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Colin Newman recommended track Nice Enough To Eat by Series in Nice Enough to Eat by Series in Music (curated)

Nice Enough to Eat by Series
Nice Enough to Eat by Series
1969 | Compilation
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

Nice Enough To Eat by Series

(0 Ratings)


"The first album I had bought for me was ‘Sgt Pepper’s…’, but the first I bought for myself was ‘Nice Enough To Eat’, an Island sampler. As kids, we could never afford albums so everyone bought this, it was cheap – 99p. They were all quite hip groups – it had ‘21st Century Schizoid Man’, my first exposure to King Crimson, and ‘Time Has Told Me’ by Nick Drake. At the time being a Nick Drake fan was a very lonely life, but I was always into him.”"


Beth Orton recommended Five Leaves Left by Nick Drake in Music (curated)

Five Leaves Left by Nick Drake
Five Leaves Left by Nick Drake
1969 | Rock
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I picked this, but it's virtually impossible to pick one [Drake record] and not another. There is no inconsistency in Nick Drake as far as I'm concerned, he's just extraordinary. I picked this one because I had to pick an album, I had to put him in there and I could't choose all the albums. I think I did this very honestly - that was the first record I heard by him, and I thought I'll be honest and I'll be loyal to that! 'Time Has Told Me', 'River Man' - it just has so many fucking great songs on it! 'Cello Song', 'Fruit Tree'; it's kind of the classic songs. I don't know what to say about Nick Drake - it's like trying to talk about air or your arm, or just something that's so much a part of your life and has been for so long now. If you want an introduction to Nick Drake, just start there; it's a great place to start. I've never tried to deliberately replicate him, but there's a song on my new album that's a complete rip-off of a guitar intro to one of his songs! It wasn't until Tom [Rowlands of the Chemical Brothers] walked in and went ""ah yeah, Nick Drake, great"" and I was like ""really?!"" And it was right under my nose - I think he's just become such a part of my... everything, I'd never even noticed that I'd gone ahead and done that."


Ben Watt recommended Pink Moon by Nick Drake in Music (curated)

Pink Moon by Nick Drake
Pink Moon by Nick Drake
1972 | Rock
9.0 (3 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I heard Nick Drake quite early on, in 1981, when nobody of our generation really knew him. A friend of mine had a big brother who had given him the Fruit Tree box set [first released in 1979]. When I heard it I was all, 'What is this?' Listening to him, I felt like I was going into a world no-one else knew, especially when everyone else was into post-punk. I also found it very sad, as it was the last album he made a few years before he died.

I've got a funny story about it, too. I did one of my first sessions for Manchester Piccadilly Radio in 1981 or so, when Mark Radcliffe was working there. I came down on the bus all the way from Hull, and he was housesitting for someone in the music industry at the time – I can't remember who – but I had nowhere to stay, so I just slept on the floor there. I remember staying up late with Mark going through this music industry guy's record collection, then finding some Nick Drake records and getting really excited. Going, 'Oh, Mark, do you know him?', and Mark going, 'No, who's he? He's great!' He became a big fan."
