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Mad Hatter Vampire Prince (Token Huntress #0.5)
Mad Hatter Vampire Prince (Token Huntress #0.5)
Kia Carrington-Russell | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
dark and deadly
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

I apologise up front, this review will be short.

I *struggled* with this, and I kept hoping, and praying that Sasha would get a say, to offset Kyran but she doesn't and I think had she been given a voice, I would have enjoyed this more.

Kyran is a vampire prince, he knows what he wants, and he takes it. In all things, he gets his way and he wants Sasha. He will kill vampires for her, and let her do the killing too. He will start a war for her, although just WHY he started the war was beyond me.

This book is DEADLY in all things. Its violence is graphic and there is a LOT of it. I think, even though Sasha is almost as deadly as Kyran, had she been given a voice, I would not have had to struggle with Kyran so much. Kyran's mind is warped, and I didn't much like it.

There is NO kind of romance in this! Not complaining about that, I've no idea whether Kyran or even Sasha could love, at all, but this is not a romance, and it needs to be said.


I did finish it, cos I wanted to see what Sasha was doing in the experiments (although I'm still a little fuzzy on that) and I wanted to see how it all turned out. But it doesn't really round the ending out, it kinda stops. . . just like that.

3 dark, deadly and bloody stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
Perfect Creature (2006)
Perfect Creature (2006)
2006 | Action, Drama, Horror
3.7 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Silus is the vampire from the brotherhood, he has a connection with his brother Edgar and will not let him take over once he becomes the blood thirty infected version of himself. Lilly is the nonsense cop that has suffered her own share of heartache with the viruses in the world, she doesn’t take any shit from anyone she believes to be guilty. Edgar is the brother of Silus that has become infected while trying to find the next cure for the human and Brotherhood medical problems which makes him the first member of the brotherhood to kill a human.

Performance – Dougray Scott is fine without being that impactful in the leading role and the same could be said for Saffron Burrows, the highlight of the film would be Leo Gregory as the Edgar the bloody thirsty crazy vampire.

Story – The story does feel like it could be another chapter of the Underworld saga, it has the vampires of the world living in peace with the humans but when one goes rogue it becomes personal. This isn’t the most original and strays too far into the middle of the fantasy world we are trying so desperately to head towards. We don’t find enough time to create the fantasy world that could become a franchise let alone a new story because in the end this could have just been a crime thriller.

Action/Fantasy/Horror – The action is fine, it mostly contains fights that try to offer an extra punch where needed but isn’t the most original, while the fantasy world doesn’t click for the story we are experiencing, the horror is tame too with it only being a couple of vampire like moments.

Settings – We have murky settings which is designed to show us the different in class between the two races.

Special Effects – The effects are all fine and at least the film doesn’t turn into a bad CGI moment film.

Scene of the Movie – The special gun that instant sleeps and enemy.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – It just doesn’t seem to feel fresh in any way.

Final Thoughts – Disappointing movie that doesn’t connect with the audience on the levels it could have because it wants to be a fantasy film but plays out only like a dark crime thriller.


Overall: Disappointing film.

Merissa (11935 KP) rated The Shadow in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
The Shadow
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Shadow is the second book in The Original's Trilogy, and although I haven't read book 1, this in no way impaired my enjoyment of this book. Trina is a witch that has always had trouble with her powers, and now she is literally disappearing. There is a quick synopsis given as part of the story as to what happened in book 1, and the consequences to Trina because of that. Duncan is sent to her by the Vampire Council to kill or kidnap her, depending on what happens to Lilith. Instead, Duncan decides to go with his instincts, and tries to help Trina in every way he can, even before he realises she is his mate. These two both have things in their past that make them act the way they do, so it's all part of the story as to how they work past that, and save the world from Armageddon.

This is an intricate paranormal read, with witches, daemons, Watchers, and even minions! And, no, they're not yellow wearing denim dungarees! Instead, you get an intriguing story where not everything is as black and white as you would assume. The story concludes nicely in this book, whilst providing a satisfactory preview into the next. It is very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors to disrupt the reading flow.

Although I haven't read book one, I would actually recommend it before reading this one, simply because I feel that you would get a greater appreciation for the characters and their world. Still, saying that, I thoroughly enjoyed this book, and definitely recommend it.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
My Soul Immortal (Fated Eternals #1)
My Soul Immortal (Fated Eternals #1)
Jen Printy | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Don't you just love it when you get a book that is completely different from anything you have read before? I know I do, which is why I thoroughly enjoyed this story by Jen Printy. She has set up a world completely different from anything I have read before, with not a vampire or werewolf in sight. Instead, it is a whole new world, most of which you learn from Jack's point of view. This, as well, makes a nice change, to read it mainly from the male's perspective.

The writing and editing were fantastic and I didn't spot any errors in here at all. There is a lot that goes on, from how we first meet Jack, to his moving to Portland, to meeting Leah and so on. That being said, I did feel that certain parts of the book could have done with being tightened up somehow. It just felt a bit 'slow' in places, which is not a bad thing!

For a fresh and new story with excellent world-building and characters, then I can definitely recommend this book. I am looking forward to reading more in this series, as I certainly want to know how the new trainee copes!!

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jan 16, 2016
From Dusk Till Dawn: Texas Blood Money (1999)
From Dusk Till Dawn: Texas Blood Money (1999)
1999 |
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Thoughts on From Dusk till Dawn 2 Blood Money


Characters – Buck is a thieve that has claimed to have gone clean after his recent stint in prison, the cops do still watch him, only now he gets a chance at a new job which will see him put his crew together, he has a way to work with his men, well that is about it, his character doesn’t have much more to him, Sheriff Otis Lawson has been waiting for Buck to make a mistake for years now, using the latest former member of his crew as hope that he could catch him in the act once again. Luther is the one that brings the job to Buck, only on his way back to the crew, he ends up at the Titty Twister grabbing the attention of the vampires, looking for spread the curse to a new selection of victims. C.W. is another member of the crew and just like the rest they don’t get much to make them stand out.

Performances – Robert Patrick does try to make the most of his character only he doesn’t get anything to work with here. This is the big problem for the rest of the cast, nobody gets a chance to make anything from their characters who all end up being painful bland.

Story – The story follows a group of criminals that are looking to head to Mexico for their latest job, only to attract the attention of the vampires using the Titty Twister becoming the latest target, can they survive the night? The story here is very weak, we get five criminals with little to no character development, not making us care about what is happening. We get thrown into another direction with the story which doesn’t help because we know what is happening, while certain members of the crew don’t, this does against what we learnt about the vampires in the first film. this story just feels like a forced sequel nobody really asked for.

Crime/Horror – The crime side of this horror comes from seeing just how the crew is operating, how they plan to get the job done, the horror comes from the vampire side of the film, it does have darker moments, only it still doesn’t feel like a scarier film.

Settings – The film is set between Mexico and Texas, no location involved does make us feel like we are in iconic location the first one did.

Special Effects – The effects in the film are not at the same standard either, with most of the attacks being from bats which seem to be extreme close ups that just feel too difficult to watch.

Scene of the Movie – A helping hand?

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The lack of interest around the characters.

Final Thoughts – This is a disappoint sequel that pulls the quality level right down to just a basic sequel that just so happens to visit the same bar, having no connection to the previous film.


Overall: Bland sequel.
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
The Twilight Saga: New Moon (2009)
2009 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
If you hear the sound of a million screaming girls coming from your local theater, then you already know that the newest film in the Twilight Saga, “New Moon” is here. Picking up where “Twilight” left off is the love triangle between emo babe, Bella (Kristen Stewert), her star-crossed boyfriend/vampire, Edward (Robert Pattinson), and the heartfelt affectionate werewolf, Jacob (Taylor Lautner). But this film isn’t just about this century’s most discussed love triangle. “New Moon” takes Twilighters deeper into the history and mythos of these loveable monsters. Further expanding the Twilightverse is the introduction of the Volturi, the vampire royalty, who keep their kind a global secret, with serious consequences for those who break their code.

If you were bored during the slow buildup of “Twilight” then “New Moon” should be an exciting change, filled with fast cars and strong CGI. And the visuals don’t stop there, with backdrops ranging from the rainy forests of Washington to the sunny streets of Tuscany, this film goes far beyond the scope of the last.

Most impressively the acting has improved, especially on the part of Jacob Black who is charming in “New Moon”, a significant improvement from his irritating portrayal in the first film. Did I mention that he has gained a six pack? No, not just the abs, but also in the form of his wolf tribe (yes, I know there are only five wolves, but who can resist a good six pack turn of phrase?).

I only wish there had been more interaction with the Volturi. Surely there was a way to skip an unnecessary emotional Bella scene for a better understanding of the cruel nature of these creatures. Still the chemistry between Bella and the two men of her dreams is undeniably heart wrenching in this cinematic chapter.

Lovers of Twilight will also rejoice over the clever dialogue, which immediately took me back to key moments in the books. Moreover, the action-filled storytelling might just be the final straw for the remaining people out there on the fence about tackling the hefty novels.
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
Jojo Rabbit (2019)
2019 | Comedy, Drama, War
Inventive, funny and poignant
Writer/Director/Actor Taika Waititi is one of the most original voices working in Film/Television today. He skewered the Vampire flick (at the height of the Twilight craze) in WHAT WE DO IN THE SHADOWS. He revived the sagging Thor saga (and some would say the Marvel Cinematic Universe) with a comedic approach to the material in THOR: RAGNAROK, and now with his latest film, JOJO RABBIT, he takes his sense of humor to a subject that is difficult to satire - Adolph Hitler and life in Nazi Germany during WW II.

And, darn it all, if he doesn't pull it off.

As seen through the eyes of a zealous 10 year old Hitler Youth named JoJo, this film follows Jojo's journey from an idealistic follower of all things Nazi Germany to the harsher realities of the world - and what the 3rd Reich means to the world.

Young Roman Griffin Davis does a marvelous job as the titular character slowly changing his character from an all out innocent devotion to Hitler (his imaginary friend as played by Waititi) to a somewhat less innocent soul. His journey is at the heart of this film and he is a winning personality to follow along with. I was drawn into his struggles and was rooting for him to "come to his senses" throughout the course of this film.

Helping him in this journey is his Mother, played in an Oscar nominated turn by Scarlett Johannson. This character has an idealism all of her own and is willing to let her child "get there in his own time". It is a strong turn by Johannson...but Oscar nominated worthy? I'm not sure.

Also joining in for fun, frolic and (by turns) seriousness is the always great Sam Rockwell (Oscar winner for 3 BILLBOARDS...)as a disillusioned German Officer, comedian Stephen Merchant (LOGAN) in an unlikely mostly serious turn as a Nazi who likes to say "Heil Hitler" and Alfie Allen (GAME OF THRONES) as a devoted German soldier (at least devoted to Rockwell's character). Waititi also uses Rebel Wilson sparingly - as she should be used - as another devouted-to-the-cause German citizen.

Adding heft and pathos to this film is Thomasin MacKenzie (THE KING) in a role that would be a spoiler to say what she is playing, but...I WILL say that she needs to succeed in this role for the film to succeed (and she does).

Also, special notice needs to be made of the performance of cherubic Archie Yates (soon to be Kevin in the reboot of the HOME ALONE franchise) as JoJo's friend Yorki - who keeps getting knocked down and steps back up over and over again. I would LOVE to see the film that would have focused on this character (in addition to this film).

And, finally, there is the Writer/Director himself, Taika Waititi as JoJo's imaginary friend, Adolph Hitler. He is all fun loving and gay at the beginning becoming more and more frantic as the film progresses - mimicking the real life events that are happening around him.

Waititi's style in this film is reminiscent of Wes Anderson in such films as THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL and MOONRISE KINGDOM and this works well here, giving this film more of a "fable" than a "realistic" look - and that is important to help set the tone for the events that follow. Waititi has a sure hand on the material (that he wrote) as the Director. He knows the tone he wants to strike and knows how to get there. He is nominated for Adapted Screenplay for his script (deservedly so) and was NOT nominated for Best Director - but his work in this area is just as good.

I did not know what to expect from this film when I walked into it, and I was more than pleasantly surprised. Give this little comedy/drama a try - I think you will be glad you did.

Letter Grade: A

9 stars (out of 10) and you can take that to the Bank(ofMarquis)
Water for Elephants (2011)
Water for Elephants (2011)
2011 | Drama
The future is bright with promise for Jacob, a Cornell veterinary sciences student, ready to graduate and follow in his father’s footsteps. But after a series of unfortunate events, Jacob finds himself a college dropout, homeless and penniless. He sets out to find work and stows away on a passing train which turns out to be the Benzini Brothers Circus train.

Jacob appeals to the vanity of the heartless circus owner and ringmaster, August, convincing him to keep him on as the circus veterinary doctor. One of his first patients is the horse of the circus’ star attraction, Marlena, who also happens to be August’s wife. When Marlena’s horse is replaced by an elephant, Jacob is made responsible for the elephant’s care and training. This gives Marlena and Jacob a common ally in Rosie, the elephant, and a common enemy in an increasingly violent August. Cue the furtive glances, the stilted conversations and awkward moments that signal the start of the mutual attraction between Marlena and Jacob.

While Jacob, Marlena and August form the romantic triangle that drives the story, it’s Rosie and the circus backdrop that provide the more entertaining aspects of the movie. Director Francis Lawrence (Constantine and I Am Legend) pays decent attention to period detail, highlighting the desperation and brutality of The Great Depression while romanticizing the ephemeral circus life and the subversive lifestyles enjoyed in defiance of The Prohibition. Sadly they were just quick peeks into a curious world.

Based on a best-selling novel of the same name by Sara Gruen, Water for Elephants is a sweet tale told in retrospect by a 90-something-year old Jacob, played by a wistful Hal Holbrook. Robert Pattinson plays young Jacob capably, and I have no doubt his fans will swoon at the many close ups of his brooding stare, pained grimaces and the occasional delighted smile. While this character gives him a few more lines than his more well-known role as Edward, the tortured vampire of the Twilight saga, it was difficult to watch him and not see the similarities in how he portrays Jacob and Edward. Reese Witherspoon’s Marlena was in turns adequately fragile and sufficiently steely. With negligible chemistry, Pattinson and Witherspoon’s performances paled in comparison to that of Christoph Waltz whose sadistic August was played with cunning zeal.

A carefully told story, Water for Elephants is however too carefully told, in a predictable, pedantic pace. However, fans of Pattinson will not be disappointed.