonnnnng. I feel like I may have read 3 books in 1 binding.

I expected it to be similar to Eat, Pray, Love in style, but boy was I incorrect! Don't get me wrong, the writing is beautiful, the characters are extremely interesting and I loved the first half ... I couldn't get enough of this riveting story, rich historical references and so much beauty in the descriptions of nature and plants and their surroundings. I felt like I was learning so much, as well as being treated to a beautiful story. I was hooked in, and fast....

But then.... I got stuck. Like REALLY stuck. I felt like it just turned into a different writer all together? I couldn't focus, the tone changed, the story faltered as quickly as the characters lives did. It was hard for me to finish this one. I loved the first half of the book. I wish she had stopped it there ... it just went on too long, and I was so sad that it did.
Vesper Flights
Vesper Flights
Helen Macdonald | 2021 | Natural World
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received an ARC of this book in exchange for an honest review.

Vesper Flights is Helen Macdonald’s latest book chronicling her relationship with nature. This is slightly different from her previous books in the respect it’s not a linear narrative but a collection of essays that also explores “The human relationship with nature”.

We are given more of an insight into Macdonald’s upbringing as she regales us with anecdotes of emotional journeys to her childhood home and dark episodes on a falcon breeding farm in Wales. Her passion for nature and the natural world comes across strongly, without sermonising. In one chapter she mentions Fox hunting and how she’s morally opposed to it, without admonishing those that do partake in it. A common thread throughout the essays is how we can be so involved with the conservation of nature yet still be so detached from it. Admittedly it’s something that I’ve never even thought about before, so I’ll be paying more attention to the way I interact with the world around me from now on.
One thing that seems to draw me in with Mcdonald’s writing is that there always seems to be an underlying sadness in the way she writes. Even when she’s partaking in a stunning bird-watching event, she never quite gives herself over to the joy and excitement of that moment. At one point after reading how she once covered herself in mud and twigs and stalked a herd of cows I just wanted to put my arms around her and ask if she’s ok. (Oddly enough in the same chapter there is a very dark incident with a dying Ostrich, but it was the incident with the cows that worried me most)
I’d be interested to read something Macdonald wrote before her father passed away. It is obvious that the death of her father did have a profound effect on her, and it would be curious to see if that is also what has influenced this mournful quality in her writing.

Don’t get me wrong, this isn’t a critique in any way I like the way she can convey the melancholy of a murmuration. As a perpetually positive person, I do need to be prodded with the emotion stick every now and again.
There is a line in one of the essays “I shouldn’t do it also because pulling at your heart on purpose is a compulsion as particular and disconcerting as pressing on a healing bruise” so maybe she gets some cathartic pleasure from heartache. I’m envious; I lost both my parents within a few years of each other and I find it very hard to engage in any strong emotions regarding this. I miss them, but I think my innate ability to detach myself from unpleasant situations has worked a little too well here and I can’t articulate exactly how that makes me feel.

Woah, so that was a major digression, let’s put that brick back and summarise the review, shall we?

After reading Vesper Flights, even if you don’t like the whole book, I defy you not to have a favourite chapter. It’s close but I think I liked ‘Goats’ the best, as not only is it a funny story, but you can practically hear the little smile as Macdonald reminisces about her dad
The Colour of Murder
The Colour of Murder
Julian Symons | 2019 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery, Thriller
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Clever And Enjoyable
THE COLOUR OF MURDER is the first book by Julian Symons that I've read and I really enjoyed it. Though it is naturally a book of its time, I found it endearing and charming. The characters were fantastic and the book, for me, is reminiscent of a Patricia Highsmith or a Ruth Rendell mystery.

I thought that the story was captivating and engaging and extremely well structured, both leading up to the murder, as told by the accused, as he relates his account of events to a psychologist and in court, with the cases for the defence and prosecution. I loved that the style of writing was slightly different to the usual types of murder mysteries, although there was still a whodunit theme, as well as a look at the nature of justice. It held my interest from start to finish and the way in which Julian Symons brought everything to a conclusion was just fabulous. I loved it and it has left me eager to read more from this author.

Thank you to NetGalley, the publisher and the author for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.

Kimmic (814 KP) Feb 11, 2019

I'm not normally one for a thriller as I find them a bit samey.... but this one sounds interesting x

Lock Every Door
Lock Every Door
Riley Sager | 2019 | Thriller
8.0 (9 Ratings)
Book Rating
I love Riley's writing style - I always get creeped out and spooked when reading these books. Granted, this is only the third book, but so what.
My most immediate consensus was that 'Lock Every Door' would reveal itself as a paranormal genre. I wasn't sure how I felt about that, considering Riley's previous books were mystery/suspense, but I grew to like the idea.
Honestly, this book could have ended in any number of ways and I probably would have been satisfied. Genuine disappointment ensued when Jules first believed a cult lives in the Bartholomew; not because the culprit wasn't of paranormal nature, but because it was so outlandish. However, as hard to believe as it may be, I was more intrigued by what was truly going on and the fact it had been happening for so many generations. The entire mystery was still a bit absurd, but it appealed to me more than the cult theory.
While I may not have enjoyed this book as much as the first two, I still consider myself a Sager fan. I'm excited to see what's in store for any future books!
An Officer and a Spy
An Officer and a Spy
Robert Harris | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Dreyfus Affair was one of the biggest miscarriages of justice that France (and possibly the world) has ever seen and this book presents the story through the eyes of Colonel Georges Picquart.

Towards the beginning, I was a little disappointed in the book. The writing style is brilliant and how faithful it is to actual events is great but in some ways, this is also its downfall. The conspiracy went on for years which makes the pacing very slow in parts and incredibly quick and exciting in others. All the characters in this book, even the tiny bit characters, were real people tied up in the affair; however, none of these characters has any real development until the very end and only for a short amount of time. As someone who favours character-driven story arcs rather than plot-driven ones, this was very frustrating for me to read as they all seemed to be very one dimensional (with the exception, perhaps, of Henry) and it doesn't really make any of them terribly likeable.

All that being said, I did very much enjoy the last two hundred or so pages where the pace really picked up and became exciting as everything seemed to come together rather than people sitting on files and information - but this is, of course, the nature of courtrooms and trials.

Although I probably won't read this book again, I am glad that I did as it introduced me to an interesting army conspiracy in France that I will definitely be doing more research in to.

Characters - 6/10
Atmosphere - 9/10
Writing Style - 8/10
Plot - 7/10 (score majorly affected by pacing)
Intrigue - 6.5/10 (as above)
Logic - 10/10 (real events so difficult to score lower)
Enjoyment - 6.5/10 (again pacing and lack of character development)

Score average - 7.8/10
A Life Once Dreamed
A Life Once Dreamed
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Life Once Dreamed… Even the name is sigh-worthy…

I think I fell in love with the characters from the first chapter. Both Agnes and James show emotion in tangible ways with strength and love in every move, every decision that they make. It is like a dream. Agnes is like a pillar of strength through every hardship thrown at her she continually relies on God’s guidance and selfless nature. James is described as a tall, dark, and handsome... plus, he is a doctor. I mean with that combination; how can a woman go wrong? But he is so much more than that. His character, patience, and love shine through everything. Both characters grew in this book as if they were growing into themselves. I truly loved theses characters, and not even mentioning the secondary characters… wow. The town, the history, the setting, all rolled together make this a must-read book that needs to make it onto your reading list this fall!

I give this book 5 out of 5 stars for the characters, the writing style, and for making my heart go soft.

*I volunteered to read this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.

LucyB (47 KP) rated Frankenstein in Books

Jul 23, 2017  
Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry
7.7 (27 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sinister, wonderful plot-line - gets you thinking (0 more)
nothing! (0 more)
Best classic horror story - by a mile
MY ALL TIME FAVOURITE! If it wasn't awesome enough that this was written by a woman in the 1800s (let's face it - a bit of an achievement in itself), this is one of the most genuinely unsettling books ever written.

The true magic of this book lies in its underlying theme- the notion of 'reaching too far' and trying to beat nature. Throughout, there are men trying to achieve unnatural things, and the book illustrates beautifully the dire consequences of doing so. As for Frankenstein's creature - every time I read this book, he completely breaks my heart; and he serves to highlight the shallowness of the humans around him. Yes, admittedly, he's a murderer... but it's testament to Shelley's skill that she makes us understand what drove him to it.

I love the origins of the book too - Shelley's writing competition at Lake Geneva (is that the right lake?) where she pitted her talents against Lord Byron, John Polidori and her husband, Percy Bysshe Shelley... you can just imagine that dark night, and all those amazing writers trying to outdo each other with their horror stories!

Love every aspect of this book. Yes, Dracula and Dr Jekyll / Mr Hyde are also fabulous, but for me, Mary Shelley's Frankenstein is the pinnacle of gothic horror.
The Ethics of Ambiguity
The Ethics of Ambiguity
Simone de Beauvoir | 1947 | Essays, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Complex themes, slightly obvious
Simone De Beauvoir is one of the foremost feminist philiosophers there are. However, unlike in The Second Sex, The Ethics of Ambiguity explores the nature of freedom and basically deconstructs arguments made by pioneering philosophers Marx and Kant. She poses the question how can humans be both subject and object yet still be free? She says if humans are born free why are they also treated like objects to control? And there lies the ambiguity.

As free, we have the ability to take note of ourselves and choose what to do. As factic, we are constrained by physical limits, social barriers and the expectations and political power of others. She has quite a Hobbesian approach saying human beings are responsible for their own actions and therefore have to work at creating concrete ideals rather than following an abstract notion of freedom.

She also criticises approaches that require grasping for freedom at the expense of others - adding that inadvertently reduces gaining freedom down to another form of slavery ie. Communism, Capitalism and Democracies.

She concludes that the only way you can will yourself free is to will others free in the process.

While the sentiment is there, her writing style was very repetitive in this book, and at times a little tangential. Not her best work, but still very relevant for current times.