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Lindsay (1706 KP) rated What Bug Am I? in Books

Nov 27, 2020  
What Bug Am I?
What Bug Am I?
Skye Wade | 2020 | Children
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What Bug am I? is a well-written book. It uniquely teaches STEM. It combines nonfiction and fiction. It a cute and funny book. You learn about many different bugs while to find out what this new bug is trying to find out what he is.

You get some real facts about different bugs throughout the book. Those you get a funny story about the bug looking for someone like him. It like he just does not know who he is. Children will learn all about the different bugs. This is a neat idea and a clever way to teach children.

The pictures are well done and enjoyable. I was somewhat creeped out about the real pictures of some of the bugs. But not creeped out where I closed the book, the look of them had me wanting to turn the page. It is really good for all kinds of children that can learn about bugs and other things. If you are what STEM means well I will put the explanation in for you below.

STEM is a curriculum based on the idea of educating students in four specific disciplines — science, technology, engineering, and mathematics — in an interdisciplinary and applied approach.

Parents will want this for their children if you like bugs or some teachable moment about nature. We get to learn about nature and the different bugs we have in our backyard and house. These kinds of books are enjoyable for young readers and school-age children. I love children's books and sometimes learning about the different bugs or learning something new about bugs I knew about them.
Lies We Tell Our Kids
Lies We Tell Our Kids
Brett Wagner | 2018 | Humor & Comedy
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
short, entertaining book is that more appropriate for adults than children
I was provided with a complimentary copy of this book so I could give an honest review.

Lies We Tell Our Kids by Brett Wagner is a short, entertaining book is that more appropriate for adults than children. This book is an example of some of the lies parents tell their children, mostly to keep them in line and behave well. It is funny as a "look back" to the lies we were told as children and, in return, told younger children. I remember my grandmother telling me that thunder was caused by angels bowling. That lightning occurs when angels take a picture was new to me.

This book is less than 100 pages and each page states a "lie" that is one sentence so it is a very fast read. For every lie, there is a corresponding, colorful illustration which are imaginative and allow for eye rolling and shaking of my head. I have heard of a few of the lies mentioned but most of them were new to me and gave me a good chuckle.

I read reviews of this which were posted on Goodreads. Many reviews rated it low. I think they should have taken into consideration that this book is not intended to be taken seriously. Just enjoy its quirkiness and have fun!
The Ballad of Sandy McNab
The Ballad of Sandy McNab
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Ballad of Sandy McNab by Colin Mackenzie is an interesting children’s book with a very different art style. The back of the book claims that this book will be available as a children’s song (I have not looked for it as of yet). The way the book flows definitely lends itself to being a song.

A little green crab is minding his own business in his home when a shark shows up. The shark tries to trick the crab into going outside by asking him to come out and play. When the crab refuses the shark breaks in and tries to attack him. The little crab is quicker than the shark and pinches it until the shark leaves. With the shark gone the little crab can live peacefully again.

It is hard to pick out just one thing as my favorite when I think the entire book is great. The little crab pinching the shark’s nose made me smile and a whale swallowing the shark was an ironic twist I was not expecting. As for what I did not like, its not exactly a complaint this time but more of something that people should be aware of when getting a book (or anything really) that is not from their country. On two pages there was a word that just felt wrong to me. One was “barmy” which given the context I believe means stupid. The other was “nippers” which I believe to be claws. While this is not a problem with this book people (like myself) should be prepared for language differences.

Parents will enjoy reading this short book to their children and may find that is is difficult to read it without singing it or adding emphasis on the verbal patterns. Also as children get older this is a book that they will still enjoy reading themselves. I give this children’s book a 4 out of 4 rating like so many others. The story is not overly long or detailed and the author clearly took time to structure a story around the rhymes. It keeps a steady rhythm that is frequently hard to accomplish. The story itself is cute with a crab besting a much larger opponent.

A Celebration of Spring (Mariana Books Rhyming #8)
A Celebration of Spring (Mariana Books Rhyming #8)
Roger Carlson | 2020 | Children
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you looking for a book that explains the seasons? Well, this one describes what Spring is about in a fun and enjoyable way. Children can learn to rhyme with this book. It is a rhyming book. However, I came to the end of the book. I have also seen other potential fun things to do with children, not only what you could do or your children could do outdoors.

The book utilized young children learning to read and older children by asking what fun activities they could develop during Spring. What could the children come up with some outdoor fun with after reading this book?

Parents could use this book to enough their children to want to play outdoors or come up with a family outing and take this book along to read later on their trip. Children will learn rhyming and some excellent outdoor activities and maybe come up with their own by being inspired by A Celebration of Spring or pictures in the book. Parents might find some activities ideas to do with their child or children after reading this book. One activity I thought of was going outdoors, counting the birds that I see in my backyard. Watching the birds fly around my area or walking to get my mail. Though they are just some ideas, another might be a coloring activity or drawing activity.

I have no idea if this is what the author had in mind when he wrote the book. The activities do some to come up and think about after reading this book. This book can bring that out with just reading the book and giving children some ideas to come up with independently. Parents could ask their children what kind of outdoor activities they can do outdoors.
If you are looking for a book that will last a lifetime for your child or children? The Misadventures of Michael McMichaels is a good one to put on their bookshelf or bookshelves? This time i have read “The Misadventures of Michael McMichaels, The Creepy Campers”.

It about learning that cheating is not always the best to do. Kids feel the pressure sometime to win and then guess what happens. Sometimes kids start thinking that winning is everything. They may end up cheating from the pressure or the need to always win. Winning is not everything. It fine if you win fairly.

There are lessons on lying and bullying and intimidation. Michael is faced with this? What to do and how to go about it. Lying and bullying and intimidation is not all great either when it all winning and getting prizes.

This book teaches you that lesson. It as teachable moments for your child or children. It also mentions about “The Borrowed Bracelet” and “The Angry Alligator”. Those two are books 1 and 2 from this series “The Misadventures of Michael McMichaels.”

Children will enjoy the pictures throughout the book. These books are good for younger readers. Parents can read them to your child. This book is a fast read. The lesson is taught through the book.
Watership Down (1978)
Watership Down (1978)
1978 | Adventure, Animation, Drama
That Art Garfunkel 'Bright Eyes' score (4 more)
A post apocalyptic animation style that somehow perfectly encapsulates the theme of the movie
If you fancy blubbering like a baby - this is for you!
John Hurt is perfectly cast
Talking rabbits should not be able to affect you so profoundly!
Be careful with younger children - this could disturb! (0 more)
Prepare to have your heart ripped open!
The Toot Fairy
The Toot Fairy
Mark Huffman | 2021 | Children, Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This story is cute, which is called "The Toot Fairy." What a way to bring something that we do not like too much. In a fun way. This book may bring a smile to your child or children. A fairy that wanted to collect teeth but misspoke. What way to start your fairy career and find you did not get the job you wanted.

Maybe we have toots fairies that help with our smells we do not like, and they are somewhat noisy. Children can learn at the same time about toots and what we eat. They may get a coin without knowing it. This book teaches that in a sweet way.

Pictures are down well. I wish I had a print copy of this book, but otherwise, it was a decent book and enjoyable. I know I have not read a book that is like this book. Children seem to enjoy fairies and like the story behind this book.

Ever wonder where those mysterious coins that you might have left behind in the yard or didn't know you dropped? It's possible someone or something left it for you to find. Fairies seem to have different careers, and maybe one misspoke. Parents can use this to help teach a child or children about the food we eat and what comes out of our bottom.
Everything no joke (0 more)
This book is honestly for everyone from first time readers to long time readers and from young children to the elderly there's something for everyone. The character will continues throughout the book to develope in character rapidly and you can really see his growth from child to adult. With all the trouble will gets into it's not hard to see why I would recommend this to those who enjoy Harry potter
X-Men Legacy: Collision
X-Men Legacy: Collision
Mike Carey | 2011 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Okay, so I was excited at discovering there was still one other story to feature the Children of the Vault! And Carey was at the helm? Kinda-sorta excited. Art by Clay Mann? I think he is a good artist, but I was indifferent at that. Unfortunately, I was not expecting to be as disappointed as I was with this collection!

The story seemed to be good in concept, but when it played out? Hmm.. not so much! I felt Rogue was far too angsty during this period, reminding of yet another reason of why I gave reading the X-books during Carey's run!

Besides the story disappointing (come on? Another Children of the Vault story? It should'a been better!), the art really bothered me! I felt the female characters were objectified, looking not unlike a fanboy's bootleg comic! And even worse? Other than Indra's parents, no one looked even <u>remotely</u> Indian? What the fuck?!? This was supposed to Mumbai, for crying out loud, not Miami Beach!!

Conclusion? You can skip on this one! Only reason I gave it 2 *'s was due to some textual backstory to the Children of the Vault!
The Costume Contest (Mariana Books Rhyming #2)
The Costume Contest (Mariana Books Rhyming #2)
Roger Carlson | 2020 | Children
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Are you shopping for Halloween theme books for your child or children? Well. “The Costume Contest” by Roger Carlson is a good one to have on your child’s bookshelves. It deals with Halloween, and it also helps with cooperation and conflict solution.

We meet Aaron and Ava for this story. The story behind this is sweet. Will Aaron help his little sister out with her costume and the contest? You will see that Aaron wants to be something different for Halloween? But did Aaron promise to be a cat with Ava or not?

Children will learn about conflict solutions and solving problems through cooperation. I like how the two kids figure out their trick-or-treating costumes between themselves, though with parents’ support. What does Aaron decide to do?

The author put this story on Halloween, focused on friendship, and saw what happens when they trick-treating. Who ends up willing to participate in the costume contest? The pictures are so colorful. Are the different costumes you see while Aaron and Ava are trick or treating? This book is a sweet story and has a few teaching lessons through the book.

Parents will enjoy having this book on their shelves. Children will want to read this book again and again. It is suitable for the Halloween season, along with some teachable lessons for children.