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Amy Poehler recommended A Tale of Two Cities in Books (curated)

A Tale of Two Cities
A Tale of Two Cities
Charles Dickens | 1859 | Fiction & Poetry
7.3 (22 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"When stories become iconic, you sometimes forget what made them so special in the first place. They can become the punch line to a joke. But A Tale of Two Cities not only has the best first line ever written—’It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’—it’s got everything! The novel has wine, guillotines, revolution! It has the storming of the Bastille! It has Madame Defarge, one of the best villains in any literary novel. At the end, it’s got a little romantic switcheroo: One man stands in the place of another and dies for the woman he loves. The first line is fitting right now. It’s a very have and have-not time. It’s certainly the most hopeful period for our country but also a very bleak one for a lot of people"


Emma Watson recommended The Handmaid's Tale in Books (curated)

The Handmaid's Tale
The Handmaid's Tale
Margaret Atwood | 1998 | Essays
8.3 (112 Ratings)
Book Favorite

"Margaret Atwood wrote The Handmaid’s Tale over thirty years ago now, but it is a book that has never stopped fascinating readers because it articulates so vividly what it feels like for a woman to lose power over her own body. Like George Orwell’s 1984 (a novel that Atwood was inspired by) its title alone summons up a whole set of ideas, even for those who haven’t read it…Atwood has called it ‘speculative fiction’, but also says that all the practises described in the novel are ‘drawn from the historical record’ – i.e. are things that have actually taken place in the past. Could any of Atwood’s speculations take place again, or are some of them taking place already? Are the women in the book powerless in their oppression or could they be doing more to fight it?"

I Am Legend (2007)
I Am Legend (2007)
2007 | Action, Drama, Sci-Fi
Messing with nature is never a good idea
Will Smith as Robert Neville

The sole survivor of the Zombie Apocalypse in New York City.

This is actually the third movie to be based on the classic Richard Matheson novel, taking liberties (like the previous two both do as well) with that source material - there is a very different ending here (even in the alternate cut!) than that novel originally had.

It also, for large parts, an acting masterclass by the former Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, as he is onscreen alone for large swathes of the movie - only really sharing the screen in the flashback portions to the pre-pandemic time (hmm .... sound familiar? I'm writing this in 2021), when scientists believe they have found a genetic cure for cancer.

But, oh Sam ...

(I'll deliberately leave that obscure)

Travis Knight recommended Yojimbo (1961) in Movies (curated)

Yojimbo (1961)
Yojimbo (1961)
1961 | Action, Adventure, Classics
8.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"An utter masterpiece from the great Akira Kurosawa. Curiously, a Dashiell Hammet novel provided the inspiration for this film. I love that an American pulp novel from the 1920s was the spark for a staggering work of genius from Japan over three decades later. It demonstrates how art can transcend barriers across time, space, and culture and speak to us in a meaningful way. Yojimbo was remade as Sergio Leone’s spaghetti western classic A Fistful of Dollars, which I saw and loved long before I knew the original even existed. But when I discovered Yojimbo, it was like a gift from the universe. Everything else paled in comparison. Yojimbo is part western, part gangster noir, part samurai story, all awesome. It’s so good. Plus, if Kubo’s dad looks a wee bit like Kurosawa’s resplendent muse Toshiro Mifune, that’s not necessarily a coincidence."

Michael Ondaatje | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Michael Ondaatje is undoubtedly my favorite author. However, his books are sadly few and far between (but oh, the quality…)! I, like all his fans, now anxiously await the publication of his newest book, which is coming out in early May. While we wait, I thought this would be a good time to remember some of his other books, such as “Divisadero” which I reviewed on my blog here.

(The title of this novel comes from a street in San Francisco but the origin of the name of the street probably means 'division' or it could come from a verb in Spanish 'divisar' which means 'to gaze at from a distance'. In this, we find that the title of this novel is a metaphor for the book as a whole.