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The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Hercule Poirot #4)
The Murder of Roger Ackroyd (Hercule Poirot #4)
Agatha Christie | 2006 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
7.6 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Not my favorite novel
You can also find this review on my blog at
TRIGGER WARNINGS: death, murder, talk of suicide

The Murder of Roger Ackroyd follows detective Hercule Poirot as he investigates the murder of Roger Ackroyd. Ackroyd was murdered in his study that was locked, but not before he received a letter from the person that was blackmailing the widow he was having an affair with. This same widow was being blackmailed and rumors spread about her murdering her own husband. She ends up committing suicide because of these rumors and blackmailing.

King's Abbot is full of suspects but it's up to Hercule Poirot to figure out who is guilty of murdering Roger Ackroyd. He is aided by the village doctor and narrator of the story, James Sheppard and his sister, Caroline Sheppard.

I really wanted to love this novel, as it seemed really interesting. It didn't get interesting until the very ending and I wouldn't recommend reading this book first if you've never read an Agatha Christie novel. This was the first ever novel I've read by Agatha Christie and I'm just not really bothered to read any more novels by Agatha Christie.

The story was somewhat interesting, but the execution wasn't there. I wasn't able to guess the killer, so that was a fun little plot twist. But the ending came abruptly and the overall story lacked. It lacked that punch that most mysteries have. There was hardly any development and background for both the story and the characters.

I listened to the audiobook version of this so I wasn't sure if there wasn't any grammatical and/or spelling errors. The narrator was a bit monotone but was otherwise a decent speaker. I forced myself through this, when all I wanted to do was DNF it. It lacked, was confusing, and was rather boring. I did not enjoy this and was disappointed with the overall story.

"The things young women read nowadays and profess to enjoy positively frighten me."
The Gardener's Daughter
The Gardener's Daughter
K A Hitchins | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Oh Ava, Ava, Ava… Why are you playing an adult, when you are just a child??? Why?

The main lead in this novel is Ava, a nineteen-year-old girl, who finds out that she is adopted. Filled with anger and wish to find out who her real dad is, she runs away from home, getting herself in a lot more trouble than she could dream. This book offers a very wide variety of different characters, who bring intrigue and personality to the whole book. I really liked this selection of characters in this novel, and I think they all played their roles really well. However, Ava really annoyed me sometimes, with her silly and very childish decisions and actions. My favourite would be Theo, I loved his kind nature and heart, and he represented real father figure to me.

I really liked the plot of this novel, it was very well crafted, bringing a compelling and interesting setting and plenty of intrigues. It was really interesting to read all those bits and pieces of camp’s life and what can be hiding behind closed doors. The twists and turns were smartly placed and left me pleasantly surprised.

I think Hitchins is a very talented author, she has a great eye for detail and very creative writing style. I found the chapters quite long for my liking, but overall, the book didn’t drag for me because I was quite keen to find out, what will happen next. I really enjoyed the ending of this novel, and if there will be a continuation, I will be definitely waiting for it. 🙂 So, to conclude, this is a very amusing book, filled with very well developed and engrossing characters and intriguing plot, and I truly believe that Hitchins is incredibly good at what she does. So please give this book a try and hopefully you will enjoy it as much as I did. 🙂

BookInspector (124 KP) rated 337 in Books

Dec 13, 2020  
M. Jonathan Lee | 2020 | Contemporary
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow life story
The protagonist in this story is Samuel, a man who lives quite a sad life, in my opinion. He is divorced, lives alone in his parent’s house, and doesn’t have many things going on, to be honest. He had quite a difficult life though. His mother left, the father was rigid and abusive, and his brother left as soon as that was possible. Samuel reflects a lot in this novel. He tells his life story, including the life of his grandmother, who is about to die. I didn’t really like Sam, he seems quite miserable and pretty dull. 😦

The narrative is told from a single, Samuel’s, perspective. There are quite a lot of thoughts and personal experiences shared in this novel. I kept waiting for that investigation and surprises, but they didn’t really come. There were attempts to it, but the time spent in a care home with grandmother took most of the narrative. The topics discussed in this novel were mental and physical abuse, children’s mental health issues, loneliness, drugs and alcohol use, controlling fathers and many more.

The atmosphere of this book is quite depressing, it is divided between sad memories and a dying grandmother. 😦 The writing style is quite thought-provoking and detail-oriented, and I did like the story that Sam shared with the readers. I also really liked the short and snappy chapters, that made the reading experience more enjoyable. I liked the ending of this book as well, it was very satisfying to have some sort of closure, and I do hope that Sam finally can have something positive in his life. 🙂

So, to conclude, it was an interesting experience to read a book focused on a man’s mental health issues and his relationships to his quite estranged family members. Even though this novel felt dark and sad, I think that Samuel’s life has thought-provoking experiences. Do give this book a go, and I hope you will like it. It is quite different…

Becs (244 KP) rated Maga High in Books

Oct 2, 2019  
Maga High
Maga High
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I was contacted by Lindzi herself to review her novel Maga High, the first in the Jodie Trilogy. I was excited and ready to have a fun easy-going read that dwindled my worries of stress. This novel didn’t quite hit home but it also didn’t really leave me disappointed. Just a big ole fat “meh” about it.

First off, there are quite a bit of grammatical errors and sentences/ paragraphs that don’t make any sense. I was utterly confused half of the time and I feel like there is so much that is missing from the story line. The writing is also very juvenile, where it kind of works in some parts but not in others. The characters feel more fake than what they are supposed to be, like they’re trying too hard. Wait, that’s not the word I’m looking for. The word I’m looking for is that they are lacking depth. They have no care in the world and seem destructive.

The story is a slow burn, yet it’s not really a burn at all. Just really a smolder that doesn’t feed the hunger in your brain at all. Also, why are there so many damn exclamation points?! It seriously takes away from the entirety of the novel. Well that, the juvenile writing style, and the lack of depth to the characters.

Reasons why I rated it 3 stars:
1. The characters lacked depth and background.
2. There was an over use of exclamation points and it really took away from the novel.
3. There were a ton of grammatical errors and sentences/ paragraphs that didn’t make any sense.
4. The story was interesting and it somehow captivated my attention long enough for me to finish reading it.
5. It was a fun read that packed tons of drama into it.

“It doesn’t matter what battle you might be fighting, everybody has their own going on. I suppose it’s how you handle it that counts.”
Adele: The Forgotten Sister of Fred Astaire
Adele: The Forgotten Sister of Fred Astaire
Nicola Cassidy | 2020 | Biography
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Thank you to Booksirens for sending me an advance review copy for free. I am leaving this review voluntarily.

I was intrigued by Adele when I first applied for an ARC: it isn't my usual kind of read but although I have heard of Fred Astaire (mainly from my grandma) I didn't know anything about his sister Adele, so I decided to give the book a go. Wow I am glad I did!

Nicola Cassidy brings the Astaires to life through her amazing writing. The majority of the novel is told from Adele's perspective: starting from when she is just a child. Cassidy, in turn, writes in a childish, conversationalist prose with this becoming steadily more mature along with our protagonist . By presenting Adele's life through her own eyes the reader feels her pain intensely: particularly towards the end of the novel. I'm not ashamed to say I was openly weeping at certain points.

Some critics may say that anyone can take a universally emotive topic and make you cry during a story. Well Cassidy goes one step further: through the character of Adele's father and the contrasting relationship she has with her mother and brother, the reader also witnesses the overwhelming feeling of absence- almost numbness towards the patriarchal figure. Similarly we also feel apprehension when we can recognise history repeating itself before Adele does: we can predict that this ending will not be an altogether happy one and it is this foresight and empathy that Nicola Cassidy creates which is unparalleled with any other book I have read recently.

Adele (the novel and the character) has glitz, glamour, heartache and inspiration. However, the novel has a steadying undertone with the changing effect of World War Two and the presence of several working class, dedicated women at the heart of the story.

Nowadays, it may be Fred Astaire who springs to mind but it was Adele who paved the way: it's about time she was given the chance to step out from her brother's shadow and regain the spotlight once again.

Nikki Massey (8 KP) rated The Hunger Games in Books

Feb 7, 2019 (Updated Feb 7, 2019)  
The Hunger Games
The Hunger Games
Suzanne Collins | 2014 | Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (277 Ratings)
Book Rating
Strong female lead (0 more)
Unexpected inspiring read
I really didn't know what to expect of this novel. It seemed very much like a teen/young adult novel but I actually found myself gripped in the twists and turns of the story and unable to put the book down as a thirty-something-year-old!
I felt an instant connection to Katniss and could almost picture myself as her.
She may be young and not the biggest or strongest character but she made up for that in guts and brains.
She is a selfless young woman who put the needs of her family in front of everything else. She listened and learned and that gave her survival skills. She was smart and figured out the game and what would keep her alive.
It's refreshing to find a novel where the lead female character wasn't just a stupid and vacant girly girl but actually strong and intelligent. This is the type of role that should be featured more to inspire and motivate more women. To show you don't have to just like the material things in life and you don't need a man to get you out of a tricky situation. In fact, you end up saving the guy and are the heroine of the tale.
I can't wait to read the other two books in the series! I'm just waiting on the postman to deliver them!
Another cover love novel from the hands of Mrs. Colleen Coble, a gem among the Christian Fiction authors I review books by! I struggled just a bit with the first 3 chapters, trying to get engrossed, but once I did......boy, this novel flew by for me! The characters were wonderfully chiseled and the theme of the story was suspenseful, just as the first. 

This book, to me, while having amazing characters, started off too slow for me. It wasn't until about chapter 4 that I became fully engrossed and flew through the book with lightening speed, following Ellie and Grayson through their story. There was unique twists and turns through the story once I got engrossed in it. Those twists and turns left me on the edge of my seat on a few occasions.

This book, filled with terrorism, truths that don't add up, and characters that are perfect for their roles, will leave you ready to get book three in your hands to find out what happens next. This is definitely a 4 star worthy novel and one that I will recommend to all who love a good, faith filled, thrilling suspense page turner. Mrs. Coble's talented hands have once again created a thrilling addition to her Lavender Tides series! Well done!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under not obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*