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This is the first in a series of mysteries featuring Inpector Ghote of the Bombay CID recently rereleased as a Penguin Modern Classic. I don't know how many titles there are in the series, but as in the introduction we are told the author didn't set foot in India until the first nine were written I'd hazard a guess there are at least ten!

Now, I do love a good mystery, or what my mother calls 'a nice murder' and although I was entertained enough by this I don't think it will finding a permanent home on my bookshevles. It's not that there is anything particularly wrong with it, perhaps it just wasn't my cup of tea? I found most of the characters in the book to be completely frustrating and unhelpful so I felt frustrated too! Lala Varde I could have quite cheerfully strangled myself with his obstructiveness and childish rhyming language!

One thing I do usually enjoy in mystery novels is trying to work out the solution and then feeling particularly pleased with myself if I get anywhere near the truth. I think that was difficult to do here, so maybe another reason why I wasn't taken with it?
Assassin's Creed: Gold
Assassin's Creed: Gold
Anthony Del Col | 2020 | Science Fiction/Fantasy
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Assassin's Creed.

Primarily a series of Ubisoft-owned video games (of which I've played the majority - not all!), the franchise has also had a rather perplexing, Michael Fassbender starring, movie spin-off and a series of novels (which I just couldn't get into).

To that, we can now also add an Audible original (I think) audio drama.

And, I have to say, it's actually pretty good!

With some big star names adding their talents - I'm looking mainly at you, Antony Head (aka Giles from TVs 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer') - and pretty decent background incidentals, this drama also hews closer to the original Assassin's Creed games than the latter, in that it takes place pretty much equally in both the 'real' world (of the drama, anyway!) and inside the Animus!

The setting for the Animus, by the way, is in 1696 when Isaac Newton - Antony Head - has been tasked with running the Royal Mint, and with stamping out counterfeiting. As this is an audio book, it's also able to do something that I don't think would translate at all well into any other medium: the main Assassin character of Omar Khaled is blind! No idea how that would translate into a game ...
Spy School Revolution
Spy School Revolution
Stuart Gibbs | 2020 | Children, Mystery
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Is Erica a Traitor?
When someone fires at the CIA building while Ben Ripley is in it, he assumes it was an attack on the CIA in general. It quickly becomes clear that Ben was the target, and the person who attacked the CIA is his friend Erica Hale. Despite the evidence, Ben doesn’t think that she has turned into a traitor. The CIA, however, wants her arrested no matter what. Is Ben right? If so, can he clear his friend?

The series has turned a bit of a corner with this book, but longtime fans will not be disappointed in the slightest. The book is still packed with plenty of action and a mystery that keeps throwing us surprises until we reach the climax. Meanwhile, I laughed multiple times as I was reading the book. I enjoy studying early American history, so I enjoyed the fact that the storyline delved into that period a bit. The characters are as strong as ever and grow some again here. The series is aimed at middle graders, but it is on my auto buy list – for me. If you are looking for a fun, action packed book for any reader in your life, this is the book to get.
The Trip to Jerusalem
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
175 of 250
Trip to Jerusalem ( Nicolas Bracewell book 3)
By Edward Marston

Once read a review will be written via Smashbomb and link posted in comments

For Lord Westfield's Men, every high road leads to death. When the deathly horrors of the Black Plague decimate the audiences in London's theatres, the acclaimed troupe of players called Lord Westfield's Men take to the high road to seek out fresh audiences. But wherever they go, they are thwarted by misfortune, and are baffled by mysteries. Their scripts are stolen, their players abducted. A dead man walks, and a beautiful woman hears the voice of God. Only one man is clever enough to match swords with the troupe's burgeoning troubles. Upon Nicholas Bracewell, the company's bookholder and mainstay, falls the burden that may cost him his life - as they head for an ancient inn called the Trip to Jerusalem, where the last act of a bloody drama is about to begin.

Ok this is the 3rd book in the Nicolas Bracewell series and was not to bad. Another instalment of Nicolas saving the Westfield group while having a few stories in the background! I do like this series it’s fun read.
Cozy Up to Christmas
Cozy Up to Christmas
Colin Conway | 2021 | Mystery
5.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Being a Mall Santa Turns Complicated
Ed Belmont has landed a job as a mall Santa at a run-down mall in Pennsylvania. He’s managed to hold on to the job for a month, and is looking at his final week on the job. Unfortunately, dealing with kids, not Ed’s strong point, isn’t his biggest worry. Someone has been robbing convenience stores dressed as Santa, and the police think Ed might be the culprit. Then Santa robs the mall after hours. Can Ed figure out who is really behind these thefts?

Those familiar with the series will immediately recognize that Ed is the latest identity of our protagonist, who is in witness protection. I knew seeing him playing Santa would be fun, and I was right. Unfortunately, a sub-plot intended to also be funny made me more uncomfortable. I do like Ed and enjoy watching him deal with his newest struggles. The rest of the characters are a bit thin. The plot does wander a bit at times, but it comes together for an interesting climax. I do enjoy watching Ed solve things. And this is a fast read. Fans will enjoy seeing what Ed gets up to in this holiday entry in the series.
Red Wolf Hunting (Wolves Ever After #2)
Red Wolf Hunting (Wolves Ever After #2)
Amberlyn Holland | 2020 | Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
RED WOLF HUNTING is the second book in the Wolves Ever After series. You don't need to have read book one, although the characters are mentioned in passing.

Aileen is prepared to partner with Rory in search of the Golden Shield. Rory wants to destroy it as it could control him and the rest of his wolf-kin. Aileen wants to protect it and hide it from sight, as it is a family relic. Together, they need to retrieve it from those who stole it.

Aileen and Rory didn't quite grab me as much as Sterling and Myra did in Book One, but I still enjoyed their story. What I've found with Amberlyn Holland books is that the story revolves around the main characters getting to know each other - usually through trying times - and leading up to their relationship together, not the relationship itself.

It is Aileen's sister and Rory's partner next up so who knows where their story will take us?

An enjoyable addition to the series and recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 12, 2023
Charisma Check (Dungeons and Dating #6)
Charisma Check (Dungeons and Dating #6)
Katherine McIntyre | 2023 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
What a series!

Jasper runs the tabletop tavern with his close friends and has no intention of letting anybody else in he likes it that way. Matt has gone through yet another breakup and is feeling unlovable what is wrong with him why is he not good enough for any woman? Jasper helps him on his journey of healing but could there be more to it?

I have absolutely loved this series from start to finish! The warmth, emotion, turmoil, love, and everything in between is gripping. There are so many issues dealt with and they are done so in a sensitive heartwarming way. Although this can be read as a stand-alone I would advise reading all of the books as each character has a different story to tell it's easy to see why they support each other so fondly.
Jasper's story is heartbreaking but I'm so happy he has his family to help him get through it even though at times like some of us do we can get quite nasty when we're hurting or unable to process certain things.

It has been such a pleasure reading and learning about each of these characters realizing that no matter what you don't need to feel shame. Thank you Katherine you've done an amazing job.
24  - Season 1
24 - Season 1
2001 | Action
KIefer sutherland is great (3 more)
The supporting cast is also great
A lot of cliffhanger endings
Kim’s storyline is a bit tiresome (1 more)
Teri isn’t the most endearing character
A TV series that changed TV for good
X files was in its dying throes and I didn’t think I would have a tv series to love for a long time so when BBC2 advertised 24 with a faithless soundtrack, I thought I’d give it a go.
The first six episodes are slow burners but essentially set everything up for everything else that happens so it is worth sticking with it. Jack Bauer is a relatable character who makes decisions others wouldn’t necessarily make but you can understand why he makes them and you’ll be glad he does make these decisions - some are long run decisions that don’t pay off until later in the day.
24 is not just about Jack Bauer though. It is about interweaving plot lines that build up to a tense denouement that you won’t see coming. The story of the first season is that a credible threat has been made against a black presidential candidate and Bauer has to track down who is behind the potential hit. Unfortunately Bauer’s daughter gets kidnapped and this is used to force Bauer to assassinate the candidate himself. That’s just the first 10 hours! Split screens and tight writing keep the action flowing and that beeping clock (not swearing, it actually beeps) reminds you 24 hours may not be enough to stop the hit. You’ll have to watch it to find out!
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (2018)
Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay (2018)
2018 | Action, Animation, Fantasy
The deadly, demented, and dangerous, and dysfunctional Task Force X has returned in “Suicide Squad: Hell to Pay”. The new animated film from Warner Bros Home Entertainment features the voice talents of Christian Slater, Vanessa Williams, Greg Grunberg, Tara Strong, and many others in an adult themed story which should delight fans of the series who thought the PG-13 approach of the live action film did not do the series the proper treatment they believed was due.

The worst of the worst have been recruited to recover a mysterious artifact and thanks to the explosives implanted in their heads; their control and compliance is expected.

Deadshoot, Harley Quinn, Copperhead, Captain Boomerang, Killer Frost, and others set out to complete their mission despite their usual issues with authority, the world, and each other. Naturally they are not unopposed as Captain Zoom, Banshee, and others stand in their way.

As the team fights others and amongst themselves, the body count piles up as this is not a kid’s movie and the blood and bullets fly frequently.

The animation and voice acting is first rate as you would expect from Warner Bros and the large cast works very well bringing their characters to life and infusing them with a complexity which is deeply engaging.

In another triumph for the studio, the movie delivers all that fans expect and more and let us hopes we will be seeing Task Force X again in the very near future.