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A Spider in the Garden
A Spider in the Garden
Courtney Davis | 2022 | Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
loved this, very different!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this book.

It's quite hard, I think, to come up with new stuff these days but I'm so bloody glad there are writers who can! Cos I loved this book!

Aranha is a spider shifter, the last of her kind. Dag is a daywalker, a vampire who walks in the light, but also, his kind are dwindling. Neither should have crossed paths with each other, but they do, and there follows some interesting revelations about their history, and their future. And the battle to save a human girl from the vampire's clutches.

Aranha has lived alone for 200 years, and suddenly she has to look after someone. I loved how she just took Jonah in, knowing what he is and how it will affect her. I'm not going into details, but they should NOT have been together!

I loved that Dag, when he meets Jonah, is taken aback by him being with Aranha, but knows they come together and so accepts too.

I LOVED the history behind the webmakers and the daywalkers and how that all came about and how it all went wrong so long ago! The animosity between the daywalkers and the vampires was unexpected, but explained away perfectly. Again, not spoiling it by explaining!

I loved how it all came together, all the history, all Aranha's heritage, and Dag's brothers.

It's got some violence, but vampires trying to take over the world ain't ever gonna be a picnic. It's smexy, in places, but not ever so explicit. It's all at a level fitting for this book.

It's wonderfully told from both Dag and Aranha point of view. I would have liked to hear from Jonah, and maybe Evelyn but that's just me being greedy!

The only thing, the thing that is bugging me the most?? I want more. I want more of this world, and these people in it. I want to hear from them 6 months, 6 years, hell 600 years down the line. I want to know, if what they decided to do here works. I want to know, if Dag and Aranha are truly happy. If Jonah and Evelyn make it work. Even if Aranha's father gets a happy ever after!

Given that this only the author's second book, I can't wait to read more.

A fabulous, different 5 star read

*same worded review will appear elsewhere
Rasputin, the Mad Monk (1966)
Rasputin, the Mad Monk (1966)
1966 | International, Drama, Horror
6.3 (3 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Christopher Lee (0 more)
Mad Monk
Rasputin, The Mad Monk- is a entertaining horror film.

The story is largely fictionalized, although some of the events leading up to Rasputin's assassination are very loosely based on Prince Yusupov's account of the story. For legal reasons (Yusupov was still alive when the film was released), the character of Yusupov was replaced by Ivan (Matthews).

Christopher Lee play as Grigori Rasputin, the Russian peasant-mystic who gained great influence with the Tsars prior to the Russian Revolution.

The emphasis is on Rasputin's terrifying powers both to work magic and to seduce women.

Rasputin the Mad Monk was filmed back-to-back in 1965 with Dracula: Prince of Darkness, using the same sets at Hammer's Bray Studios. Lee, Matthews, Shelley and Farmer appeared in both films. In some markets, it was released on a double feature with The Reptile.

It was the third collaboration between Christopher Lee and Don Sharp, following The Devil Ship Pirates and The Face of Fu Manchu.

Lee later said, "The only way you can present him is the way he was historically described. He was a lecher and a drunk, and definitely had healing powers. So he was a saint and a sinner... There were very few good sides to him. Rasputin is one of the best things I’ve done. "

"I think it's the best thing Chris Lee's ever done," said Sharp in 1992. "Rasputin was supposed to have had this ability to hypnotise people.

The original ending had the lifeless Rasputin lying on the ice with his hands held up to his forehead in benediction. However, it was considered controversial for religious reasons, and was removed. Stills of the original ending still exist.

Sharp says the final fight scene between Francis Matthews and Christopher Lee was greatly cut by Tony Keys when Sharp had to leave the film during editing. Sharp had greatly enjoyed the experience of making his first two Hammer films - Kiss of the Vampire and Devil Ship Pirates - but not Rasputin.

As a child in the 1920s, Lee had actually met Rasputin's killer, Felix Yusupov. In later life Lee met Rasputin's daughter Maria.

Its a good horror film.
Crave (Crave, #1)
Crave (Crave, #1)
Tracy Wolff | 2020 | Paranormal, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
I am super torn about CRAVE by Tracy Wolff.

First off, the world is kind of amazing. I did love the Hogwarts-Vampire Academy-Narnia-in-Alaska vibes I was getting from the setting. It was beautiful, secluded, and totally magical. Grace is hilarious most of the time, filled with snark and near corny knock knock jokes, but I also enjoyed how she called characters out on their crap. She wasn't always a reckless mess, which was nice, and I readily felt for her grief over the death of her parents. From the beginning, I was there for her pain, her panic attacks, her bravery, her wit, and this new adventure before her. Second to Grace is Jaxon, who I adored in so many ways. Perfection and arrogance aside, he's totally a broody vampire, but this isn't the ONLY side to his character we get, and unlike so many other characters we could compare him to, he does change throughout the course of the book. In fact, I'd go as far as saying that maybe Jaxon, not Grace, is the main lead of this story. They had amazing chemistry, sexy banter, and I deeply enjoyed the tug o' war between them.

Okay. Now for the....not so great. For one, while the setting is so magical and new, we don't really get to explore it much. Yes, we get the AMAZING library filled with witches, unusual tomes, and gargoyles, but I would have loved to hear more about the classes, the different cliques, the way this new place functioned. Unfortunately, because Grace was left out of the loop for pretty much the whole book, we were, too. So we end up not really getting to explore this new place much and that really sucked. This brings us to a second thing I struggled with: Grace.

While I absolutely adored her character, I also kind of wanted to smack her and scream "OPEN YOUR EYES". Even with Macy (her cousin) half spelling it out and with all the impossibilities going on (like students standing outside in below 0 weather without jackets), Grace just sort of files it away as odd, but shrugs. Meh. So that guy wanted to murder me? Meh. So these beads shock everyone but me? Meh. So I fell from a tree and somehow this hot guy caught me midair? Double meh. The list goes on. This went on for the ENTIRE BOOK. And while it was all painfully obvious to us, it sailed over her head like an invisible wind. This really bothered me. Just like the instalove with Jaxon bothered me. Look, I believe in instant attraction. I know a hottie when I see one and, yeah, there's always that little phase of infatuation and attraction, but this started intense and just sort of ended with love bombs. The chemistry, as I said before, was amazing, but I wished we could have had more to go on. It bothered me that Grace was constantly throwing herself at Jaxon, forcing herself on him and forcing him to open on. She also made so many assumptions about Jaxon and I was waiting for her rationale, which never really came. It's like meeting a feral dog in the tundra and believing it wont harm you because it's one of God's creatures or something. She totally idolized him, and I think that, more than anything, kept preventing me from fully loving her as a character.

Odd things I don't know how to feel about: I can totally see where people here are comparing it to Twilight. It pretty much follows the same Vampire Romance formula. Human girl meets broody vampire boy who has a dark past, a set of fangs, and, of course, many enemies. The girl almost always sacrifices herself for love and that happens here, too. I will argue that these characters had WAY MORE personality than Bella and Edward, though. In fact, I FUCKING LOVES all the scenes where Grace handed Jaxon his ass. In fact, this is pretty much why I was unable to put the book down despite all the issues I had with it later. What struck me, though, was I couldn't shake the feeling that the book was either laughing at Twilight (by being a better version of it) or if it was laughing at if Twilight were the inside joke. This was actually the most entertaining part of the book, and I was unable to figure out if this was meant to be comedic or if I was just reading it that way. Does this make sense? There were so many Twilight references and at one point, Grace event comments to herself about how she wasn't going to be like those female heroines in YA fantasy novels. I don't know. I read this alongside a friend who also felt like the book wasn't taking itself seriously, but neither of us could tell if this was deliberate or not.

Overall, it was a light and entertaining read. Was it perfect? No. Is it funny? Hell yes. Lots of delicious fangy hotness? Um...YEAH. And despite all the problems I had with it, it was still a fun book to setting into during midterms week.
Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, #1)
Dead Until Dark (Sookie Stackhouse, #1)
Charlaine Harris | 2001 | Fiction & Poetry
8.1 (36 Ratings)
Book Rating
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#1 <a href="">Dead Until Dark</a> - ★★★★

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<b><i>Dead Until Dark by Charlaine Harris is the first book in the Sookie Stackhouse series. We follow the life of Sookie, a waitress in Louisiana, who also has the ability to read people’s minds. </i></b>

When a vampire enters the bar and Sookie can’t read his mind – she is intrigued and wants to know this mysterious man better. But vampires usually mean trouble, and maybe Sookie is not really for all the troubles to start coming her way.

After watching the TV show “True Blood” and finding out that there is a book series, I had to read the books. I am usually a person that reads the books before watching the adaptations. The first book was great and I also loved the TV Show.

<b><i>I liked everyone, apart from Sookie. </i></b>

Possibly because she acts very immature at all times and behaves like a spoilt child, when others tell her no. Maybe it is the lack of fear, empathy and emotion she feels. Or maybe, it is just the fact that she feels entitled because of her special ability, and likes to talk about how people always treat her badly because she is different. I just didn’t like her at all. And given the fact that she is the main character in this series, I am wondering how I like this book. Sookie – if you don’t behave in the next books, we’re going to have some problems!

I loved this book because of the side characters. In Dead Until Dark, we meen many amazing characters that I loved who have their own stories to tell. This was something I really enjoyed, and considering I watched the TV Shows and knew some of these stories, I was actually excited to read the book version of them. It felt like I was meeting them again for the very first time. I was really hoping to meet Tara though, but she is not in the first book… Oh well. Maybe she’ll appear after? Don’t tell me if you know.

Charlaine Harris has an interesting writing style that kept me engaged. I was invested and curious throughout the whole book. I loved the adventures and the plot twists that kept coming up. The ending was meh, but considering the fact that it is a build-up for the second book, I wasn’t too surprised. It definitely gives you something to think about until you read the next book though.

<b><i>Vampire Bill was the character that intrigued me the most.</i></b>

I was so glad that he was not the usual vampire type we are used to, of the likes of Edward Cullen or the Salvatore brothers. Bill seemed more mature, more mysterious and I loved it.

I actually enjoyed the whole vampire world in this book. The rules and the hierarchy model was pleasantly surprising. It is interesting to dive in more in how the vampires respect each other depending on their ranks and age. Even though I do wish that the mythology was more followed through, it was nice to read a book where vampires are living in the society, and are more or less accepted. We could see how people still have their prejudice though, as is the example that the women who tend to hang out with vampires are called “fangbangers”, and they tend to be frowned upon by society.

<b><i>Overall, I believe Dead Until Dark is a great first book, and a promising beginning of the Sookie Stackhouse series. I will definitely be continuing the series!

Highly recommended if you are a fan of vampires, fantasy, romance and a bit of mystery, followed by many different side characters that you will instantly adore.</i></b>

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American Horror Story  - Season 5
American Horror Story - Season 5
2015 | Horror
AHS season 5 - subtitled 'Hotel' - is a real mixture of genres. It's part vampire dram, part crime-mystery thriller, part haunted house... It's ambitious to say the least.

A lot of people took issue with Hotel before it even aired, mainly due the absence of series favourite Jessica Lange, but in all honesty, as much as I like her, I didn't find myself missing her all that much, and the same goes for subsequent entries!
The season this time around is headed by Lady Gaga, who plays a pretty decent psuedo-villain - The Countess is unnerving, relatable, creepy, and tragic all at the same time, and is the beating heart of Hotel.
Not far behind is Evan Peters Mr March. I personally found this character a bit too cartoony at times, but he's still an important character, especially pulling strings behind everyone else back.
I also loved Kathy Bates and Denis O'Hare in this season, and their characters, and especially their devotion to The Countess, make the Hotel Cortez and oddly alluring place to be.
Wes Bentley gets a starring turn this time around after a bit part in Freak Show, and I actually enjoyed his character arc after not particularly caring to begin with.
Once again, I liked most if the cast, I just found it a shame that Sarah Paulson didn't get much to do here!

The plot itself is pretty thick in Hotel, lots of twists and turns, lots of different time periods being visited, and it's quite disorientating to begin with. It's a less accessible season than before but once you get into it, it's a great supernatural mystery horror ride with some inspiration from The Shining and Twin Peaks thrown in for good measure.

Just to top it off, we even get an appearance from Queenie, creating a direct connection to Coven and the wider AHS universe, an aspect of this show that I truly enjoy.

It's not my favourite season of AHS, (that Devil's Night episode was annoyingly cringey) but all in all, Hotel is pretty engaging television.
Dracula Untold (2014)
Dracula Untold (2014)
2014 | Action, Drama, Horror, Sci-Fi
7.0 (26 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The latest Dracula movie attempts to honor an ancient story while adding some new spice and bringing the usual graphics flair we’ve come to expect from Hollywood, but falls short.

Dracula Untold, as the name implies, is an origin story for the pop culture father-of-all-vampires. Luke Evans bears the mantle of Prince Vlad Tepes of the Dracula Clan. (Not Count, but Prince.) What about the King, you ask? Well, they didn’t cover this, but there is no King.

Luke Evans is one of my favorite actors in Hollywood right now, and he does this role justice. The rest of the cast contributed solid performances as well, as best they could with sub par script, and poor direction. Charles Dance was a particular pleasure to witness.

This film is Gary Shore’s directorial debut, and it’s easy to see the marks of a neophyte director. Had it been in the hands of someone more experienced, it would have been a juggernaut of a Fall film. Even so, he did pretty well enough, all things considered. According to his work history, Shore was an electrician until 1998, then disappeared until 2014. This is his second film so far this year.

Dracula Untold opens with the story of Vlad the Impaler, as told by his son. Vlad was shipped off to the Turks to become a trained and conditioned weapon. He earned his title by impaling an entire village for the Turkish army. Vlad was a deadly force on the battlefield, but they eventually allowed him to go home, where he could start a family and rule Transylvania. It is painfully obvious that the usual blood-thirsty character was meant to become a hero for this new tale.

The Turks return to take more boys, like they did him, but he refuses. This draws the Turks’ ire, and they demand retribution for the insult and insubordination. Desperate, he seeks out a monster in the mountains who was the REAL first vampire — a man who made a deal with a demon.

Vlad is granted temporary powers, paying a heavy price in the process. After this, the story really ramps up.

This film left me feeling as if something was missing. I attribute this to missing explanations, plot holes (like the lack of King), and several other missteps. Normally, I can look past plot holes. A strong enough movie will keep me from noticing them until I’m rethinking it later. In this case, they were too distracting. The music was unimpressive and not at all memorable. The one liners were forced and distracting, instead of powerful and emotional.

This movie is worth seeing if you’re a fan of vampires in general or Dracula in particular. That said, I wouldn’t advise high expectations. Great aspects were abundant, but there were just as many failings. If you feel compelled to see it, wait until you can see it at home, and save the money.
The Purge (2013)
The Purge (2013)
2013 | Mystery, Sci-Fi
Ethan Hawke is no stranger to the horror genre, in 2009 he starred in the Australian vampire flick Daybreakers, a film which promised so much, and delivered relatively little. Now he teams up with director James DeMonaco in a horror film that promises to be anything but ordinary; The Purge, but can it live up to its exciting trailer?

The Purge plays out like a poor-man’s Hunger Games. In the year 2020, America is prospering, crime is at an all-time low and unemployment is at 1%. The reason? Once a year, for twelve hours, all crime is legal and people across US can commit any atrocities they wish.

Ethan Hawke plays James Sandin, a security salesman who has capitalised on the public’s fear of being ‘purged’ by selling hi-tech safety equipment to the rich to ensure they stay safe. Lena Headey plays his wife Mary and his two children, Charlie and Zoe are played by Max Burkholder and Adelaide Kane respectively. In a moment of madness after the commencement of the annual purge, a ‘target’ (Edwin Hodge) is let into their home causing all hell to break loose.

Borrowing heavily from other ‘home invasion’ horror films such as When a Stranger Calls and The Strangers, The Purge really ‘gets going’ about two-thirds in when an army of killers swoop on Ethan Hawke’s impressive property looking for their ‘target.’ The family have one hour to reply before they all become ‘targets.’

Unfortunately, an exciting and unique premise is completely lost in a film that is riddled with many horror clichés, some of them blatantly obvious, (woman opening fridge door, door closes and harmless child shocks woman), some not so obvious. This is a terrible shame as the idea of all crime being legal is ridiculously exciting, but after about 40 minutes, we are locked in the Sandin’s home as they play cat and mouse with an array of forgettable serial killers and the original story is lost.

Another problem is the acting. Competent is the only word to describe it; Ethan Hawke is good in his role and his stern demeanour which has earned him so many acting jobs in the past is in full force here, but you can’t help feeling he was a budgetary decision rather than being who the producers actually wanted. Lena Headey seems to phone in a rather wooden performance, whilst the two kids do marginally better. By far the stand-out here is Rhys Wakefield, credited only as ‘Polite Stranger’ who is excellent and terrifying as equal measure; his facial expressions are enough to make you wince.

Overall, The Purge is an exciting film that delivers some unique thrills and spills mixed in with the usual horror clichés. Unfortunately, it doesn’t deliver on its unique and exciting starting point and delves into a generic slasher film around 45 minutes in. A stand-out performance from one of the cast isn’t enough to lift the acting above mediocre and the Sandin family are as characters, frightfully dull. It’s definitely worth a watch, but don’t let the trailer fool you; it’s not as unique as you might expect.

The new review system breaks down the film into categories allowing you, as the readers to see just where I have awarded points to the film. It is still in a testing stage, so if there are any categories you think could improve it, please let me know.
Vampire Close
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I really hate to give negative reviews, but I'm sorry, this book needed a lot of work before it was published. Descriptions were over-the-top, the characters weren't fleshed out, and overall, the story should have been more filled out.

When I started this book, I felt like I missed the first fifteen minutes of a movie and I'm right in the middle of a scene, a bit lost; it was quite discombobulating. The main love interests, Fiona and Rory, are both Scottish and that's how it's written, so there's dinna, och, cannae, ken, etc., which really distracted from the story. Maybe if only one character spoke like that, it might have been bearable, but with two of them, it was just too much. Fiona herself was unlikeable, prejudiced, oblivious to her "sexpot" looks, and way to innocent to be believable for her age, while Rory's forceful, generally undesirable, and doesn't even seem like a vampire other than his fangs. What's really missing from the book is emotion. I felt nothing, other than mild dislike, for anyone or anything -- I just didn't care about these people. Joan, an American demon hunter and Euan, a Highland-born Brit (or "Sassenach" as Fiona disdainfully calls him) deacon, were slightly better at first, but there still was not enough shown for me to have a personal interest in them. The plot was vaguely described, and frankly, not very interesting. Nothing was shown, it was just told, mainly through an abundance of gabbing, so I never got the sense of urgency and the book just meandered into its finale.

I had a few other problems, but nothing that wouldn't give certain events away. Maybe die-hard paranormal romance fans will like this, but it became a chore to complete and I ended up disliking it the more I read, so it just wasn't for me.

Received for review through the Goodreads First Reads program.
Viper: The Prophecy (Odins Wolves 2)
Candi Fox | 2023
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
155 of 235
Viper :The Prophecy (Odins Wolves MC 2)
By Candi Fox

Gaia. the mother of all created a werewolf shifter class to serve as guardians. To avoid war, Gaia gifted those that answered the call to Odin, who infused the warriors with immortality creating a class of demigods who fight for justice.
20 years ago, the world found out that humans were not the only Earth dwellers. Now Dark Fae and Shifters live in the light.
Logan Haagan: Viper, Viking demigod, and retired Dallas police officer will join his brothers in White Horse, OK as part of the OWMC who will work to exact justice when the law can’t. Before leaving Dallas, Viper sees Lady Death fight in an underground ring. The fight has mafia ties and ruthlessly pits all manner of dark fae creatures often encouraging the death of the loser.
Billie, Lady Death has been fighting for the Tromlui capo, Cayum since she was a teenager. She becomes a champion of the ring and wants nothing more than to win her contract back and help her friend who is being threatened. Viper and Synne, a dark fae, work to get her released, but Cayum is not easily discouraged and will stop at nothing to keep Billie right where he wants her.
Viper and Billie are sent to New Orleans to uncover a curse, unearth an ancient vampire relic, and discover an age-old prophecy that will change everything...
Don’t miss this epic tale of myths, justice, and prophecy.

I did enjoy this one but think I was expecting to feel the same as I did about book 1 and I didn’t. The world building is really good with complex characters and storylines. Loved catching up with Odins wolves and finding other creatures especially loving Deaths identity . Also a gator shifter that’s a first for me too!