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I knew from the description that I was going to love this novel, and I wasn’t wrong. I love reading stories about faes so I was immediately attracted to the fantasy of the story. What I wasn’t expecting was how hot this story was! I actually had to walk away a couple times to catch my breath before I could return. Normally, I don’t like dialogue during my erotic scenes. More often then not, it sounds cheesy and silly. Rivard has a talent with writing such dialogue without taking away from the heat of the scene. In all honestly, it made them even hotter.

It wasn’t all about the sex, however. The author created a fantastical world filled interesting creatures. I can’t wait to read more stories to learn more about her mystical races. Not only that, but she did a great job of adding meat to the story, creating a cornucopia of characters whose stories intertwine. I found myself wondering about certain characters and hoping she continues their stories in the next novel.

The only true issue I had with this novel was how stubborn Dion was. I guess if I look from his point of view, I would understand. I wonder if the author gritted her teeth while she wrote him being so bullheaded. I know I would have.

This story could have gone wrong so very easily. I have read it countless times before. Rivard knew what she was doing and expertly wove a story of love, sacrifice, and fantasy. I will definitely be continuing the series.
Things You Won't Say
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I definitely enjoyed this novel by Pekkanen. It's the first of her books I've read and after I completed it, I looked back on Goodreads and saw I've had several of her earlier novels on my "to read" list for a while. I certainly liked what I read here enough to go back and explore some of her earlier works. Probably the only thing that prevented me from giving this a 4-star rating (I'd say this is about 3.5 star - still wish Goodreads let us give half star ratings) is that the novel wrapped up suddenly and a little too easily.

The novel follows the story of Jamie, a stay-at-home mom with three young kids. Her husband, Mike, is a cop. The story is very current -- not long after his partner is seriously wounded in a shooting, Mike finds himself in another dangerous situation. There's another shooting--at Mike's hands.

The story unfolds from the viewpoint of the women in Mike's life: Jamie; her sister, Lou - a slightly eccentric zookeeper and part-time barista; and Christie, Mike's ex-girlfriend, who is night to Jamie's day, but also mother to Mike's eldest son, Henry.

The characters are well-developed and complex. Jamie is a bit irritating at times, but I really liked Lou. The book is a rapid read and a very easy one, as well, even if it's rather stressful. It's certainly a worthwhile and enjoyable read. I'll be curious to see what some of Pekkanen's earlier books are like.

(Note: I received an advance ebook version of this book from Edelweiss in return for an unbiased review.)
The God Gene Chronicles: The Secrets of the Gods
The God Gene Chronicles: The Secrets of the Gods
Projesh Banerjea | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
The cover (1 more)
The storyline and plot
Pronunciation - didn't know how to pronounce half of the names. (1 more)
Some of the characters and places could have had a bit more background on them.
A thrilling, yet historic and fun read that will keep you on your toes.
I received a copy from Smith Publicity for read and review. The following review is my honest opinion of The God Gene Chronicles: The Secret of the Gods by Projesh Banerjea.

Can we talk about this cover?! Like for real, this is the coolest cover ever! The storyline was great, some of the characters could have used a bit more background, some of the places could have been developed more. But all around, this was a great read and I look forward to seeing Nikhail and Rahual's story continue.

I was honestly surprised how well this novel kept my attention. I was so worried that with the style and plotline being of a different culture and more realistic, that it would draw my attention elsewhere. But it didn't. My full attention was on this novel. The whole structure of this novel is phenomenal!

Insights: It would have been nice to have a key that helped the reader to understand how to pronounce certain names of people, things, and places. But other than that, this was one rollercoaster of a book. (And I mean that in a good way!) I couldn't put this down, at all. The author sure has a way with words and taking a culture that is realistic, and adding fantasy aspects to it - that takes skill.

"For the Rakshasas!"
The Last Time I Lied
The Last Time I Lied
Riley Sager | 2018 | Thriller
8.7 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Keeps you guessing until the last pages
What I enjoyed about this one is the twists and turns happening all throughout the novel. You think it’s one thing, but it’s leading to another, yet out comes another possible solution to the mystery however it ends up being another red herring and so on. The guessing games keep the book on your toes.

The plot flows through smoothly, alternating between past and present so you get a feel for the background story on the events leading up as to why Emma is back. There were times where you had to question her sanity because her behavior was erratic and unstable. As mentioned before, the guessing games throughout the novel kept the plot going and exciting to read. Expect mean girl behavior and shenanigans, and Emma’s character overall isn’t too likable but tolerable at the most. Vivian isn’t any better but the role she takes upon herself as a ‘big sister’ is endearing and gets instant idolization from Emma.

What I loved the most about this book is I wasn’t expecting such a great ending. I was thinking it was going to be a lackluster one at the most with a simple explanation as to what was behind the girls disappearances. It’s not until literally, the last pages of the novel where you get hit with a mega surprise and it was instant mind blow. I was left shocked for a fair amount of time as it was expertly done.

I heard more good things about Sager’s other works so I’ll definitely be picking them up. Hope they’re just as good as this one!
The Queen's Governess
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the first book I've read by this author but I thought the concept sounded interesting, even if I do think that perhaps the Tudors are starting to be a bit done to death! The story is in many ways about Elizabeth I, but the narrative character is Kat Ashley, Elizabeth's governess (as from the title!) and later her chief lady of the bedchamber.

The novel is written in the first person, which can be a little clumsy in the hands of an unskilled author, but Harper carried it off well. I was interested in her historical note at the end, as Kat Ashley's origins are a little obscure - I do like to know what is fact and what the author's imagination, but of course fact is often stranger than fiction! I'm not totally sure if the relationship with Cromwell as shown in the novel is based on historical fact or more on conjecture on the author's part.

I did spot a couple of errors in the text - I know they do move county boundaries now and then, but I do beleive that Stamford is in Lincolnshire and not Northamptonshire. Yes, I know it's picky, but it's that sort of thing that makes me stop and think "Are you sure?".

The novel starts with the demise of Anne Boleyn and then takes us back to Kat's earlier life in Devon, leading up to the moment we see in the prologue. We are carried through all the trials and tribulations of the reigns of her half siblings finally followed by Elizabeth's accession and some way into her reign.
The Queen's Promise
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Yes, it's another Tudor historical novel and yes, it's another Tudor historical novel about Anne Boleyn!

This one I think is worth reading though. Although Anne carries one of the main narrative threads the book is really more about Henry Percy, 6th Earl of Northumberland, who had some sort of understanding with Anne before she caught the eye of that other Henry. I don't think his life is as well documented as other more prominent figures at court, but there is enough information there to give a foundation to his story. Our other main character is Will Chatton, who, along with his wife, is a fictional character created to give us a broader view of Tudor society and to assist Henry Percy and move the narrative along. Will is also friends in the novel with Robert Aske, who was a real historical figure.

Henry Percy has not generally been given much prominence, even in fiction, so this was a new angle, drawing out his character. His is not really a happy story, but he is certainly a sympathetic character and the author uses the forced break up of their relationship as a sort of catalyst for the change in Anne's behaviour to a harder outlook, so the reader can still sympathise with her. One thing that does puzzle me in 'real' history, and which I feel the author didn't convincingly explain in her own narrative, was why it was found necessary to break up Anne and Henry's relationship? That point aside, I thought this was a good read and a bit different to the usual court focused novels.