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The Last American Vampire
The Last American Vampire
Seth Grahame-Smith | 2015 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
10.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Rare Case of The Sequel Being Better than the First Book
I loved this book. Honestly, I'm not certain that I didn't like it even more than "Abraham Lincoln: Vampire Hunter." One of my favorite things about both of these books is that Smith writes them like history books (complete with footnotes and actual photographs of things like Teddy Roosevelt posing with an elephant he'd just killed and Jack Ruby with his gun jammed into Lee Harvey Oswald's stomach). The facts he uses in his book are so... FACTUAL! I mean, seriously, the only thing keeping a person from reading these books as absolute truth is the fact that s/he doesn't believe vampires actually exist. But if a person DID believe in vampires? Oh yes, everything in these books is absolutely plausible. I can honestly see some confused people who are on the fence about whether or not vampires are real reading this book, finishing it, slamming it down, and saying, "I KNEW IT! I -KNEW- THEY WERE REAL!" Ha. Seriously though, the realism in these books is what makes them so much fun and so wonderful.

The thing I like about this book so much -- the thing that very possibly makes me enjoy this one more than the original -- is all that cameos in the book -- Mark Twain, Howard Hughes, Arthur Conan Doyle, Bram Stoker, Henry Irving, Eliot Ness.... I mean, HELLO?! What a stellar, badass cast of cameo characters. Although, honestly, "cameo" is not the most appropriate word because some of these characters played pretty major roles in the novel. It was fantastic. Viewing Howard Hughes' eccentricities and insanities through vampire-colored glasses is simply... perfect. It doesn't seemed forced at all. Wait, after a plane crash, Howard Hughes was turned into a vampire? ... Yeah, I can see that. That makes perfect sense. And it DOES! It is such an easy transition from mentally ill billionaire to crazy vampire. Not such a stretch. And Rasputin? OH yeah. That guy was TOTALLY a vampire. :-p

Anyway. Now I'm kind of rambling. But seriously, this book was fantastic, so much fun. There wasn't a single part of this book that I didn't love.
My Familiar Stranger (Knights of Black Swan, #1)
My Familiar Stranger (Knights of Black Swan, #1)
Victoria Danann | 2012 | Paranormal, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
"The plural of vampire is vampire."

Right then, onto the Paranormal bit first - there is vampire involved but this in no way is the only part of the story. In fact, they are not mentioned much at the beginning and I was a bit confused why I was reading about them when the story didn't seem to involve them. There is a vampire who has regained his human consciousness (think Angel from Buffy) and now is working with the secret Order of the Black Swan to help neutralise the vampire threat.

But this book is so much more than just that. It is a story of a woman, thrown from all she knows and in dire circumstances, to a world similar to ours but in other ways oh so different. It brings you into the story as she tries to figure out where she fits in this new life. The only family she has are the people who found her and trust me, if you're going to be lost then you want to be found by these guys! They are all Alpha males and brilliant. I have been laughing out loud during this book as well as falling in love with them bit by bit myself.

Absolutely brilliant but if you'll excuse me .... I'm off to read The Witch's Dream (Book 2 of the Order of the Black Swan)
* Verified Purchase - September 2012 *
Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
April 10, 2021