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The Inconvenient Pet is the fifth book in the Alien Slave Master series, and once again follows the non-con/dub-con route. If this isn't your thing, then don't read it, simple as that. If, however, you can cope with that, then you are in for a wonderful series that continues to surprise and surpass as you go along.

With the four previous books, you have had a 'human' slave boy, paired with a Travian Master. In this one, the roles are swapped. Wen, who we have met before, is the Travian slave boy, and Dax, who we've also met before, is the human Master - although he doesn't like being called that!

Wen doesn't really belong in the military, although he has fought hard to earn his place. Dax is with a group of humans and Travians, calling themselves Naturalists, who want to go back to a more primitive way of life, living in harmony with each other. Of course, there is a maggot in most apples, this one is named Burrell. Of course, you also meet new characters who shine. Chloe is one of those for me. She is a strong female, knowing her capabilities, and yet not afraid to ask for help when needed.

The story is fresh, the characters familiar, and it is all well-written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Carnal Secrets Box Set
Carnal Secrets Box Set
Vonna Harper | 2019 | Contemporary, Erotica, Romance
2.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Carnal Secrets Box Set by Vonna Harper
This box set comprises the first three stories in the Carnal Secrets series. All of the stories are very #DARK, with non-con sex, kidnap, abuse, to name just three. This is not a box set for the faint-hearted.

Out of the three, I thought Naked Nights was the strongest, with Taking Her Down as the weakest. All of the stories had mixed elements to them, some which I thought were well done, others, not so much. Taking Her Down though was too confusing from the start. There was no clear clarification about the whole story/role-play - with hints given about a possible supernatural element to the island and how it affects the characters, but nothing ever being said out loud or being made clear. Other characters definitely need more to them as they seem to play a big role, but then fade into the distance.

A box set to pass the time if you fancy something dark, but that won't make you think too deeply.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The City of Brass: Daevabad Trilogy
The City of Brass: Daevabad Trilogy
S.A. Chakraborty | 2017 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantastic world-building (1 more)
Character Development
Slightly confusing terms (0 more)
So much to say about this outstanding debut novel! First I'd like to address the issues around the author, then I'll delve into the book itself. (It's fantastic, though!)

So the book has been touted as an "own voices" novel, seemingly much to the author's chagrin. She is Muslim, but she's a white convert (Chakraborty is her married name). She has striven to correct the misconception about her ethnicity when she finds it, tweeting about it and talking about it in interviews. (This interview is a good example.) Because the book is pure fantasy, in a fantasy realm after the first few chapters, I'm not too worried about it not actually being written by a middle-eastern author. She does note in the interview I linked that she's not qualified to write some stories because of her ethnicity, and I appreciate that recognition of privilege. As far as I can tell, (as a white person myself) she did justice to the bits of mythology that she included. (Given the reception by people who were so excited about it being an Own Voices book, I think I'm probably right.) Her twitter (@SChakrabs) is FULL of links to minority authors and retweets about their books. I am very impressed by the level of her advocacy for minority authors.

So that aside, I LOVED THIS BOOK. I almost always enjoy fantasy inspired by non-western mythology: Children of Blood and Bone was fantastic, and though Forest of a Thousand Lanterns had a western fairytale at its heart, being reimagined through an Asian lense was really neat to read. The Bear and The Nightingale and The Girl in the Tower were Russian inspired, as were The Crown's Game/The Crown's Fate. I really do try to pick up non-western inspired fantasy when I can. City of Brass scratched that itch perfectly.

City of Brass opens in Cairo, where our heroine, Nahri, is a con-woman with small healing magics. When a ritual goes awry, she's thrust into the world of the djinn. It's when Nahri and her accidental bodyguard, Dara, arrive at the Djinns' city of Daevabad that the story really gets started.

I'm still a little confused about the difference between djinn and Daeva; Daeva seem to be one of the tribes but also the name for the entire race, and some of them get offended at being called djinn but some of them don't? I'm not really sure about that distinction. There is a clear line between djinn and Ifrit, though - Ifrit are immensely powerful, immortal beings who refused to subject themselves to punishment many centuries ago. I'm not sure I actually see a downside to being Ifrit, other than the djinn all think they're evil. The Ifrit, however, are out to get Nahri, and Dara's not having any of THAT.

I love Dara - he's a fascinating character, with a violent, mysterious backstory. I'm very eager to read more about him and figure out exactly what's up with his background. Nahri is also awesome - a little arrogant, but by the end of the book she's starting to learn she might need help from those around her. Unfortunately, also by the end of the book she doesn't know who to trust. The naive djinn prince, Ali, is the third main character of the book, and while I can see him having an interesting story, his personality is still a little flat. Hopefully the second book will see advancement in all three of these characters' personalities.

And I can't WAIT for the second book! City of Brass didn't exactly end on a cliffhanger, but it did leave many questions unanswered and our main characters' fates uncertain. Unfortunately, I can't find any information on the sequel, just that it's being edited. No release date or title yet.

Read this book. It's fantastic.

You can find all my reviews at
The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn
The Thousand Deaths of Ardor Benn
Tyler Whitesides | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thrilling epic fantasy heist
This was a very original take on the fantasy genre (for me at least). The main character, Ardor Benn, is a roguish 'ruse artist', who runs small time cons on everyone from bar patrons (betting he can't hit a shot after numerous drinks) to gangsters. He is approached by a religious, monk-type, man who wants to hire him to run a con on the king of the Greater Chain of islands.
The world Whitesides has built is really wonderful, not totally dissimilar to that in Mistborn. However, here materials aren't ingested and 'burned' by people to get powers, they ignite specifics types of grit. This grit has been processed from materials originally eaten and pooped out and burned by dragons. Different materials before being eaten will give different results when ignited, causing a cloud of dust that bends reality - creating light or explosions, stopping all sounds or light or gravity, making impenetrable bubbles or healing. And the most valuable of all is the Visitant Grit, which will summon an all-powerful paladin to implement the ambitions of the worthy holder. This latter grit is produced by igniting the pooped out remnants of a male dragon's bones. Sadly, all male dragons have died out, meaning these saviours are no longer possible. And that's where Ardor's new job comes in...
The story is a non-stop thriller as the job they plan is so ambitious that it takes on several phases, all of which are massive in themselves. There were a few times during the early parts where I felt the story dragged a little (chapters covering one character learning how to mime an operatic aria), but these weren't too damaging to my motivation. There are a number of times when things don't go to plan, and a re-think is needed. These are also well written pieces, as the characters solve these in creative ways. There were no real deus ex machina moments where they escaped despite all odds. There is one very surprising twist/revelation in the final third which had me nervous that all my enjoyment was about to be swallowed up, pooped out and burned, but that turned out not to be the case. This weird pivot was very well handled and worked well within the story.
The action scenes are well narrated, allowing so much better visualisation than a lot of books I've read recently, and the characters are all fairly well realised and develop nicely together and on their own.
An excellent, thrilling fun book, and wonderfully part 1 of a trilogy.

Merissa (12394 KP) rated Speechless in Books

Oct 11, 2023  
Rachel Grey | 2023 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
SPEECHLESS - that's what I am after reading this story! For any Release, let alone a debut, this was absolutely fantastic. However, do take notice of the TW as there is a part that some readers may not be comfortable with.

Jade has lived through hell, and now her abusive father is dead, she thinks she's finally free. Having been kept on the farm with no one else, not even her mother, and no education to speak of, Jade is both innocent and wise to the world. When her home is found by two Alphas, she tries to hide, unsuccessfully. They take her back to their Pack and proceed to claim her - for her own safety, of course. But Jade doesn't want to be claimed and has no knowledge of what is expected from her in their eyes. She can't fight back physically so she shuts them out instead.

What follows is an intricate layering of expectations and reality. Told from multiple perspectives, you get to see the inner workings of all of them. I loved Jade's strength in adversity and the size of her heart when she forgives. I loved all the Alphas (although it was definitely in question for a time!) and Brody was just a cinnamon roll to give you cavities! This little family won me over with their recognition of doing wrong and their attempts to make amends.

One thing to mention - 'that' non-con scene. It's not gratuitous. It's there for a reason, and it's not shock value. It plays an integral part in the story, showing how the Alphas believe they are doing the right thing, but also showing how terrifying it is for Jade, who has absolutely no knowledge of the human body. No, it's not comfortable reading. There's no way in hell it should be. But it is so extremely well-written. If you can, read it, don't skip it.

The ending was simply superb. I adored the last sentence! I really hope we return to this world. I would love to know how they are all getting along, or maybe have cameos from them as we find a new family to tag along with.

Absolutely brilliant and HIGHLY RECOMMENDED by me. Just remember the TWs.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Oct 3, 2023
Lodrick & Godefroy (Ambrosia #1)
Lodrick & Godefroy (Ambrosia #1)
Lucie Fleury | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved the marked differences between Godefroy and Aldred!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is the first book in the Ambrosia series, but I am reading this AFTER I already read book 2, Rowan & Aldred. I would say, because of that, they can both be read as stand alone reads, but are best enjoyed when read in order,

I loved, like LOVED book two. It was so dark and deadly and it pushed ALL my buttons. This one is not so dark, but it still pushed my buttons, just in a different way, and I loved it too!

Lodrick, as a human, is given Ambrosia, and gets addicted. It only takes one sip, after all. Lodrick is rescued from the throes pf addiction by Godefroy, the God of Peace and Harmony. He has long since given up on finding a companion, will Lodrick accept him?

What I loved about this, was how very DIFFERENT Godefroy and Aldred are, in all ways. Aldred had no desire to soothe Rowan, (at least, not at first) but Godefroy is all about soothing Lodrick, and keeping him happy.

Lodrick, however, thinks Godefroy is too much: too sweet, too kind, and too suffocating and at the worst time, he pushes Godefroy away. Neither of them knew that Godefroy would suffer as well as Lodrick.

The book comes with couple of trigger warnings.

Addiction: Lodrick becomes addicted to Ambrosia, and there is no getting over it. He can only exist as a nymph, as Godefroy's nymph, getting his fix from Godefroy and the smexy times. Lodrick knows this, but he hates it, at first.

Dub/non Con: While Lodrick is away with Godefroy at another Goddess's party, and finds himself in the middle of a rather large smexy pile. Now, at points, he does say he wants it, he needs it. But, at others, he realises the situation he finds himself in. It was difficult reading, once Lodrick realises, and I wasn't sure he was going to get out of it.

So, some darker lines, but nothing as dark as book 2 and I loved that it wasn't! It's an altogether lighter read than book 2, but not a fluffy read, at all.

And I loved it!! I think had I read this BEFORE book 2, I might not have loved it quite so much but the marked differences between Godefroy and Aldred, and also between Lodrick and Rowan make this book.

5 full and shiny stars
Surreal Estate
Surreal Estate
Jesi Lea Ryan | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
love love LOVED this one!
Sasha can't live at home, so he's on the streets. He finds an empty home that calls to his 6th sense and moves in. Then Nick buys the house. The house reacts badly to Nick wanting to sell it, and makes Nick's already tight budget and time frame almost impossible. Sasha doesn't want Nick to end up in the hospital, or worse, so he has to come up with something quick, while clearly out and healing his grandfather's house.

I won a copy of this book, and I am so bloody glad I did! Ms Ryan usually writes Young Adult and had this book came with that tag, I would not have entered, cos I'm not a YA fan. This is Ms Ryan's first foray into a much more adult setting, and into the male/male genre, and BOY does she smash it out the park!

Sasha can read houses, they call to him. His skill isn't made immediately clear, and we have to wait for the full picture. I think it really hit me, just what this meant for Sasha, when he was healing his grandfather's house.

I loved we got all of Nick's internal wrangling with himself over his growing feelings and attraction to Sasha. Loved that he was like, "okay then, must be bi" Loved the interaction between Nick and his brothers! His older brother needs a story now, needs to find his happy ever after, especially after what happened here. Well both brothers should have a story, I think!

It's not overly explicit, I thought, but it wans't lacking in any thing regards to the heat and steam level between these two! Not at all! It does carry a violence and drug use warning. These ARE needed and are an integral part of the story, but they are all off screen. We know Sasha's mum does drugs, but we don't see it. We know WHAT happened to Nick, cos we deal with the fall out, but not HOW. It also comes with a non-con warning. It's mostly touching, and doesn't develop into a full blown attack, but could very well have. It needs mentioning though.

It's told from both Sasha and Nick's point of view, in the first person. Each change occurs as a a chapter changes and is clearly headed. I didn't quite manage to read it in one sitting, but very nearly!

I can't wait to see what Ms Ryan comes up with next. I love finding new to me authors, especially ones who step outside their comfort zone! She impressed me here, greatly, and, apparently, I'm a tough critic! I'm not sure that's true, but I LOVED this book.


5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Surprised by how much I enjoyed this film
I have a confession to make - I was surprised by how much I enjoyed SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY.

Going into this film, I felt that this film had a few things going against it:

1). Trying to replace Harrison Ford with another actor in the title role.
2). Bringing in Ron Howard to "rescue" the film.
3). Overcoming Star Wars "fatigue" from the less than enthusiastic response to THE LAST JEDI.

And you know what? It has overcome these things - and more!

Set sometime between Episode 3 and Episode 4 (and before ROGUE ONE), SOLO is, in essence, the origin story of everyone's favorite rascal, but is told in an interesting way - as a heist/caper film.

Credit must be given to writers Lawrence Kasdan (THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK) and his son Jonathan Kasdan. They have developed a fast paced, twisty, back and forth con-man film disguised as a sci-fi film set long ago in a galaxy far, far away.

Bringing in Howard was a good, competent move, for he moves the plot along sprightly and the special effects-laden chase sequences are tightly paced - if unspectacular - but they help move the action along - and doesn't get in the way. There is no "special effects for special effects-sake" sequences and Howard's workmanlike approach works well. He lets his strong cast strut on the screen with their strong characters which is wise of him for he inherited a film sprinkled with very good talent who looked like they were having fun with their characters.

Start with Woody Harrelson as Solo's mentor. He provides a solid anchor to the proceedings. As does Emilia Clarke as Solo's best friend/love interest. She more than holds her own with Solo and Harrelson - and is as much a "rascal" as the other two.. Also providing a good turn is Paul Bettany as the main villain.

As with most Star Wars films, the "non-human" continue to be interesting. Starting with Lady Proxima (voiced by Linda Hunt), followed by Rio Durant (voiced by Jon Favreau) and the robot L3 (voiced by Phoebe Waller-Bridge), all were interesting characters, rendered well.

And...of course...there is Chewbacca (performed by Joonas Suotamo). I was thrilled to revisit the friendship between "Chewie" and Han. It was really easy to forget that you were watching a person in a Wookie costume. There is a rumor of a Chewbacca movie - and I'm all for it.

Speaking of "friendships" - this film also explores the beginnings of the HAN SOLO/LANDO CALRISSIAN friendships - and Donald Glover almost steals the movie in his portrayal of Lando. He has the swagger, debonair (and slightly feminine) attitude of the character down.

Which leads me to Alden Ehrenreich's performance as Solo. I have mentioned Harrelson...and Clarke...and Glover...and Bettany...and the CG characters...and Chewbacca...and this leaves Ehreneich's portrayal somewhat in the background. Don't get me wrong, he does a GOOD job as Solo, but - I feel - he just lacks the charisma and screen presence of the rest of them, and, of course, of Harrison Ford. He grew on me as the film progressed, but I felt he faded into the background at times - where he should have been up front.

But...this is a a film who's energy, pace and characters really worked for me - more than I thought it would.

Letter Grade: A-

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)

Darren (1599 KP) rated 48 HRS (1982) in Movies

Jun 20, 2019  
48 HRS (1982)
48 HRS (1982)
1982 | Action, Comedy
7.2 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: 48 Hrs starts as Ganz (Remar) gets broken out of jail while on work detail by Billy Bear (Landham), he heads off to clean up old debts leaving cops bodies in his path of destruction. It doesn’t take long for Ganz to clash with detective Jack Cates (Nolte), where Ganz forces Jack into a difficult situation.

Jack must go to prisoner Reggie Hammond (Murphy) a wise cracking con man to help track down Ganz using his street knowledge. In what is an unlikely partnership turns into something special as the two find a way to get to the bottom of the crime.


Thoughts on 48 Hrs


Characters – Jack Cates is a grizzled cop, he gets the job done with his experience keeping him in high regard. He must stop the killer using criminal Reggie Hammond as the best chance to catch this killer. Reggie Hammond is a criminal near the end of his stint in jail, he is wise-cracking fast-talking meaning he can bullshit his way out of any situation he finds himself in. He uses this chance of time out of jail to settle a few scores. Elaine is the girlfriend of Jack who is tired of not making things serious between the two. Ganz is the killer on the loose, after his break from prison, he has a short-temper which causes his itchy trigger finger to fire on any enemy he comes across.

Performances – Nick Nolte is a great choice for a seemingly warn down cop, he takes the non-sense style needed for the role and goes with it. Eddie Murphy was one of the most popular stand-up comedians at the time, this was his film debut and he handed it very well, bringing his own energy to the role which could have been something we have seen before. James Remar is good as a villain because it is a character we have seen before, but he really convinces in this role. There is a negative here, that is Annette O’Toole, which to be fair isn’t her fault because the character is written so poorly

Story – The story follows a cop and a criminal work together to stop another criminal, yes this is a buddy cop movie. We have unlikely partnership which must work together to get the common goal. This is a story we have seen plenty of times since and it seems to be a hit or miss through the years, but this does keep things simple enough to enjoy not looking to throw us any surprises along the way.

Action/Crime/Comedy – The action is by the book for cops and criminals, nothing is over the top and mostly comes off like you would expect. The crime world is the cop needing to work with the criminal that is the best chance to catch a cop killer. The comedy comes from the odd pairing that must work together.

Settings – The film is set in San Francisco which always seems to be a great location for any crime comedy world to unfold.

Scene of the Movie – Settle this with fists.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Ganz seems a lot easier to catch.

Final Thoughts – This is a good buddy comedy that bought us Eddie Murphy to the big screen. We get the action and comedy without being buried with one too often and most importantly we are entertained.


Overall: Great fun action comedy.
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
Fast & Furious Presents: Hobbs & Shaw (2019)
2019 | Action, Adventure
Good popcorn nonsense.
“Remember who we are. The Shaw family. We never, never, never give up.”
(That title is especially for my friends the Shaw family!).

Well, the patchy British summer’s just about up, and autumn’s chilly fingers are touching up the UK. And yet I still hadn’t seen the summer hit “Hobbs and Shaw”! Until last night.

It’s utter nonsense of course, like most of the “Fast and Furious” films, but I have to admit it’s done with some tongue in cheek style.

The plot
A vicious cyber-soldier, Brixton (Idris Elba) tries to steal a deadly virus but is thwarted by brave MI6 agent Hattie (Vanessa Kirby). To help recover the virus, Deckard Shaw (Jason Statham) is recruited in London by CIA agent Loeb (Rob Delaney, the “non-super” hero Peter in “Deadpool 2“). In an interesting piece of related casting, the Eteon Director (Champ Nightengale – LoL, a cameo for someone far more famous) recruits Luke Hobbs (Dwayne Johnson) in LA as a part of the team.

Both agents know they are heading for trouble… but do they really appreciate how much the pair hate each other’s guts?

The trail leads from London to the Ukraine to (a very picturesque) Samoa in a race against time to both defeat the undefeatable Brixton and save Hattie: now a ticking time bomb of global destruction. And Hattie has relations!

Absurd stunts.
As a “Fast and Furious” film there are of course some truly absurd car stunts involved and – unlike the Mission Impossible films – you are never quite sure what is “real” and what is CGI generated. Which is a shame.

For me, the gold standard for chases remains Tom Cruise‘s chase through Paris in “Mission Impossible: Fallout“. Here, the car chase through London – whilst impressive – never quite reaches the seat clenching tension of MI6.

And a final stunt with a helicopter is – I’m sorry – just plain ridiculous. If a chopper can partially lift 5 x load then why can’t it completely lift 1 x load. Give me a break!

To round things off, there is one of the most unbelievable “100% survival of a car crashing off a cliff” scenes in movie history!

The acting is largely from the Arnie Swartzenegger school, with Johnson and Statham giving it the old shtick. Dwayne Johnson may be one of Hollywood’s most bankable stars (the boy has done REAL good for himself), but he can’t do serious acting. His “pathos” scenes with his daughter (a vibrant Eliana Sua) are excruciating.

Dropping in as class acts are Helen Mirren as the elder Shaw and the excellent Vanessa Kirby as Hattie. Kirby gets a lot more to get her teeth into than in the last Mission Impossible movie, and is really very good. Mirren is rather too posh to be the incarcerated East End con, but is a fun turn nevertheless.

Also excellent, as always, is Eddie Marsan as the key scientist. Marsan really turns in a splendid performance in every film he’s in. He’s top of “Division 2” in my books. Never the star, but always starring.

Mexican actress Eiza González (from “Baby Driver“) also crops up as an unfeasibly good-looking Russian femme fatale.

“I hate you”. “No, I hate you”. Blah, blah, blah.
Writers Chris Morgan and Drew Pearce do a good job at keeping the script light and fluffy. The animosity between Hobbs and Shaw is played to 110%, and for me the interplay frankly became a bit tiresome. But it’s a fun-enough film to entertain, although it’s bladder-testing running time of 2 hours 17 minutes is at least 30 minutes too long. There is a natural Ukraine-based finale, but it’s not taken, and the film goes on… and on… and on…. and on. Enough already.

I’ve said many times before that comedies shouldn’t last more than 90 minutes, and although an “action film” this is fundamentally a comedy and the rule should apply. It would have been a much better film if it was compacted.

Sexism diverted.
I did criticize “Fast and Furious 8” for scenes that brazenly objectified women. And there was a moment – just one, fortunately – with a gyrating bikini-clad beauty – where I thought “uh, oh” – this franchise has not moved with the times.

But actually, this was the only scene where I thought that. Cinema has moved along massively in the last two years, driven by the “Times Up” movement. Here the women are all given pretty leading “kick-ass” roles, and they generally show the muscle-bound morons up, often saving their arses.

Final Thoughts.
It’s summer popcorn nonsense, but its well done popcorn nonsense. Probably not a film high on my list of films I want to see again, but as an entertainment vehicle it was not too shabby.