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The Twelve Disasters of Christmas
The Twelve Disasters of Christmas
JP Sayle | 2019 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
really enjoyed this!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book five in the Manx Cat Guardians series, and you probably SHOULD read he other books first. Some things are mentioned here, that happened in those books and not all is fully recapped.

Brad is sex-bribed into giving a Christmas party for Martin and his work colleagues. Brad never had a proper Christmas before and he wants it to be perfect. Things take a turn, and it's one thing after another going wrong. And just what is going on with his cat, Princess??

I really enjoyed this latest book in this series! It's funny and witty; emotional and painful; and sexy and steamy! So bloody sexy and steamy! The guys have a *thing* Brad and Martin, Joe and Stuart, and Greg and Aaden. So freaking hawt but they are spoil sports too! "Look, but not touching!"

But it's Brad and this party that take centre stage. Well, mostly, more on what I mean shortly! The party of the century has to be perfect and things keep going wrong for poor Brad! Greg has a hiccup too! I'm not going into any details, cos of spoilers, but you feel for them, as one thing after another goes wrong!

Poor Max (Aaden's cat) has been given an impossible choice. When it becomes clear just WHY the witchy-woo (I had to laugh at that name given to her!) is doing what she is doing, Max' decision is easy, but the witchy-woo ain't happy. Neither is Princess when she finds out what Max did to save her life so I'm hoping she comes round!

Brad, Greg, Joe and Nick (Aaden's little brother) all have a say, the other guys don't. But when Nick had HIS say, it made me want to hear from Brody (Aaden's best friend) Because of what Nick has to say, because there is something going on with Brody we don't yet know about, because of what happens after Brody picks Nick up after they all get drunk, I NEEDED Brody, and we don't get him.

And this is what I meant earlier. While the party is the main plot line of the book, Nick and Brody's story is being laid out too, and to ME, that is a far more important part of this story, than a party. Nick has a LOT to say about what he feels about Brody, even if he is Aaden's best friend, and I have a feeling Brody isn't as indifferent to the squirt as he makes out.

I don't get Brody here, and I NEEDED him, and that's the ONLY reason I gave it

4 stars

But that's just me, spitting my dummy out and having a hissy fit with these books, AGAIN!! Ms Sayle keeps doing that to me! I very much look forward to seeing what Ms Sayle does to illicit such reactions from me!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Armed 'N' Ready (Federal K-9 #2)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Andi Hardt loves what she does, finally, leaving the rat race business world after a huge violation of trust she started her own business. The Dog Park Café, a restaurant and dog park all in one and fills her days with joy. She is currently staying at her ex-boyfriends house while the pipes in her house are being fixed, while she is washing her stray dog in the shower early one morning her life is totally upended.

Sergeant Nick Houston is trying not to pay attention to the woman in the teeny tiny bikini in the shower washing her dog. All he wanted to do was serve a warrant and get illegal guns off the street. His K9 Saxon is standing guard right along side him as always and seems to be wondering what is going on as well. This woman and her dog are in shock, but for only a minute though then she starts throwing things at him. Can she really be a partner in all this illegal activity?

Andi and Nick have to work together to find out what exactly is going on with her ex and to clear her name. She agrees to have Nick work at the club as a bartender and shadow her every move to draw out Joe and get some answers. Neither of them counted on the attraction they share moving front and center. Will that attraction be enough to let them throw caution to the wind and be together?

I received an advance copy without expectation for review. Any and all opinions expressed are my own. My first read from this author with 4 ½ stars, it won’t be my last by any means.
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