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Around the World in 80 Days
Around the World in 80 Days
Jules Verne, Henry C. Kiefer | 2016 | Children
7.0 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Original Race Around the World
Phileas Fogg, a wealthy gentleman of the 1870’s, is a man of exacting routine until one day, when he makes a wager with some acquaintances at his club. With his bet that he can travel around the world in 80 days, he is off, shocking his new man servant, Passepartout, who was looking for a quiet job. Things get even trickier when they catch the attention of Detective Fix, who thinks Fogg might be the bank robber everyone is on the alert for. Will Fogg win his bet?

I’d heard about this book for years and was finally inspired to read it. I found it mixed, at least to what I am used to these days. The journey itself is uneven, with some areas more prominently featured than others, like the time spent in America. My biggest problem was the characters, who are paper thin. As a result, it took me a while to really get invested. Unfortunately, the thinnest of the lot is the sole woman in the book. There are a couple of complications that today’s readers will view as dated stereotypes, but they were real issues the world was dealing with at the time (or at least one of them was something that happened consistently, unfortunately). I did get caught up in the story at times, and I appreciated how the climax was set up early on. I’m glad I’ve finally read it, but the end result was only average.
A Good Day To Die Hard (2013)
A Good Day To Die Hard (2013)
2013 | Action
To me, the original Die Hard (1988) was the birth of the modern action movie that we now take for granted. We have a seeming normal everyman in Bruce Willis, playing a likable but tough as nails NYPD cop John McClane, who just happens to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. (Yes, Story if his life.) The street smart hero uses whatever resources he could muster to become a thorn in the side of an intelligent and sophisticated villain, while dropping a few comedy one-liners along the way. This being the 5th installment of the Die Hard series the formula seems to be working, only not as well as past films in the series.

As a fan of the series there are many things this film does well. The soon to be 58 Willis is still as likeable as ever as John McClane. The film does a good job of making fun of his age just enough to make you feel that he is old, but not TOO old. The improbable action is as big as ever which leads to mass destruction in typical John McClane fashion. This action helps the 97min runtime feel fast paced and fun. Also Jai Courtney (Jack Reacher) plays John’s son CIA agent Jack McClane and actually plays strong against Willis. The whole father-son dynamic is interesting and gives some new depth to this familiar character. This dynamic leads up to a redeeming moment for John McClane that makes you wonder if this is Willis’s swan song in the series and if the reins are being passed to Courtney?

As a fan of the series there are many things this film does not do well. Perhaps the most notable are the lack luster one-liner jokes that always seem to stand out in the previous films. They exist, however they are not really that funny. Also the same joke was recycled over and over that by the end I do not recall laughing about anything in the final 40 mins of the film. Perhaps my biggest complaint is that the villain in this film is vanilla. So plain that I do not care to even look up his name. Just know that if you are a fan of the film he is nowhere near the Brilliance of the characters Hans Gruber or even Simon Gruber in previous films. And for this series that is a big problem. We know John McClane is a bad ass, but what is the point of all his destruction if he is not using it to stomp someone who is equally menacing.

In the end I can say that this film is a guilty pleasure that I enjoyed. It is far from a good movie but fans of the series and anyone just looking to watch a run of the mill action flick will be entertained. Leading up to this film I watch the previous four films and I have to say that this film is better than Die Hard 2: Die Harder and Live Free and Die Hard but behind the Die Hard With A Vengeance and far behind the original Die Hard. If you have never seen a Die Hard film, do yourself a favor and use the price of admission to rent the original.
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Back in 1977 I remember going into the original Cine Capri to see “Star Wars” with some friends. I was very young but little did I know that movie would change my life and put me on the path that I am now. Over the decades that have followed I have read the books and comics, played with the toys, played the video games, and eagerly watched any new film or television show related to the franchise.

The fact that Disney has put out a new film every years since “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” is great for fans like me as those three year waits; to say nothing of the 17+ years between the Original and Prequel Trilogies were tough.

Through it all my favorite character has always been Han Solo. I do not know what it is but the brash, cocky, money loving; scoundrel who gets in and out of trouble yet does the right thing in the end has always connected with me.

So when news came that there would be a new movie based on the early years of the title characters I was excited but concerned as Harrison Ford is so iconic in that role I could not see how anyone could measure up.

Combine that with original Directors Phil Lord and Christopher Miller being removed from the film after shooting a significant number of weeks, there was ample concern to go around.

Fortunately for fans, Director Ron Howard has crafted a very enjoyable film as “Han Solo: A Star Wars Story” deftly combines the action, visuals, and humor that made the films cinematic legends and in doing so introduces new characters and expands the lore of the Star Wars Universe.

The film follows a young Han (Alden Ehrenreich), who hustles to survive and get off the world of Corrilia.

Han like many kids on the street pull all sorts of scams under the control of various criminals and he plots to escape with his friend Qi’ra (Emilia Clarke).

When an opportunity arises, Han takes it, but finds himself in the Imperial Navy which does not bode well for a person with strong opinions and a mind of his own.

Fate steps in once again and introduces Han to Chewbacca (Joonas Suotamo), and a mentor figure in the form of a man named Beckett (Woody Harrelson). Han attempts to prove himself to his new crew as he sees this as his way out to a better life. However with things take a turn for the worse, he must work with his new associates to clear the slate with a deadly crime boss named Dry’den Vos (Paul Bettany).

As anyone who follows the series knows Han has a way of escalating a situation and this leads the crew to recruiting Lando Calrissian (Donald Glover), into the crew as they set off to pull off a risky and dangerous mission to get the much needed resources to save their lives.

What follows is a very enjoyable film that has an appropriate amount of humor and character building as well as plenty of good action and effects which should keep fans of the series happy. The new characters were very enjoyable and added a new depth to Han as well as the Star Wars mythos but what really impressed me was that at no time did I find myself comparing Ehrenreich to Harrison Ford. He was charismatic and enjoyable in the role and I easily believed that this was Han before life, the universe, and circumstances turned him into the man we would know years later.

Glover is uncanny with his version of Lando and he at times almost sounded like Billy Dee Williams and had many of the mannerisms of the character down His back and forth with Han was great to see and we got a much deeper understand of both the characters and their complicated history with one another.

Clark and Harrelson round things out well as they provide a great balance to Han. One is a mentor and one is the link to the life he had and the dreams he wants to achieve. Ron Howard moves things along well without rushing things as while it does take a bit of time getting up to speed, it happens at a natural pace without seeming rushed. Howard also does not rely on an abundance of effects to carry the film. There are plenty of practical FX and makeup creations to make you well aware that this is a vast and diverse galaxy but he uses them and the CGI to enhance the story rather than carry it.

There are numerous nods throughout to past films as well both visual and verbal and a few great surprises along the way. It is believed that more adventures of the younger Han will be coming in the future and I cannot wait for them to arrive as this was a very fun film. Now the only hard part will be the 19 month wait for Episode IX as the five month wait from the last film already seems like ages ago and I cannot wait for more.
Kingdomino Origins
Kingdomino Origins
2021 | City Building, Prehistoric, Territory Building
I try very hard not to allow hype to affect my views on a game. This is why I similarly rarely consume other reviewers’ work on a game prior to me playing it. I don’t want others influencing my experiences. However, I was ultimately tempted by the Game Boy Geek, Dan King, when a video he published was titled, “Why I’ll Never Play Kingdomino Again.” I mean, with a title like that, and already having reviewed and loved OG Kingdomino, I just HAD to see what was with this new version. I have to say, he makes some great points – many with which I tend to agree. But what are those points?

Kingdomino Origins is a tile drafting and placement game set in prehistoric times for two to four players. Just like the original Kingdomino (even though this is titled Origins, which makes me chuckle) players will be drafting tiles from the offer and adding them to their village, matching terrain types to those already built. Instead of crowns to count VP, Origins has players using fire icons and tokens to multiply VP for endgame scoring. New for Origins is the ability to play three different modes: Discovery, Totem, and Tribe Mode! The player with the most VP at the end of the game wins!

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup (a two-player game playing the Tribe mode is used for this review), place the Cave Board on the table, shuffle the Caveman tiles, and deal four to the board. Separate the fire tokens and resourceeples into their piles on the table. Shuffle the main domino tiles and, as in the original, draw four, arrange them numerically, and reveal them to make the offer. Place another four domino tiles nearby, face-down, and arranged numerically. The players each choose a color, takes their starting tile with hut placed atop, and their two chiefeeples. The first player will choose to take tiles 1 and 4 or 2 and 3 from the offer by placing their chiefeeples upon them. The game is now setup for Tribe Mode and ready to begin!
On a normal turn, a player will have two steps to complete: Place a Domino, and Choose a New Domino. In a 3-4 player game, each player will have one domino to place, but in this 2 player game each player will have two dominoes to place within their 7×7 grid (a 5×5 grid with 3-4 player games). The player takes their chosen dominoes from beneath their chiefs and add them to their village grid. As in all domino-based games, the terrain (or side) of the domino must be placed adjacent to a matching terrain type in the village; the starting tile is wild and can match to any terrain type.

Once a domino is placed, if it shows icons or volcanoes, special rules are enacted. For icons showing resources, a wooden resourceeple is placed upon the icon. These come in mammoths, fish, mushrooms, and flints. In Tribe Mode, these will be used later. However, if a volcano is placed in the village, it will spew forth one to three flames, whose tokens will be placed on a domino square in the village. The volcano tile showing one active crater sends a flame soaring up to three squares away, and diagonal movement is acceptable. A volcano tile showing three active craters throws three flames (a fire token with three fire icons) one square away.

Once both tiles have been placed, the player will next Choose a New Domino (or dominoes when playing a two player game). From the now-revealed set of four new tiles in the offer, the players will choose their next tile(s) to be played during the next round, thus also creating the turn order for the next round.

After players have chosen their dominoes, and only in Tribe Mode, the final step to the turn is optional: Recruit a Caveman. Remember those resourceeples that were placed on tiles? By discarding two different resources, a player may recruit one of the face-up Caveman tiles from the board. By discarding one of each type of resource, the player may instead look through the stack of Caveman tiles and take one of their choosing. These Caveman tiles do many different things, but they primarily offer extra VP for being placed adjacent to specific resources, or by clumping together similar Cavemen in the village.

Once all the dominoes have been added to the villages, the game ends and VPs are counted for each player. The game comes with an excellent score pad to help keep track of the different ways to earn VP. The player with the most VP (“comfort points” in the game) is the winner and creates the most prosperous Caveman village!
Components. Just like previous versions of Kingdomino, these components are excellent. The domino tiles are again thick and glossy, the huts are again the 3D style, and the chiefeeples are similar in style to the kingeeples from the original. In this new version, however, new fire tokens have been added, and are fine, but they are double-sided to remind players how many squares they travel – an EXCELLENT idea. I have to also applaud these cute little resourceeples. They are so stinkin cute and look great on the villages. The art is again wonderful on everything in the box, and overall is just a great bunch of components.

What about the claim Dan King made about never playing Kingdomino again? Gosh darnit, I totally agree. By simply playing the included Discovery Mode you get all the same functionality of Kingdomino. But it doesn’t stop there. I didn’t really get into the second mode, Totem Mode, but it also uses the resourceeples to grant extra VP to the players who have collected the majority of each type. It is a great next step from Discovery, and a good setup for Tribe Mode, especially when playing with newer gamers.

So, the components are similar quality to the original version, but there are more components included, and provide three different play modes. The only thing I see that the original Kingdomino has on this version is the Age of Giants expansion. Perhaps something similar is in the works for Origins, where players can effectively negate opponents’ VPs. I’m sure giants existed in Caveman times, right?

All this said, I may be soon looking for a new home for my copy of Kingdomino and the Age of Giants expansion, as I am certainly agreeing with Dan here. I don’t think I have the interest in playing Kingdomino anymore, as long as I have Kingdomino Origins in my arsenal. Purple Phoenix Games gives this one a super-upgraded 5 / 6. The extra play modes, excellent components, and the cool volcano mechanics just elevate this superior version. If you are a fan of Kingdomino, then I highly recommend you check out Kingdomino Origins. Unless, of course, you don’t wish to be seduced away from your beloved copy of the original version. I understand, but you may be unnecessarily handicapping your collection.
The Heartless City
The Heartless City
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my original review:

I received a copy of this book from NetGalley in return of my honest opinion.

The Heartless City is based on the infamous story of Jekyll & Hyde, with a wonderful new plot.

London is infested with Hydes thanks to Dr Henry Jekyll. Jekyll is also responsible for Iris; an American girl with a unique talent.

Buckingham palace is home to the Lord Mayor, as well as his son Cam and the doctor and his own son, Elliott Morrissey. Elliott also has a strange gift, but not one he was born with. After taking a serum intended to remove his empathy, Elliott found that it did quite the opposite. Instead, he became an empath - able to feel the emotions of those around him as if they were his own.

The characters in this old-fashioned story are all very different, including the strong, independent female figure of 15-year-old Philomena Blackwell. She refuses to fit in with the typical norms of her time, which I really liked.

Elliott's new empathy is also used to confront the negative opinions on homosexuality when he feels his friends love for each other and realises that it is no different to the love he himself would feel for a girl. I absolutely loved this little sub-plot.

The book is written to sound like it was written in the 1900s, when it was set. However, I found the story a little slow at times, and then far too fast toward the end. Everything just kind of happened all at once. That being said, the conclusion was very clever and interesting.

It was definitely an interesting read. I tend to just read more modern novels, so this was a refreshing change. But there are definitely a few things that could be changed, so I'm going to give 3.5 stars to The Heartless City.
    CarX Drift Racing

    CarX Drift Racing

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    THE MOST WANTED DRIFT GAME EVER More than 30,000,000 people around the world downloaded CarX!...