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Awaken Online: Dominion
Awaken Online: Dominion
Travis Bagwell | 2019 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Another excellent tale in the world of AO
This the 4th "full-length" (though the side quests aren't exactly novellas!) story in the LitRPG series starts of with Jason in his new incarnation as a "Keeper". He has a new set of tools, necromancy spells and abilities to get to grips with, and a new threat to overcome.
For once, the in-game story is split between characters, as we see Jason and Riley take on new training regimes (Jason has finally realised he can't always cower in the background letting his zombies and skeletons do all the work and he has to become better at combat himself), Frank goes on tour to secure the outlying towns of their growing empire, and the baddie Alex plots to get some revenge on Jason for publicly besting him. We also spend time in the real world as a senatorial hearing is opened to look into allegations that Awaken Online may not be safe for its users.
All of the characters develop notably in this book, none more than Jason who has to do some soul-searching, change his in-game role, and also make peace with what the game technology may be doing to his mind and body.
The story is strong, though with a smaller scale in its problem solving than before - the focus is more on Jason and Riley's personal challenges rather than larger quests. It is a little heavy on the admin at times but given how complicated games like this would be that adds to the immersive feel of the book.
The only main gripe for me is the use of the word "tendril" on almost every page, and the occasional use of "overtop" which very much jars when read.
Otherwise, another superb, gripping tome in this online fantasy world.
Next up is Frank's side-quest, hopefully before Christmas (I can't seem to keep up with Bagwell's output and am always at least 2 books behind!).
Murder with a Twist
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Former NYPD cop Nic and her husband Nigel are in New York for Christmas and to celebrate his cousin’s 25th birthday. Only Audrey’s husband Leo has disappeared, and she is threatening to not attend her own party if he isn’t found. Nic is asked by the family to track down Leo, and soon she is back in contact with her contacts on the shady side of the law. A dead body and learning just what kind of man Leo is make Nic wonder if Audrey would be better off without her husband. But where is he?

This book is a wonderful tribute to The Thin Man, and fans of Hammett’s classic book or the films will love it. However, even if you aren’t familiar with them, you’ll still absolutely love this book. The plot is well constructed with plenty of twists and surprises. The characters are all strong. And there are tons of laughs, be they from Nic and Nigel’s new dog or the banter between the characters. Pick this book up today.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
I received this ARC in exchange for an honest review.

I’m rather picky about my MM Romances. I don’t know why, but I am. Josh Lanyon really started me on genre when I got book 4 in his Adrian English series for free one Christmas through All Romance E-Books. As soon as I read it I went and bought book 5 to see how it was all going to work out and I loved it. The only problem with that is the fact that I’ve probably been spoilt for most other MM books now.

That’s not to say it was bad or anything it just didn’t really do it for me, though I’m not entirely sure why. I liked the fact it was based around something different i.e. crime scene clearance, and it was interesting to read about the depth they go to to clean them.

The romance between the two main characters was quite sweet and progressed over time, which I liked much better than some others which just go straight into the hot and heavy. The two were likable in their own ways and when they finally kissed I was cheering them on.

I also really liked Gabe and Dave, they were always just looking out for Jack and trying to help him do the right thing, even if it didn’t always seem like it.

If you’re a fan of MM Romance’s then I’m sure you’ll like this.

Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Best Day Ever in Books

Jan 21, 2018  
Best Day Ever
Best Day Ever
Kaira Rouda | 2017 | Mystery, Thriller
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Creepy, eerie narration (2 more)
Unreliable narrator
Tense and terrifying writing
Slow at times (0 more)
Creepy, twisted tale
Paul Strom has the perfect life. He's a successful, wealthy advertising executive with a gorgeous wife, Mia, and two young sons. They live happily in a beautiful house and all is well. Paul is even taking Mia away for a romantic weekend to the couple's lake home--just to celebrate how good they have it. But the day starts off poorly--they are delayed when Paul takes a phone call, seemingly annoying Mia, and it's clear there is tension between the perfect couple. As they drive toward the lake, it appears as if nothing as is good and wonderful as it seems.

I'd heard a lot of good things about this book and was excited to receive it for Christmas. I have to say that Rouda definitely nails the unreliable narrator. The book is told entirely from Paul's perspective, and the result is an eerie, creepy tale. At first he seems like a slightly overbearing husband whose focus is on providing for his family. But as the story progresses, Paul drops a lot of clues that something (perhaps a lot of somethings) is off and more and more comes to light as the story unfolds that all is not as it seems with Paul and Mia.

As for Mia, we basically see her only from Paul's point of view, which is interesting. Is she truly this obedient wife, submitting to her husband's every whim? And is Paul truly fooling Mia as much as he thinks he is? We're along for the ride, subject to Paul's arrogance and forced to read between the lines as he tells us his tale.

In a way, not much happens in this novel, which basically covers one day--Paul and Mia's "best day ever" away at their lake house--and it can get slow at times. I kept waiting for some explosive surprise or reveal, but that never really materialized. Instead, the strength here is in the tense and terrifying writing and the characterization of Paul, which was beyond superb. As the hours tick by, you'll be on the edge of your seat and sucked into Paul's delusions. I sort of loved his machinations and was totally drawn into his sick little world. He reminded me a bit of Joe from You - just a great, albeit sick, character.
A Conjuring of Light
A Conjuring of Light
V.E. Schwab | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.6 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I tried to take my time with this book. I only listened to it for short amounts of time because I knew it was the last one and I wanted to take my time with it. Well, that and I was busy with Christmas stuff, so I guess I had to spend time with family.

So, onto the review. By the way, this is not spoiler free for the series or this book, so read at your own peril.

This book absolutely wrecked me. So we started off not knowing the status of Kell and therefore Rhys because they are freaking bound together via magical tattoos, so yeah, stressful. Then we have to know what is going on with Lila because how is she going to react to the information that Kell is possibly dying? I wasn't so sure. But damn am I glad she wanted to act. Then we have the knowledge that Holland is being taken over by Oseran because why not? Let's just have this piece of sentient magic take over an Antari's body to be able to take over worlds. Yes, plural. How could I not be okay with that? And that is all just from where we left off at the end of the last book, okay? I was a wreck when I started the book.

Alright, so onto Kell. He is so self sacrificing it kills me. Well, it nearly kills him and Rhys too, but that's beside the point. He, first, finds himself without magic, needing Delilah to come and save him. Then he is ostracized again from the court because obviously this is all his fault, right? Wrong. After that, he has to go on a mission with two people he hates as well as the woman he loves and a few strangers to boot. Not too bad so far. In order to save the woman he loves and (hopefully) protect her from harm, he is willing to do whatever, that means dying, to keep her alive and with magic. But he claims it's because he is able to control it better. Yeah, Kell. That's the reason. I can smell bullshit all the way over here, buddy. But really, even though he has a hard time staying alive and keeping out of trouble, I love Kell. He knows what is best for those he loves and will not hesitate to do it. He wants to travel the world, to get to see more than just London on any of the plains. And he gets to in the end. Plus, who doesn't want a person like Kell in their lives?

Now onto my girl Delilah. Hey there Delilah what's it like in Red London, are you trying to get yourself killed just to prove a point to Kell and Rhys? I would like to know why. (Sing that in the tune of the Plain White Tee's song, and you'll be golden.) But really. This girl has almost as much of a death wish as Kell does, swinging head first into danger without a plan most of the time. She is impulsive, rash, and strong as hell. And I wouldn't have her any other way. She hasn't known these people for very long, but she cares for them so deeply. She is also willing to give up everything to go up against Oseran, becasue why not? She thinks her unfiltered and untrained power can do a lot of damage. Which, yes it can, but not necessarily to your opponent, dear. I am proud of this scrappy little nobody. She became the badass pirate queen she has always needed to be. Plus, I like that she used her cunning and her knowledge as a thief to get the item they needed from the floating black market. So cool. Oh! And when she was battling Oseran and she freaking moved the river. Yeah girl! Prove Allucard wrong! Use that freaking ANTARI magic that you have. Get that black glass eye and become your true self!

Rhys is amazing. I honestly thought his father was going to do a spell to give Rhys his power when the King went out to fave Oseran in his palace, but I am glad he didn't. We need to see that even people without powers are powerful in their own right. He is a king, a commander, a force to be reckoned with, not in spite of his lack of magic, but because of it. He was able to train himself in the ways of people. He doesn't need magic to control, he's got words for that. What happened to his family, and almost happened to him, was heart breaking. I hate that he didn't really have time to mourn. I hate that he had to see his mother die in front of him. I hate that he didn't get to get revenge personally. But I know it would have hurt him as a character too much to have to kill those who betrayed the crown.

Allucard is still a hero in my eyes. He put up with so much shit from his family, and then Kell. I mean, the man paid for a magical mirror to be able to show Rhys the truth about why he left. HE JUST DESERVES TO BE HAPPY OKAY!!! I am glad that he and Rhys get to be together forever because they are in love and I love that love. Also, we got to see him use his magic so much more in this book. I feel like he got to earn his title as the winner of the Essen Tash. (I think that's how you spell it, I can't remember, okay). So, yeah, Allucard for life.

I don't know how she did it, but Ms Victoria Schwab made me like Holland. I just invested my hatred for this guy for two freaking books. TWO BOOKS!! And now I like him? What is this madness. But really, I loved that he was able to redeem himself and his actions. He just wanted to save his world and give it magic again. I like that he was able to use the device and save the day, even though he had to lose his power because of it. He is just, if not more so, self sacrificing as Kell and Lila are put together. He tries to die for the cause at least twice in this book. Also, I love that he becomes the King that is promised in White London. He brings back magic by giving up his. Just so beautiful.

All of the side characters were really interesting as well. I would love to see more into them if Ms Schwab has any plans to do so. As you can tell, I don't want to talk too much about Oseran because I don't like him. I will say, though, that Ms Schwab did a fantastic job creating such a vile creature. He brought a lot to the story and, even though I didn't like the character, it was more on a personal level than the writing of the character. I just didn't like the villain. But I loved how she wrote him. (I hope at least some of that makes sense)

This series was phenomenal. Every page was an adventure and I was so happy to be dragged along. Thank you for writing this book. I can't wait to see what's next.
Amish Christmas Memories
Amish Christmas Memories
Vannetta Chapman | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Religion
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A young man seems to be watching a young woman walking down his street or lane. When she is wabbling or weaving across the road and then falls. He springs into action. What happens to her. She has no coat on or hat?

How did she get to where she is? Caleb is worried about her once she falls into the snow. When she wakes up does not know how she got where is? All she remembers is Caleb holding her to him. He does take her to his parent home. They welcome her and try and help her. Who is she? The only thing that she has that tell anything about her is that of a book. Her name is in the book. Well her first name.

Things are hard for her and she want to remember? It will take some time, in the meantime, she gets to know Caleb and his family. As they get to know her. Will Caleb learn change is good as well as bad? Rachel seems to want to get Caleb to understand her. Will they find love together? It seems that Rachel really wants her memories back. Will she get them for Christmas?

Vannetta Chapman does a sweet and wonderfully good job of pulling you along for the journey. She takes your heart for a ride. Will they receive what they need and will god provide where they are to belong. Vannetta seems to be able to bring new illnesses through the eyes of Amish. This book about love but also learning to deal with amnesia. We can sometimes forget that our brains and Amish family deal with the same kind of injuries as everyone else. Will Caleb and Rachel both get what they need?
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex
In the Heart of the Sea: The Tragedy of the Whaleship Essex
Nathaniel Philbrick | 2015 | History & Politics
(0 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Many years ago I was boarding a plane to Las Vegas, planning on doing two things I really enjoyed: gambling and reviewing All-You–Can-Eat buffets (I was young. Thankfully, I got both habits out of my system.). Also boarding was a large passenger sneezing and wheezing. Here was someone who desperately needed a bowl of chicken soup and a flight refund. While he squeezed his way down the aisle looking for his seat, everyone on the plane was thinking the same thing I was—I hope he doesn’t sit next to me. As he settled in next to me, I imagined the worst. Needless to say, by the end of the flight, we not only became friends who still keep in touch twenty years later, but he recommended a book which changed my life. During the flight, he sold me on In the Heart of the Sea by Nathaniel Philbrick. I asked my mom for this book for Christmas and as my Vegas friend promised, the book was extraordinary. So much so, it convinced me to write my own. Up until that point, I wrote comedy pieces and columns in publications but never anything long form. Speed up to today—20 years later—In the Heart of the Sea has been adapted into a movie and now that I’ve finished my current project (Footnotes from the World’s Greatest Bookstores), I plan to publish that illustrated novel inspired by my favorite book. Called The Sea Below Us, it’s a black comedy about the missing Sir John Franklin. I sent a manuscript to Nathaniel Philbrick—whom I have also met and kept in touch with over the years—and thanked him for the inspiration his book provided. He loved the manuscript."

Krampus (2015)
Krampus (2015)
2015 | Comedy, Horror
Full of festive chills and thrills
It’s the most wonderful time of the year, or in the case of one typical US family, it’s not, as they face off against a whole host of festive monsters and ghouls, all serving their evil overlord, Krampus.

This horror comedy takes the genre to a whole new level, throwing in a nice dose of cheesy festive calamity for good measure. But will you be wishing for it on this year’s Christmas list?

Krampus follows the story of a family, who after getting together for the holiday; forget the spirit of Christmas and what it means to hope for a better future and for the well-being of those around you.

Unfortunately, there aren’t any visits from Santa on the cards for this unlucky group, as their continuous bickering summons Krampus, St. Nicholas’ shadow. Krampus is a popular piece of German folklore, a hooded anthropomorphic figure who punishes naughty children in the run up to Christmas.

Naturally, the legend of Krampus gets an American makeover but surprisingly the end result is one of the best horror comedy films in years with some well-time scares and just the right amount of laughs. The family, known only by their first names, is a well-acted group featuring talent like Toni Collette, Adam Scott and the ever-popular David Koechner.

The family unit has just the right amount of chemistry to make their relationships feel believable with Krista Stadler providing an eerie performance as the film’s eldest character.

What sets Krampus apart from its peers is the ingenious plot and fascinating story, with one particular scene featuring some crazed gingerbread men and demonic toys proving to be the film’s highlight. The constant shifts in tone ensure it never settles into a rut, and unusually for the genre, Krampus manages to steamroll itself to a genuinely pleasing climax that’ll have you talking long after you’ve walked out of the cinema.

There’s also a beautifully animated backstory explaining the origins of our antagonist that just proves how above average this film truly is. Only Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows: Part 1 managed to do such a tasteful cut to animation and it works fantastically well here too.

The titular character is a menacing figure in a long cloak, with dangling chains and large hooves, and despite his lack of screen time, he makes his presence felt. There’ll be no chance of bickering around the Christmas dinner table if there’s the possibility of Krampus showing up.

If there’s one criticism to be directed towards Krampus, it’s the lack of actual horror. Yes, there are scares but the majority of them are of the jump variety and there’s only so much terror that can be inflicted by maniacal biscuits.

Overall, Krampus is a highly entertaining romp with one of the best endings ever seen in the horror comedy genre. This frighteningly funny festive treat should most definitely be on your must watch list – it’s a delight.

Just remember, he knows when you’ve been bad or good, so be good for goodness sake! Krampus is coming to town.

BookInspector (124 KP) rated Zenka in Books

Sep 24, 2020  
Alison Brodie | 2020 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Humor & Comedy
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
More reviews can be found at

Even though the name of this book is Zenka, she is not the main character in this book. The main character in this novel was Nicholas, a very good-hearted nurse, who works with old people and is a coward. He is scared of any conflict and does everything to please people. Jack is a mob boss with principles, and when he finds out that he has a son, Zenka and him, decide to make Nicholas a “real man”, and that is where all the fun begins. I really liked, that A. Brodie chose to tell this story through Nicholas’s and Trevor’s (Jack’s Lawyer) perspectives, it has a fresh and different approach to the characters and I really enjoyed how the story was told. I really liked, that there was a wide variety of characters and that the mob gang was not very cruel, they had class in what they did. My favourite of all was Nicholas, first of all, I love his name, secondly, I really enjoyed his journey to “manhood” in this novel.

The beginning went a little bit slow for me, but when I was about halfway through, I could not put it down. The turns and twists in this novel left me very surprised and pleasantly baffled. I really enjoyed A. Brodie’s sense of humour, and I was laughing out loud while reading this novel.

The writing style of this book was very creative, I liked that Zenka’s thoughts were written through the letters to her friend Olga, using a different accent. That accent, as well as the slang used, made this book more lively and believable. I am grateful, that author gave a slang explanation page at the beginning, for me it was really helpful. The chapters were a decent length and it did not drag to me. I really really enjoyed the ending, it rounded up the whole story very nicely and at the same time gave a tight slap of surprise. Great way to finish the story! So to conclude, it is a very funny comedy with a dash of romance, crime and Christmas spirit, filled with very statuesque, charming and charismatic characters, which won’t leave u bored. I do strongly recommend to read this book, and like always, don’t forget to Enjoy!
The Gentlemen (2020)
The Gentlemen (2020)
2020 | Action, Crime
After the big budget train wreck that was King Arthur: Legend of the Sword in 2017, and the big budget Disney remake of Aladdin last year, Guy Ritchie has returned to the comedy gangster roots where he made his name more than two decades ago. It’s the kind of movie that I’m not really a fan of if I’m honest, and I didn’t even like the look of the trailer for The Gentlemen either, but I gave it a shot. I’m glad I did.

Matthew McConaughey is Mickey Pearson, a sharp suit wearing, self made millionaire. Mickey made his fortune by initially selling weed to students while studying with them at Oxford, before spending the next 20 years building up a nationwide marijuana empire. It’s a slick operation too - by striking up deals with British aristocrats who are struggling to maintain their large stately homes, Mickey has been able to setup 12 marijuana farms on their premises and kept them undetected. However, Mickey is now looking to sell up and retire so that he can buy himself one of those big stately homes for him and his ice queen wife (Michelle Dockery). But it’s not quite as easy as that. There are a number of interested parties who either want to screw the price down or just take the whole operation from under Mickey’s feet. And the king of the jungle isn’t having any of it.

The story plays out under the narration of sleazy reporter Fletcher (Hugh Grant), who has turned up on the doorstep of Mickey’s right hand man Raymond (Charlie Hunnam) one evening in order to try and blackmail his boss. Fletcher has been hired by a tabloid editor to dig up dirt on Mickey Pearson and has been closely following the events and players surrounding the sale of his business. Fletcher has decided that what he’s uncovered could be worth a hell of a lot more than the £150K promised by the newspaper and has turned his findings into a movie script which he then proceeds to describe to Raymond throughout the movie. Along the way, details are embellished by Fletcher to spice up certain moments that he feels are lacking in action, corrected by Raymond as we rewind to see the actual events.

The Gentlemen features a big ensemble cast, most of which give a brilliantly hilarious performance. Hugh Grant steals the show, with his campy Michael Caine. Along the way we meet Chinese rival Dry Eye (Henry Golding, redeeming himself after his wooden performance in Last Christmas recently) and Coach (another show stealer, played by Colin Farrell).

The pacing of The Gentlemen felt spot on for me, and as the story flipped back and forth in time, interspersed with Fletcher and Raymond’s comic interludes, I never felt bored. There are plenty of twists and turns, c-bombs and much more of what you’d expect from a Ritchie movie of this kind. But it also feels a lot slicker and more mainstream, with most of the violence occurring off screen - apart from the odd cocky young chav or drug addict getting the occasional well deserved slap!

Overall, I’m so glad I have this movie a chance. A great cast and a fun story with plenty of laugh out loud moments.
Show all 3 comments.

Lee (2222 KP) Jan 5, 2020

That’s great, look forward to hearing what you thought of it 😊


Kevin Phillipson (10017 KP) Jan 5, 2020

So want to see this movie definitely will now