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Conrad (Assassin's To Order #4)
Conrad (Assassin's To Order #4)
JP Sayle, Lisa Oliver | 2023 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
saved the best for last!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

This is book 4 in the Assassins To Order series, and I strongly recommend you read books 1 to 3 first. OR at least, book 3 Duron. The Devil pops up first in that book.

I think, for me, Sayle and Oliver saved the best for last! I LOVED this, the final book.

Conrad is an assassin, and Kylo a police officer in Paraguay where the lost boys seem to originate from. Kylo has been chasing The Devil for 20 years and calling for an assassin to finally help him seemed like a good idea. Until Conrad gets off the plane and they scent each other: mates!

What I especially liked about this one was that Conrad is fully aware of his sexuality, while his brothers had not been. And Kylo calls to his Dom, much like his lion. And while Kylo is an Alpha male, a panther, he doesn't question Conrad and his connection and what Conrad can do for him, he just goes with it, and accepts what the Fates have planned for him.

Loved that Wyatt pops up, and who with and how THAT all plays out! Kinda saw that coming in the last book, but loved that it gets explained.

The Devil and what happens with all that was a surprise, and I loved the showdown! I'm still not entirely sure how many animals Conrad has, but they range from a blue dragon to a spider and everything inbetween. What happens between them all at the showdown was shocking but Kylo took it all in his stride. Loved that, while Conrad's lion is his most Dominant animal, the dragon has to have the last say!

There is talk of the other assassins, but only Wyatt pops up, The Thalassa guys are mentioned as well, but none appear here. I kinda missed them!

I'll miss ALL these guys, now both series are finished, but I think this really was a fitting end. I do hope we get some follow ups shorts!

I was waiting for this, and it did not disappoint.

5 full and shiny stars

*same worded review will appear elsewhere

Hazel (2934 KP) rated Hide in Books

Dec 11, 2021  
Nell Pattison | 2021 | Crime, Thriller
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is what I would call a slow burn - it never really ignites fully and sometimes fizzles to the point it almost goes out but, generally, it just stays at a solid gas mark 3 for the most part.

Seven members of a nature group come together for a Boxing Day gathering to watch a murmuration within a nature reserve. Seems like a fairly innocuous and harmless way to spend a day and evening usually spent eating leftovers and vegging in front of the television and it is, until a shot rings out and one of their party is dead.

Each of the remaining six have secrets they don't want made common knowledge and therefore each have a motive for murder. None of the characters have many redeeming features if I'm honest and it wouldn't have made any difference to me who was the victim as I didn't particularly like any of them.

What follows is infighting which results in the group splitting up (never a good idea - have they never watched a horror film!) and suspicions falling on one person, then another, then another ... well, you get the idea. More shots are heard, people are separated further, injuries happen, more separation and more infighting and, all the while, the secrets they want to stay hidden gradually come to light.

What I enjoyed about this book was the sense of claustrophobia and isolation that was well captured and, as seems to be the norm with Nell's books, the inclusion of a character who is deaf added something a bit different.

What I didn't like about it was there was too much time spent describing stuff that didn't really seem to add to the story and this resulted in it dragging - hence the slow burn.

I have read a few of Nell's other books and this does seem to be a pattern with her stories but there have been plenty of people who have absolutely raved about this book so please, please don't judge it from my review alone.

Remember, if we all liked the same things, it would be a very, very boring world indeed!

Thanks go to Avon Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.

Merissa (11839 KP) rated Changeling (Outcast Mates #2) in Books

Feb 22, 2022 (Updated Jul 3, 2023)  
Changeling (Outcast Mates #2)
Changeling (Outcast Mates #2)
Lee Colgin | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
My wish came true! Mongrel is now the first book in the Outcast Mates series, with CHANGELING being the second. You have no idea how happy this made me!!!

AND we get to hear a little snapshot of Andras and Bowie, as well as hearing how Bettina is getting on with Erzsébet. I loved Andras and Bowie, and I love Sebastian and Dominus just as much.

So, quick recap, Sebastian thought he was human but was actually fae. Dominus is an incubus, cursed by the fae. So should be easy, right? Of course not!

Sebastian is floundering in this unknown world but is travelling to somewhere he has been told he will be made to feel welcome, for the small payment of some of his blood. During his travels, he is taken to Dominus' brothel where the attraction is instant. All that changes though once Dominus realises he is fae. What follows is another slow-burn romance that is both sweet and steamy. The relationship develops between Seb and Dom over time. Yes, there is insta-lust, but that isn't everything!

I am so happy Ms Colgin returned to this world. Not only are the characters delightful and loveable, but the world-building is second to none. I love the history side of things and the way she develops the story. No 'wham, bam, thank you, ma'am' here!

I adored Dominus when we met him in Mongrel but I wasn't sure I'd like him as much as Andras and Bowie. Well, I do. Simple as that. But who next? I want Leonas, Ivaz, Sachi, and Annais... do I need to continue? I could return to this world every day and be happy. That is how brilliant it is.

So, that being said, do I recommend it? Ah, go on then. If I must... 😆 Seriously though, read Mongrel and then read Changeling. They're both fantastic and I can't wait for more!!!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 22, 2022

Daniel Boyd (1066 KP) rated Sharp Objects in TV

Oct 4, 2018 (Updated Oct 4, 2018)  
Sharp Objects
Sharp Objects
2018 | Crime, Drama, Mystery
Decent cast (0 more)
Boring and drawn out (1 more)
Terrible ending
Overrated and Slow
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was looking forward to Sharp Objects when it premiered earlier this year. I love a whodunit thriller and am a fan of Gone Girl, Gillian Flynn's other adapted novel. I also read a bunch of glowing reviews before I dove into this series that promised an engaging, gripping story, which just made me more excited to get through the show.

Unfortunately, gripping isn't the word I would choose to describe this show. Engaging maybe, in that even though none of the characters that you are following are very likable, you do have a morbid curiosity to see what is going to happen to them. To be honest though, this series is only 8 episodes long and it was a slog to try and get through. Each episode drags something awful, to the point that 3 episodes in, I was ready to give up on this series. Then my girlfriend reminded me that it is only a limited series and will be worth sticking with to find out who the killer is in the end. Well, she was wrong about that last part, but we'll get back to that later.

I am not a huge Amy Adams fan, I feel that other than Arrival, she pretty much does the exact same thing in any role she is in. In this, she actually puts in a decent performance, it's more the way that her character is written that I take issue with. Camille is a whiney, dour character that is a drag to watch and none of the characters around her are any better. Her mother is a bitter, nasty old cow and her younger sister is an arrogant, immature little shit.

I haven't read the book, so I don't know if the pacing issues that the show has are inherent to the source material or the fault of the filmmakers. Either way, they are present and they are a detriment to this show. Every episode ends on an ambiguously exciting moment in order to keep you watching, then when the following episode picks up, it doesn't address whatever mad shit it just dropped on you at the end of the previous episode, to the point that I was left wondering a few times if I had actually missed out an episode in-between. Then it just drones on for another dull hour before dropping another inexplicable, shocking moment and it rinses and repeats this process throughout the entire series.


This also applies to the last episode, which ends with such a nonsensical, out-of-nowhere twist that is never justified or explained. It is a classic example of having a twist, simply for the sake of ending on a twist. A good twist ending makes a reveal that causes everything that the viewer has seen so far click into place, it explains everything at once and that is why endings to stories like Fight Club, Mr Robot and The Sixth Sense are so satisfying. This makes the viewer want to go back and re-watch the film or series again with the new knowledge of what is going to happen in their mind in order to see it from a different perspective and spot the hints that point towards the big reveal. A bad twist ending drops a bomb abruptly and offers no explanation to the bombshell and leaves the viewer baffled and annoyed.

That is what happens with Sharp Objects' ending. There is absolutely no precedent to Amma being the killer. When Adora got arrested, it was underwhelming but there was at least some precedent for Adora to be the killer based on her other messed up behaviour, which provided some explanation, but Amma makes literally no sense. They could honestly have picked any other character on the show to be the killer and it would have made more sense. There is a weird post credits scene that I feel that was put in as a half-arsed explanation for the nonsensical twist, but it really doesn't help matters any. Again, I haven't read the book so I don't know if the ending plays out the same way as the source material, or if it makes any more sense in the book, but in the show it is a mess.

Overall this is a slow burn that isn't even worth the slog of getting through thanks to a hugely disappointing payoff. The ending is the main reason that this only gets a 5. One of the most overrated things I've seen this year.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Mr. Deathmask in Books

Oct 1, 2017  
Mr. Deathmask
Mr. Deathmask
Lee McGeorge | 2017 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
5.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slightly sadistic
This book was sent to me by the author in exchange for an honest review.

A satanic cult, an angel, a ghost, and lots of murder, Mr. Deathmask is a novel like none other. Horror-novelist Lee McGeorge has created a character that blurs the lines between good and evil. Members of a satanic cult in the heart of London are slowly being killed off one-by-one by a mysterious figure going by the name of Mr Deathmask. The murders shock the community, not only in their brutality but because the worshippers of the “one true Lord” should not be able to be harmed by another living being.

Mr Deathmask, so named for collecting the death masks of his victims, is a man with superhuman strength who is believed to be a “son of light”, i.e. an angel. Accompanied by a ghost of a girl, Magdalena, he plans to seek out and destroy the satanic cult before they can raise the son of the devil.

To begin with, it is not easy to differentiate between the good and the bad. On one side is the anonymous murderer, and the other, the perverted and barbaric sect with unearthly powers. But once innocent lives get tangled up in the violent fiasco, it is clear whom the readers are expected to root for.

Hiding behind the façade of doctors and other professionals in the public sector, the cult easily preys on vulnerable people, resorting to sickening methods to satisfy their abominable desires. Difficult as it is to read about these vile deeds, Mr. Deathmask becomes gripping, the race is on to prevent unnecessary death and get revenge for something that happened centuries ago.

Mr. Deathmask is not for the delicate-minded individual due to its violent and sexual nature. Plenty of expletives and foul terminology make up the narrative, which, although is to be expected in this nature of novel, is not the easiest story to stomach.

Unlike previous books with heavy themes or social connotations, Lee McGeorge has penned Mr. Deathmask as a form of entertainment rather than to challenge morals and judgement of his readers. However, it still has its fair share of shock tactics to keep the story going. It will certainly entertain fans of the author and the genre.
Undeniable Lover (Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony #4)
Undeniable Lover (Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony #4)
Rosalie Redd | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Undeniable Lover (Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony #4) by Rosalie Redd
Undeniable Lover is the fourth book in the Worlds of Lemuria: Earth Colony series. This IS a series, so you would have to read it from book one for it to make sense. That being said, this book is a brilliant addition to the series.

Saar carries a scar on his face, and a whole load of guilt in his soul for something that happened in the past. He feels that no female will every want him, and shies away from most of them. There is one female though, that intrigues him, even though he should know better. Kaelyn is one of the Ursus, recently given to Zedron, and so rightfully fighting on the opposite side to Saar. However, none of the Ursus want to fight for Zedron, although they have no choice. Kaelyn and Saar end up fighting against each other, but Kaelyn is injured. Instead of leaving her to the other Ursus, Saar takes her back to the Keep, simply because he needs to know she is well.

The story moves on from there, with both Saar and Kaelyn fighting themselves, their feelings, and everyone else in this war. You also spend some more time with Zedron and Alora. Part of me wants this war to end, and for Alora to be victorious. The other part of me wants it to continue so I get more stories out of it. I would love to have Gaetan's story. He is made out to be so old, and yet he plays quite a significant role in this book. There is one bittersweet moment that could be sad if not for the relief felt by the person it happened to. I won't say much about that, but I really loved that part.

One warning though, this book does end on a cliffhanger, so don't expect everything to be tied up neatly. With no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt my reading flow, this book was a wonderful read, and I highly recommend it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
The Boy Who Fell to Earth
The Boy Who Fell to Earth
A. Zukowski | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Boy Who Fell to Earth by A. Zukowski
The Boy Who Fell to Earth is an angst-ridden book that tells of the rises and falls of being a drug-addict child who has slipped through the cracks (by his own intention and actions). Sasha has had a very troubled childhood, and he faces the reaper the night he is dumped on Jay's lawn. Although Jay doesn't have a lot, he still has a whole lot more than Sasha. The attraction between these two is instantaneous, and that posed a bit of a problem to me. Whilst Sasha appears a lot older than his years - and rightly so! - Jay seems quite immature by comparison. I know it is a case of opposites attract, but there were instances when I just couldn't quite believe his words or actions.

There is a lot that goes on in this book, and you will be rooting for Jay and Sasha all the way through - even with Jay's immaturity. It is easy to forget the ages of Jay and Sasha, even though they are mentioned frequently. It is almost like your brain doesn't want to admit that this can happen to young adults, and instead tricks you into thinking they are older than they are. The reminders of their ages was always well written, placed somewhere natural, rather than just telling you out of the blue.

I think this book is a marmite book. I think some people will love it, and some will dislike it. As for me, I'm pondering on it. There was a lot that I liked, and a lot that I didn't. None of what I didn't like was a fault of the writing or the author. It was, plain and simple, the darkness of what was happening. I read 'dark' books, but this one is a slice of reality that you can't just ignore as 'another book'.

I would recommend trying this book, although be aware that some of the subjects mentioned may be triggers for some. You will enjoy it, or you won't, but don't miss out on the opportunity of finding out for yourself. I wish Jay and Sasha every happiness because they surely deserve it!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Lone Star Legend
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lone Star Legend by Gwendolyn Zepeda
Genre: YA Fiction
Rating: 2.5, DNF

Sandy S. has a second identity online—she blogs at a personal blog as Miss TragiComic Texas, and works for a website called Nacho Papi. Sandy is good at living her dual-identities and keeping them separate. But when people start connecting the the personal blog and the new website, and then recognizing her on the streets from the videos…

(From back of the book:) No matter how many passwords and aliases we use, there really is no such thing as privacy when you live your life online. Celebrities expect this, but what about the average person? Gwendolyn Zepeda’s novel plays with this idea of public vs. private and what happens when those lines get crossed.

I found Lone Star Legend to be very slow. It was hard to get into, and even halfway through the book I wasn’t sure what the actual plot line was.

There is a lot of drama. She breaks up with her boyfriend. Her boyfriend’s students find her personal blog and her rants about him and it embarrasses him. People recognize her in the coffee shop from TV. The man she interviews on a whim becomes the new biggest internet phenomenon, but he doesn’t want his photo on the t-shirts that she has already started to sell. These are just a few things that happen in the story, and none of it really leads anywhere.
And if a story doesn’t lead anywhere, and I have no desire to finish it, I’m not going to. Because I could be reading other things.

With that in mind, my positive comments include these: Zepeda is a pretty good writer. The writing and the dialogue is witty and fresh and alive and pretty funny at times. There were some great lines, great scenarios, and great laugh-out-loud sections… there just weren’t enough to keep me reading. The characters are well developed and defined and likeable, and it’s a pretty enjoyable read… little bits at a time.
But Lone Star Legend just wasn’t my thing, I guess. It kind of stinks, too, because I love the idea. As a blogger, people I know personally always tell me about stuff they read on my blog… but however much I wanted to enjoy it, I just couldn’t get into it.
Annabelle: Creation  (2017)
Annabelle: Creation (2017)
2017 | Horror
I’ve been waiting for quite some time to get the opportunity to watch Annabelle: Creation and thanks to my boyfriend, that chance finally arrived. My interest in the Conjuring universe as a whole began with the introduction of the Warrens in The Conuring. Having been a devout fan of anything paranormal, I knew their names and history long before I watched the fictionalized film. That said, I was definitely curious as to the story behind the doll, Annabelle. (I watched that film shortly after it came out, naturally.)

The plot of Annabelle: Creation is pretty self-explanatory. It delves into the origin of the possessed doll, providing viewers with the history of how it came to be. A la dead girl, Faustian deals, and things going, you guessed it, wrong. This is a bit cliché in the world of hauntings, but I feel Annabelle: Creation pulls it off well enough. Perhaps this is because the film doesn’t rely entirely on creepy sounds and eardrum-bursting music to accentuate creepy occurrences. (Yes, the film does have plenty of those, but that doesn’t mark every eerie happening.)

Keeping to the feel of being part of the Conjuring universe, there is a reference to the upcoming film, The Nun. I liked this, and am, naturally, looking forward to that film.

Of course, rarely do any of my reviews come without a complaint and in this instance, it has to do with character development. One of the things I love most about horror movies is the building need for certain characters to stay alive. In Annabelle: Creation none of the characters felt overly dynamic except for Janice. It’s like all the work went into making her the sort of gal you feel sorry for while nothing else is left for the others – especially Mr. Mullins.

Overall, I really enjoyed watching this film and would likely watch it again. While it wasn’t extremely original in its design, it did manage to catch me a few times and as a result, my heart rate elevated (and I felt some anxiety with at least one of the scenes). For me, this is a good thing. Couple that with the fact that the movie ends precisely where Annabelle begins, and it’s a pretty solid 4/5 for me.
Glass Sword
Glass Sword
Victoria Aveyard | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
When it comes to book series, there's always a risk of the phenomenon called "second book syndrome." For those who aren't bookwyrms, this term refers most often to books that should have been left alone, rather than followed with a sequel. When I began reading Victoria Aveyard's sequel to Red Queen, Glass Sword, I was wary. A fellow bookwyrm informed me that she had not read the series yet and was largely unsure of whether or not she would because she'd heard quite a bit regarding the second book in the series being a flop. Nonetheless, I charged onward with the audiobook, once again narrated by the lovely voice of Amanda Dolan.

Beginning precisely where Red Queen left off, Glass Sword picks up after Mare and Cal have escaped the Bowl of Bones and Maven's betrayal. Together with Farley, Kilorn, and a few other characters come together in secrecy after relocating to rise against the new Silver King. Along the way, they pick up some allies - both expected and unexpected. Packed with action, it is easy to see why this series is a hit among young adults.

Naturally, I've read a few other reviews to see what the general consensus of this book is and I've discovered that most readers either hate it or love it - there's not a whole lot of in between. Personally, I enjoyed it. I found Glass Sword to be a fairly entertaining read and it served its purpose of keeping me awake on the hour long commute home (with no traffic). A few new characters are introduced, none of which are too memorable.

As far as romantic interests go, I can't really decide one way or another in regards to the three eligible males. I adore Maven's cold, cunning persona, Cal's stoic disposition, and Kilorn's particular shade of envy equally. Given that I don't care much for romantic sub-plots, a large part of me hopes that Mare doesn't choose any of them in the end. I enjoy watching as Mare changes and grows, and I am more vested in the kind of woman she turns out to be than her love life. Will she be the queen that her people need? Or will she become like Elara?

My only gripe with the narration of Glass Sword is the fact that Dolan pronounced Titanos in a completely different manner than she did throughout the entirety of Red Queen.