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The Trespasser: Dublin Murder Squad
The Trespasser: Dublin Murder Squad
Tana French | 2016 | Crime, Thriller
8.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
We're up to the sixth installment in Tana French's Dublin Murder Squad series and she's still going strong. In this one, we hear from Antoinette Conway, the partner of Stephen Moran from French's previous novel, [b:The Secret Place|20821043|The Secret Place (Dublin Murder Squad, #5)|Tana French||21598636]. Being a Detective on the Murder Squad isn't everything Antoinette hoped for. She isn't fitting in on the male squad--most of whom tease and prank her viciously--and she and Steve seem only to receive the most bland, boring cases. Not much bothers Antoinette, but she's about ready to leave the Squad behind for good. So when the latest case comes in--handed straight to Conway and Moran by their boss--it looks like much of the same: another domestic dispute. Beautiful, blond Aislinn Murray has been killed in her home. It looks like a typical lover's quarrel gone wrong. Aislinn's table is set for a romantic dinner, and she's dressed up for a beau. But as Antoinette and Steve investigate, they find things aren't exactly what they seem. Why is their colleague, Detective Breslin, so involved in their case? Why does Antoinette keep seeing someone following her home? And why is the local media out to get her? Antoinette knows the Squad doesn't like her, but now it seems like the hatred is wrapped up in her case, too. Who can she trust--and where will it end?

I'll say it up front: this was an excellent mystery. Just a wonderful read. I love all of French's novels, but thoroughly enjoyed this one. Antoinette was a refreshing voice and completely relatable. Her case was interesting and well-plotted, leaving you constantly guessing. As per a typical French novel, you don't receive just a simple mystery; each of her books comes with a backstory. In this one, we see Antoinette battling her demons and her inability to fit in with her Squad. Are they really out to get her, or is it all in her head? It's true that French's books probably aren't for everyone. There's a lot of talking, a lot of expounding, and a lot of knowing what her characters are thinking. But, in turn, you're presented with characters who are so complex, so rich and in-depth. It's amazing. I've said it in previous reviews, but I love that when I open one of French's novels, I know that I'll be completely transported into another world for a few days. Her writing is strong that you completely inhabit her characters and their environment.

Antoinette, as mentioned, is a complex female character -- strong yet vulnerable and just completely refreshing to find in a detective novel. Her relationship with Moran was very enjoyable to read about, especially after hearing about their initial early meeting in [b:The Secret Place|20821043|The Secret Place (Dublin Murder Squad, #5)|Tana French||21598636] from Moran's point of view. There's a humor to Conway, lending levity when needed, but also a dark side. She's bitter with the world for a reason. Because the entire book is told from her perspective, we're figuring out the mystery with her, learning facts and alibis as she does, and unraveling the plot along with our detective. Of course, we're limited to seeing the case from her perspective, too. As Moran and Conway try to determine who they can trust, so do we. The book expertly leaves you guessing with the plot; it takes you in one direction early in an incredibly convincing matter. It also skillfully takes you inside the Squad, allowing us to see not only how a case is run, but the inner politics.

In this way, the novel is not just a well-crafted mystery but a lovely treatise on relationships and friendships and the lengths we go for both. I'm also left amazed at how much French can put into a novel. Her way with words is magical, and I just love her books, her stories, and her characters. I highly recommend this novel, or any of her earlier work. 4.5 stars.
Almost Missed You
Almost Missed You
Jessica Strawser | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry, Mystery
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Violet and Finn are one of those couples that everyone believes is meant to be. Their story is one entwined with fate. They met once by chance and were reunited years later. Now married, with a young son, everything seems great for the couple. While vacationing in Florida, Violet cannot believe her good fortune. So imagine her shock when she returns from a relaxing nap on the beach to find their hotel room empty: Finn has vanished, and he has taken Bear, their son, with him. Violet has no explanation for this, and the FBI is quickly involved. Meanwhile, Finn's closest friend, Caitlin--who has become Violet's dear friend too--becomes entwined in the disappearance when Finn enlists her help. Will Violet ever see her son again? And why exactly did Finn vanish from that beach?

This novel definitely sucks you in right away. It's confusing and intriguing, as you're completely puzzled as to why Finn would run off and leave his beloved wife (and why would he take their son, too). In the beginning, I did not want to stop reading: the novel was completely addictive. Strawser slowly adds in additional details that thicken the plot, making Caitlin and her husband, George, as much as a part of the story as Finn and Violet. It's told in alternating points of view (Violet, Caitlin, Finn) and time periods, including after the kidnapping incident and before, leading up to Violet and Finn's history together. This effectively builds suspense and can drive you a tad insane, as a chapter in the past ends, leaving you dangling and wanting more details.

The problem for me was that, over time, the characters almost seemed their own worst enemies. Rather than a mystery/suspense novel, the book turns more psychological (nothing necessarily wrong with that) with each character bemoaning their various choices that have led up to this point. And seriously, they've made some stupid choices. It's one of those things where you want to scream: if you'd all just have talked to each other! Communication! Some of the ways of handling things seem awfully impractical for such serious issues (case in point: just about anything Caitlin does with her life, including her way of addressing the kidnapping).

Still, the novel continues to churn out some crazy twists, making it very interesting. The unveiling of Finn's past really carries the book about 3/4 through. You're continually wondering what happened, what he owes various characters, and why on earth he'd want to leave Violet (and take Bear).

As much as I enjoyed this novel and how suspenseful it was, I was frustrated by the characters - none of whom I cared for much at all beyond Violet. (I would have just strangled Finn if possible and potentially even Caitlin.) Again, some communication could have really saved some preposterous plot movements. There are a few times where characters seem to act way out of line for their development, etc. As the book nears a close, it drags on with their in-fighting and psychological messes, versus actual excitement, which was a little disappointing. I felt like we'd been through a lot of excitement for nothing and come out at the end with little but an emotional saga. The ending is awfully pat, too, and makes you think, really?

However, I truly did enjoy most of this book and found it incredibly suspenseful. It's easy to read and draws you in immediately. Even if you don't like all the characters, you'll be intrigued by their predicaments and the entire scenario. I'd certainly be interested in what Strawser comes up with next. 3.5 stars.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review; it is available everywhere as of 03/28/2017.

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I&#039;ll Be Your Blue Sky
I'll Be Your Blue Sky
Marisa de los Santos | 2018 | Contemporary, Fiction & Poetry
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Revisits former characters (3 more)
Features unexpected twists and turns
Beautiful characters that fit together well
Funny and touching
Lovely look at some favorite characters
The weekend of her wedding, Clare Hobbes meets an elderly woman, Edith Herron, at the venue. While they only have a few brief conversations, they provide Clare with the insight and courage she so badly needs. So much that she finds the strength to call off her wedding and return home alone. A few weeks later, Clare receives some sad and surprising news: Edith has passed away and left Clare a seaside home in Delaware. Desperately seeking a place to reevaluate her life, Clare decamps to the "Blue Sky House" and there begins to learn more about Edith and the remarkable life she led. This includes the discovery of two ledgers--one depicting a list of the guests who stayed at Edith's home when it was a beach guesthouse and another, "shadow" ledger, with mysterious notations. With the help of her former boyfriend, now best friend Dev Tremain, Clare starts to unravel Edith's brave and fascinating past. Along the way, she starts to get closer to working out more about herself as well.

I absolutely adore Marisa de los Santos and was really excited to see she had written another book picking up on the characters first introduced in Love Walked In: A Novel and Belong to Me. Both still hold a place of honor on the bookshelves of my home. Still, Goodreads told me it was nearly ten years since I'd read those gems. Considering I can forget a lot of what I've read a few months ago, it took a little remembering and time to get back into the characters. There's a lot to keep track of in the beginning. Still, once I got into the groove, it was like being back with old friends.

Getting to know more about Clare--all grown up now--is lovely. You find yourself drawn to her immediately. Her finance, Zach, made me nervous from the start, and in many ways, the novel can be a little stressful, between Clare navigating Zach, learning about what Edith was up to, and just some of the general topics of the novel. I always know a book is well-written when I find myself getting nervous on the characters' behalf.

The book generally alternates chapters between Clare and the story of Edith, the woman she meets at her wedding venue. Edith's story mainly takes place in the 1940s and 1950s, and I found myself always wishing for more and more of her tale, as she's a fascinating character in her own right. As Clare moves into Edith's old home and starts to investigate the woman's past, we learn a little more about her through Clare and Dev's sleuthing. It's a very effective format, and I found the book surprisingly suspenseful, with several unexpected twists and turns thrown in along the way.

Indeed, I was never really sure where this one was going. It meanders a bit and kept surprising me as it did. There are points where the sadness can be really hard and heartbreaking (in a wow, this novel is incredibly well-written and I feel as if these characters are real way). All the characters fit together so well and come to life before you--no surprise to anyone who has read a Marisa de los Santos novel before. It's so easy to get lost in the world she creates for us. At other times, I just found myself laughing, as Clare and Dev, for instance, could just be so funny and real.

In the end, I just wound up really loving this one. I was along for the ride wherever Clare and her gang were going to take me. I loved her, I loved Edith, and now I'd wait ten years for another book without any issue whatsoever. It's a lovely book about connections and about the family we have and the family we make. It's about love (very appropriate that I finished it on Valentine's Day). Thanks for revisiting these characters, Ms. de los Santos. I didn't know I needed them again, but I'm glad you did. 4+ stars.

I I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss in return for a honest review. More at
Flavia! (2 more)
Relationship between Flavia and Dogger
Mystery plot
Another excellent entry in Bradley's Flavia de Luce series
In the ninth (! - how is that possible?) Flavia de Luce mystery, we see Flavia away from her home turf, as she and her sisters have been sent away from Buckshaw on a holiday to try to help them recover from the death of their father. But instead (of course) Flavia discovers a dead body. As the gang is boating, she drags her hand along the water, it snags on something and boom - she catches her fingers on a corpse. Only our Flavia! Of course, Flavia isn't content to leave things to the local Constable. The dead man is named Orlando, and his death leads Flavia into a world of a traveling circus, a famous Canon renowned for poisoning three women, and much more.

I am an unabashed fan of Flavia and this book didn't disappoint. It has all the staples of an excellent Flavia novel-- a strong mystery to unravel and a bunch of clever, witty, and surprisingly uncanny lines from our beloved protagonist. By now, our dear twelve-year-old Flavia has been through a lot. She's more mature, and she's as feisty and clever as ever. I admit that some of the chemistry in these novels goes over my head (I'm not as smart as Flavia, and I'm completely fine admitting that). But I love the mystery plots, and more than that, I love Flavia. I've felt protective of her since the first novel, even though the thought of that would anger her more than anything.

There's a good eclectic cast of supporting characters in this one, including an aged actor, an undertaker's son, and a woman who used to know Dogger. And, of course, we get some appearances from Flavia's ever-suffering sisters, Daffy and Feely. The best part of this novel, however, for me, was the strengthening relationship between Dogger and Flavia. Their bond is one of the highlights of the book. I love those two. By now, Flavia and Dogger feel like friends, or even family. It's a sign of how well Bradley writes and creates these characters that you feel so attached to them.

Suffice to say, I thoroughly enjoyed this one. If you're a fan of Bradley's series, you probably will as well. If you haven't picked up this series, I do suggest starting near the beginning, as you'll form a better bond with the characters. But you will be able to jump in with this book, too, as the mystery stands alone. The ending of this one also leaves me excited and looking forward to what I hope will be book #10.

I was very excited to receive a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley (thank you!) in return for an unbiased review.
Replication: The Jason Experiment
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Replication: the Jason Experiment has many different components that make it an excellent book.

The plot is intricately woven, exciting, fast-paced, and realistic. Yes it's about clones, but Williamson does an excellent job of keeping it from feeling ridiculous and impossible. She builds her world realistically and believably. The story starts off compelling, keeps you interested the whole time, and ends with potential. I like the ending because it doesn't feel like happyland syndrome (even though it's a happy ending) because it's an open ending: Williamson doesn't write everything down, but you pretty much know what happens, and it makes you feel so happy.

The characters are very complex. Abby is a Christian, but she's not perfect by any stretch. The youth pastor is a good guy, but he's not perfect either. Abby's relationship with God is realistic, her relationship with her father (who isn't saved) is hard to watch, but she tries to stay above reproach in the way she deals with his misunderstandings of her. I would have liked to know more about how Abby came to know Christ, but not knowing didn't take away from her story or her character. And maybe that's a story for another time.

Even though all the Jason's are clones, they are all very different. There are similar things about them, like their expressions (and probably their likes and dislikes) but they all have very unique characters. This story tackles the concept that yes we are born with DNA that determines a lot about us, but the way we grow up and the lifestyle we have and the influences around us also seriously impact our thoughts and choices. It's a balancing act; Williamson exposes it.

This book is a Christian novel, but it doesn't feel preachy (I call this Fictional Preaching), nor does it feel like a girl with a perfect almost sappy relationship with God. It's realistic. Abby fails, Abby sins, but she keeps going the right direction and she doesn't give up.

Lastly, the romance between the characters starts off subtle enough that you don't think anything of it, and stays real. It's not about the physical—so many teen romances start off that way. In fact, this novel says a lot about love: it's about them as people seeing examples of the love of Christ in each other! and because they love Christ, they love each other. And that's the way love is supposed to be: We love because He first loved us. It's a beautiful picture, and an excellent execution.

This novel was exciting, fast-paced, realistic, encouraging, and inspiring. On top of it all, it was totally clean. I recommend this one to anyone. Seriously. Read it. You won't regret it.

Check out the interview with Jill Williamson and the giveaway for a copy of the novel!
The First Time I Died
The First Time I Died
Jo Macgregor | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Captivating An Engaging
I was completely (and unexpectedly) bowled over by this book! Why you might ask? It leapt out at me to be read as it is a thriller which is one of my favourite genres. My enjoyment was unexpected as I am usually wary of anything to do with the paranormal, but not on this occasion. It is not a crime novel where the reader is buried under loads of supernatural information. The thriller and mystery parts are well interwoven along with the paranormal aspects and as a result, I was hooked from the very beginning!

Garnet McGee returns to her home-town in Pitchford, Vermont, at the suggestion of her college professor, who thinks she needs some time away from her studies so that she can re-evaluate what she wants to do with her life. Whilst there, she vows to solve the mystery of a murder which shattered her life ten years ago. But after dying in an accident and being brought back to life, she starts hearing voices, seeing visions and experiencing strange sensations. Are these merely symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder and an over-active imagination, or is she getting messages from a paranormal presence?

This is the first of Jo Macgregor’s novels I have read and as always when reading a mystery, I started guessing who the main suspect was. Well, I was wrong because it was someone else…

THE FIRST TIME I DIED is unusual in that I had imagined that it would be about Garnet's death, but it was, in fact mostly about someone else’s. I found that this gave the novel an edge that was both engaging and enjoyable. I found it easy to empathise with Garnet and I wanted her to succeed in what she was looking to achieve.

I loved Jo Macgregor’s writing style and some of her descriptions in the novel were so atmospheric, especially those about Plover Pond. The first half of the novel is written in alternating chapters of time, giving the reader clarity, which really worked for me. "Then" referred to a time period of ten years ago, when Garnet was a seventeen-year-old schoolgirl.

Jo Macgregor brought everything together for a fabulous conclusion even though I never did manage to accurately guess who was behind the murder. I haven’t got anything negative thing to say about this book. I loved it and it has left me eager to read more from this author. THE FIRST TIME I DIED is an exciting and action-packed crime/thriller that I highly recommend.

Thank you to Hidden Gems and the author for a free ARC of this book in exchange for a voluntary, honest review.
Show all 4 comments.

Christine A. (965 KP) Feb 5, 2019

Great review! Added it to my want to read list. Thanks for the suggestion.


Midge (525 KP) Feb 6, 2019

Thanks to all of you for your lovely comments! ??


ArecRain (8 KP) rated Bad Girl in Books

Jan 18, 2018  
Bad Girl
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I ended up having a love/hate relationship with this book. Bad Girl is a short novel about a young woman who watches her neighbors through a telescope she hides on her balcony. One day, she is caught and the rest is history.

What I liked about this story? The sex scenes were pretty well written and, in the beginning, inventive. After awhile, I actually became bored with them because that was the majority of the text. I understand that it’s an erotica novel, but there was hardly any pauses or breaks between each sex scene.

What I didn’t like about this novel? It seemed pretty unrealistic. The main character, Sandy, excuses her “late-night hobby” by saying she is just looking out for her neighbors. While that may be a good excuse, everybody can see right through it, including Zeke. When Zeke calls her out on her hobby, she reacts pretty much the way I suspect any woman would: she obeys. This created some delicious scenes. However, Zeke finds out about her hobby because he accidently sees her moving her telescope back into her house. What I find comical is that he threatens her for spying on her neighbors when he pretty much stalks Sandy after initially seeing her. Not only does he do a background check, he literally stalks her when she leaves her house to go to work or hang out with her friends. He takes mental notes of certain attributes which come in handy later after the two actually meet.

That brings us to Sandy and Zeke meeting. At first, Zeke was only planning on scaring her out of her hobby and she only obeyed so she wouldn’t be exposed. That escalated into amazing phone sex. Apparently, this phone sex was so awesome that the two couldn’t stay away and had to meet so they could have incredible real sex. This part of the story progressed so quickly, I felt that Reynold’s rushed it just to get to the sex scenes.

I also felt she rushed the emotional part of their relationship. Zeke, who is keeping an eye on one of Sandy’s neighbors for his job, is immediately defensive and protective of Sandy when said neighbor, who happens to be a mobster, shows interest in her. I can understand wanting to protect someone from harm, but it felt as if Zeke was more emotional involved instead of just being a good Samaritan.

All in all, what little plotline there was, made the pauses in between sex scenes interesting enough. The sex scenes were creative and tasty, but actually became tedious after awhile. Not necessarily a novel to take serious, but entertaining enough.
The Sleepwalker
The Sleepwalker
Chris Bohjalian | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lianna Ahlberg has always known that her mother, Annalee, is a sleepwalker. So when Annalee goes missing, her family immediately assumes she has vanished while sleepwalking. After all, Lianna once pulled her naked mother off a bridge near the river by their home. A scrap of her nightshirt is found near that same river, and everyone assumes the worst. College-aged Lianna, her twelve-year-old sister, Paige, and their father, Warren, must grapple with a life without this loving mother and wife. Still, the police, including detective Gavin Rikert, continue to probe into Annalee's disappearance. And so does her family. Lianna finds herself learning more about her mother, her parents' marriage, and her family's history of sleepwalking. She also finds herself drawn to Gavin, who knew her mother before she disappeared. Where is Annalee, or her body? And what really happened that night?

This story is almost a treatise in the facts of sleepwalking, or parasomnia. It is told from Lianna's point of view, but interspersed with odd snippets from a journal (or something, we aren't sure) with facts, thoughts, and ruminations about sleepwalking. It's also a very (very) slow-building mystery as we discover what happened to Annalee Ahlberg (as Lianna calls her repeatedly throughout the novel - something that bothered me. Just call her mom!). The novel certainly has some intrigue, but man, it's a slow buildup, and while I liked Lianna and Paige, I wasn't fully part of their world, and I didn't find myself rushing to read this book; it took me five or so days to finish it, which is a lot for me. Now I read it over the holidays, and I wasn't feeling well (not its fault), but still.

Furthermore, the book details a lot of odd plot threads that never seem to fully connect. I often found myself wondering if it was interesting, or just dragging on. Having Lianna tell the story as she's looking back in time was also an odd storytelling device, as it just allowed for weird, pointless inserts (e.g., ruminating about how she never used condoms).

By the time we get to the ending, it is somewhat surprising, but almost a little frustrating. So much buildup for very little resolution, and then the novel is over. In a way, I feel as if Bohjalian suffered (for me) from his greatness; I've loved so many of his other novels and characters that this one just fell a bit flat. It was interesting premise, and not a bad read, but certainly not my favorite of his.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Edelweiss (thank you!); it is available everywhere as of 1/10/2017.
The Stolen Marriage
The Stolen Marriage
Diane Chamberlain | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ok so let me just say the cover of this novel is absolutely stunning … all the water droplets are raised and the image is breath taking!!!!
After reading the synopsis of the story in the cover, I was hooked into wanting to read this and the novel did not disappoint. This is not only a multilayered, multifaceted novel of plots and characters but also genre of books. The writing is like watching a movie playing in your head … Chamberlain has a way at pulling you in and making you feel all different emotions throughout the story. Each character is written in a way that you feel like you know them and see their growth and there views and feel each of their stories. If you like historical fiction or mystery or self discovery or even romance, you will love The Stolen Marriage.
The book is set in 1943-1945 with an epilogue that is 1955. It starts out with Tess in Baltimore, which in these times is considered to have northern values and religions with a mix of cultures. Then the story continues into Hickory NC where southern religions, views on colored people, values such as money and family come into play. I am not going to summarize it too much and give too much away nor am I going to describe the synopsis of the book that is given because it is spot on. However, the first chapter draws you in with an accident and a death!!! Then the story unfolds where Tess makes a detrimental decision that changes her path in life drastically. Then its a wild, emotional and beautiful story about a marriage to someone she doesn't know and slowly gets to know, loosing people that are precious to her, loosing herself and finding herself when she becomes a nurse and uses these skills when the polio epidemic hits Hickory, how the town comes together during this time to build a make shift hospital in a very short time, losing and regretting the love of her life, finding out people are not what they make of themselves, secrets that come to light throughout the book, finding out that even though differences are evident you still can learn and overcome a way of thinking, and so much more.
The decisions she makes changes not only her path but others as well. And also the decisions others make change Tess and change the characters lives as well.
This book has race issues, religious issues, moral dilemmas, moral values, personal growth, finding ones true self, etc.
I highly recommend this book!!!!! It was an amazing read, compelling story telling and so many plots wrapped up in one incredible novel!
The Color Project
The Color Project
Sierra Abrams | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
<b>Five Reasons Why You Should Drop Everything on July 18 and Read <i>The Color Project</i></b>

Lately I've been in a reviewing funk/slump, so I am back again with another list of reasons why you should totally drop everything, and I mean <i>everything</i> (except for homework and other real-life priorities despite the fact you'd rather read all day) on July 18 (WHEN THE BOOK COMES OUT!) and read Sierra Abrams's debut novel.

<b>The Use of Apps</b> - I think this is a <i>really</i> minor detail, but I almost never see books that actually uses smartphone apps, and Abrams incorporates the use of at least one app I think almost everyone uses on a daily basis if not more.

<b>Gorgeous Writing</b> - I currently don't have the copy with me by side as I'm writing this review, but Abrams has some <i>amazing</i> descriptors in her novel (most of which having to do with stars and constellations, which I adore). Have I mentioned the chapters are based on songs?!

<b>Family and Friendship</b> - Aside from the obvious romance, family and friendship plays an important role in <i>The Color Project</i>, and I <i>loved</i> how Abrams incorporated those two elements together seamlessly with romance.

<b>So Much Emotional Feels</b> - If anyone knows me well enough, I am <i>not</i> an emotional person when it comes to the books I read and the movies/TV shows I see. <i>The Color Project</i> brings out my emotional side, and I had so many tears as I got closer to the end of the novel. (Granted, I might have been watching far too many <i>Boys Over Flowers</i> episodes and reading about three other contemporary novels at the same time, but <i>I never cryyy</i>.)

<b>Cute Characters</b> - I am <i>alll</i> for adorable characters. <i>Imperfect Chemistry</i> is valid proof of that, along with many others I've been reading lately (from <i>I Believe in a Thing Called Love</i> to <i>When Dimple Met Rishi</i>). Bee and Levi are so adorable, I just want to pick them up from <i>The Color Project</i> and adopt them.

It was an absolute delight to read Bee's and Levi's story in <i>The Color Project,</i> and is perfect for those looking for a contemporary novel that has gorgeous writing and bring so much emotion.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>