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Separate Lives
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
It all begins when Susie sees the text on Alex's phone: "Start living a different kind of life ...P :-) xxx." Convinced he's having an affair, Susie sets off on her own trajectory that threatens their partnership of ten years and their life with their two children. And Alex? Is he completely innocent in all of this? And what about the mysterious P?

This novel is told from the alternating point of view of Susie, Alex, and Pippa. Susie's pieces come via standard narrative, Alex's mainly through email exchanges with his brothers and sister, and Pippa via emails to her sister. While this starts off as sort of enjoyable and different, it can grow old quickly (though the email format moved quickly at least). For instance, Pippa and Susie have a way of veering off into tangents about their past, which drove me absolutely insane. These summaries seemed not at all relevant to the book (what they wore and read at seventeen!) and dragged the narrative down and the story on forever.

Meanwhile, the novel sounds interesting in its premise: a group of characters brought together by a potential technological misunderstanding. It's certainly why I selected it as an ARC. The problem is that none of the characters are remotely redeemable or likeable. While a book that revolves around infidelity may not always have the most personable of characters, you can usually find some humanity them. This group: I just could not find any reason to root for them. I would find an occasional glimpse in Susie or Pippa, but overall, they all annoyed me with their whining and life choices, and I felt sorry for their children! Add to that a plot filled with a variety of twists and turns that would be better off in a soap opera or Lifetime movie (surprise pregnancies! love affairs with a spouse's siblings!), and my frustration level reached its peak. Again, there were moments I liked, but overall I just didn't find a lot of humor or enjoyment in this novel. 2.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review; it is available everywhere as of 12/06/2016
To Die in Spring
To Die in Spring
Shaun Whiteside, Ralf Rothmann | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Let me start this review with this: <b>I cried on the train because of this novel.</b>

Towards the end of WWII, the Russians and the Americans were closing in and Germany were desperate. Boys, as young as 8 !!, were being forced into becoming soldiers and pushed to the front to fight for a country that were losing, brutally. Thousands of children’s lives were lost.

In this book we meet Walter and Fiete, both young men, aged 17, who are forced into becoming SS soldiers. They are best friends, but they’re very different. Walter is reserved and respectful, Fiete is loud, sarcastic and happy to voice his opinion on what he thinks of the war. Unfortunately, Fiete gets pushed on the front line, fighting a war he thinks is idiotic, so he attempts to desert. Deserters get executed by their own men.

This novel is so beautiful yet so horrible. You can’t really think of this novel as fiction when you know the contents within probably happened to thousands of teenagers. It’s so distressing when you think about how people were treated and how they lived during the war and this book represents it perfectly.

Reading this book, the fear and melancholy of being a soldier fighting a losing battle creeps through your bones. You’re there, stuck in a rotting basement, scared of death yet willing it on, just to get out. I applaud Rothmann for making those feelings so real in me… A young woman, sat on her train going into another day of work, of safety, but with goosebumps, because in her mind, she’s stuck outside in the cold, desperately trying to find a hiding place from the American war planes flying over.

This novel is an emotionally charged story about the brutality of war and the awful things young men were forced to do, just to have their pathetic Fuhrer shamefully kill himself and the battle be lost. I urge any person who likes to read war books, to read this one. The writing is stunning, the characters are real, and the story is harrowing.

<i>Thanks to Picador Books for providing me with an arc copy of this book in exchange for an honest review.</i>
Read my review here:

As you may have noticed from the other reviews, this book is <i>not</i> a retelling of a serial killer's crimes, how he did them, how he got away for so long, and eventually, how he got caught. This is much more about a (platonic) relationship between journalist and killer.

Rowe is a journalist who becomes <i>obsessed</i> with Kendall, a convicted convicted serial killer of eight women, and at times, reading about this deep fascination gets a little uncomfortable. Openly admitting that she feels a sense of importance and flattery at having so much on Kendall’s attention seems pretty disgusting, but she then admits that she now knows these feelings were inappropriate and has come to realise that her obsession got the better of her.

I have to agree with other reviews, that this book is a little all over the place. Rowe’s writing is absolutely gorgeously put all the way through, it’s really poetic, it’s just that the structure is a bit off. Topics skip all over the place and it can sometimes be hard to grasp how one thing connects to the next.

In the end, I actually really enjoyed this novel even though it wasn’t a classic true crime kinda novel. It was interesting seeing the correspondence between the two of them and getting the feel for how someone like Kendall works in a different way to us. I’m not really interested to read all about the Attica riots, so that will be a new addition to my bookshelf soon, I’m sure!

If you like going through a true crime novel finding out what the killer did in chronological order, what drove them to do it and some of the more gruesome details of their crimes, then this probably isn’t the novel for you, but if you like something a little more personal and moving I would recommend giving this one a try.

Thanks to the publisher for sending me a free copy in exchange for a review!

Lou Grande (148 KP) rated Hogg in Books

May 28, 2018  
Samuel R. Delany | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Please, please, please proceed with caution
HOGG was written in 1968, a few short months before the Stonewall Riots. Brimming with anger and pent up sexuality, HOGG is (by the author's admission) a pornographic novel for nobody. It's the kind of novel that's hard to describe as "good," even though it's masterfully constructed and hard-hitting. It's also disgusting on a deep, visceral level--multiple levels, actually.

The (mostly) nameless, voiceless narrator of HOGG is an underage boy of possibly mixed race who begins his narrative by immediately shifting focus from himself to Hogg, a character so vile that it's hard to write a PG description of him. His profession is that of a rape artist. He rapes specific women in exchange for cash and enjoys his work, though admittedly he prefers the company of men.

When the narrator and Hogg meet, it leads to a weekend of unspeakable violence and puke-worthy sex. Racism literally abounds; some characters are referred to just by an epithet, and some of their names are only revealed in police reports. HOGG, the novel, plays on our sense of pity--we want to feel bad for the narrator. It's easy to see him as a victim of society. But as the pages go on, it gets harder and harder as he becomes more than an active participant in the goings-on.

The word "love" is never mentioned in the 200+ page novel, but the reader can feel an approximation of it in the relationship between Hogg and the narrator--maybe. This makes the ending just that much more powerful, when the narrator speaks his only line of dialogue.

This is a very powerful book, whether you can find something redeemable in it or not. It's very much a product of its time, and furthermore, it SAYS something, which I think these so-called "extreme" horror authors could learn a thing about. HOGG is not just filth for the sake of filth, or violence for the sake of violence. When put in context, it's heart-breaking and vile at the same time. I don't know if another book has ever made me feel this way.

Kelly (279 KP) rated Outlander in Books

Nov 26, 2018  
Diana Gabaldon | 2015 | Fiction & Poetry
9.4 (52 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well researched historical background (2 more)
Intriguing characters
Jamie Fraser
Like many other reviewers of this book, the genre of this story is not my first go to. This aside, I have thoroughly enjoyed reading Outlander.

The novel is set in two different time periods, the first the aftermath of the Second World War, the second during the 1740s and the build up to the battle of Culloden. One of the strengths of this book, is that Diana Gabaldon has researched the historical settings of this novel well, and paints a fantastic image of the times for the reader. With a background in the study of history, I am normally the first to start picking faults in the historiography of a story, however in this case, I was unable to, and instead able to relax into the plot line itself. The novel also encouraged me to carry out further research into Scotland in the 1740s and even visit the Culloden battlefield (and of course the Fraser stone).

The characters in the novel are well thought out and all have their faults as well as strengths (which in my eyes makes them more believable). Clare, the main character is a strong willed and independent woman, however can be outspoken before her time. Jamie is a character that see through Clare’s eyes and as such, we understand why she falls in love with him, is at times held by the constraints about how men and women should act in marriage during the 1740s, and struggles to cope with Clare’s independence.

As readers we are led through a story of 1740s clan culture in Scotland (including the brutal behaviour of the British officer Jack Randall), as well as the emerging love story between Jamie and Clare. This is ultimately a love story, but sexual scenes are much more subtle in text than the dramatisation of the TV series. As is often the case with books that have been dramatised onto the screen, we also get a much deeper insight into the feelings and emotions of a character, which often struggles to translate onto screen.

Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and eagerly await picking up the sequel to find out what will happen next to Clare, Jamie and Frank.

Hazel (1853 KP) rated Neverland in Books

Dec 17, 2018  
Shari Arnold | 2015 | Children, Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>This eBook was provided by the publisher via NetGalley in exchange for an honest</i>

People grieve in many different ways, as Shari Arnold shows in her young adult novel <i>Neverland</i>. It has been four months since seventeen-year-old Livy lost her little sister Jenna to leukemia. Her mother has become a workaholic, her father a ghost, but Livy has become determined to help as many sick children as she can, either by reading to them or becoming a bone marrow donor. Livy’s life revolves solely around the children at the hospital but things begin to change when she meets the mysterious Meyer who takes her out of her comfort zone and challenges her to have fun.

As suggested by the title, <i>Neverland</i> is based upon the well-known story of Peter Pan. Meyer, like Peter, loves an adventure and whisks Livy away to do things she would never have thought to do on her own. By showing Livy how to have fun, Meyer hopes to encourage her to move on, but the big question is, is Livy ready to live without her sister?

The first part of the book has a contemporary setting that makes the story appear to be the typical girl meets boy who makes everything better type of novel, however the second section is completely different. Part two is so full of fantasy and magical ideas that it feels like a completely different book. Initially it was exciting when Meyer was something of an enigma, but suddenly the story becomes childish and fake once his true identity has been revealed, thus making the novel less gripping.

Nonetheless, <i>Neverland</i> is very moving as is anything regarding the death of young children. Arnold provides an interesting retelling of the delightful fairytale giving a totally new meaning to the children who do not grow up. Those who enjoy contemporary and fantasy novels will enjoy both elements however some readers expecting a young adult love story may be disappointed with the unrealistic turn the novel takes part way through.

Deborah (162 KP) rated Queen's Gambit in Books

Dec 21, 2018  
Queen's Gambit
4.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This wasn't a bad début novel by any means and it seems that lots of people really enjoyed it. I didn't dislike it, I actually found it a pleasant read, but it was also fairly undemanding. You might want that from a book sometimes or you may want something a bit more challenging. It may be that there are so many historical novels out there and of these ones about the Tudors top the leaderboard by a mile, so for me, a Tudor historical novel needs to really outstandingly good to make it stand out from the crowd. I also read a fair bit of 'proper' history (i.e. non-fiction books), so perhaps I know too much for there to be any surprises awaiting me? I do tend to get riled by bizarre deviations from historical fact.

Anyway, the novel deals with part of the life of Katherine Parr, last wife of Henry VIII, starting with the death of her second husband and continuing just past her own demise. I suppose an historical novel will give the author more leeway to explain real events and there is a sort of expectation that a book should be a nice tidy package, explaining everything within its covers. I don't really feel that Fremantle does this with the Parr/Seymour relationship. It's not easy to see why an intelligent woman could be taken in by a man like this anyway, but in the book it was as if Katherine actually was attracted to him against her will, so the relationship never sat quite happily for me. The other main protagonist is a woman called Dorothy (Dot) Fownten, who acts very much as a maidservant to Katherine, and her stepdaughter, Meg Neville. I was interested to learn that Dot was a real historical character, but so little is known of her that Fremantle has had the liberty of embroidering her story.

As I said, not a bad book. Good if you want something fairly undemanding, such as a beach read. I suspect it will appeal to fans of Philippa Gregory and Alison Weir, but those who prefer Penman may find it a little lacking.
To All the Boys I&#039;ve Loved Before
To All the Boys I've Loved Before
Jenny Han | 2014 | Children
8.8 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
I have never in my life finished a book in one night and I read this entire novel in one sitting. As soon as I picked it up, I couldn't put it down. I love the way it was written, the characters, the plotline is so fresh, unlike anything else, this novel is amazing. I am seriously so shocked.

I think what makes this book so great is how real it is. I remember being 16, Lara Jean's age, and falling in love for the first time and what that felt like and how it kind of creeps up on you and then all at once, it just is there and it's all-consuming and this thing you can't run away from. I felt that in Lara Jean and Peter. I also think the hard part about writing a book as an adult that is about teenagers is that you can lose that feeling. You can forget what it feels like to be that age, to live in those moments, to have those feelings. I don't feel like that with this novel. It feels very real and very true. It's definitely a story that can take place in almost any time, which I really love. Obviously, if it was a pre-cell phone time, texting wouldn't be there, but other than that, it's definitely something that could hold up and I think those are the best stories.

I thoroughly enjoyed the movie when I saw it the first time and I'm eager to watch it again and compare it to the book, but I'm even more excited to read the second book in this trilogy and figure out where the story goes next. I've managed this far along without having any spoilers of what happens in the next 2 books and that I'm very proud of.

Overall, I really enjoyed this novel. I think it was beautifully written, it's the perfect ending, or cliffhanger rather, and I think it's a true story about high schoolers and not one that is so far removed, it's hard to relate. I hope the second book keeps me as hooked as this one did.
The Art of Hiding
The Art of Hiding
Amanda Prowse | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
3.5 stars

The main character in this book was Nina, a mother of two boys and a wife of a wealthy businessman. After her husband’s unexpected death, she finds out, that she was living in a bubble, and her husband left them bankrupt. Kicked out of her beautiful home and with pennies in her pocket, she needs to find out the way to survive.

I really liked Nina as a protagonist in this novel. I really liked her strength and her relationship with her boys. She had huge changes to endure, but I think she handled the situation pretty great. This novel was mostly told from Nina’s perspective, sometimes throwing in other character’s thoughts. My least favourite was Nina’s older son, I do understand he is a teenage boy, but a little bit of understanding and common sense from his part would’ve saved Nina so much stress. :S But again, what do I know about kids.

The narrative of this book was very absorbing to me, I was very intrigued of where the life will take Nina and her boys. There was so much loss, that it was really heartbreaking to see them struggling so much. I really enjoyed the topics which author has discussed, such as family relationships; the differences between being poor and rich, and how it affects people; use of survival skills after they were subdued for a very long time, and many more. Even though the story was engrossing, some parts were pretty repetitive for me, and that made my interest drop until a turn or surprise came along.

This novel is very well written and the language used was very easy and pleasant to read. It has decent chapter length which was divided into smaller parts as well, so the book didn’t drag to me. The ending of this novel rounded this story pretty well and left me satisfied with the outcome. So, to conclude, I enjoyed this story, filled with life-changing events and pretty strong characters. I did admire Nina and her life journey, and I do recommend to give this book a try, it has great life lessons to offer.