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Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Stan Lee tribute (3 more)
Brie Larson as Captain Marvel
Young Nick Fury
Forget what the review bombers say. This movie was fantastic, an excellent and well planned out entry to the MCU. First off, excellent tribute to Stan Lee at the beginning, well done. Brie Larson was absolutely stunning as Carol Danvers, managing to capture and show the brooding and serious side of Captain Marvel, as well as the witty and humourous side to her. I loved young Nick Fury way more than I do the present day Nick Fury. Ben Menhdolsen, Jude Law, and Annette Bening were absolutely fantastic as their characters. The real star of the show though: GOOSE THE CAT. OH MY WORD, GOOSE. STOLE EVERY SCENE HE WAS IN. The Agents of SHIELD fan in me wanted more Coulson, but I was okay with his screentime.
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Brie Larson (4 more)
Samuel l Jackson
Jude law
Stan Lee tribute
Did I like this movie yes as captain marvel is one of my favourite marvel female super heroes and I know so much her of history thru marvel comics I knew what I was getting and i wasnt disappointed brie Larson was brilliant as marvel and more screen for Samuel l Jackson as nick fury I almost cried at the Stan Lee tribute it was so touching. goose the cat got to be one of my favourite characters in a marvel film thumbs up now for avengers. Endgame

Michael Kirk (1 KP) Apr 18, 2019

Brie Lawson is a reason not to see this movie because she can't act

Regret (Under My Skin #1)
Regret (Under My Skin #1)
Christina Lee (MM) | 2017 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Regret (Under My Skin #1) by Christina Lee
Regret is the first book in the Under My Skin series, and is a fantastic second-chance romance. Brin fell hard for Nick when he was younger, but due to Nick's 'cowardice' they broke up before things could really get started. Fast forward and Brin finds out that Nick is the roommate of his friend, where he will also be staying whilst his condo is put back together after a flood. Brin finds out he still holds a lot of resentment towards Nick, and feelings too. He is confused over what he feels, and gives Nick hell, who just seems to accept everything Brin throws at him. Brin becomes intrigued and is determined to find out more, as Nick continues to worm his way past Brin's defences and into his heart.

This story is a second chance story, with a hint of enemies to lovers, and also an openly gay vs. closeted in the mix too. There is something here for everyone, and it is exceedingly well told. Although Brin can hold onto a grudge, he is also prepared to accept people have changed. It may take him a while, but he isn't completely closed off to the notion. As for Nick, boy, that man really needs to have some therapy. I can completely understand the guilt he feels, but to hold onto it for so long, so strongly, well, it made my heart break.

With no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, this was a story that pulled me in and wouldn't let go until I'd finished. Absolutely brilliant, and definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Escape from New York (1981)
Escape from New York (1981)
1981 | Action, Sci-Fi
8.2 (20 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Kurt Russell (0 more)
Escape From New York is a excellent movie. That combines sci-fi, action, adventure, suspense and thrills.

The plot: In 1997, a major war between the United States and the Soviet Union is concluding, and the entire island of Manhattan has been converted into a giant maximum security prison. When Air Force One is hijacked and crashes into the island, the president (Donald Pleasence) is taken hostage by a group of inmates. Snake Plissken (Kurt Russell), a former Special Forces soldier turned criminal, is recruited to retrieve the president in exchange for his own freedom.

The cast is full of people who have or will work will john carpenter. Kurt Russell, Nick Castle, Tom Atkins, Donald Pleaseance, Jamie Lee Curtis and Nancy Stephens all in this film.

Its a excellent movie.

David McK (3219 KP) rated Horrible Histories: The Movie (2019) in Movies

Jan 14, 2020 (Updated Apr 7, 2024)  
Horrible Histories: The Movie (2019)
Horrible Histories: The Movie (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Family
Effectively a (roughly) 1.5 hour extended edition of one of the skits from the TV show, this - I feel - suffers a bit from the absence of the core cast from that series, although it does try to make up for it with a virtual plethora of famous faces from British TV: off the top of my head including Alexander Armstrong (from Pointless), Warwick Davis, Derek Jacob, Nick Frost and Lee Mack.

This is set in and around the time of Boudiccea's rebellion against Rome, and is clearly aimed (not surprisingly!) at the younger audience, leaving aside the more gory aspects of the time and introducing (just like the TV show) several song and dance numbers throughout its running - a running time that could have been cut, somewhat, if it wasn't so enamoured of toilet humour!
Halloween (2018)
Halloween (2018)
2018 | Horror
Great tension throughout (2 more)
John Carpenter returns for the music
Jamie lee curtis is back
Makes all movies after the original pointless (0 more)
The best halloween movie?
I loved this movie. There was so much tension all the way through and i enjoyed every second. A lot of that is down to the amazing but eerie score in which we see John Carpenter return for.

Another return is Jamie Lee Curtis as Laurie Strode who is great as usual. The whole cast does a good job. With a couple of familiar faces.

This is a direct sequel to original movie. In some ways i like that. It retcons some stupid stuff where they turned Michael Myers into a supernatural entity. But in other ways it means Halloween H20 is pointless and nor canon which i actually enjoyed. It wasnt as scary but it was entertaining.

This movie goes back to scary Michael. He is brutal and for some someone who does not say a single word, speaks volumes with just his presence and proves to be a real threat to anyone he comes into contact with. We even see the original Myers actor, Nick Castle, see a return for a cameo in a window shot which was a nice touch.

Its easily 1 of the creepiest horrors ive seen in a while and 1 of the greats of 2018 and would happily watch again. From what i hear, development is already going for a sequel with a story already written and i am excited. I just hope they can keep that tension.

Kurt Vile recommended The Sun Years by Jerry Lee Lewis in Music (curated)

The Sun Years by Jerry Lee Lewis
The Sun Years by Jerry Lee Lewis
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"I liked Jerry Lee Lewis, because my dad turned me on to him, so I had this collection of all the Sun sessions that I would listen to a lot. I mainly just listened to 'Whole Lotta Shakin' Goin' On'. I used to love that line, ""got the bull by the horns"", I used that line in 'He's Alright', my song from a long time ago. It's so bluesy and goofy and from a wild man. But then at a later period, I read that book The Dark Stuff by Nick Kent. Adam [Granduciel], my buddy, one of my best friends, from The War On Drugs, he sent it to me for my birthday, which was nice. He wasn't even around, but he sent it to me. Anyway, I couldn't put that down. He knew I would like that book. The best article [in there], is on Jerry Lee Lewis, who's just a notorious maniac and is obviously an incredible piano player. In that article, he talked about a book, a biography about him by Nick Tosches called Hellfire and this book is off the hook, it's unreal. So just around that time I found the vinyl of this one, the Sun Sessions, maybe it's volume one, again I burned it and cranked it in the 'phones and played it a lot when I was driving around LA. There's a song, 'Little Queenie', which is a cover, but he says: ""She's too cute to be a minute over 17"" and I morphed that line in 'Pretty Pimpin': ""a little too cute to be admitted under marbles lost"". Whatever that part of the song is, the first time I say: ""All I want is to just have fun, live my life like a son of a gun"", but it's like a morphed version of that Seeds song, 'Pushin' Too Hard', like [sings]: ""All I want is to just have fun, live my life like it just begun"", so it's sort of referencing those old guys, two different eras. Obviously, if I had to pick one, Jerry Lee Lewis slays The Seeds. But it's just like that down-home, real rock & roll. How do you explore his back catalogue? I think you just start with the early stuff. He had a crazy career, because he had all these hits young and then he married his super young cousin, but he was totally in love with her and she was, and then they went to Europe and during that time they found out it was his cousin and then he was banned everywhere, basically. Then he had a resurgence, he started doing country music and was bigger than ever, so he would always go up and down, but he was a maniac. He would just always be battling demons. He would go back to Jesus. He would go to church where they would speak in tongues, he would just live extreme lives. He would go back and forth, lose his mind, take a million pills, play shows and his hair was flying around, playing with his foot. I mean, he was a bad motherhumper, as you would say!"

Halloween (1978)
Halloween (1978)
1978 | Horror
The night HE came home
John Carpenter and Debra Hill created in just 30 days what some horror directors couldn't achieve in 30 months, a perfectly paced, well acted and truly tense slasher movie.

From the opening tracking shot to the final montage everything about this film is on point.
Donald Pleasance as Dr Sam Loomis delivers each of his warnings about Michael Myers with such gusto that you truly believe that Myers is the embodiment of evil.
Jamie Lee Curtis is brilliantly believable as the girl next door Laurie Strode, who Myers hunts down this Halloween night.
Nick Castle as Myers has such suttle movements and the now much copied head tilt.

The story of the young Michael Myers who viciously murders his sister Judith at age 6. Now 21 Myers escapes from Smith's Grove sanitarium and heads for his home town of Haddenfield.
Once there in one night Micheal will raise unholy hell and with Dr Loomis in pursuit trying to stop his escaped patient.

The music is iconic not just Carpenter's memorable theme but the music throughout helps to raise the tension. The camera work is amazing, one very famous scene in particular always delivers a chill.
This is truly a horror masterpiece.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Captain Marvel (2019) in Movies

Mar 9, 2019 (Updated Mar 9, 2019)  
Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
The Stan Lee Marvel opening title (1 more)
Ben Mendelsohn
Firstly, this was a typical, Marvel origin story movie. They didn't exactly reinvent the wheel. BUT, who really expected them to?
I've been a fan of Carol Danvers in the comics since she was Ms. Marvel. For one, I was glad they kept her personality close to the comics. I've seen complaints that Larson's delivery of some jokes was flat, but, Carol tells bad jokes all the time and no one laughs (or, she did, I'm not into the new teen-centric Capt Marvel comics). Honestly, a lot of the story wouldn't make sense straight away for people that have never read a comic about Danvers.
Ben Mendelsohn was absolutely fantastic as 'the villain', and completely had fun in the role. Also, thank you Marvel for allowing him to use his real accent. SLJ was fantastic as the younger Nick Fury, and his interactions with Chewie...sorry, Goose (dumb name change) were hilarious.
The Kree weren't really in the film much, and, of course, anyone who knows anything about the Kree can figure out what's going on.
The ONLY thing that was a bit of a groaner for me was the source of Carol's powers.
Definitely stay for the credit scenes, that mid-credit scene made me hyped for Endgame.
Show all 5 comments.

Andy K (10821 KP) Mar 9, 2019

I hope my back lets me see it.


Kristy H (1252 KP) Mar 9, 2019

Looking forward to this one! Thanks for the review.

Captain Marvel (2019)
Captain Marvel (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
More female Superhero movies please!
I had read a lot of criticism of Brie Larson since I am so late seeing this film; however, I thought she held her own against Samuel L. Jackson and Jude Law in this first major female led Marvel Cinematic Universe film. Maybe my expectations were a tad lower since I had heard of lot of opinions beforehand.

The origin story of Carol Danvers was unknown prior to seeing this film so I cannot comment on whether filmmakers got that correct or not (I would imagine they did).

The Stan Lee opening made my tear up.

I did think the movie dragged some in the middle after Carol gets thrown back to 1995 USA. The Blockbusters scene was classic and her introduction to Nick Fury and SHIELD was good. Things picked up a little for the car/subway chase, but then slowed down again as events unfolded and were explained.

I was happy there was not the humongous CGI supervillain at the end and that fight was very good.

You cannot ever complain about the look of a MCU as that is one thing they never disappoint on for sure. The humor I thought was a good balance: not too serious and not too wacky either.

The cat definitely stole every scene they were in for sure.

Overall, very entertaining film and a great start to other female Marvel heroines coming us us hopefully not too far away in the future!

Thank you Stan!