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The Byline Bible
The Byline Bible
Susan Shapiro | 2018 | Reference
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In this wholly entertaining guide for freelance writers looking to climb the publication ladder, professor and scribe Susan Shapiro transfers her highly successful, results oriented course to print in a lively new release.

Serving up various writing assignments that might result in you finding out where your strengths lie, from mining your life for irresistible personal essay fodder to locating someone to pitch it to (as well as how to respond to a critique and the most common reactions to expect), Shapiro guides old and new freelancers throughout the entire process from submit to print.

Reminding writers that the fastest way to burn a bridge is to respond to an email in anger, she offers another practical reason to bite one's tongue as charming someone on the staff of a publication with your sincerity, reliability, and professionalism might make an editor far more willing to work with you to get your piece publication ready than a total stranger would be.

With decades of proven experience to back her up both personally as a writer and professionally as a teacher, Shapiro includes countless columns and articles penned by her students over the years as examples throughout.

Giving it to you straight while maintaining a healthy sense of relatable optimism and dry wit that keeps you flipping pages, Susan Shapiro's compellingly readable Byline Bible makes a worthwhile addition to your nonfiction shelf.

Note: I received this title from Bookish First in exchange for an honest review.
What Happened to Daddy's Body? by Elke Barber, Alex Barber is a children's nonfiction book about death of a loved one. It talks about cremation and burial. It is a simple and easy to understand, which makes it great for kids who have experienced death of a family member or loved one.

The main character is Alex who is 4 years old and lives with his sister and mother. His father has died and Alex wonders what happened to his father's physical body. His mother explains after his father died he was put into a coffin and was cremated. I liked how the writers broke the story down and explained cremation in a way a 4 year old would understand death and what happens after death.

I was not a fan of the artwork, which I felt took away from the story. A little issue I had with the story was that there was a step-family introduced so quickly to the end of the story. I did not see how it fit in with the timeline and the story. The issue of a new parent and siblings seems a bit too much overload on a child when they are trying to get over one hurdle and not increase anxiety. I would have saved John and his five kids for a later books on step-families.

I give this book 3/4 stars.

I received this book from Jessica Kingsley Publishers via Netgalley in exchange for an honest review.

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated What Bug Am I? in Books

Nov 27, 2020  
What Bug Am I?
What Bug Am I?
Skye Wade | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What Bug am I? is a well-written book. It uniquely teaches STEM. It combines nonfiction and fiction. It a cute and funny book. You learn about many different bugs while to find out what this new bug is trying to find out what he is.

You get some real facts about different bugs throughout the book. Those you get a funny story about the bug looking for someone like him. It like he just does not know who he is. Children will learn all about the different bugs. This is a neat idea and a clever way to teach children.

The pictures are well done and enjoyable. I was somewhat creeped out about the real pictures of some of the bugs. But not creeped out where I closed the book, the look of them had me wanting to turn the page. It is really good for all kinds of children that can learn about bugs and other things. If you are what STEM means well I will put the explanation in for you below.

STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach.

Parents will want this for their children if you like bugs or some teachable moment about nature. We get to learn about nature and the different bugs we have in our backyard and house. These kinds of books are enjoyable for young readers and school-age children. I love children's books and sometimes learning about the different bugs or learning something new about bugs I knew about them.
The Murder of King Tut
The Murder of King Tut
James Patterson | 2009 | History & Politics
4.8 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE MURDER OF KING TUT—THE PLOT TO KILL THE CHILD KING (Audio Book) by James Patterson and Martin Dugard, read by Joe Barrett
Genre: non-fiction thriller
Rating: 4.5/5

Summary: James Patterson tells a story in three parts—one part, the mysterious death of King Tut, the second part the discovery of his tomb by Carter, and the third part his writing, own exploration, research, and discovery of the elusive history of the boy king.

Thoughts: This is one of the best James Patterson books I’ve ever read (listened too). JP has taken an age old mystery and solved it. Yes, it appears as though the mystery of Tut is mystery no more. This book is very alive, even though the plot revolves around a murder. I felt like I was standing right there, watching it all take place. At times, I felt like the characters themselves. This was an amazing escape from reality.

Characters (5/5): Characters should be relatable for a book to be enjoyable, and the characters in Tut’s world were wonderful. They were highly developed right away, and were the kind that either you routed for or hated with a passion.

Writing (4/5/5): James is an awesome writer. I always love reading his work because it’s so lyric. His words flow smoothly and he doesn’t overuse too many phrases (though several “waves” of various things did “wash over” many people).

Content (4/5): There was barely any language in this book, which was a nice change of JP’s work. It wasn’t necessary, either. It just goes to show that the point can be made—and made well—without filthy language. There was a little bit of sex but it wasn’t too graphic, nor was it frequent.

Reader (4/5): I really liked the voice of the reader for this book. I’ve heard some pretty awful ones before, I’ll say that much right now! But Joe’s voice was perfect for this book. The only thing I didn’t like were the voices he put with the characters—the accents were pretty lousy, and when he put on a “fake” voice for the child characters, it just sounded a little silly. I was glad when Tut got old enough that he didn’t have to do that anymore!

Recommendation: Ages 16+ to lovers of fiction, history, nonfiction, thrillers, mystery, or to any James-Patterson-addict.
An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth
An Astronaut's Guide to Life on Earth
Chris Hadfield | 2015 | Biography
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Amazing, easy-to-read memoir
Wow. Just wow. I woke up far earlier than I wanted to this morning, so I picked up one of the nonfiction books I had from the library, expecting it to put me back to sleep. Three hours later I was still awake, nearly done with the book, and absolutely enthralled. I’m not sure why I thought it would be otherwise – I’d been one of the millions fascinated with Hadfield’s videos and tweets when he was Commander of the ISS. His particular voice is very clear throughout this book. In 284 pages he takes us from his childhood, through his career path to becoming an astronaut, to his 5 months in the International Space Station, and back home. Nothing felt rushed, nothing felt like it didn’t get the attention it deserved. I’m pretty sure this is going to be one of my favorite books of 2017 – I have several months to read more things, but this book just absolutely blew me away.

It does appeal to how I like to read about science, though. I love reading about scientists. How they worked, how they made their discoveries, the paths they took. Who they were. I’m less interested in the actual science. This is part of why I loved A Short History of Nearly Everything, by Bill Bryson, so much. I borrowed that book from the library and read it cover to cover, fascinated. Finally had to buy my own copy.

Hadfield took space exploration and made it accessible to everyone. According to the book, he didn’t even quite realize how big of an impact he was making at first. But between tweeting pictures from the ISS, making videos of how different life was in space, and making music videos, he really did become the most well-known astronaut of our generation. I remember putting his video of I.S.S. (Is Somebody Singing) on repeat when it came out – and it STILL gives me chills today.

He only briefly talked about Is Somebody Singing in the book, which I found surprising, given it was the one that hit me the hardest. He spent more time talking about filming and recording Space Oddity – which does have 36 million views, to I.S.S.’s 2 million. So I suppose that makes sense! (I'm going to attach both videos to the book page.)

One thing he keeps coming back to in his book is his philosophy of trying to be a zero. That doesn’t sound very ambitious on the surface – but what he means is you can be one of three things in a group. You can be a negative impact (a -1) a neutral impact (a zero) or a positive impact (a +1). If you try to be a +1, it’s far likelier that you’ll try too hard, fuck up, and instead become a negative impact. So aim to be a zero. And most of the time you’ll wind up as a positive impact. I thought that was a very unique philosophy.

You can find all my reviews at
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
I'm generally not a memoir person. But if I'm going to read a memoir (or even nonfiction), I'll choose anything about the Holocaust (I find that time period sadistically interesting).

<i>Hidden Gold</i> deserves about as much praise as Anne Frank's <i>Diary of a Young Girl</i>. A story set in another part of Europe (Poland) during Hitler's reign, Burakowski tells us her family's survival, hidden away from society in the hopes that they won't be found out.

For two years, the Golds hid with the Lanskis in a small part of a barn in Kolkow, surviving with very little sustenance. During that time, their hope dwindles little by little, but the two families still cling on to their pasts, even if that life will be impossible to get back to after everything blows over.

I loved how Burakowski introduces us to her family and the people that the Golds were involved with, giving us lots of background information on how Leib met Hanna and how the Golds lived their life in the early parts of the war. Burakowski also gives us insight on the growing hypocrisy and horrors among society as Hitler's power and anti-Semitism grew, giving us visuals on how life was like for the Jews back in the late 1930s and early 1940s. We're also shown the inner turmoils going on with those who had good relations with Jews and now having to choose whether or not they should help Jews, or give in to the propaganda.

Shoshana, Hanna's daughter, is extremely admirable. She's willing to go out to the Germans, pretending to be one of them, to buy her family time. She is also willing to risk her life a few times to get her family's money from Pi?czów, and going back again <em>while</em> she felt ill. If I were in her place, I'd probably continue to curl up in a fetal little ball. (Despite the fact I'm considered living in "poverty," I'm pretty much a lucky duckling. Also, being an only child, I'm probably a <em>little</em> spoiled.)

David is perhaps one of those where all the feels will come. Like any little kid, he's full of mischief and mayhem, but going through such a dark time at a really young age, he's extremely brave, confident, and has the most hope for the family getting out alive.

Although most of <i>Hidden Gold</i> is focused on the Gold's survival during Hitler running rampant with the final solution, Burakowski finalizes the story from David's viewpoint with how each of the family members were impacted years later in the future. For those interested in what happened in other parts of Europe or a survival story outside of concentration camps, Ella Burakowski's <i>Hidden Gold</i> makes a fantastic contribution depicting the horrors of the Holocaust.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Fun observations about Graham's career (1 more)
Not as detailed as you might be hoping for (0 more)
Ideal for Graham/Gilmore Girls/Parenthood fans
Lauren Graham's first nonfiction work is a series of stories and essays covering her thoughts on her time on Gilmore Girls (both the old show and the new Netflix series), her childhood, breaking into acting, Parenthood, and more. It's told in Graham's unique, humorous voice, and it's just a fun, witty look at her life and what it was like to play Lorelai Gilmore (twice).

I've read a spate of celebrity memoirs over the years and always felt a tad let down. Of late, I've read Anna Kendrick's and Carrie Fisher's latest. I enjoyed them, but they just didn't completely fit the bill for me. (Is that the phrase? I don't know. This is why I'll never get my own memoir.) But Graham's book was really fun and a step above. I know it won't be that way for everyone. And I'm not just completely swayed by my absolute love for both Lauren and her characters (both Lorelai and Sarah Braverman), because I also love Anna Kendrick, Tina Fey, etc, and didn't adore their memoirs.

Graham's book is filled with fun observations about her work over the years, particularly on Gilmore Girls. I could have read about 100,000 more of her perceptions. Some of them are so unfathomable because they counteract the completely realistic portrayal of the characters on the show. But they are insightful and intriguing. Graham reminisces about her time on the actual show -- a lot of it reinforced by going back and watching the episodes (something she does reluctantly, as she hates watching herself on film). She admits that she doesn't remember a lot about that time without the help of watching the show. I've read a lot of reviews that her insights about that time on the show are slim, and it's true, but I still found them delightful and entertaining. Since she doesn't remember much otherwise, I'd rather have these tidbits than nothing. Plus, there's more to the book than just those memories. (Still, can we all just petition Lauren Graham to keep a diary for the rest of her life going forward?)

While reading the book, it's kind of crazy to realize how much can change in eight years -- between the end of Gilmore Girls and the start of the reunion show on Netflix. Graham points that out too, in the humorous way that only she can pull off. The layout of her book works, and I liked all the pictures she interspersed throughout. She's a strong writer, and the little life lessons at the end of each chapter do not seem too forced. We hear about her childhood, her relationship with Peter Krause, and Graham's aversion to technology. What I enjoyed is that Graham comes across as both believable and appreciative of her fame (unlike some memoirs I've read lately).

Finally, Graham kept a journal during her time on the Netflix revival of Gilmore Girls, so we get a little more insight into that show. My favorites were some of the guest characters, how she had no idea about the four words controversy all these years, and her actual thoughts on those infamous four words. Overall, sure, this book is a little light. But it still spans a lot of Graham's life and I felt like a learned a decent amount about her, considering she's such a private person (something she repeatedly mentions). She's a fun and humorous woman, and I gained some insights about all the various versions of Gilmore Girls I would have never had before. I read this book in basically one day and thoroughly loved it. This book may not have the same impact on someone who isn't a Graham/Gilmore Girls/Parenthood fan, but if you are, it's a fun, quick read.