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Blood Born ( Guardians book 4)
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
93 of 235
Blood Born ( Guardian book 4)
By Rayanne Haines

The week before Olivia Dawson died, everything changed. Her little publishing house that could started pumping out best-sellers. A mysterious uncle passed away, leaving her a penthouse loft looking over Central Park. And her experimental cancer treatments finally seemed to be working. Who could’ve known that after her death life would literally suck.

She could do without craving her sexy new sire’s blood and the fact that her death had been rather brutal, thank you very much. Now, the shadows that go bump in the night were calling her the Vessel, bowing at her feet, expecting her to fulfill a prophecy. And wasn’t that a lot to live up to. Still, Olivia had a bad feeling that if she didn’t take them up on the offer, she’d soon find herself deader than dead.

Rhys Callas has ambitions. He’d been raised to rule. Had plans to free his people from living in the shadows. He wasn’t called the King of New York because he played nice. Now with the help of the guardians and the vessel he’d soon be the leader of the North American vampires. All he had to do was find an assassin, keep the other vampire factions at bay, keep the guardian Domhall Taleisin out of his hair, and keep Miss Olivia Dawson undead long enough to woo her. Best laid plans, right?

Soon enough Rhys and Olivia find out fighting for her undead life could mean the difference between a real future or oblivion for the entire vampire race.

Ok that was my favourite, this series has progressed so well this had all the emotions and yes I’m an emotional reader and my reviews reflect that! This was a sweet ending to a story of 2 sisters I absolutely loved Liv and B the one thing this series has had is well written female leads. I am hoping we may see more from it if not it was a fab ending.
Blood (The McLeod Brothers Trilogy #3)
Blood (The McLeod Brothers Trilogy #3)
Lorelei Johnson | 2023 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
BLOOD is the third and final book in The McLeod Brothers trilogy and it's Finn's turn. He is the playboy brother, the one with a different woman every night. Fate matches him with Adelyn, a rare female vampire who is wanted by big bad Caine.

Adelyn is a great character, both strong and sassy even when her situation is dire. She will not be forced to bow to anyone, whether that is someone she loathes (Caine) or her fated mate. I loved reading about her solutions to problems and double-crossings with Caine as she tried to find out what he was up to so she could win her freedom.

Finn; well then. Finn, I had a small problem with. You see, there's been a lot made of him being captured by vampires when he was younger, and how he was changed when he came back. I wanted to know more about that - especially considering his fated is a vampire! Instead, I just got that he didn't feel the same about Adelyn. It felt a little flat, somehow. I never found out how he was captured, how he escaped/was released, how he coped with what had happened; things like that.

I also felt that Finn and Adelyn's personal story was a little overshadowed by Caine and their machinations to bring him to justice.

A good addition to the series but I was left wanting more.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 13, 2023
Closet Monster (2016)
Closet Monster (2016)
2016 | Drama
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
PTSD and Coming of Age and Out
This movie is an amazing tale of coming of age and coming to terms with ones own sexuality. This movie for being an Indie film portrays the inner dialogue and the inner turmoil of coming to terms with ones sexuality, as well as showing the hidden side of a broken home. The movie begins with young Oscar (Jack Fulton) and his father tucking him into bed and their nightly rituals of his father (Aaron Abrams) "giving him a dream".

In the next scene you see Oscar and mother (Joanne Kelly) and father giving him a present of a Hamster, and then his father declaring that Oscars mother is leaving them. You then see Oscar in his room with the hamster, who begins "talking" to Oscar (voiced by Isabella Rossellini) and names herself "Buffy" (as in Buffy the Vampire Slayer) but the voice is an inner monologue that Oscar creates for the critter and is a comforting mechanism for him, as throughout the movie you gain the feeling that Oscar only has one friend, Gemma (Sofia Banzhaf).

The PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) comes in when while coming home from school one day, Oscar notices a group of kids bullying another student. He follows them to a secluded cemetery where they see them beating the kids and sodomizing him with a piece of re-bar. Later that night Oscar and his dad are watching the News coverage of the situation and Oscars asks his dad why they did that and the father said "because he was gay" and makes a side reference to Oscars long shaggy hair. To which Oscar being scared cuts his hair himself.

Skip forward: Now Oscar as a teen (Connor Jessup) is taking pictures of Gemma for his portfolio for admissions into college. We also see that the now 18yr old Oscar is now working in a general hardware store who is ran by Allison (Mary Walsh) who teaches him the basics of greeting customers and how to help them make selections, etc. After his shift while in the employee locker room a strapping young man named Wilder (Aliocha Schneider) checks his locker for his employee uniform and realizes that it is not there and asks to borrow Oscars shirt. This is the first time that we witness Oscar's sexual preference, when Wilder takes off his shirt and puts on Oscars shirt. Oscar longingly looks at the finely toned body of Wilder.

Later the next day Wilder gives Oscar his shirt back before work, and says thanks. You then see Oscar smelling the shirt to see if it was "ok" to wear. And then he rushes into the restroom with the shirt and begins touching himself and fantasizing about Wilder, and then has a flash of the students sodomizing that other student when he was a kid.

Slowly Oscar and Wilder begin a friendship and get closer. As Oscar and Gemma seem to grow apart. Things at home take a turn for the worse as Oscars father begins seeing a woman, and Oscar becomes more frustrated with himself, work, life and everything between. It finally escalates into a fight with his father that leaves Oscar physically assaulting his dad, and running away to a party that Wilder had invited him to.

At the party he finds Wilder and his friends, and they take Oscar to a room and put together a costume for him to wear for the party. Wilders friends take some Ecstasy and begin to really party it up. Gemma runs into Oscar and realizes that he is high and Oscar excuses himself as he notices that Wilder is talking to some girls. A guy approaches Oscar and begins hitting on him, and Oscar who was holding out for Wilder notices that he is kissing a girl. So Oscar and the guy make their way into the bathroom where they begin to kiss and have sex. In the midst of it Oscar begins to have flash backs of the beaten boy in the cemetery and freaks out, vomits and passes out.

We then see Wilder waking him up and helping him home. Oscar and Wilder spend the night together in Oscars tree house. Oscar and Wilder begin talking about the escapades of the night and things turn to sexuality when Oscar mistakes Wilders reaching for a bottle of water as him wanting to kiss. Embarrassed, Oscar asks him to leave, and they begin to talk about it, and then Wilder kisses him. In the morning you see Oscar wake up and find a note from Wilder basically saying "See you later gotta run" and you are not sure if the two had slept together or not. Oscar sneaks back into his room only to find that everything had been destroyed by his father.

The next scene you see his mother and father fighting as Oscar is looking through whats left of his possessions that are scattered throughout the drive way. Oscar sees his beloved Buffy laying dead in her cage. Enraged by this, Oscar comes to terms with his sexuality and breaks something of his fathers and then moves in with his mother. The movie ends with Oscar moving to a small house near the beach. Leaving you wondering how much time had passed or if he was in a school or what was going on.

But throughout the whole of the movie. The sexuality is done in a very muted and respectable manner. There is some cussing and things like that but over all very tastefully done. If you are a lover of coming to age films or films dealing with the nature of coming out, then you are sure to love this movie.
Hard Bitten (Chicagoland Vampires, #4)
Chloe Neill | 2011 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Would have been 5* if not for that ending...

I think it's safe to say i was a bit of an emotional wreck last night/this morning after finishing this story because i'm not afraid to say that i become emotionally invested in some books, series, like this one.

Anyway, I've made no secret of loving the previous books in this series, or my reasons why--Merit and Ethan. So i think it's fair to say i took the last 15/10% of the story as a sucker punch to the gut.

The whole will they/wont they actually seemed ready to be resolved finally and it was obvious they cared for each other deeply and were going to get together properly when doubts were thrown into her head by the resident physcho vampire and the mayor. And then Ethan throws himself in front of an Aspen stake to save Merit's life and unfortunately it hit's his heart and he's gone. Well the floodgates opened and i mourned Ethan with Merit because, God, they were so close to being happy together. Then their's that bit with with her dad and like i mentioned before i was an emotional wreck.

I can't help wanting Ethan to magically reappear in the next one - maybe Mallory or Catcher can work some black magic and bring him back...because otherwise i'm not sure i want to continue the series when my reason for reading it in the first place is no longer there
Smoulder ( Anita Blake book 29)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
‼️‼️ spoiler in review ‼️‼️

37 of 235
Smoulder ( Anita Blake book 29)
By Laurell K Hamilton

Vampire hunter Anita Blake is no stranger to killing monsters. It’s part of her job as a Preternatural U.S. Marshal, after all. But even her experience isn’t enough to stop something that is bent on destroying everything—and everyone—she loves.
Anita Blake is engaged to Jean-Claude, the new vampire king of America. Humans think she’s gone over to the side of the monsters. The vampires fear that their new king has fallen under the spell of the most powerful necromancer in a thousand years.
In the midst of wedding preparations—including getting Edward, aka U.S. Marshal Ted Forrester, fitted as best man—Anita gets a call that the local police need her expertise at a brutal murder scene linked to a nationwide slaughter of vampires and humans, dubbed the Sunshine Murders.
But there is more than just a murderer to catch: an ancient evil has arrived in St. Louis to challenge Jean-Claude for his crown, his life, Anita, and all they hold dear. Even with Jean-Claude’s new powers as king and Anita’s necromancy, it isn’t enough; they must embrace their triumvirate or allow primeval darkness to spread across the country, possessing first the vampires and then the humans. Evil will triumph unless Jean-Claude and Anita can prove that love conquers all.

Omg this book has had me going crazy!!! The first 4 chapters were not good and I was seriously worried for the rest of the book. Then we had a little case and a bit of drama at Guilty Pleasures the Bang! Richard makes his entrance yes I am one of those very few that love him and I think although he was a bit kiss’assy he turned it round for me. I normally hate the relationship bull crap and I don’t like Nathaniel at all but even he impressed me.
So then we get to the new big bad and honestly he sounds bloody awesome I mean what’s not to love a demigod Dragon! I can’t wait to see how and if they take him down!
I do have a few issues one my god Peter is annoying! And two why are Asher and Kane still alive??? I mean the end has pissed me off! Why on earth didn’t they just wipe them both out? Oh and take Rosina with them!!
Dracula (English) (1931)
Dracula (English) (1931)
1931 | Horror
7.8 (24 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It goes without saying that the importance of Dracula cannot be understated. Releasing in 1931, it was Universal Studios first steps into the horror genre, not long after 'talkies' became a thing, and surely paved the way for he mountain of horror titles that have come along since.

Bela Lugosi is Dracula, and though there have been fine portrayals of the titular vampire since, his performance lay the ground work for how a lot of media realise vampires to this day. He cuts a striking figure, he's suave and sinister, and the thick European accent is paramount to how he made Dracula a classic.
I first saw Dracula when I was a kid, and having watched it again recently, it's still a striking experience. While there may not be anything inherently frightening or scary by today's standards, the old black and white style, paired with long moments of uncomfortable silence (Director Tod Browning has exclusively worked on silent films before this), make for a suitably eerie atmosphere.

It's obviously a film that shows it age, but still hasn't lost any of it's charm. The version I watched recently was a Blu Ray restoration, and it's clear how lovingly that restoration has been implemented. Watching a film from the 30s look so crystal clear is something special.
The Cardinalis Code
The Cardinalis Code
Avery Sterling | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
read the book, people, read the damn book!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

So, there I was, merrily reading away. Enjoying this book, not a 5 star read, but a very good solid four star. Some minor typos, but they might be cos of the changing file thing. A good solid 4 star read, that piqued my interest enough to keep going.

And then, in the VERY last chapter, followed by the EPILOGUE, it all changed!

I mean, it made the whole bloody book flip on it's head! And it's gonna be really REALLY hard not to write spoilers into this review, so if it's vague, I ain't sorry!

Paislee takes a job as a blood donor, a donateur for Michael, a Cardinalis, (not EVER a vampire!) When Michael's vicious half brother takes a shine to Paislee, things become deadly, both for Paislee and Michael. Then The Order become involved and Michael has a fight on his hands to keep Paislee safe, and more importantly, to keep her HIS.

Like I said, plodding along, nicely. Moving at speed in places, and little slower in others. Sexy at points, but deadly in others. Sufficiently different in the 'vampire' (Sorry, Michael!) lore to be interesting. These guys don't combust in the sun or sparkle, either! They have a usual sleep pattern, they eat food. So, I enjoyed all that.

Both Michael and Paislee have a say, as do a couple of other characters.

The story concludes, or so I thought, in a way I expected it to, mostly. Michael's brother doesn't quite get the ending I was expecting but still. It all comes to a head and is wrapped up nicely.


Michael's mother says something, and the doctor says something and then the doctor says something else and . . . . .cliff hanger people! I mean a proper, spit you dummy out, throw your toys out the pram and throw your kindle at the wall so hard it bounces off and scares the cat! I had to double back a couple of times, to reread what was said by whom, to put the pieces together, and still I have no bloody idea what's going on!

So, for a first book . . .very well played Ms Sterling! For a first in series, because there is much unfinished here, very well played. For that bloody cliff hanger . . .

5 full and shiny stars!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**