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The Velocipastor (2018)
The Velocipastor (2018)
2018 |
4.0 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: The VelociPastor starts when Doug Jones (Cohan) whose parents are murdered leading to him to loses his faith, Father Stewart (Steere) sends him of a self-discovery holiday, which sees him head to China, when he returns he finds himself having horrendous nightmares and after he meets a hooker Carol (Kempinski), he tries to put everything together.

Once Doug learns that he can turn into a dinosaur, he works with Carol to fight crime to clean up his own town, including the man that murdered his parents.

Thoughts on The VelociPastor

Characters – Doug Jones is a priest that has followed God for years until his parents are murdered outside his church, he goes on a voyage of self-discovery in China, which sees him infected with an illness. Doug have the ability to turn into a dinosaur, where he decides to use this new power to fight crime in his town, getting revenge on the person who murdered his parents and bring down the drug lord. Carol is a local hooker that meets Doug and sees first-hand just what he is capable off, she pushes him into fighting crime, while she can handle herself in combat too. Father Stewart is the mentor of Doug, he has always helped him keep the faith and is willing to let him discover his faith once more. Wei Chan is the local drug lord that has been controlling the crime in the town, along with his ninjas he will be the fight Doug must take on.

Performances – This movie does have the over the top performances which does only help make things more entertaining, Greg Cohan in the leading role knowns when to hold things back before going over the top, which helps the character. Alyssa Kempinski is fun in her role, which brings the change in our lead character through the film. The whole cast know exactly the tone of this film and it shows in the their performances.

Story – The story here follows a priest that gets infected with something that turns him into a dinosaur and decides to go on to fight crime with this new ability. The first thing you must be prepared for is knowing that this film doesn’t take anything serious and is well aware that everything is as ridiculous as it sounds. The idea behind the film is truly original, it is purely fun and wildly over the top. If you do go into this story thinking you are getting something serious, you will be disappointed because this film is completely self-aware of what it is trying to tell.

Action/Comedy/Horror/Sci-Fi – The action in the film does play into the comedy, which is silly and over the top, which does include the dinosaur fighting ninja, which helps with the horror and sci-fi elements in the film.

Settings – The film is set in a small town, this does help with the idea of how silly this film takes itself without needing to go into anything too serious once again.

Special Effects – The effects in the film are practical, this again plays into the self-aware side of the film, which does show with the dinosaur suit fighting ninja.

Scene of the Movie – Dinosaur v ninjas.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The random Father Stewart backstory.

Final Thoughts – This is one if not the most self-aware movies you will see, it is so funny you can enjoy laughing through how ridiculous this film is.

Overall: Purely fun.
Hidden Rebel (Changed Heart Series Book 3)
Hidden Rebel (Changed Heart Series Book 3)
Michelle Janene | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a dream come true!
 This book was so good, it was like the secret fantasy we all wish we could play brought to life. This book is the third in her Changed hearts series, however, it can be read as a stand-alone.
Michelle Janene’s main character (Lady Aria) was fierce, independent, and the most amazing ninja/sword warrior ever! She also had great faith and because of that God blessed her. While her other main characters were well developed, they had lessons to learn and were always by Lady Arias’ side ready to help when things went awry. I really liked the overall character development, some of them didn’t have the best reactions to events though. I truly did like them anyway. <br/> This plot was definitely one right out of a medieval fantasy. Castles, knights, horses, and sword fights… totally a truly medieval fantasy come to life. The plot moved at a great pace, keeping me interested and wanting to know what would happen next. The was one thing I didn’t like about the plot; however, I will not tell you about it as it is a spoiler.
Overall this was a great story that I could totally imagine myself in. Michelle Janene wrote a great book that I loved reading. I give this book 4 out of 5 stars for the great Lady Aria, the amazing description and attention to detail given in the sword training dialogues, and for just the hint of romance given with the happily ever after ending. I truly enjoyed this book and will go back and read the others in the series
*I did receive this book in return for my honest feedback. The thoughts and opinions expressed within are my own.
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
So this was my midnight screening... I threw caution to the wind again and dragged myself out of bed when normal people were sleeping. I rocked up at 11:45 thinking I was actually running a bit late... but as it turned out, I was the first one there. I tried my best to sneak down the side so I didn't have to have my picture taken with some extras who were doing some promo shots out front. Unfortunately I wasn't channelling my ninja skills enough due to lack of sleep and I was trapped against my will for snaps.

When I went to see Last Jedi the whole screen was packed out. I had been toying with when to see this one, I wasn't overly bothered so a midnight screening seemed a bit over the top. But LJ had been such a great atmosphere that I went for it. I was very surprised to find that when I went to book there were only two other seats booked for the 3D screening, and when I checked the 2D there were maybe 20 tickets booked.

No one had very high hopes for this one, and I for one didn't think it was as good as Force Awakens or Last Jedi, but it did have its moments. There were a lot of nostalgic references, I don't know if they were things that was already know in the fandom, but to me they were new and I appreciated them.

Beyond that I wasn't overly impressed by it. Paul Bettany was woefully under used and the rest didn't really feel very convincing, even when taking into account the fictional nature of everything. The one thing that actually got me in the feels was Lando and L3. Still brings a tear to my eye now.
Guardians (2017)
Guardians (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Listed as Russia's Avengers, Guardians is a fun superhero film.
During the cold war a secret Russian organisation called Patriot performed a number of illegal experiments, with both machines and humans. Patriot was shut down due the actions of a rouge scientist who was trying to create module 1 a device that can control any vehicle remotely. Now, a number of experimental tanks have been stolen so Patriot is reopened and a number of the human experiments are found to combat their old creator.
4 hero's are found; Ler, who can control rocks and use them as weapons and armour, Khan, a super speed ninja, Kseniya, who can turn invisible (when wet) and doesn't feel temperature and Arsus, a were-bear with a Gatling gun.
Like many other hero's the hero's of Guardians have their own problems and their reasons for not wanting to be found but these are only touched upon as the film concentrates on bringing the team together and then fighting the enemy whilst showing off their powers and, lets face it, that's what most of us want from a super hero movie.
The plot is simple, the evil Avgust Kuratov wants to take over all the machines of the world and the Guardians are formed to stop him. The effects and CGI aren't bad and we even get a couple transformation scenes with the were-bear. There are funny moments and tragic back stories and action, really most things you would want in a super hero film.
There is a hint of a sequel, both at the end of the film and a scene during the credits which also promises more hero's but, unfortunately,I don't think it's been made.
Proving Grounds
Proving Grounds
2019 | Dice Game, Fantasy, Fighting, Real-time
Maia Strongheart sees the eight opponents surrounding her and knows exactly how to handle each one. She makes a dash for #4, a simpleton Warrior in Training, and whoosh – misses. “Huh, that’s never happened to me before,” she thinks. Performing a daring backflip whilst targeting the Clan Elder in the #6 position with a well-placed finishing blow and whoosh – her armor seems to part like the Red Sea as the Clan Elder finds its weakness and delivers a wound to our heroine. “WHO IS PLAYING ME?” Maia wonders. It’s me. Travis. The worst player of Proving Grounds. Poor Maia.

Proving Grounds is a solo fighting dice game with real-time phases. Players will win by defeating eight opponents in battle and will lose (often, in my case) if the heroine suffers too many wounds. The game is played over several rounds, and Renegade has provided an app to act as a timer during the rolling dice phase. Obviously I am terrible at the game, but how does it play and do I feel like continuing to suffer subsequent losses?
To setup a basic game, place the Encounter Board in the middle of the table. Shuffle the enemy cards (with swords & board backs) and deal one per slot around the Encounter Board. These are the first set of enemies Maia will be fighting. Place Battle Markers (silver ninja stars that track wounds inflicted to enemies) in the outlined spaces of the enemy cards. Place Maia’s health token (a heart) on the tracker and one each of the green, yellow, and blue dice on the health area in the space with a rainbow surround. Fill the exhaustion track with one white die per space (on the right side of the Encounter Board), and take the rest of the dice into hand to use as the dice pool. For this review I also used the Dragonling Die module.

As mentioned, Proving Grounds is played solo over a series of rounds. Each round consists of three phases: Roll Dice, Resolve Attacks, and Recover. The first phase of the game, Roll Dice, is also the most chaotic. During this phase the app timer (or your phone or sand timer or sun dial) will allow 60 seconds to roll the dice and arrive at a final result. The interesting aspect of this mechanic at play here is that only sets of dice may be rerolled, not singles. So players may only roll that set of four 3s and not the solitary 1 sitting there all alone. This causes some brain freeze because many games utilize this in reverse, where only singles may be rerolled. Factor that into a 60 second frenzy to get the greatest results and brains will smoke.

Once the timer is up or players are satisfied with the rolled results, they move to the next phase: Resolve Attacks. Each number rolled on the dice correspond to the enemy’s position around the Encounter Board. So that solitary 1 that was rolled earlier is assigned to the enemy in position #1. Here’s the kick in the rear though: any single dice assigned to an enemy will result in a wound dealt to Maia, and would require the player to sacrifice one of the dice to the exhaustion track! Should an enemy require three or more dice but only two are assigned, or if zero dice are assigned, nothing happens to Maia nor the enemy. But those dang single dice will come back to haunt the player. A lot, if they play like I do. Some enemies will require at least one of the dice to be the blue/green/yellow die in order to be successful while others are just straight number of dice. Calculating everything that is needed during the Roll Dice phase is something that I have yet to master.

After attacks are resolved, players enter the Recover phase. During this phase players will gather all assigned dice from the round as well as any dice on the lowest spot of the exhaustion track to be used for the next round. Any enemies that were defeated have left an empty slot on the Encounter Board, so a new enemy will now fill that void. Play continues in this fashion of three phases per round until either eight enemies have been defeated or Maia suffers too many wounds to continue.
Components. I am fascinated by how few components are needed to put a game like this together. Yes, the Encounter Board is mostly unnecessary, but a great way to organize the game and keep everything spacially relevant for those of us that need that. The cards are fine quality and the game has great art. The dice are very cool, but I am unsure how the colors pop for our colorblind gamer friends. While the game doesn’t necessarily refer to the damage markers as “ninja stars” I cannot get over the fact that they are ninja stars. They are certainly out of place in a game like this where I encountered zero ninjas in my plays. Everything else, though, is great and it comes in a nice-sized box: a little smaller than my Century: Golem Edition box.

It was Kane Klenko’s birthday recently, so I wished him a happy birthday on social media and informed him that I was celebrating by playing Proving Grounds. His response was absolutely perfect: “Good luck!” Well, Kane, I never have good luck with this one! It is certainly a combination of poor dice rolling, poor decision making whilst rolling dice, and just dumb luck (emphasis on dumb). I love playing this game but it is infuriating that I have yet to beat it! Even with just the first Dragonling Die module! Gahhhhhh!!!

However, Proving Grounds is an excellent dice game that breaks out of the Yahtzee clone mold and into something fresh and exciting. The twist of only being able to reroll sets instead of singles makes for interesting decisions when you really need to defeat enemy #5 but just cannot roll ANY 5s to save your life (in the game). I just want to beat it once with the Dragonling Die so I can start adding in other modules (oh yes, there are several other modules to add). When games force me to WANT to play them more and more, even for the sheer hope of victory, I consider that a mark of distinction and a sign of a great game.

So if you are like me and enjoy the pain of defeat over and over again then I invite you to try Proving Grounds. It will not be easy. But if you happen to beat it, especially on your first try, please let me know. I need all the cheat codes I can get here. It will stay in my collection probably forever because I just need to overcome it, and then once I figure it out completely, I will just need to wallop it over and over to teach it a lesson. Enjoy Proving Grounds everyone!
Nightblade&#039;s Vengeance
Nightblade's Vengeance
Ryan Kirk | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*** I received a free advance copy of this book from NetGalley in exchange for an honest review ***

This summer I read the first Nightblade trilogy: I loved the first one (the world-building, the three different stories running in parallel and occasionally crossing over), enjoyed the second one (character development was the focus plus setting up the conflict in the conclusion) and tolerated the final book (largely a repeat of the same plot as the first two plus a number of loose ends left un-tied).

Given how I fell out of love with the series as it went on, I was a little tentative about reading this, the first in a new trilogy following on from the events of the first. I have to say it was very poor.

Pretty much nothing happens throughout the book, the sole focus is on political manoeuvring and the nightblades have become a shadow of what they were to be at the end of the first series.

The king is dying and has no heir, so one of three lords looks likely to be chosen to take the throne (or decide to take it). There is some unrest within the populace of the Kingdom towards nightblades (ninja-like warriors with a spidey-sense warning them of danger and allowing them to sense each other) - rumours are spreading that nightblades are demanding unreasonable payment for protection and are harming those they are supposed to be serving. And a particularly weak nightblade, the daughter of a dayblade (whose powers are used to heal rather than in combat) killed in service, by a mysterious warrior who subsequently vanished, is looking for vengeance (hence the title).

And that is pretty much it. The plot is very basic, the narrative takes an absolute age to cover what few events are happening and the vocabulary is pretty limited (I think at one point within three paragraphs about 6 things were said to have happened "in a moment" or "for a moment").

Twice in the book the phrase "to cut a long, boring story short" was used and I can't help but think Kirk was referring to what he himself should do.

I wasn't sure after ending the nightblade trilogy whether I would return to the world of the nightblades. Now I am certain I won't.
Yarn Bombing—the art of crochet and knit graffiti by Mandy Moore and Leanne Prain
Genre: craft/art
Rating: 4/5

Yarn Bombing is an extremely inspirational and creative book. It got my knitting juices flowing and made my hands itch for the needles when I saw pictures of colorful yarn knit into… beautiful graffiti?

Yes, yarn graffiti. Yarn Bombing is a rather large thing in big cities and even other countries where knitting is prominent, especially Sweden (see links below).

Yarn Bombing has many fantastic pictures, ideas for bombing, some basics for getting started, points and tips, advice on what to say if you get caught in the act (either by passer-bys or police), interviews with yarn bombers, and some patterns.

Here is my favorite pattern:
this pattern is for chain-link fence weave:
1. Cast On 12.
2. Open a bottle of wine.
3. Knit every row until sober.
4. Bind off
5. Repeat 1-4 seven more times…

I find this hilarious, though some people who aren’t knitters may not. By the way, the real pattern for the chain link fence weave is written in the book right under that ;)

There are patterns in the book for knitting items for yourself, such as arm warmers, hoods that cover your whole face except your eyes (so you can be a ninja-yarn-bomber!) sweaters, and some other stuff. Some of the bombing patterns include treesweaters, knit tulips and mushrooms, Knit sneakers to hang over wires, Bolo balls, Elf Stockings, and more.

I give it a 4/5 because, considering that graffiti is illegal and I’m perusing Criminology… let’s just say that I’m being gracious.(and I’m actually considering giving this a try… I’ll keep you posted on that one ;). Also, it was laid out a little odd and it was a bit hard to find some things. Lastly it didn’t have quite as many patterns as I expected. But, all in all, it was an awesome craft book!

Recommendation: knitters and Crocheters of any age, anyone interested in graffiti or contemporary art.

Here are some links to some yarn-bombers that you should check out, there are tons more! Follow the links you find on their blogs and explore the yarn-bombing community.

Sarah (7798 KP) rated Ready Player Two in Books

Jan 11, 2021  
Ready Player Two
Ready Player Two
Ernest Cline | 2020 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
4.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
What happened?!
Until a couple of weeks ago, I hadn’t known this sequel even existed. My joy at finding out there was a sequel was scuppered a little after hearing some not very positive things about it, however I couldn’t not read this after absolutely loving Ready Player One. I was hoping the reviews I’d read were wrong... but unfortunately not.

Right from the start, something feels off about Ready Player Two. It feels a little too forced and the writing style seems rather stilted and basic. All of the pop culture references feel forced and don’t flow, and a lot feel like they’ve been shoehorned in without really contributing to the story (there was a reference to Jodie Whittaker as The Doctor which is great but felt out of place). There was also a lot of explanations that were entirely unnecessary - one example was the description and explanation of Rivendell, which occurred multiple times in the first 100 pages alone. I don’t remember the original being quite so laboured and pedantic when it comes to explaining all of the references. What’s strange though is that there’s also some very subtle references thrown in - a nod to Warden Norton from Shawshank was very much appreciated - and it made me wonder if these were subtle nods or a lack of originality.

The problem with this is that it’s sadly rather dull. The new quest, despite the dire and life threatening consequences, doesn’t come across as particularly exciting or intriguing. It doesn’t help that the quests to gain the seven shards vary from overly descriptive (describing every level of the Sega Ninja game was particularly tedious) to rushed and blink and you’ll miss it, and I just found myself unable to invest very much in the story. I did want to carry on reading, but I’m unsure if this was due to interest or wanting to get to the end and find out if it gets any better. The ending didn’t help either. Some of it was great, but the rest which I won’t reveal gets far too technically complicated and goes a little too sci-fi, even for a novel set in a virtual reality style world.

I really wanted this to be good and instead it was just very disappointing. Another case of an unnecessary sequel, to the point where it has made me want to re-read the original to see if I may have over-egged how good that was too, as I just can’t see how this can be so bad.
Of Knights &amp; Ninjas
Of Knights & Ninjas
2020 | Card Game, Medieval
Little-known factoid about me: I am a Knight. Not from England, and not due to my daring heroics in war, but a Knight Templar of the Grand Commandery in the York Rite of Freemasonry. Politics and conspiracy theories aside, becoming a Knight was a highlight of my life, and something I will forever treasure. And speaking of treasure and Knights Templar (read your history, kids), we all know that one of the biggest foes of the Knights in olden times were the nefarious Ninjas. Or maybe it’s just fun to think about and play a game where these factions are represented.

Of Knights & Ninjas is a card game about claiming enough treasure to ascend to kinghood and rule all the lands. You can accomplish this by sending forces to your opponents’ realms and stealing their glorious gems. The first lord to amass 10 gems will have sufficient wealth to assume the kinghood and rule all realms!

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a prototype copy of this game for the purposes of this review. These are preview copy components, and the final components may be different from these shown. Also, it is not my intention to detail every rule in the game, but to give our readers an idea of how the game plays. If you would like to read the rulebook in full, you may visit the publisher’s website, purchase the game through the publisher, back the game through the Kickstarter campaign, or through any retailers stocking it after fulfillment. -T

To setup, each player will take five gems of their preferred color in front of them. Shuffle the large deck of cards, and deal each player four cards (this rule was updated after our play-throughs). You are now ready to play!

On your turn, you will draw two cards from the deck (unless it’s the first draw of the game – that player will draw just one). You must now play a card to the table or discard a card from your hand. Cards that you can play from your hand will each have different abilities, and thankfully the designer will be providing a reference sheet for these, as there are many cards with wildly different abilities. This is also why I will not be explaining the entire rulebook.

Typically you will be able to play Fortify cards (castles, archers), Attack cards (knights, ninjas, etc), Respond cards, and Special cards (minstrels, jesters, etc). Fortify cards protect your gems from certain Attack cards, like an Archer only being able to attack another Archer, or a Dragon being able to attack a Castle – but not if an Archer is stationed there (logic). Although, a Ninja can scale a Castle wall, and a Catapult can destroy a Castle altogether (but not that pesky Archer that happens to be sitting on top)…

Attack cards are just that: they Attack. Each Attack card will show a number in a starburst icon in the upper right hand corner that signifies how many gems they are able to steal. Once an opponent is declared and an Attack card played, let’s say a 1-power Peasant, the defender may then play a card with the Respond keyword (which will also have a starburst number) to offset the number of stolen gems. If the attacker chooses, they may continue playing Attack cards against the same opponent in order to draw out all the Respond cards and come away with some sweet, sweet gems.

But maybe once all is said and done, and gems are about to change hands, another opponent plays a Special card – a Highwayman, for example. These characters will steal all the gems that are about to change hands (as if he was robbing the gem carriage en route to the new owner). But then again, perhaps yet ANOTHER opponent plays a Highwayman as well, and steals those gems a second time! You just never know when these Special cards will come out and how they may affect the best laid plans.

Play continues in this fashion until one player has amassed the 10 gems they require to win the game!

Components. Again, we were provided a prototype copy of this game, and we understand that components can change during the course of a successful Kickstarter campaign. That said, this game is a ton of cards and some plastic gem pieces. The art is stellar – cartoony, but whimsical and fun. The card layouts make sense and are very easy to read and understand. The gems are colorful and fun to play with. I only have one concern/suggestion/wish for the components here. I wish the individual card’s abilities were somehow printed on the cards themselves. That would alleviate the need for a reference sheet, but it would then detract from the cute art on the cards. So, maybe that wouldn’t be so great after all. I’m torn on that.

All in all, this game is super fun to play. It will be chaotic one moment, and strategically tense the next. Being able to whittle an opponent’s hand down to nothing and then slapping them with a King card to steal a huge chunk of gems is just so sneakily satisfying. Or sending your Ninja to infiltrate their unArchered (I know it’s not a word) Castle and slither away with the goods. Don’t get too attached to your gems, because you may find yourself without for several rounds. You can always rebuild, but make haste as your opponents will keep you down if you let them.

If you are a fan of games that are cute, fun, and relatively quick with a quirky, but light-hearted theme, then definitely check this one out.

Rolando Jesus Feliciano (3 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Shantae Half-Genie Hero in Video Games

Apr 27, 2018  
Shantae Half-Genie Hero
Shantae Half-Genie Hero
Humor (3 more)
Audio quality
Simple platforming
Great DLC
Simple everything else (1 more)
Too Short
For the love of frog, no more Rule 34 on this series
Ok I've held off on this. Really held off. The DLC sold me though so that's my excuse. Half Genie Hero is the fourth entry in the Shantae series. I really want to say something good about the main game but I can't. It's simple. That's it. It tries to be a combination of collectathon and Metroidvania but unlike Pirate's Curse, this game misses the mark. Granted there are strong points, the platforming is fun, decent storyline, wonderful music (just try getting that first stage song out of your head). However after a bit the gameplay becomes repetitive. Go through a stage, collect the things, beat the boss, then backtrack for quest specific items to unlock the next area, rinse and repeat. At least they didn't butcher the game's true waifu Rottytops, ok maybe putting her in race girl gear might have Deviant Art fans getting creative, if not those artists on R34 (please don't damage this series any more guys, please). I mean look at the fact that in its previous entry they fleshed her character out...figuratively and literally. The game does end rather abruptly in a sense, and.... WayForward, why? Not once but twice you call back to Mega Man 8 and that boarding segment. I don't want to hear anyone tell me, they didn't really, because WayForward knew. They have a blasted trophy that you can earn for perfectly completing that segment called "Jump Jump Slide Slide" y'all did that on purpose and my ptsd kicked right in when I first saw the segment. That said, lets move on to the DLC. I loved the content. The friends content have me more story for the main part of the game and the Risky dlc was like going back to Pirate's Curse. However save for certain slides, I won't spoil the game. Then we have the costume pack... First the ninja dlc allows you to play as Specter Knight somewhat giving you an amazing bit of action. That ending does get you real bad that when I saw the Gaijin Goomba reaction in his latest video, I could not stop laughing. The bikini dlc finally gave me something I wanted, a challenge. Forget going through with all the hearts, give me three and the chance that I could lose them all if I don't keep her cool. This dlc is perfect in awakening my speed run skills. Finally we have Officer Shantae. If you have only played this series and Shovel Knight, go get Mighty Switch Force because this is an amazing clone of it, music and all. Overall I feel that the dlc packs saved the game. I can't begin to think the game was a waste of cash if they didn't exist. Let's hope if there is a fifth entry, they up the challenge and give it more a metroidvania style. Step back to Pirate's Curse WayForward and go from there.