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The Northman (2022)
The Northman (2022)
2022 | History, Thriller
7.9 (11 Ratings)
Movie Rating
So, The Northman.

Been quite a bit of hype for it over here in Northern Ireland (perhaps because some of it was filmed here), which might explain why the showing I went to was absolutely jam packed - the most people I've seen in a screen since even before Covid times.

Unfortunately, and for me, the film also fell rather 'flat': I actually spent more time scanning the background to see if I could spot any familiar faces (and locations) than concentrating on the (slow, plodding) action unfolding in the foreground.

It's no secret that the plot owes much to the Icelandic sagas that inspired 'Hamlet' (or, in more modern terms, 'The Lion King'), with Alexander Skarsgard Viking protagonist on a mission of revenge against his uncle, who killed his father and stole his mother.

Perhaps that is why I (and most of those I saw this with) weren't all that impressed: basically, we've all seen it before! Well, that, and the fact the the finale felt like something out of 'Revenge of the Sith' ...

(We were also all in agreement that it would have been better if the more supernatural elements of the story had been toned down).

All this is not to say that it's a bad film, per se: just not at all what we were expecting or had been sold on by the trailers.
The House of Ashes
The House of Ashes
Stuart Neville | 2022 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am ashamed to say that I haven't read anything by Stuart Neville for years ... I have no excuse other than I must have had my head stuck in the sand or developed short-term amnesia because I forgot how much I enjoyed reading his words.

This is a sad and tragic story told from the perspective of two women, Sara and Mary, and from two timelines, the present and sixty years ago, with all 'action' taking place on an isolated farm in Northern Ireland.

This is not a story full of joy or happiness but rather there is an overwhelming sense of darkness and sadness with a foreboding undertone from start to finish that is intense and certainly keeps you on edge. Having said that, it is also a story of strength, survival and hope amidst a backdrop of abuse, control and gaslighting.

I admit this isn't a story for everyone and I can't say I enjoyed it given the nature of its content, however, it was an excellent read that had me hooked and took me through so many emotions that many books don't do nowadays that I can only recommend it to others who enjoy dark, psychological thrillers with a little of the supernatural thrown in to enhance the overall feel of the book.

Thank you to Bonnier Books UK and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest, unbiased and unedited review.
Bongo Fury Novella Collection
Bongo Fury Novella Collection
Simon Maltman | 2019 | Crime, Humor & Comedy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meet Jimmy Black, a man with family connections to both organised crime and, historically, the Troubles in Northern Ireland. But apart from maybe a little light drug dealing the thing Jimmy wants most is to be left alone to run his music shop (the titular Bongo Fury), spend time with his family and maybe do a little private detective work on the side. Unfortunately fate has other plans for Jimmy as helping a friend in need spirals very much out of control.

Although this is three novellas, the first two already published separately plus a third first released in this volume, this really is a book in three parts. Plus there's a soundtrack as well, how many novels can say that? And what a book it is. Despite his slightly shady connections, Jimmy is the perfect narrator. Funny, irreverent, tough, likeable and well versed in popular music he engages right from the start, keeping his sardonic tone throughout. He might run afoul of some very dangerous characters but he is a tough customer himself.

The writing is a joy, easy to read between Jimmy's swear-word laden musings, the laugh out loud humour, the tense encounters when the stakes are raised and the rapid and efficient action scenes. And the story doesn't let up either as Jimmy's life threatens to be turned upside down from asking too many questions, the fall out from which carry the plot through all the three novellas.

Bongo Fury the Collection is one of those books that you shouldn't allow to pass you by.
Murphy's Heist (John McBride #1)
Murphy's Heist (John McBride #1)
David Chilcott | 2013 | Contemporary, Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Murphy's Heist is the first of the John McBride series of thrillers. Eamonn Murphy used to be a big man in the shady world of terrorism in Northern Ireland during the troubles. Now more-or-less retired and living in Cheshire he cannot resist planning a bullion robbery on the mainland. However John McBride, artist and former soldier, stumbles upon the plot. Murphy has to quickly change his plans as the net tightens.

As with the other McBride books the emphasis is on realism rather than spectacle. Although there are explosions, gun battles and chases they are very low-key which lends an air of authenticity which is missing from more adrenaline-fuelled thrillers.

The book is paced well, alternating between Murphy and associates attempting to get away with the crime and McBride and the authorities attempts to apprehend them. Murphy is a slippery and wily customer and McBride must use ingenuity and not a little luck.

This definitely shows as the first book in the series - McBride is just an ex-soldier, not ex-SAS and farms out the more 'special forces' duties to an ex-colleague, the extra developments of his past and his occasional desire for adventure beyond the sedate world of watercolours comes later and allows him to operate independently in challenging environments. But this is a good solid opening gambit clearly layout out the template for a more realistic thriller.

As a novel this isn't as good as my favourite so far - Find My Brother - but it certainly makes for a good read.
Harry's Game
Gerald Seymour | 2015 | Thriller
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A chillingly believable thriller about the 'troubles'. (0 more)
Dangerous Games
London at the height of the IRA’s campaign on the British mainland and a government minister is assassinated, orders are send down from the highest level that retaliatory action must be taken. Gerald Seymour’s ground breaking 1975 novel tells the story of the resulting operation, in which a British agent is sent undercover in Republican Belfast.

For the most part thrillers are the literary equivalent of Danish pastry, enjoyable but not made to last. A few, and ‘Harry’s Game’ is one, are more substantial fare, food for the mind that may give you indigestion.

On one level it is a book in the tradition established by Frederick Forsythe, fiction played out as fact allowing the author to draw on his journalistic background. Seymour goes beyond this by creating characters who aren’t simply stock heroes and villains. Instead they are human beings engaged in a struggle that is squalid and futile rather than heroic and purposeful.

This combines to give a grimly believable picture of daily life in Northern Ireland at a time when a single word or action out of place could have deadly consequences. He also writes well about the machinations behind the scenes on both sides, with the British political and military establishment struggling to fight an undeclared war they don’t understand; and the IRA high command masking the brutality of their actions behind misty eyed romanticism.

Brutal, believable and still relevant more than forty years after it was first published this is a novel that is very much worth reading, even if doing so can be unsettling.

David McK (3219 KP) rated Blackout in Books

Nov 3, 2021  
Simon Scarrow | 2021 | Crime
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
To be honest, crime fiction is not my usual genre of choice.

I also tend to find 'book club picks' to be rather off-putting; generally finding those I have previously read to be rather tedious and just not generally all that interesting (while able to admire the literary sophistication of the works).

This is both a crime fiction novel, and a 'Richard and Judy book club pick', so that would - normally - have been 2 marks against picking it up, in my books.

However, I have read - and generally quite enjoyed - most, if not all, of Simon Scarrow's other works - in particular his Cato and Macro series - so, when I saw this on a Kindle deal for something like 99p, I thought to myself 'why not?'.

And, I have to admit, I did actually quite enjoy this.

Set in 1939 Berlin just at the start of WW2, I found this to be unusual in that it told the story from the Point of View of a German criminal inspector - most WW2 novels (that I am aware of) usually feature either American or Brits as their main protagonists - who is not a member of the Nazi party: a fact that, here, is usually held against him but is also the reason he got handed the assignment as he has no links to any factions within the party.

It's both a very different time and 'headspace' than modern sensibilities; interesting to see how the man-on-the-street could have viewed the headline events of the time. As someone from Northern Ireland, there's also aspects of the novel that hit frighteningly close to home for me ...
Pixie (2020)
Pixie (2020)
2020 | Comedy, Thriller
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Olivia Cooke - utterly enchanting (1 more)
Just the right balance of black humour and Tarantino-esque violence
Some of the dialogue is hard to catch (0 more)
Once upon a Time in the West... of Ireland
You know sometimes when you see a trailer you think "oh yeah - this is a must see"! The trailer for "Pixie" (see below) was one such moment for me. A spaghetti western set in Sligo? With Alec Baldwin as a "deadly gangster priest"? Yes, yes, yes!

In a remote Irish church, two Irish priests and two "visiting Afghan Catholic priests" are gunned down by a couple of losers in animal masks - Fergus (Fra Fee) and Colin (Rory Fleck Byrne) - over a stash of MDMA worth a million Euros. This reignites a simmering gang war between the gangster families of Dermot O'Brien (Colm Meaney) and Father Hector McGrath (Alec Baldwin). Linking everything together is Pixie (Olivia Cooke), O'Brien's daughter, who has a magnetic effect on men. She is somehow subtly the woman controlling everything going on.

Drawn into the mayhem are hapless teens Frank (Ben Hardy) and Harland (Daryl McCormack) - both of who have the hots for Pixie - who embark on a wild and bloody road-trip around southern Ireland.

Key to your belief in the ridiculous story is that the character of Pixie has to have the beauty and charisma to utterly enslave the poor men she crosses paths with: taking a "Kalashnikov to their hearts" as drug dealer Daniel (Chris Walley) puts it. And Olivia Cooke - so good in "Ready Player One" - absolutely and completely nails the role. I'm utterly in love with her after this movie, and she's thirty years too young for me! There's a sparkle and a mischief behind her that reminded me strongly of a young Audrey Hepburn.

Supporting her really well are the "Harry and Ron" to Cooke's Hermione - Ben Hardy (Roger Taylor in "Bohemian Rhapsody") and Daryl McCormack. And the trio make a truly memorable "love triangle". A bedroom scene manages to be both quietly erotic and excruciatingly funny in equal measure.

The direction here is by Barnaby Thompson, who's better known as a producer with the only previous movie directing credits being the St Trinian's reboots in 2007/09. Here he manages to channel some of the quirky camera shots of the likes of Guy Ritchie and Matthew Vaughn and mix them with the black humour and comedic gore of Quentin Tarantino. The taciturn hit-man Seamus (Ned Dennehy) typifies the comedy on offer, using a Land Rover to drag a poor victim round in a figure of eight on a soggy moor to make him talk!

Where I think the movie wimps out a bit is in an ecclesiastical shoot-out finale. Vaughn's "Kingsman: The Secret Service" set the bar here for completely outrageous and out-there church-based violence. Here, the scene is both tame by comparison (not necessarily a bad thing!), but also highly predictable. Given this is supposed to be "a plan", none of it feels to be very well thought-through! As such, belief can only be suspended for so long.

The visuals and music are fab. The cinematography - by veteran John de Borman - makes the west Ireland coast look utterly glorious and the Irish tourist board must have been delighted. There are also some beautifully-framed shots: a boot-eye (US: trunk-eye) perspective is fabulous, and there's a gasp-inducing fade-back to Pixie's face following a flashback. And a shout-out too to the editing by Robbie Morrison, since some of the plot twists are delivered as expert surprises.

The music - by Gerry Diver and David Holmes - is also spectacularly good at propelling the action and maintaining the feel-good theme.

Where I did have issues was with the audio mix. I'm sure there were a bunch of clever one-liners buried in there, but the combination of the accents (and I've worked in Northern Ireland for 20 years and am "tuned in"!) and the sound quality meant I missed a number of them. I will need another watch with subtitles to catch them all.

Thanks to ANOTHER WRETCHED LOCKDOWN in the UK this was my last trip to the cinema for at least a month: I was one of only four viewers in the "Odeon" cinema for this showing. Because it's a great shame that so few people will get to see this (at least for a while), since its the sort of feelgood movie that we all need right now. Slick and utterly entertaining, I'll quietly predict that this one will gain a following as a mini-cult-classic when it gets to streaming services. Recommended.

(For the full graphical review, please check-out the bob the movie man review here - Thanks.)
Dead and Buried
Dead and Buried
John Brennan | 2015 | Crime, Thriller
7.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Pretty Good Thriller
I am ashamed to say that this book has been in my "to be read" pile since it was published in 2015; my New Year's Resolution for 2020 is to read at least 1 book per month from my pile in order to get through the backlog - this is the first of the year so doing pretty well so far!

Anyway, this is a pretty good read and although the subject matter is harrowing at times, I enjoyed it and found it an engaging and riveting read.

The book alternates between the past and the present and follows the story of Conor amongst the backdrop of "The Troubles" in Northern Ireland during the 1990's and the present day; I admit you do have to have your wits about you when reading in order not to get confused as to which time you are in however, I found it quite easy to stay on track and only had to check back a couple of times to double check.

The story is told from Conor's perspective throughout and his character is well developed and believable as are all the main characters in this book. What I particularly liked and which felt authentic, was how the internal battle Conor fought with himself around trying to do the right thing whilst being forced to do wrong in order to protect himself and his family.

This is a dark and gritty story with plenty of action and scenes of peril; the writing is at a good pace and easy to read with the difficulties Conor faces being a Catholic married to a Protestant being dealt with sensitively and, in my opinion, without bias towards either side.

Overall, a pretty good thriller set in a time and place that few books I have read previously have touched upon and I would certainly read further books from this author.

Thank you to Carina UK/HQ Digital and NetGalley for my copy in return for an honest review.

Zuky the BookBum (15 KP) rated Siren in Books

Mar 15, 2018  
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Read my review here:

<b><i>Don’t play the hero, Roisin. Make sure you have your back covered. But when the moment’s right, make your move.</i></b>

This is a bit different to the sorts of thrillers I’m used to reading. With a lean towards politics, this feels a little more highbrow than the normal the-boyfriend-did-it kind of books I’m used to. I don’t know anything about about the Northern Ireland Troubles, so it was interesting to get a glimpse into the history of it in this novel.

I liked our characters in this novel. It was nice to have someone like Boyle in this. Homeless, stinky and a bit of a pervert, yet still kind of likable. Though I felt like his story wasn’t told all that well. Roisin was a well built out character and Neary was really good at making us empathise with her the whole way through.

The plot, overall, was good. As some other reviewers have stated, the thrill subsides a little bit towards the middle and end, but I was still interested in knowing what was going to happen to really take much notice at the slowing pace. When we’re flashbacked to Roisin’s past, I was initially interested, but then things got a little drawn out. I felt like that section of the novel could have easily been shortened so we could have gotten back to the current day situation and learnt a bit more about Boyle and the Dutchman, but, hey.

One of my issues with this novel was the situation between Roisin and The Dutchman. Considering she was so wary of everything and kept completely to herself, it didn’t make much sense to me, that she let herself get so close to The Dutchman and so quickly. That part of the story felt very inaccurate to how it would have really played out, had this been a true story.

The writing in this novel is well done, with good descriptive imagery, believable dialogue and well developed characters. There are quite a number of Irish terms used that I’m not used to, but they’re easy to get. A thing not so well done in this novel was the layout. Within each chapter, we are presented with several POV’s that aren’t very well separated. The only suggestion that our character perspective has changed is a paragraph break, but then sometimes there are paragraph breaks that will carry on with the same character as before. I’m hoping it’s only this confusing as I’ve received an ARC copy from Netgalley, because if not, it’s a major flaw in the editing.

I’m a bit miffed at the ending, to be honest. It seemed abrupt and it was unsatisfying after all we went through with Roisin and her story.

<i>Thanks to Netgalley and Random House UK, Cornerstone for giving me the opportunity to read this in exchange for an honest review.</i>

David McK (3219 KP) rated Blood's Game in Books

Jan 30, 2019  
Blood's Game
Angus Donald | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Like, I'm sure, many others, my first exposure to the writings of [a:Angus Donald|584064|Angus Donald|] was when I picked up [b:Outlaw|6624899|Outlaw (The Outlaw Chronicles, #1)|Angus Donald||6819139] on sale: a novel which reimagined the familiar character of Robin Hood, and which I thoroughly enjoyed: so much so that I made it a point to pick up all the novels in that series ([b:Outlaw|6624899|Outlaw (The Outlaw Chronicles, #1)|Angus Donald||6819139], [b:Holy Warrior|7710240|Holy Warrior (The Outlaw Chronicles, #2)|Angus Donald||10428506], [b:King's Man|11351795|King's Man (The Outlaw Chronicles, #3)|Angus Donald||16281574], [b:Warlord|13077584|Warlord (The Outlaw Chronicles, #4)|Angus Donald||18244685], [b:Grail Knight|20613734|Grail Knight (The Outlaw Chronicles #5)|Angus Donald||21976159], [b:The Iron Castle|19857964|The Iron Castle (Outlaw Chronicles, #6)|Angus Donald||27860558] and (finally) [b:The Death of Robin Hood|29348050|The Death of Robin Hood (The Outlaw Chronicles, #8)|Angus Donald||49585935]).

This, however, would be the first time I had read one of Donald's novels that concerned a different central character, and that had a different setting: would it, I wondered, be more of the same, or would it have it's own 'feel'?

The answer, I can now say, is the latter.

Replacing Alan-a-Dale with Holcroft Blood, and told in the more traditional her-and-know third-person narrative (instead of the conceit of an elderly Alan recalling his youthful adventures with Robin Hood), this particular novel deals with the (attempted) theft of the Crown Jewels from the Tower of England during the reign of King Charles II, not long after the restoration.

While that (attempted) theft is carried out by Thomas Blood - who was caught red-handed but later, incredibly, was granted a pardon by Charles II - this novel does not have Thomas as the central character: rather, instead, we follow the fortunes of his youngest son Holcroft: a son who, throughout the course of this novel, becomes friends with Sir John Churchill, the future Duke of Marlborough (and Winston Churchill's direct descendant).

Whether true or not, young Holcroft is portrayed in this as suffering from a mild form of Asperger's Syndrome, able to easily code and decode correspondence sent to his master The Duke of Buckingham from his various spies and informants: a skill that comes in handy in this tale! I have to say, too, that the court of King Charles II comes across as incredibly decadent, full of scheming and back-stabbing rivals out wholly for themselves ...

I'd be interested in seeing where this series goes, especially as the next entry ([b:Blood's Revolution|36146468|Blood's Revolution|Angus Donald||57749834]) concerns itself - at least, according to the blurb at the back of this - with what is (in this country - Northern Ireland - at least) a very divisive and pivotal moment in English history.