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Claiming Hope ( Hope 2)
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
83 of 220
Claiming Hope ( Hope 2)
By Elizabeth Knight

So you guys remember the naked man in the alley?

Now he’s my mate along with one of his friends. I might also have my eyes on the other two as well because why not? Oh yeah forgot to mention, turns out I’m a werewolf, hence the mating thing. Not only that but I’m the only Alpha Female in existence, which makes sense why that asshole of a fake fiance wanted to keep me for himself.

*Girl you suck at explaining what's going on.*

Shut up I’ve got this handled. Managed to do it last time without you.


Thanks to the four men who came crashing into my life, I was rescued and kept safe. Now I’m on a plane to who the hell knows where while the guys keep alluding to the fact that I have an important role to play in their world. Am I ready to step into whatever they have waiting for me? I’ve only been a werewolf for two weeks and still have so much to learn.

That was so much better than book 1! Hopes wolf is just brilliant I loved it the first time round but this was better. The story had an interesting take I loved her different mates and the pack she now leads. The ending was a cliffhanger but a really good one. Definitely moving on to book 3!

b.Young (97 KP) rated Keeper of the Wolves in Books

May 27, 2018 (Updated May 27, 2018)  
Keeper of the Wolves
Keeper of the Wolves
Cheree Alsop | 2013 | Paranormal, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fast-paced (2 more)
Unique twist on werewolves
Character development
Ending left much to be desired (0 more)
I found this book offered for free on Kindle and I love a good werewolf story, so I figured there was nothing to lose.
I was not expecting to be so enamoured by this tale as I was. I am not sure one would be able to properly convey the mental and physical battle of a wolf that is cursed to change nightly into a man, or a man cursed to change into a wolf every sunrise, but Cheree Alsop did an outstanding job detailing the thoughts and nuances of a wolf, combining them with the brilliantly elaborated thoughts and actions of the man that was that wolf!
This book is ultimately a love story, though it starts out as a tragic tale. I was immediately developing feelings of sorrow and pity for Victus and hatred and animosity towards the Cruel One who had imprisoned Victus and put him on display for his own personal gain.
I was rooting for Victus to escape or be rescued, and found myself sighing in relief that the girl with the beautiful blue eyes held the key to eveything Victus wanted, needed, and deserved.
There is much more to the story and many battles to be fought within. Not only for Victus, as he struggles with who or what he is, but for the blue eyed girl and her family as well as the entire Kingdom that relies on her.
I recommend this book to anyone who enjoys werewolf stories and is looking for a fast-paced, action-packed, unique tale about the discovery of ones self, loyalties, and love.
It is definitely a tale I will read more than once.
Born of Hatred (The Hellequin Chronicles #2)
Born of Hatred (The Hellequin Chronicles #2)
Steve McHugh | 2020 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
Born of Hatred ( The Hellequin chronicles book 2)
By Steve McHugh

There was a time when Nathan Garrett was feared. When the mention of his name was enough to stop his enemies in their tracks. That time has long since passed.

When Nathan's friend asks for help investigating a pattern of horrific crimes, he reluctantly agrees. But his investigation leads to a serial killer who is something more, or less, than human, a creature of pure malevolence and hatred.

There are some things that even a 1600-year-old sorcerer hesitates to challenge. But when evil targets those Nathan cares about, his enemies will discover exactly who Nathan used to be. And why they will learn to fear him once more.

Born of Hatred is an action-packed, Urban Fantasy set in modern-day England with historical flashbacks to late nineteenth century Montana. It's the second book of the Hellequin Chronicles, following the widely praised Crimes Against Magic, which introduced sorcerer Nathan Garrett.

I did t think I could enjoy the second as much as the first, I was so wrong!
Loved it!! Written by a Brit the character is English it’s set in England and what’s not to love about Nate!! I love the bloke he’s powerful and funny! This one be brings Hades and Persephone In to the picture and I absolutely love all Hades parts in books! The werewolf pack are brilliant, Tommy and Kasey are great I even warmed to Olivia!! Shame about the romance not working out but a mere mortal isn’t enough for our Nate! The big bad was really chilling along with his ghouls and the barren! We are one step closer to finding the assholes in Avalon. Brilliant read! Ooo and yes the Hellequin is back!!!

JT (287 KP) rated The Wolfman (2010) in Movies

Mar 10, 2020  
The Wolfman (2010)
The Wolfman (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery
As what we would describe as the classic monster horror, this remake of the 1941 black and white picture in some way does itself and the original some justice.

Back then horror was starting to carve itself out to a market of film goers who really didn’t have much of an idea as to how film could and would change their lives. The likes of Dracula and Frankenstein had also achieved great historic status.

The plot of the story stays true, man is bitten, man becomes werewolf, all hell breaks loose and it is the efforts of a love interest that tries in vein to break the curse. Something which not even the gypsies could achieve.

Special effects wise its impressive, Del Toro went through make up hell in order to gain the look, some three hours to apply and one to remove so his dedication must be applauded. As to whether he was the right choice for the part is another question, in some parts, in human form he loodke out of place with his foreign slightly merged American accent.

The original film ultimately was basic, a drama that based itself around a werewolf, there was no gore and hardly any blood. So of course it was only fitting that this film should contain both, and vast quantities of flying limbs and spouting red stuff. Did it need it? It surely must have only been there too satisfy an age where any lack of these effects would seem a disappointment.

The supporting cast ranging from Anthony Hopkins as Sir John Talbot, Hugo Weaving as Inspector Abberline and the beautiful Emily Blunt as Gwen all do a wonderful job adding their talents to the narrative. Hopkins especially was his usual dark, sinister and composed self.

There are some truly scary scenes, and some fantastic shots of a Gothic London but the film tends to drift off in places. Overall its a worthwhile watch but doesn’t do enough to really make it one of standouts of 2010.
Sin Undone (Demonica #5)
Sin Undone (Demonica #5)
8.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
This one is Sin's - Sinead! - story, Lore(n)'s sister and the only female Seminus demon in existence.

We get to know her a lot more in this one and I feel sorry for a lot of the crap she went through. She tries to be this strong woman who can deal with everything but she doesn't want to be. So thank God for Con - who we met in Lore's book, Ecstasy Unveiled - and who Sin had sex with.

As a dhampire, a vampire/werewolf hybrid, Con is immune to the werewolf shifter virus which Sin unwittingly started in the last book and a great candidate to help start a vaccine against it by using his blood. The only downside to it is that as a dhampire, Con is susceptible to blood addiction if he drinks from the same donor too often yet he needs to keep drinking Sin's blood to fuel his resistance.

Feelings start to emerge beyond their physical attraction as the two are forced to spend so much time together and get to know each other. How he demands that she feel things instead of letting her body do it's physical pain release by bleeding. They'd both been through so much in their long lives and they deserved happiness.

They had a few ups and downs in this. Con had responsibilities within the shifter and dhampire communities and Sin was donating blood and trying to help those infected by the virus before they died and also to her assassin den.

And then let's not forget that last chapter! How cute was that with Lore? I've really fallen for this extended family. They all deserve happiness and I'm really glad they've all found it.

I'm looking forward to reading the rest of this series.
Alpha Shaman (Bad Oak Boys #2)
Alpha Shaman (Bad Oak Boys #2)
Erin M. Leaf | 2015 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Josh thinks that he is human, although he is aware of the werewolf gene in his family. However, when he starts having strange dreams and shedding fur, he admits he might be in trouble. He rings Ryan (his brother) who sends out a Shaman who will help him. When Josh and Gerwulf first meet, the wolves both agree that they have found their mates, although the human halves still need convincing. Evil is on the way though, so they may not have as much time as they would like.

This is the first of the Bad Oak Boys that I have read, although I didn't feel that it negatively impacted my enjoyment in any way. Alpha Shaman is full of action, romance, and yes, even grief. I could understand Gerwulf's hang-ups from his past and liked how he worked through them, with Josh's help. Josh and Gerwulf are both excellent characters, well-rounded and with their own quirks.

I have enjoyed this story, and am now looking forward to reading Rock Star Baby, which is book one in this series.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Feb 11, 2016
The Wolfman (2010)
The Wolfman (2010)
2010 | Horror, Mystery
During the golden age of cinematic horror, Lon Chaney terrified audiences with his portrayal of the Wolfman which launched the character as a cultural mainstay.

Over the years there have been countless updates to the tale which ranged from Michael Landon in “I Was a Teenage Werewolf, to the more contemporary “An American Werewolf in London” and “Dog Soldiers”.
With remakes being all the rage in Hollywood, Universal has returned to the original source material to offer an updated version of the original classic.

Set in England near the start of the twentieth century, the film stars Benicio Del Toro as an actor named Lawrence who is summoned home when his brother goes missing. Upon returning to the lavish familial estate, he is greeted by his estranged father, (Sir Anthony Hopkins), who informs him that his brother mutilated body was discovered earlier.
Dismayed by the condition of his brother’s remains, Lawrence decides to stay and get to the bottom of the mystery. When a clue provided by his brother’s fiancé leads him to a Gypsy encampment, Lawrence learns of a curse, but before he can obtain the information he desires, the camp is attacked by a mysterious creature that leaves a horrific path of carnage in its wake and leaves Lawrence badly wounded from a bite.

Lawrence makes an amazing recovery from his wounds and in doing so raises the suspicions of the locals who now see Lawrence as cursed and a threat to their society.

Lawrence has also raised the suspicions of Scotland Yard Inspector, (Hugo Weaving) who is convinced that Lawrence may be a key player in the local horror, as he was confined to an asylum in his childhood following the death of his mother.

At first Lawrence is outraged at the accusations, but when he transforms into a deadly creature and embarks on a deadly killing spree during a full moon, he soon learns a dangerous secret that places not only his life in danger, but endangers all those around him.

In a desperate race against time, Lawrence attempts to get to the root of his troubles and set things right before the next full moon, when his animal side will take over once again.

The film is a stylish update of the original and the cast is strong. Sadly they are given little to do with the by the numbers plot, and spend much of the time looking like they are simply going through the motions which makes it difficult for the audience to develop a deep sympathy or attachment to the characters.

Oscar winner Rick Baker has done some amazing makeup work and the effects of the film are solid. It was reported that the film was delayed so Universal could punch the film up by adding some new fx and sequences.

The final result is a mixed bag as while the film is a nice update on the original, audiences have seen more so many variations of the story over the years it is hard to be surprised by anything in the picture. Despite the best efforts of the creative talent, there is little tension or drama in the film and by the time the finale plays out, many may think they have seen it all before.

Universal has released the 1941 original Lon Cheney version of the film on DVD and for those who like film history; they may gain a new insight into the film by watching the original version prior.

In the end, “The Wolfman” works as a matinee or a DVD rental, but I would not suggest it as a full priced theatrical experience for anyone other than those looking for a piece of nostalgia.
Challenge Accepted (Wolf Appeal #2)
Challenge Accepted (Wolf Appeal #2)
KB Alan | 2018 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Challenge Accepted (Wolf Appeal #2) by KB Alan
Challenge Accepted is the second book in the Wolf Appeal series, but it can be read as a standalone, as I did. Adam was changed into a werewolf against his will, and has tried to remain off grid ever since. He comes into contact with others when some of the natural wolves in his woods get sick, and then some of the werewolves do too. The head honcho herself, Myra, turns up and is able to speak with him, letting him know just what she had done with the pack that turned him. The attraction between these two is sort of instantaneous, sort of not. The sparks are there, but the fire isn't lit (properly) until the end of the book. You'll see why ;)

This was a well-written story that fully explains Adam's situation without being bogged down in detail. There were no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow. This story was intriguing and engrossing, and was great as a standalone. Recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!