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Dogtology: A Humorous Exploration of Man's Fur-Ocious Devotion to Dogs
Dogtology: A Humorous Exploration of Man's Fur-Ocious Devotion to Dogs
Jeff Lazarus | 2017 | Humor & Comedy, Religion
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free copy of this book in exchange for an unbiased opinion.

And two days after I received it (before I could even begin reading it), our "CEO", my service animal, and our "fur child", passed away. So I went into reading and reviewing this book raw, and somewhat unable to keep my opinion unbiased.

DOGTOLOGY is a humorous look at the growing dog worship in our culture. It's factual, even if it breaks the news to the dog-obsessed gently that they are, in fact, dog-obsessed. It gives helpful reminders of things like the difference between what we think dogs need versus what they actually need from us. It also helps remind those who are practicing Dogtologists in regards to relationships with those outside their practice.

I'm so grateful I had this book to turn to as we grieved in our household. There were parts I could share with my partner for us to laugh over. Parts that made me cry tears I wasn't sure I was able to cry yet. It made it clear to both of us, though we hadn't really had doubts before, that we are, and have been, Dogtologists even when we have not been "dog owners" during our relationship, and that will always be the case for us. And when we are ready, emotionally, it will be time for us to find a new CEO for our household.
The Overseer
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I never had any interest in reading the Da Vinci Code, and if I'd heard about this, I might not have been interested in it, either. But somehow I picked up a damaged copy of it, and got terribly interested but it was in such bad shape that there was no way to go on reading. I found that I had to request it from the library, and as soon as it arrived I started over at the beginning. I've read it in chunks since then.

If I'd read this book when it was first released, back in 1998, I'm sure it would have been much more chilling. It was quite effective, even in 2011. I can easily remember the public figures who are echoed in Rabb's books - there are certainly similar ones in the news every day right now (some of them the same ones!)

I did, however, enjoy The Overseer for what it was. I didn't find myself chafing at the flaws other reviewers here have mentioned. Yes, government agents in such thrillers have to be nearly superhuman, and the protagonist, in order to survive, has to learn new rules very quickly. But the reader also has to suspend her disbelief, or she has no business reading such things. If the hero is an idiot, I'll accept that he's a slow learner and likely to die - but then he wouldn't be the hero, would he?

All in all, a decent read if you enjoy thrillers.

Deborah (162 KP) rated Master and God in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
Master and God
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lindsey Davis' latest offering isn't a new Falco, but it isn't all bad news, because I thought it was a really good read! The Master & God of the title is, of course, the emperor Domitian, son of Vespasian and brother of Titus, so readers of the Falco novels will already be in familiar territory.... Domitian isn't the main narrative character in the novel though, so in some ways it's not really 'about' him. The story centres around a soldier and a hairdresser and imperial freedwoman, and it is their story and the story of the times they live through.

The book I read just before this was Kate Quinn's Daughters of Rome, which covers the Year of the Four Emperors, concluding with the accession of Vespasian, so in many ways this linked in nicely from an historical point of view. What I noticed almost straight away though, was how much better Davis' writing is; Rome and the characters really came alive for me in a way they never quite managed in Quinn's work.

Davis' sense of humour is still very much apparent, thought it doesn't come across quite so keenly as in the Falco novels; I think this may be because Falco is in the first person while Master & God is told in the third person, utilising more than one character point of view - including Musca the Fly, that I see several people have commented on!
Ghosts of Winter (Grey Areas #2)
Ghosts of Winter (Grey Areas #2)
Brad Carl | 2015 | Crime, Romance, Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Following his flight from Gable, Iowa after getting inadvertently involved in a drug war, Barrett Grayson is determined to stay on the run from the FBI. However some bad news from home makes him re-evaluate his actions. Back in Gable the fallout from the fateful night of Chum's party continues with the local police and DEA determined to track down the missing drugs and the cartel prepared to stop at nothing to get hold of them instead. Meanwhile Claire can't shake thoughts of 'Henry Fields' from her head.

The first book in this sage was good; this second is even better. Carl is a very talented author who can move seamlessly between emotional and romantic to crime drama without missing a beat. As with the first book, despite a large cast of characters each one is depicted with incredible realism.

The thrust of the saga is that black and white don't exist, that everyone has shades of grey and has to make decisions which may be compromising or morally questionable, and that is brought into sharp relief here with what would normally be 'good guys' and 'bad guys' both blurring a lot of lines and meeting in the middle.

Despite being the second in a sequence of four books this does have its own plot which moves to a satisfying conclusion but obviously leaves all the main players in place for the next book. Anyone who picks this up and reads it will not be disappointed.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Nov 14, 2020  
Today on my blog, I have an interview with author Rob Witherspoon. Check out his satirical humor fiction novel THE SQUARE ROOT OF TEXAS: THE FIRST CALAMITY OF QED MORNINGWOOD, and enter the GIVEAWAY to win a signed copy of this book as well as the second book in the series - three winners total.

QED Morningwood is a liar, braggart and teller of tall tales. When he shows up at the domino parlor with a mysterious Russian crate in the back of his pick-up truck, he confides to the players he is a ‘Shadow’ member of the NRA, not on their official membership roll, and has a load of rocket propelled grenades – all lies. The news spreads to the real Shadow NRA, the FBI and Homeland Security. Meanwhile, the Russian Ministry of Cultural Preservation sends an agent to retrieve the crate, the actual contents known only to the Russians.

The Russian agent, an FBI team, a DHS undercover agent and a Shadow NRA hit team arrive in Heelstring, Texas looking for QED and his crate. Their convergence is followed by interrogations, seduction, lies, arrests, jailbreak, kidnapping and rescue – along with car chases and explosions. If not for Cotton Widdershins, an ancient black man with secrets of his own, who acts as QED’s mentor and savior, the Morningwood line would be doomed to end, or at best spend life in a federal penitentiary.

Frank Black recommended The Last Post by Carbon/Silicon in Music (curated)

The Last Post by Carbon/Silicon
The Last Post by Carbon/Silicon
2007 | Pop
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It would be easy to say I’m massively into Big Audio Dynamite - which I am - but it’s like, here’s Mick Jones, holed up in his little London studio, quietly making these records for digital download. He makes these really long songs sometimes. They’re really minimalist records. They have that kind of hi-fi, sampled guitar riff kind of aesthetic that Mick Jones is so well known for. They’re really solid records. 'The News', the opening song on this record is really great and it doesn’t really have any end. It’s like: “You know what, I’m alive and I’m really going to kick it. I got me a little song I’m going to sing.” It’s not trying to be heavy or anything: the sun is shining and everything’s groovy. He gets away with it. He gets plenty heavy in other songs. He has 11 minute songs and retells sci-fi novels! I just love those Carbon/Silicon records. He’s not shoving it down my throat or trying to have a career. He just knows how to play the guitar really fucking good and his vocals are so great. It’s not about having a great voice, it’s all what the fuck you do with it. His vocals are casual but he chooses to do that. Mick Jones is so fucking casual man. With Mick Jones there’s nuance, you either get it or you don’t."


Merissa (11731 KP) created a post

Mar 25, 2021  
BEING REMADE by Lissa Bolts (@lissabolts) COMING MARCH 31!

The second book in a New Adult Urban Fantasy series ‘Ruling Magic’ with magic, romance, secrets and a dangerous mission.


  She must forge her own path to save them all.




So the entire mage world is looking for me. Who cares?

I’m not going back.

I’ve finally tasted freedom, and even though I hate that I accidentally left my sort-of-boyfriend behind, there’s no way I’m giving this up.

Not yet.

I’ve got things to do here. If I’m going to change the world, I’ll need to see it first. Preferably before Mother reduces everything to dust, waging her deadly war.

So, I’m blending in. Learning what it takes to be a regular mage. Pretending I’m not the missing heir plastered all over the news…

The only problem is, keeping my ruling powers hidden is proving tougher than I thought. The other mages? They’re starting to notice I’m different.

Sooner or later, they’re going to figure me out. And while not everyone looking wants me dead, one thing is clear. If I don’t see this mission through?

It’s game over. For all of us.


#Bookstagrammers and #BookBloggers SIGN UP for BOOK BLITZ here:


@magicpenbooktours #BeingRemade #RulingMagicSeries #RulingMagic #LissaBolts #MagicPenBookTours #UrbanFantasy #ParanormalRomance #ComingSoon #bookstagram #fantasybookseries #romancebooks #urbanfantasylovers #newread #booklovers #urbanfantasyreaders #indiebooks #urbanfantasybooks #magicbooks #bookbloggerswanted #bookstagrammerswanted #opensignup #magic #romance #bookgram #newadultbooks #newadult

Merissa (11731 KP) created a post

Apr 5, 2021  
BEING REMADE by Lissa Bolts (@lissabolts) NOW LIVE!

She must forge her own path to save them all...


So the entire mage world is looking for me. Who cares?

I’m not going back.

I’ve finally tasted freedom, and even though I hate that I accidentally left my sort-of-boyfriend behind, there’s no way I’m giving this up.

Not yet.

I’ve got things to do here. If I’m going to change the world, I’ll need to see it first. Preferably before Mother reduces everything to dust, waging her deadly war.

So, I’m blending in. Learning what it takes to be a regular mage. Pretending I’m not the missing heir plastered all over the news…

The only problem is, keeping my ruling powers hidden is proving tougher than I thought. The other mages? They’re starting to notice I’m different.

Sooner or later, they’re going to figure me out. And while not everyone looking wants me dead, one thing is clear. If I don’t see this mission through?

It’s game over. For all of us.





#Bookstagrammers and #BookBloggers SIGN UP for BOOK BLITZ with review option (APR 26-30) here:


@magicpenbooktours #BeingRemade #RulingMagicSeries #RulingMagic #LissaBolts #MagicPenBookTours #UrbanFantasy #AvailableNow #LiveNow #NewBook #NewRelease #bookstagram #fantasybookseries #romancebooks #urbanfantasylovers #newread #booklovers #urbanfantasyreaders #indiebooks #urbanfantasybooks #magicbooks #bookbloggerswanted #bookstagrammerswanted #opensignup #magic #newadultbooks #newadult
The Farewell (2019)
The Farewell (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama
In the West, families celebrate each other in death. If someone is dying, the news is shared and every one comes together to tragically revere their family member. In the West, they celebrate their family member in life. They do not let someone know that they are dying instead bringing a sense of joy by coming together. This culture clash between the New World ideas and Old World ideas populate Lulu Wang's new film "The Farewell." The family matriach has stage 4 cancer, but rather than tell her that she is dying, the two brothers and their families stage a wedding. One son emigrated to America and raised a liberal arts educated daughter who struggles to make ends meet. One son went to Japan and raised his son. Left behind, the sister and a niece took care of their mother. It is revealed how much the sister has sacrificed for this matriach, but she is happy to give her sister the joy to live. Is it wrong to tell a lie if it makes a person's life better? Which idea of death do you follow? Awkwafina gives a surprising performance as Billi, the Asian-American artist who loves her grandmother and struggles to understand how this lie is good. Shuzhen Zhao plays Nai Nai, the family matriach, with spirit and style, the kind of performance Oscar would notice if they gave notice to Asian performances.

Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2084 KP) rated Murder at Morrington Hall in Books

Nov 20, 2021 (Updated Nov 20, 2021)  
Murder at Morrington Hall
Murder at Morrington Hall
Clara McKenna | 2019 | Mystery
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Life Upheaval and Murder
American Stella Kendrick is thrilled to join her father on a trip to England in 1905 until she learns that he has arranged for her marriage to Viscount “Lyndy” Lyndhurst. Before she can fully process this news, Stella and Lyndy find the body of the vicar who was supposed to marry them. What does this mean for their future? Can they figure out what is going on?

I might have passed by this series had I not won the first three in a contest earlier this year. I’m glad I did. The romance is a stronger part of the story than I would normally like, but I’m torn on that here since I really found it easy to root for Stella and Lyndy. The story is told from multiple points of view, and early on, it is the scenes from the local inspector’s point of view that really advanced the mystery. Ironically, I found myself wanting to get back to Stella and Lyndy when we got those scenes. There is a solid mystery here, and I appreciate how the clues were scattered throughout the story. While I loved Stella and Lyndy and some of the others, some of the characters fell into the love to hate category, which was actually fun. I definitely want to find out what is next for the lead characters, so I’ll be picking up the next book soon.