
Holly Luanne Nicholls
(1 KP)
Aspiring Author
I love to get lost in a good book on a rainy day with a chai latte.
Last Active: Jun 9, 2019
The Walking Dead: World Beyond
TV Show Watch
A group of teenagers sheltered from the dangers of the post-apocalyptic world receive a message that...

Reinfield (2023)
Reinfield the tortured aide to his narcissistic boss, Dracula is forced to procure his masters prey...

Kevin Phillipson (10072 KP) rated Reinfield (2023) in Movies
Apr 20, 2023
Nicolas holt (2 more)
Nic cage
When I heard that nic cage was playing Dracula I knew I had to see the movie and oh boy I can say this he really hams it up as the Prince of darkness but this is reinfields film which is a good thing the amount of gore thruout the movie does go over the top but I don't mind abit