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Passion Awakened (The Hush #1)
Passion Awakened (The Hush #1)
Katherine Diane | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
thoroughly enjoyable 4 star read!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

Kyr, leader of the Hush, races a psych test, along with the others in his group. Their supervisor thinks they are hiding something. He was, but not quite what the boss thought. Mira is Awakened, a half breed vampire and trained psychotherapist. She is tasked with assessing The Hush members. All the while, those members are trying to find the missing vampire females who keep disappearing.

While not a particularly original theme, I really REALLY enjoyed this!

The vampires are fighting demons. The vampires are alien to earth. they are big, bulky guys that are drop dead gorgeous. But still!

There is enough variation to the theme to make it sufficently interesting, and engaging. Its dark and deadly in places, and sweet and sexy in others.

Both Mira and Kyr have a say, but also a good deal of the other characters do too, and I loved that we get more from them. The bad guy too! I LOVE when the bad guy gets a say!

There is a MUCH bigger picture going on, which I assume will unfold as future books come out, but I'm not getting a clue as to what that is yet. So that will keep me engaged for the next book at least!

The author has published under another name, Kyla D Knight, but this work doesn't really show the work under that name, if you see what I mean? Very different.

A thoroughly enjoyable 4 star read.

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Empire of the Vampire
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Empire of the Vampire
This book is not for the feint hearted. Not only is it decidedly grotesque and gruesome, but its also a monster of a book, coming in at 725 pages with another book on the way.

It has been twenty-seven long years since the last sunrise. For nearly three decades, vampires have waged war against humanity; building their eternal empire even as they tear down our own.

Gabriel de León is a silversaint: a member of a holy brotherhood dedicated to defending realm and church from the creatures of the night. But even the Silver Order couldn’t stem the tide once daylight failed us, and now, only Gabriel remains.

Imprisoned by the very monsters he vowed to destroy, the last silversaint is forced to tell his story. A story of legendary battles and forbidden love, of faith lost and friendships won, of the Wars of the Blood and the Forever King and the quest for humanity’s last remaining hope:

The Holy Grail.

The book is dark and gruesome, but also delightfully entertaining. Kristoff puts an original spin on the vampire world and created a deep, well-rounded character with the biggest chip on his shoulder. All the characters are well-developed, to be honest.

The humour, as expected, is dark. Which is what makes it so great. I found myself laughing out loud in parts. I loved the witty banter and insults from the characters.

My woe with this book was, though I enjoyed it, it did feel like I was reading a 725 page book. Sometimes the time flew, and others I found myself counting the pages wondering how much longer this was going to go on for. I think the story could have been shorter without losing anything vital.

Read if you like:

Adult fantasy
Legendary battles
Blood and gore/violence
Religious occult
Dark humour

Don't read if:

You are a child
And dont like:
Prolific swearing
Sexual Content
Religious Themes

Trigger warnings:
Anything mentioned above
Drug addiction
Child abuse

It reminds me of Interview With a Vampire meets Van Helsing...
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Blood Oath is an interesting and fairly refreshing variation on the vampire riff. Most of the current tales give us a suave, sexy predator who mesmerizes his or her prey, leaving humans pining for their presence. They might even fall in love with a human. Nathaniel Cade, however, refers to humans as food, saying, "Would you have sex with a cow?" That makes much more sense to me. It's a good thing he isn't interested, either, as the typical reaction people have to encountering him is utter panic, often involving the loss of bladder control.

Cade is definitely a predator, though - an extremely effective one. Farnsworth attempts to explain his abilities scientifically, rather than mystically (I'd classify this book as science fiction if I had to choose a genre, whereas most books featuring vampires and similar creatures are fantasy or horror). The same is true of the enenies he faces.

While I'm not generally interested in socio-political thrillers (which is what this book was, other than a story about a vampire who works for the president), I did enjoy the fresh take on an old trope. While I normally groan when I see the first book from a new author billed as the beginning of a series (do publishers even buy single books any more?), I'm somewhat pleased this time. I do wish they'd been a little more careful with the name of the series (The President's Vampire), as there's another book with the same name: [b:The President's Vampire: Strange-but-True Tales of the United States of America|690096|The President's Vampire Strange-but-True Tales of the United States of America|Robert Damon Schneck||676444] by [a:Robert Damon Schneck|368998|Robert Damon Schneck|]. Then again, if Farnsworth's book or series takes off, I suppose there's a chance that sales of Schneck's will as well. I'm sure he wouldn't complain about that at all. I've put it on my to-read list, after all.

I hope to talk my partner, Sam, into reading <i>Blood Oath</i>. If I do, it'll be fairly miraculous, as I don't recall him anything with dragons or werewolves in it other than ([a:Jim Butcher|10746|Jim Butcher|]'s Dresden Files) for most of the time that I've known him (12 years as of this writing). After his years at White Wolf, I think many books seem more than slightly derivative. He also did so much research before working on books he wrote for them (like [b:The Book of Nod|416122|The Book of Nod|Sam Chupp||405290]) that he got a little burned out on certain subjects. Farnsworth's approach really is different enough that I think he might give it a chance. Will you?
211 of 230
Rogue Warrior ( Dark Warrior Alliance book 10)
By Brenda Trim and Tami Julka

The most important tenet of being a Dark Warrior is to uphold the law and order of the Tehrex Realm, but one look at an Angel's Kiss victim and Santiago breaks every rule. Thumbing his nose at the Vampire King and his life at Zeum, Santiago is shocked when his Omega refuses him sanctuary within the pack. Facing life as a lone wolf doesn't deter Santiago from his mission as he continues to fight evil and put an end to the destructive drug taking over the realm. He is forced to evaluate his principles when he discovers the assassin hired to kill him is his Fated Mate. Will the domino affect of killing his mate's brother threaten not only his position as a Dark Warrior, but her trust and love? Tori's human life ended centuries before when Freya found her dying on a battlefield. She's never fit in with the other Valkyrie and looks forward to fulfilling the required time with the Assassin's Guild so she can pursue her true passion of painting. What she plans as her last job is enticing for two reasons... the high dollar figure attached and the fact that the mark is her brother's killer. Tori curses fate when her hatred for Santiago is outweighed by her attraction. Determined to find the proof necessary to condemn Santiago, she isn't prepared when it backfires and her morals and beliefs are called into question.

Santi has always been a favourite of mine and I’m so glad I finally got to his story and mating. I loved Tori too! This was one of the best ones I’ve read so far and I do really love these warriors. It’s always fun catching up with the other warriors and the triplets. Definitely recommend.
The Machine (2014)
The Machine (2014)
2014 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Cool Science Fiction Flick
Old Movie Revisited: The Machine. This was a pretty sweet movie! A way to describe it is part: Terminator prequel; Caprica; RoboCop; Species; Blade Runner; Universal Soldier... I think I could name a few more but, I'll stop there. So as you can tell its not an overly original story but was presented well. It's the story of Vincent, played by Toby Stephens(his celebrity mash up would be Michael Fassbender and Damian Lewis) who's a scientist dude, and he creates the world's first self aware cyborg in the form of super hot Ava, played by super hot Caity Lotz(with those eyes she had better play vampire at some point!). Of course the gov't wants The Machine for war, and Vincent wants to save his little dying girl... Who will win, where does that leave Ava and her sexy ass-kicking ways?? You'll have to watch to find out! If you dug any of those movies above I'd say check it out!! It is not an explosive all out destruction of man kind action movie, just a cool robot awakens movie, with a hot blonde kicking soldiers asses, and walking around nude, thank you Caity! Check it out... filmbufftim on FB