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Bad Lieutenant Port of Call New Orleans (2009)
Bad Lieutenant Port of Call New Orleans (2009)
2009 | Drama, Mystery
7.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
285. Bad Lieutenant: Port of Call New Orleans. The Cage unleashed!! It starts with two cops, The Cage, and The Iceman inside a flooding prison staring down into a cell with a prisoner inside begging to be let out before he drowns, the cops are taking bets on what time the cell will totally flood and the dude drowns, but The Cage decides to go ahead and save him anyway, screws up his back in the process, becomes a hero, and is promoted to Bad Lieutenant!! Ok, its just lieutenant, but you get the point. Now Lt Cage, is hooked on pain pills, and just about anything else the evidence room may hold, and with Michael Shannon guarding the door, Lt Cage gets what he needs... Now don't get me wrong, Lt Cage has a job to do, and after the brutal murder of an African family, Lt Cage is on the case, and oh yes he will solve the case, even if that involves cutting of the airways of a wheelchair bound senior citizen for info, actually joining in the gang of suspects pulling off jobs, working both sides, and parking in a handicap spot!! An instant Nic Cage classic!! The ending is so, beautiful. A must see for the Cagist. Some greatly genuine Cage moments and Eva Mendes playing the hottest drug addicted prostitute in recent years. And the rest of the cast, wow, they dug deep!! Watch now!! 😍 Filmbufftim on FB
Skinwalker (Jane Yellowrock #1)
Skinwalker (Jane Yellowrock #1)
Faith Hunter | 2009 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.3 (8 Ratings)
Book Rating
I've been eyeing this book for a long time. I was having one of those Am-I-going-to-like-this-if-I-buy-it? moments. And then I found it in paperback quite cheap on a book site so I took the plunge.

This starts with Jane going to New Orleans to meet a vampire client who asks her to take down a rogue vampire that has been killing and eating people and just leaving what's left of them in the street. It's the first time Jane has ever met a sane vampire and she's not sure what to make of her at first and meets a mix of characters as she hunts down the rogue killer.

I did like this but as a reader of romances, I did feel this lacked it a lot. There's some flirting going on but nothing concrete. That's not to say I didn't get dragged into the story. I was as intrigued with finding out who the rogue was and how they were managing to get away all the time.

Jane was a strong character and I enjoyed seeing inside her mind and how she dealt with Beast when she turned into her cat form.

We had a handful of secondary characters like Rick, Jodi, Leo and Bruiser - George - that I grew to like and I'm intrigued how Jane's relationship with them will grow in future books.

I'm intrigued enough to continue the series at some point.