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p3anut (62 KP) rated Sonic the Hedgehog (2020) in Movies

Jan 16, 2022 (Updated Jan 16, 2022)  
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)
2020 | Action, Adventure, Animation
Action Humor One liners (0 more)
Human elemants (0 more)
In a world of bad video game movies this stands out.
Contains spoilers, click to show
So first off this movie had the basic video game movie flaw of how do we turn a popular game into a live action movie? The overall buddy road trip aspect of this movie was pretty boring. But the comedy and the action is what ultimately saves this movie. This is Jim Carrey in a rare return to form. If there's anyone who could bring eggman to life in a believable way it's him. James Marsdens character is ultimately forgettable (like most.of the human characters) but he does add the heart aspect to this movie and the fact that sonic finally doesn't feel alone. I hope the sequels focus more on world building and less on the live action characters with the exception of Dr robotnic and his Assistant.
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1993)
Ace Ventura: Pet Detective (1993)
1993 | Action, Comedy
Finkle and Einhorn, Einhorn and Finkle ...
Early 90s comedy movie starring a then up-and-coming Jim Carrey (before he completely went off the rails), round about the time of Dumb and Dumber and the Mask.

Of those three, this has probably aged the least well - I would be shocked if they could get away with some of the stuff they did here nowadays (particularly the whole Einhorn and Finkle plotline).

Anyway - provided you're not too easily offended - Carrey plays the eponymous Ace Ventura, a detective who specialises in finding missing animals, and who is hired (by none other than Courtney Cox) when the Miami Dolphins mascot - an actual Dolphin - is kidnapped on the Superbowl weekend.

Which probably means more the American audiences than any other.

The film does still raise the odd wry chuckle, but I was obviously easier amused back in the day ...
The Star (Charleston Condors #1)
The Star (Charleston Condors #1)
Beth Bolden | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved that there is no real drama!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian,I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 1 in the Charleston Condors series, and I will admit that I only read it, because I was offered book 2 via the blog, but said I would read this one too.

I'm glad I did!

I really rather enjoyed this. The thing I loved, and I mean LOVED, the most was: there really isn't much drama in this book!

Oh there is some, don't get me wrong, but it's mostly around Riley's big brother, Aidan, being an overbearing twatwaffle! I get it, to some extent, but Aidan took the "bringing my brother up" thing to the extreme and became . . . difficult. Landry, as Aidan's best friend, was kinda stuck between them, but I loved that Landry stood up for Riley against Aidan, even before Landry was fully aware of his feelings for Riley. But there is no DRAMA, you know? There is not nutty ex, no massive break up/make up, none of that, Just one man falling in love with his best friends little brother, when he thought he was straight, and that little brother acting on his long time crush! And it made for a wonderful read.

My only niggle, and it really is just a very personal, none-US citizen thing. There is a lot of detailed football play. The majority of the terms used, and what they mean, went straight over my head and I mostly glanced over those scenes. I have no clue about what American football entails, or what a play is, or any of those terms, so on that point, I didn't like it.


Now I know what to expect, I can brace myself for the second book, The Game. I am aware of the football scenes coming, and I can make peace with them :-)

4 wonderful Stars!

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
James Bond, Vol. 1: VARGR
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Confession time... I've never read an Ian Fleming James Bond novel.

Don't hate me. They're on the list.

But I have seen all the films, so when Dynamite announced they were doing a Bond comic, I figured I'd give it a go. All in all, not to bad. An enjoyable, if pedestrian Bond plot, with all the trappings to make it Bond. Brutal deaths, sly jokes, cool weapons, sexual innuendo, and everything blows up at the end. What more could you want?

I liked the art work, although it was a bit graphic for a Bond film, this is obviously a "dark and gritty" reboot style telling. And that's fine, just expect that when you go in. Bond looks more like Sterling Archer than Daniel Craig, and that's also fine, since Craig isn't at the top of my Bond list anyway. In fact, none of the characters are drawn to represent anyone specific, so separate continuity and all that.

I hoped for more, but wasn't disappointed.
77 Shadow Street
77 Shadow Street
Dean Koontz | 2012 | Essays
8.0 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wow! This book was unlike anything I've ever read before! I'd read some of Dean Koontz's books in the past, but none of them were like least that I remember. I have to say I was wowed.
  This books tells the story of The Pendleton which like the cover tells you is located at 77 Shadow Street. The old mansion has a checkered past that was linked to several unsolved murders & kidnappinngs. The mansion was converted to luxury condos in the '70s. The book is set it 2011 just as the next 38 year cycle is about to start. The house is a strange place already & becomes even stranger for the current residents when the leap happens.
  I hesitate to say much more because there are so many twists & turns that I don't want to inadvertantly ruin this ride for you if you intend to read it. Which I suggest you do. Just don't read it before bed!
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children
Ransom Riggs | 2013 | Children, Young Adult (YA)
7.9 (128 Ratings)
Book Rating
This book was not what I expected it to be, but I don't think that makes it deserve the many negative reviews.

 This book is not a "horror" book, with the exception of the "evil" characters who created the reasons for the plot to go where it went. It IS a weird book. I love weird, or should I say "peculiar".

The best thing about the book (and why so many thought it was different than what it was) is that the story was written completely around these found vintage, sometimes creepy, photographs. None of the images were altered with "modern" photoshop, but no one actually knows the real stories behind them or how much they were actually a trick of the camera.

This is Young Adult and so a fairly quick read, but it's also a different kind of fantasy story that is worth the read. Beware, however, the ending does NOT allow you to leave this book without needing to read the sequel.
The Dark Tower (2017)
The Dark Tower (2017)
2017 | Horror, Sci-Fi, Western
Hollywood seems to be going for a Stephen King binge at the moment, and this one isn't great. I haven't yet read the books and even though this doesn't do anything to promote them it hasn't put me off.

There was so much potential for this film to be amazing but it felt so rushed, as if they weren't confident it would be good enough to get a sequel so they crammed as much as they could to get the story properly resolved (like Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children). None of the characters developed beyond your initial impression of them, almost as if that was all sacrificed at the expense of fitting too much into the film. I'm sure there were also little details about the world that would have made it much more interesting, if the few bits that made the final cut were any indication.

An easy film to watch that doesn't ask you to engage your brain but very disappointing.

Erika (17788 KP) rated Alita: Battle Angel (2019) in Movies

Feb 18, 2019 (Updated Feb 18, 2019)  
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
Alita: Battle Angel (2019)
2019 | Action, Fantasy, Sci-Fi
The fight/action scenes (0 more)
Everything else (0 more)
This movie was on the borderline between good and just ok, I rounded up. I was irritated because the theater where I have the subscription with was only showing the film in 3D. I'm not a huge 3D fan, and don't think anything is really added by it.
I know James Cameron was supposed to be the main draw, but I think he's pompous, and Avatar is not a good movie (IMO/it's lame and a snore). I was there mainly for Robert Rodriguez, he's a BFD here.
Essentially, it's Ghost in the Shell with a different story around it. I loved the fight/actions scenes, I was riveted by those. But, everything around it was kind of lame with bad dialogue and an unnecessary love story.
I also hated that it left on a cliffhanger. The movie drastically under-performed, leading to the worst Presidents' Day box office in the US since 2004. Likelihood of a sequel? Slim to none.
Dumbo (1941)
Dumbo (1941)
1941 | Animation, Classics, Family
The cartoon returns...
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was never the biggest fan of this one, having seen it to death as a child. "Dumbo" was in many ways regarded as a lesser Disney classic, never really treated with the same regard as "Pinocchio", "Snow White" or "Bambi". But as I continue to work my way through this studio's classics, I am more than pleasantly surprised to rediscover this gem.

With a short running time of 64 minutes, which must barely qualify as film, this was the most cartoonish Disney feature of this era that I had seen, definitely not to the same higher brow animation standards of the afore-mentioned, but funnier and more enjoyable, without a doubt.

The little engine that could humour and the overall concept, being more zany that its counterparts help this stand out and being a much more entertaining piece of cinema than I had originally given it credit for. Not the greatest animation in history, but fun none the less.