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Electric Dragon 80.000 V (2000)
Electric Dragon 80.000 V (2000)
2000 | Action, International, Drama
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Dragon Eye Morrison (Tadanobu Asano, Hogun in the Thor films)) didn’t have a normal childhood. As a young boy, he climbed an electrical tower despite his friends warning him he’d be electrocuted. After the inevitable occurred, Dragon Eye seems to go through electroshock therapy whenever he gets into trouble. These shocking developments usually happen in fights and become more frequent when he gets older. As a result, he’s now charged with 80,000 volts of electricity at all times. He has developed his own version of the therapy that involves bolting himself to a table. The only way he can deal with being charged with this much electricity is by playing his electric guitar. Aside from his unusual self-treatment, Dragon Eye is a lizard expert who has an impressive reptile collection. When one of his lizards goes missing and Thunderbolt Buddha (Mastoshi Nagase, Paterson, The Hidden Blade) steps into the picture, that’s when things get even more bizarre.

Electric Dragon 80,000 V is a beyond weird cinematic experience. It clocks in at a little under 55-minutes, so calling it a full-length movie may be a bit of an overstatement. Written and directed by Gakuryū Ishii (credited as Sogo Ishi, he has also directed Labyrinth of Dreams and Angel Dust), the Japanese film is visually similar to Tetsuo, the Iron Man but is more like an extended music video that collided with the visuals of a live-action anime or manga. Ishii used the leftover funds from Gojoe: Spirit War Chronicle to make Electric Dragon 80,000 V while recruiting Asano and Nagase who were the two main leads in Gojoe.

Having nothing else in common with Gojoe, Electric Dragon 80,000 V is absolutely its own beast. The film’s biggest strength is its cinematography. With Norimichi Kasamatsu (Korean filmmaker Lee Song-il’s 2013 remake of Unforgiven) as the film’s cinematographer, being entirely in black and white allows the visuals of the film to bleed off the screen. Some of the most unique shots are when Dragon Eye is playing guitar as the drastic lighting and creative perspective are just what you’d expect from someone taking all of their frustrations out on a guitar; incredibly angry and in your face. There’s a scene in the second half of the film where Thunderbolt Buddha has gotten Dragon Eye’s full attention and Dragon Eye is moving through rooms without moving himself. He appears to be floating from room to room and it allows you to realize how he’s feeling at that particular point in the film as if it’s all a bad dream.

The music may be what makes or breaks the film for the viewer as it tends to walk a thin line between catchy rock music to nothing but loud, distorted noise with screaming. The film is noisy in every sense of the word. Whenever Dragon Eye starts playing his guitar, it often just sounds like noise. It fits the tone of the film perfectly since it complements the concept of channeling 80,000 volts of electricity through a guitar. That would probably sound more like amplified noise than polished music. If you’re not a fan of loud, heavy music then it may affect your judgment of the film.

Electric Dragon 80,000 V is an unusual gray scale experiment, but it’s certainly innovative and unlike anything else you’ve ever seen. It’s not a remake and it’s not an adaptation. It’s an original film that stands on its own, but its radical plunge into such severe weirdness could be a turnoff for some viewers as its manga inspired influences flow excessively through every frame surrounding every sequence with boisterous and heavy guitar riffs; think like a shorter and black and white version of Scott Pilgrim vs. the World that somehow fused with the FLCL anime. This was discovered while digging through Tadanobu Asano’s filmography and if you’re fan of his stuff, then Electric Dragon 80,000 V comes highly recommended.

Electric Dragon 80,000 V isn’t available to stream anywhere, was never released on Blu-ray (this would be amazing in high definition), and the DVD is out of print. A high quality version of the DVD cover had to be pulled from eBay of all places since Google can’t seem to find one otherwise that isn’t tiny in size. The DVD is available on Amazon from third party sellers for $39.99 plus $3.99 shipping in new condition and $29.98 with free shipping in used condition. A pre-owned DVD is running $69.99 to $79.99 on eBay with free shipping. It does look like someone uploaded a 90-minute version of the film on YouTube with English subs and that looks to be the best way to see the film at the moment.
The Last Dragon
The Last Dragon
James Riley | 2019 | Children, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fort’s Continued Hunt for His Father
It’s been six months since the attack that took Fort’s father from him, but the recent hope that his father might be alive has given Fort a goal. Rescuing him is all Fort thinks about, and now he has a plan to steal the magic book he needs. But complications come from unexpected places, including a new roommate he is expected to spend all his time helping. Then there are the nightmares where the Old One promises Fort his father back in exchange for the last dragon. Can Fort find the last dragon? Should he make the trade? Or will his original plan work?

For me, it had been six months since I read the first book in this series, so it was nice to see how this book eased us back into Fort’s world without slowing down the action. I was soon caught back up in his story. I do find the tone a little darker than author James Riley’s previous books and I miss the lighter tones those books had. Still, that’s a minor complaint as I raced through this book to find out what happened next. I enjoyed seeing Fort grow and his relationship with his friends change. In fact, I found those relationships something that helped ground the book since they dealt with some stuff realistically. I will definitely be back for more. How can I not come back after the ending of this book?
The Dragon Berserker's Mate (Bad Dragon's Bride, #2)
The Dragon Berserker's Mate (Bad Dragon's Bride, #2)
Harlow Blaze | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE DRAGON BERSERKER'S MATE is the second book in the Bad Dragon's Bride series and it can be read as a standalone. I haven't read book one but found I could easily follow this story. And what a story it was!

Hazel is down on her luck, at home with her stepdad, and needs to escape before things get even worse. She will agree to anything if it means she is free of him and debt-free - even if it means marrying a dragon. The only trouble is, the one she wants is not the one she is expected to marry.

Jay is slowly killing himself as he tries to lock down his dragon. But once he meets Hazel, he realises he will do anything for her, just to see her smile or hear her laugh. And maybe, just maybe, his dragon feels the same.

This was a tale of epic proportions and I loved every word. The writing is so descriptive, every scene was clear to see. There are lots of one-liners in here that just made it even better. The pacing is fast but you never feel as though you are being rushed.

An excellent story with amazing characters that I definitely recommend!

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!

Merissa (11805 KP) rated The Protector (Fire's Edge #4) in Books

Dec 14, 2020 (Updated Aug 8, 2023)  
The Protector (Fire's Edge #4)
The Protector (Fire's Edge #4)
Abigail Owen | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
THE PROTECTOR is the fourth book in the Fire's Edge series, but some of the characters cross over from the Inferno Rising series. I haven't read any of the previous Fire's Edge stories, but I have read Inferno Rising. This meant I was able to follow the story quite easily although, that being said, I do want to read the others, simply because I loved how Ms. Owen puts together her stories.

Levi has wanted Lyndi since the first time he saw her, much to his confusion. His dragon laid claim to her, even though dragons can only have human mates... can't they? Lyndi is fascinated by the gold dragon and wants to hate him because she knows as a female-born dragon, she can offer him nothing. For two hundred years, these two have been dancing around each other, but now Levi has been ordered to return to the Gold Clan and may never see Lyndi again. This proves just the thing to spur them both on.

This is a fast-paced and intricate book, with plenty going on and not just between Levi and Lyndi. There are orphans, wars, clans, rogues... and not all of it I understood. This is simply my lack of knowledge of the previous books, not any problem with the storytelling of this one.

There was one part where I was glad I hadn't read any of the others because it tore me to pieces anyway. Such a brave green dragon and I'm not saying more than that!

This was a fantastic read that I thoroughly enjoyed, and have no hesitation in recommending. I really, REALLY want to read the others now. So, if you'll excuse me, I have books to buy... 😁

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 14, 2020
64 of 230
Deadly Declaration (Shadow Veil Academy book 2)
By Heather Renee

Some decisions aren't meant to be easy.

Raegan is back at Shadow Veil Academy, even though it's the last place she wants to be. Her heart is broken, but her rage is even more prominent as she learns just how little has been done to find Malina since she was last there.

When an unexpected visitor arrives at the school, Raegan turns to her dragon side as she searches for the answers she needs to move forward. All the while, thoughts of Enzo's betrayal are never far from her mind, but no matter his reasons, she's not sure she can ever trust him again.

Though, when unforeseen circumstances push them together, ready or not, Raegan has to decide which is more important: her heart or the chance to figure out just who she really is.

I’m a sucker for Dragon shifters. I really enjoyed this book. Took me a few chapters to settle back in but once I had I didn’t want to put it down. Seemed a little rushed at the end but it worked. Highly recommended if you like your Dragon shifters!
Steel (Rent-A-Dragon #1)
Steel (Rent-A-Dragon #1)
Terry Bolryder | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
81 of 200
Steel (Rent a dragon book 1)
By Terry Bolryder

A dragon as a handyman? Ridiculous.

At least Liam Steel thinks so. Sure, he and his crew of newly-awakened metal dragons are experts at building things, but after being sunk at the bottom of a frozen ocean, all they want is to find the mates they were sailing in search of in the first place, and Liam isn't sure how that can happen while he's playing in the dirt. Until he meets his first client, a sweet, curvy, no-nonsense business-woman busy taking care of everyone but herself. His heart screams 'mate', and he's ready to get his hands on more than her yard.

Kate Hinton doesn't know what to make of the beefcake Rent-A-Dragon sent over to help with her yard. Impossibly tall with soulful teal eyes, dark hair, and the features of a male model, she's pretty sure he should be walking a runway rather than digging trenches in her yard. And the way he looks at her? Like nothing else matters in the world. But the more she gets to know her kind, friendly, amazingly efficient handyman, the more she is realizing he's not from her world.

He lives in a remodeled castle. He doesn't know certain modern words. And he definitely doesn't understand the rules of modern courtship. But somehow, Kate is finding herself falling in love with this 'dragon' all the same, and finding out there is a whole other world outside her own. One full of secrets, and danger, and maybe even the love of a lifetime.

I’m unsure of where to rate this as on a whole there was nothing bad about the book except the story just very predictable. Saying that though it wasn’t to bad to read and it was a quick read too! I read at the beginning from the author that although it follows on from an earlier series that you wouldn’t have had to have read it, this is a little misleading as I really recommend reading that 1st series! Decent Dragon shifter books are hard to find and I would recommend this one!
Pete's Dragon (2016)
Pete's Dragon (2016)
2016 | Family
7.8 (10 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Pete’s Dragon is a staple of my childhood. It was one of the three movies I would always choose to watch. So, naturally, I was a little worried when I heard about the new movie earlier this year. The teaser trailer didn’t give much to go by, but it looked promising. I trying something new this year where I do not watch anything beyond the teaser trailer (believe me, it’s killing me not to watch the new Rogue One trailer), so that’s all I had going into this. And I was pleasantly surprised.


39 years after the original, David Lowery brings us the re-invention of Pete’s Dragon. His aim was not to remake the original film, but to reinvent it. And that he did. PD opens up with a family traveling through a forest on a road trip. The young boy, Pete (Levi Alexander) is reading from a book about a lost puppy name Elliot. A tragic accident occurs, which leaves Pete by himself in the forest. As he starts to wander, a pack of wolves begins to close in on him, only to be thwarted by… you guessed it. A dragon.


Flash forward 6 years, and we now see an older Pete (Oakes Fegley) running around through the forest with Elliot, the dragon who he bonded with over the years. Pete happens upon a forest ranger, Grace (Bryce Dallas Howard) as she is scouting the forest, unmarking trees that were marked for cut down. She’s not a rebel, just protecting the habitat of an owl. Turns out her fiancé, Jack (Wes Bentley), and his brother, Gavin (Karl Urban), run the company that is tearing down the forest. One day, they happen upon Pete and bring him home, but Pete misses Elliot, and Elliot misses Pete. In an effort to get back to him, Elliot is discovered by Gavin who wants to hunt down Pete and bring him in. Grace seeks assistance from her father, Meachum (Robert Redford), who was always thought of as a crazy old man with his wild story of a dragon he met so many years ago. Can they help save Elliot from Gavin and his men?


While a little darker than the original, I found that I enjoyed this movie quite a lot. There are some plot holes to consider, and a little unbelievable on how fast the story develops in time passed in the universe set up here, but you have to understand that this movie is geared toward children. And I think they did well in creating an entertaining film for children and nostalgic adults alike. In fact, this screening was the quietest family screening I have ever attended. There were plenty of kids in the audience, but they were captivated.


Keeping in mind that this is truly a children’s movie, my biggest gripe was the absence of my favorite scene from the original (scorched apples, anyone?). But all in all, it is definitely something to get out to theaters to see. Lowery had indicated that he chose the appearance for Elliot as he did because he wanted to portray a dragon you could hug. Success, Mr. Lowery. Success. Pete’s Dragon is good fun for the whole family, so what are you waiting for? Go see it, already.
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

This is the first book of the children’s series <i>The Land of Dragor</i> by Julia Suzuki. Dragor is the land inhabited by dragons, hidden from the rest of the world, away from the evil humans, with the smoke produced by the The Fire Which Must Never Go Out. Dragor is where it is safe. The dragons are forbidden to leave. However, it may not be as perfect as it seems.

The story begins with the birth, or hatching, of a dragon named Yoshiko. Unlike all other dragon births, Yoshiko’s egg was a variety of different colours, which led to speculation as to whether this young dragon was cursed. Other than being a late developer, Yoshiko is physically well and attends school like all the other youngsters where, unfortunately, he experiences bullying from one of the other dragon clans – something the reader may be able to relate to through their own school experiences. Each clan is a different colour, but one day Yoshiko realises he has the ability to change the shade of his scales. Horrified by his discovery, he seeks help from an old, but wise, outcast, who, whilst supporting Yoshiko as he learns to control the colours, helps him discover his destiny.

The initial two thirds of the book felt like a really long introduction with the final third being a hastily written climax. Despite this it was an enjoyable read and would be particularly entertaining for children. Some of the language though may be a little too advance for the younger readers. Despite the introduction/climax issue, the story contains enough information to understand the way the dragon’s small world works and ends by setting the theme of the next installment. It will be exciting to find out what happens next!

Lindsay (1706 KP) rated Marine in Books

Apr 9, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Marine takes place about three years after Neb is on Halley's Casino. This book takes you on an adventure of it own. It also talks about Neb parents home planet and more about his parents. I gives you lesson about history or at least a bit about Neb's history or his parents for that mother. There seems to be something going on that makes Neb go after a star chart.

What is this star chart and why does everyone want it. There seems to be a dragon that guarding it and only one person who is to receive it. Mark put you in the story and you go for a ride. It adventures and filled with action.

Who are friends and who are foes? What is an Air-heart? What an Ice dragon? Whatever happen to here home? What or who is a water moon? It all started on Halley's Casino when Neb see two guest acting strange. I believe Mark doe a wonderful job with this story. I can not wait to pick up the next book.
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
How to Train Your Dragon 2 (2014)
2014 | Action, Animation, Family
In 2010, the most unlikely Viking proved that dragons and humans can co-exist in the first How To Train Your Dragon film. Set five years after the original movie, How to Train Your Dragon 2 opens up on the Village of Berk where Vikings and dragons have developed a fond relationship. Hiccup (Jay Baruchel), the nerdy chieftain’s son, is now a few years older and has made himself a winged suit and spends his days soaring the skies with his beloved dragon, Toothless. This film brings together the original gang of friends, Astrid (America Ferrera), Fishlegs (Christopher Mintz-Plasse), Snotlout (Jonah Hill), and twins Ruffnut and Tuffnut (Kristen Wiig and TJ Miller). Still at odds with his expectations, Hiccup’s father Stoick (Gerard Butler) demands that he begins the preparations and training to follow in his footsteps and become chief of their Village. This is not the future Hiccup sees for himself, he and Toothless flee the Village and explore the world and stumble upon a cave full of dragons and encounter a Mysterious Dragon Rider (Cate Blanchett), with a similar affinity for dragons. Hiccup has realized that war still exists between dragons and men beyond the borders of his Village. He attempts to negotiate peace with dragon-hunter Drago (Djimon Hounsou), who is threatening to invade the village with his army.

Writer/director Dean DeBlois helms the reins on this one; he has opened up the story without losing the tone of the original. The true delight is in the details, the visual effects are stunning; a prime example of how much computer generated animation has progressed in such a short amount of time. From the diverse landscapes to the design of the characters were absolutely breathtaking. Even the most minute details, such as the texture from the armor, to the scales on the dragons, even the battles scars on the soldiers are so vividly expressed, they assisted in creating the most dramatic and heartfelt moments.

The overall theme has matured from the first film with a continually surprising plot. In the first go around, Hiccup learned to be himself; in this installment Hiccup is taught to become a better version of himself when those unbreakable bonds are tested, and the line between good vs. evil is skewed.

I wouldn’t say there is much training in the sequel, however there is still a wonderful message of friendship, love, and loyalty. Some of the material may be a little too dark, and there were moments that spent way too much time developing the characters which can be pretty taxing for young children.

A worthy follow up….