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Fright Night 2 (1989)
Fright Night 2 (1989)
1989 | Comedy, Horror
My 2nd purchase using my new all region DVD/Blu Ray player is another film I have not seen in probably 30 years since it has never had a DVD or Blu Ray release in the United States. In fact, the European DVD I purchased was in Spanish which I had to change back to English dialogue.

Charlie Brewster has been in psychotherapy for 3 years trying to convince himself the deeds he and fellow vampire killer, Peter Vincent, were all in his imagination. That is until a new sultry vixen creature of the night and her entourage happen to meander into his life. She also happens to be the sister of Jerry Dandrige, whom Charlie and Peter executed in their initial vampire romp.

Charlie and Peter share combined and separate encounters with their new enemy and her minions eventually trying to convince each other this is really happening again meanwhile Charlie's new girlfriend is growing impatient with her boyfriend's peculiar behavior.

It is only through their inevitable final confrontation will tensions be resolved for good.

Upon the rewatch, I soon discovered lightning did not strike twice for this sequel. This should have been one of those I rested my fondness on its memory rather than trying to update or sustain my initial opinion. It certainly was entertaining to see the vampire dispatching duo back together again; however, the formula seemed both too much the same yet the tone was remarkably different this time around.

I'm sure all would have been solved with a tight, biting script which the first film was blessed with. It was able to find the balance between humor, camp and gore. This one seemed forced and the situations more unbelievable. The villainess lacked the charm and charisma of Dandrige and her lackeys were not as fun as "Evil Ed' from the first film.

Still glad I watched it and looking forward to finding more forgotten gems in the future.


ArecRain (8 KP) rated Night Sins in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Night Sins
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a complimentary copy in exchange for an honest review.

I read this novel after reading another title by the same author called Amber Fire. Even though both stories are shorter (<100 pages), that the writing in Night Sins felt more skilled and refined. The author said a lot with a little and set the tone for the rest of the novel within the first few pages.

There is a little blurb in the beginning describing Watchers, and it threw me off. The blurb makes the Watchers out to be more than the author made the heroine out to be. I got the feeling the Watchers were suppose to be powerful female defenders, yet right off the bat, I felt the heroine needed protecting. I am not sure if this was intentional for the purpose of adding that element to the hero and heroine’s dynamic.

Unlike the other novel I read, I felt that this heroine was stubborn. While I enjoyed the story overall, I felt it was the stereotypical story of a powerful male vampire protecting his intended mate. The alpha vampire and “one true mate” tropes really don’t do it for me, but I found the novel an enjoyable quick read filled with steamy scenes. While the story was nothing new, it’s been awhile since I have read a vampire romance, and I liked it.
Hunger (Blood Rose Tales #2)
Hunger (Blood Rose Tales #2)
Caris Roane | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story is about Brianna, a mortal in love with a vampire, and Yolen, a detective vampire on the heels of a drugs kingpin and determined to keep Brianna safe, no matter the cost. Yolen has the potential to become a mastyr vampire but doesn't want it after he saw a friend and his mate get killed immediately after he 'levelled up'. Things are going downhill for Brianna and Yolen as they both want something different but Brianna can't understand why she keeps on pushing. Throw Mastyr Keynes into the mix and we get a hot, fast-paced story.

The characters are well-rounded and old favourites are either mentioned or make cameo appearances. This world becomes more real every time I read about it. The plot is fast-paced and with no holes, although the 'bad guy' is known almost from the start, it's not for the mystery that you read this book. It is romantic and funny, hot and sad.

Definitely recommended for all fans of Caris Roane and if you haven't read anything of hers, then I can highly recommend the Blood Rose series as a starting point.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 31, 2015
<i>This ARC was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review</i>

One day in Ohio Adam Meltzer is celebrating his twelfth birthday when suddenly he dies from a fatal be sting. Then he comes back to life – sort of. Jeff Norton’s children’s book <i>Memoirs of a Neurotic Zombie</i> is a comical tale narrated by Adam who is, as the title suggests, a zombie.

Three months after his death Adam claws his way out of his coffin and heads home where he attempts to carry on with life (afterlife?) even though his sister has taken over his bedroom and all his clothes have been donated to charity. Oh, and his body had already started decomposing. However it is not long until he discovers that he is not the only unnatural being in his neighbourhood. Connected by their weirdness, Adam becomes firm friends with Corina (a half-vampire) and Ernesto (a chupacabra). Inspired by a school science project (being half-dead is no reason for exemption, apparently) the three of them set out to track down the bee that killed Adam and solve the mystery concerning his return from the grave.

<i>Memoirs of Neurotic Zombie</i> is full of humour targeted at nine to twelve year olds, so reviewing this from an adult’s perspective if rather difficult. As people get older child humour becomes less funny, particularly in relation to certain bodily functions – namely poo. Even though being a children’s book limits the amount of seriousness, some of the story line did not feel quite right. Adam’s parents and sister were far too accepting of the situation and the lies he told at school to explain what had happened were rather farfetched.

An important element to the story was that Adam was suffering from OCD and as a result was gripped by a fear of dirt, bacteria and disease – rather ironic considering his physical condition. There is nothing wrong with writing for children about characters with disorders such as OCD, however there was no explanation about the seriousness of this mental illness. Adam’s behaviour was used to make him appear less “normal” than other children his age – something campaigners are encouraging people <u>not</u> to think!

There were some deliberate inaccuracies in Adam’s narrative, which added to the hilarity, although how much the reader will benefit from these will depend on their own intelligence. On the other hand there were one or two errors that may not have been intentional. “I lurched forward like a tweenage Frankenstein” – surely that should be “Frankenstein’s monster”? Unless, of course, Norton intended Adam not to be aware that Frankenstein was the scientist?

The storyline overall is enjoyable and something children, particularly boys, would enjoy. Then again it may not be suitable for the more sensitive child as it deals with themes of death and paranormal creatures. Adam comes across as rather intelligent for his age – despite taking some things too literally – so there are footnotes to explain definitions of difficult words or to clarify something further. In spite of a few misgivings I would recommend this book to its intended target audience.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated Concealed in Books

Oct 19, 2018  
Rosalie Redd | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Concealed by Rosalie Redd
Concealed: Lexi is a story from the Blood Courtesan world, a series of standalones by different authors. This one has been written by Rosalie Redd, and an amazing job she has done with it too.

Lexi and Gavin's story is a Beauty and the Beast tale, with a vampirical twist. Not only are there vampires and courtesans in this story, but this vampire can also get sick. Sickness not crossing over to vampires is purely a myth. ? Gavin has his issues, Lexi has hers. You hope they will end up together, but the fun part is seeing just how they do.

This is a fast paced long-novella, with plenty of back history given at the right times - no info-dump here. The characters are nicely rounded out, and the situations believable. Going along with my experience of Rosalie Redd, there were no editing or grammatical errors in this story that disrupted my reading flow.

For the romantic, for those who love a good vampire story, I can highly recommend this!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Vampires Suck (2010)
Vampires Suck (2010)
2010 | Comedy
4.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Vampires suck – but does the movie? We open on the San Salvatore Festival with the angsty Becca watching her beau, Edward Sullen, disrobe and expose his sparkly secrets- he’s a vampire! Cue the “True Blood- 40oz” toting, Mono-fang vampire to take Edward out….wait, we have to get the rest of the story! What follows is a parody of the first two movies of the Twilight Saga. Most of the characters analogous to the spoof’s target are introduced in the first 30 minutes; few of them are actually seen again throughout the movie.

Becca (newcomer Jenn Proske) is forced to move to Sporks, Washington, with her deadbeat father and town sheriff, Frank Crane (Diedrich Bader of The Drew Carey Show). Frank’s best friend is the rough-and-tumble paraplegic Native American, Bobby. His contribution to the plot is his hunky teenage son, Jacob White (Chris Riggi of Gossip Girl). The town of Sporks seems to have vampires on the brain and its population is only growing smaller.

Our heroine is introduced to Edward Sullen (Matt Lanter of Disaster Movie) and what follows is the “classic” story of girl-meets-vampire, girl-loses-vampire, girl-gets-threatened-by-vampire-nemesis, etc. Writers/Directors Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer use their formulaic approach to spoof movies by making the plot a cliff-notes version of the Stephanie Meyer’s original material, with ample jokes thrown in-in an attempt to beef up their rendition.

In fact, there are so many visual jokes in the movie that it left me wondering what a sight-impaired person might conclude of the movie. “What are all these people laughing at?” I noticed a few of the dialogue driven jokes weren’t even played off by the actors. They seemed to have been missed by everyone, including the editors. Other jokes are pop-culture references that will get stale with time. They’re integrated well, but definitely dated. The movie is redolent with the classic American comedy tradition of slapstick, which occasionally comes off as funny.

The production value left something to be desired as several scenes were obviously one-takes. I counted several instances where Becca’s kiss left Edward’s mouth with a smudge of his own flesh-tone showing through. But hey- at least single takes have continuity, right? The contacts, no doubt purchased in bulk, gave the characters an occasional Marty Feldman goggly-look. The effect is hilarious, although I’m not always sure if it’s intentional.

The cast has its standouts. Jenn Proske’s Becca comes dangerously close (like copyright-violating close) to the performance of Kristen Stewart’s Bella as the fidgety, twitchy, sullen and hormone-y heroine. And Ken Jeong (The Hangover) as Daro, while not appearing on screen much, definitely makes his comedic presence felt.

All in all, “Vampires Suck” didn’t really suck… it kind of chews, like gum. Gum out of the package is fresh, flavorful, but the longer you chew it, the tougher and more stale it becomes. This movie is fresh, funny, and quirky right now, but it won’t stand the test of time like more accomplished parodies.