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Fool Moon (The Dresden Files, #2)
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<updated review in 2019>

I read the graphic novel version when I accidentally purchased the Dresden Files Omnibus from Comixology, thinking it contained new stories (it doesn't: it contains 'Storm Front', this ('Fool Moon') and the short story 'A Restoration of Faith'). While it's been a few years since I last read the actual novel, from what I remember, the graphic novel sticks pretty close to the original source material. I still have trouble as seeing Harry Dresden as any other than Nicolas Cage from the film 'The Sorceror's Apprentice', though ...

<original review>

Second entry in Jim Butcher's Dresden files series, building upon and expanding the world first introduced in "Storm Front", and in which Harry Dresden - Chaicago's only professional wizard in the phone book - ends up involved in a case to do with Werewolves (of which there are more types than your classical bi-morph).
The Humanity Bureau (2017)
The Humanity Bureau (2017)
2017 | Sci-Fi
5.3 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Classical dystopian film (0 more)
Slow pace in parts (1 more)
Worth a watch
Contains spoilers, click to show
Nicolas Cage stars in this dystopian film, set in a society where individuals who are believed not to contribute enough to society are sent to ‘New Eden’. Nicolas Cage plays the role of Noah, a government agent, who is sent to assess cases of people who are about to be evicted and transported to New Eden, a place where we are repeatedly told people are never heard from again.

Noah is sent to assess the case of Rachel and Lucas, a mother and son, who are struggling to make ends meat. Noah is quick to give the family an extension, defying orders. This action sparks a response from Noah’s bosses, and forces Noah to support Rachel and Lucas in their escape. The bulk of the movie is focused on the escape of the three across a land that we are told is radioactive and waste land. Elements of this part of the story are very slow paced for my liking, I prefer a bit more action than the behind the wheel reminiscing of Noah.

The plot line does keep its secrets until the end, although these are a little predictable, for example New Eden is a place we’re people do not make it out alive. The most difficult to believe twist though, was that of Lucas being Noah’s son, and Rachel not being the biological mother. I felt that the connection between the characters could have been thought out on a more emotional level, this seemed to be an afterthought forced into the plot in order to ensure that it made more sense.

Perhaps I have watched too many dystopian movies, but I struggled to find any ideas that were really unique to this film, which recycled ideas from stories such as Logan’s run and hunger games.

Overall the acting was good and it was not an overly bad movie, but there were issues with the pace and plot line.

Matthew Krueger (10051 KP) rated Midsommar (2019) in Movies

Jul 9, 2019 (Updated Mar 11, 2020)  
Midsommar (2019)
Midsommar (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Mystery
The wicker Man
Contains spoilers, click to show
Spoilers if you havent seen this movie.

Midsommar reminded me alot of wicker man. Here's how.

1. A group of people go to a remote festival, that only happens every some among of years. Yes i know that in wicker-man it was just the dective but still.

2. The festival celbrates by harvesting. In this movie the festival celbrates life and death, also new borns. Actually in wicker-man, the main charcter burns inside of the wicker-man a celebrate of death.

3. The festival is run by males and females who are questionable. In the remake of wicker-man the festival is run by women while the man work.

4. The festival has a questionable/horryfying past.

This movie has a lot in common with both versions of the wicker-man.

I liked actually both versions of the wicker-man that this movie. Yes the nicolas cage wicker-man is better than this movie.

David McK (3169 KP) rated Next (2007) in Movies

Feb 14, 2021  
Next (2007)
Next (2007)
2007 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Hmmm ... I'm not really sure what to say about this.

Other than it stars Nicolas Cage (who doens't go as overboard in this as he normally does), Jessica Biel and Julianne Moore, and is based on a short story by prolific sci-fi author Philip K Dick (who wrote works that become the basis for both Total Recall (based on "We Can Remember it for You Wholesale") and Blade Runner (based on "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep"), to namedrop but two), with Nic as a Las Vegas magician who can see no further than 2 minutes into his own future.

Except where it concerns Jessica Biel's character (who he has not yet met as the film begins).

Decent enough premise, then, with some decent enough action scenes - even if they won't blow you away - and a decent enough twist ending (even if I want to know what happens Next).

In fact, maybe that single word sums it up: Decent.

Not spectacular.
National Treasure (2004)
National Treasure (2004)
2004 | Action
7.1 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Family friendly 2004 treasure hunt film, in which Nicolas Cage dials back his usual manic energy to play the lead character who - for plot reasons - has to steal the Declaration of Independence (yes, *that* Declaration of Independence) in order to stop the (British, of course) villain of the piece - as portrayed by Sean Bean - from doing so and then destroying that artifact.

As such, heavily aimed at the American audience rather than more international fare, coming across (to my UK eyes, at least) as very much an American attempt to set up a new Indiana Jones series. Oh, and the whole plot point of something being on the back of the Declaration? Remind you much of The Da Vinci code, and something on the back of the Mona Lisa ...?

Having said that, it's polished enough to not be the worst way of spending about 2 hours or so in front of the box.

JT (287 KP) rated Drive Angry (2011) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
Drive Angry (2011)
Drive Angry (2011)
2011 | Action, Mystery
5.6 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The only thing going for this piece of red necked, muscle car mayhem was that it was shot in 3D, and maybe the inclusion of Amber Heard. Aside from that is was pretty poor and that is being nice. After Ghost Rider I thought Nicolas Cage might steer clear of the ‘escaped-from-hell- out-for-revenge’ type role, but he’s ventured straight back.

Cage plays Milton a father who is out for justice after escaping from hell (why he’s in there we’re not sure, all we know he’s a former criminal) to avenge the death of his daughter and save his granddaughter.

Hot on his heels is The Accountant played by William Fichtner, who was actually one of the shining lights of the film. Smartly dressed in a suit with a coin very reminiscent of Harvey Two Face for quick decision making or possible misdirection he ads some comedic presence and has some of the films’ best lines.

In the end the finale is the only thing to get excited about as you realise that the film is finally going to be over

Amber Heard was there for pure sex appeal, and when she was sat in that muscle car every bloke would have been reaching for the bucket of cold water. But she doesn’t hold up the side-kick role at all well, instead she swears a bit, kicks some ex boyfriends’ ass and gets her nails painted by a random naked bloke in a hotel room.

The title Drive Angry should suggest just that, but fails. We get the odd car chase but its hardly anything to get excited about. How can you, when a muscle car as powerful as it is fails to keep up with a camper van full of sadistic Satan worshippers!

In the end the finale is the only thing to get excited about as you realise that the film is finally going to be over. Cage looks bored practically all the way through it, and had he actually bothered to be awake it might have been a better vehicle.

Instead this one got a flat the moment the opening credits rolled.
Primal (2019)
Primal (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
When will I learn? Do not watch big star films you've never heard of before I see them on DVD.

A big game hunter ends up transporting his catch on a ship with a team of military personnel that are transporting an assassin back to the US under the radar. All it takes is one wrong step for the ship to be filled with danger as everyone is being stalked by killers, both animal and human.

I nearly lobbed this DVD out my window after the first scene with the CGI kitty cat, it was truly abysmal. Thankfully at some point I stopped noticing fairly quickly.

Kevin Durand plays our assassin-in-transit and he's always a pretty good bet for a bad guy. Even in this he has a great presence. Next we have Famke Janssen, I couldn't honestly tell you how long it's been since I saw her in something. This wasn't a great character though, and apart from one or two scenes I had forgotten she was even in this film when I scrolled through the cast list. It's not entirely to do with the acting, which did feel a little lacklustre, the character didn't have a lot of punch and wasn't what you know she's capable of.

There's no denying that this is below my usual Cage favourites. It's pretty low on the Cage Rage ranking, but it's still a Nicolas Cage film and as with shark films that means there's an automatic pass. It would have to do something horrendous for me to outright hate it.

There's logic of some description in Primal but it's still a distinctly average film. I can forgive the bad CGI, but a poor script and average production quality across the board mean I'm regretting paying actual money for it. The idea for the story feels like someone used a story generator to get different plot points, even so, there was potential in it but I was rather sad it wasn't a better experience.

Originally posted on:
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Sci-Fi
It seems only appropriate to close out the year which saw the passing of Stan Lee and Steve Ditko with a film celebrating their most successful creation; the result is a movie which appears to be under-performing at the box office simply because it's animated (a regrettable prejudice which I sometimes suffer from myself). On one level this is yet another Spider-Man origin story, the novelty value comes from the fact that the Spider-Man in question is the Ultimate version (Miles Morales) and the plot involves a hole being blown in the universe and numerous other Spider-People from parallel worlds being sucked through. Some of these are very weird.

Rock-solid storytelling, huge visual imagination and some very good jokes come together to make a film which works really well on virtually every level; there's perhaps not enough of the Nicolas Cage Spider-Man but you can't have everything. Not sure where they're going to go with the sequel (the novelty value of this film makes it a tough act to follow) but it does at least suggest possibilities for a meta-franchise based just on Spider-Man. A worthy and touching tribute to Stan and Steve.

Tommy Wiseau recommended Sonny (2002) in Movies (curated)

Sonny (2002)
Sonny (2002)
2002 | Crime, Drama
(0 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"You’d be surprised but, again, I put in parentheses, I’m not here to praise James [Franco]. Okay? But the reason I support his role, because we didn’t have a choice at the time. We picked him because originally… I don’t know if you knew the story here that The Disaster Artist is based on the great storybook Disaster Artist, right? And he basically optioned the book, optioned to produce the movie. But people ask me who are supposed to… Who would I like? Who’s supposed to play me? I don’t know if you heard about it, but long story short, I say Johnny Depp. But we had a conversation with James, and with Greg [Sestero]. And Greg, long story short, he said, “What about James?” I said, “Yeah, he’s good, because I like his movie Sonny.” Sonny is the movie directed by Nicolas Cage. I don’t know if you’re familiar with it or not. It’s about gigolo in New Orleans, Louisiana, etc. So we had a conversation with James, and Greg says, “Sure, whatever. James playing you.” I said, “That’s good idea, because he did the movie Sonny, and which, I like it.” And for some reason, the critics think differently, or public, whatever. But this is relate to my life as well, The Room, basically. Because you have all the flavors. So that’s basically your little quirky backstory."

Color Out of Space (2019)
Color Out of Space (2019)
2019 | Horror, Sci-Fi
You had me at Nicolas Cage.

The Gardners are settling into the secluded family home nicely, no city hustle and bustle to bother them. That peaceful life is shattered when a curious meteorite crashes into their garden. Far from a normal bit of space debris, the rock seems to be changing everything around it. It's taking over, the plants, pace and time, even the family themselves.

Briefly hearing Richard Stanley before this screening made me feel this adaptation of Lovecraft's work of the same name was in good hands, he clearly has an appreciation for what he's was working on and the imagery he creates makes for incredible viewing.

So, straight to Nic Cage... he doesn't quite go full Cage, but he's pretty close. It's the usual insanity we've all come to love.

This film is a little crazy on many levels, the family as a whole are very off before we even get to the magical meteorite. Each member seemingly has their own little corner of crazy town mapped out, and yet when you look at them as a whole you'd wouldn't put them in the same family.

As the film progresses and things get even more bizarre the family feel even less connected than at the beginning. The alien influence is pushing them further apart, but on top of that the script falls away in the middle and chaotic devolving of sanity replaces it. Each member of the family has their own experience with the meteorite, apart from chaos and the underlying cause none of it feels connected.

To say it plainly, there's some really messed up stuff. I would love to see how some of it was achieved because if Richardson is doing half the things it appears she is then she deserves some kind of award. I've got the short story to read so I can compare the two because honestly I can't visualise the written version of this story.

The creatures that evolve are made to be terrifying, and they do scare, but the comedy moments that come through from the performances (mostly unintentionally I guess) detract from it being all that shocking.

Our meteorite has a great influence over the sets for most of the movie, the colours and the growth are used to good effect. The progression is clear and well balanced, it might not always look realistic but the fact that that's the point helps.

When you look at Color Out Of Space as a whole it's all over the place, interesting but ambling, understandable and confusing. Despite that, it's an experience that I enjoyed having.

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