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Wingless and Damned
Dawn White | 2012
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Disclaimer: I received an e-copy from the author in exchange for an honest review.

At the start, we meet Ciarra, the tribal healer, doing her best in a bad situation by performing a spell on tribesmen that will turn them into werewolves. Unfortunately, there's no way to turn them back, as her spirit guides tell her. But at that moment, a mysterious man, Aison, comes out of the forest and grabs Ciarra, taking her to a cave deep in the woods, where his brethren, the Strigoi, those beings the werewolves were created to kill, are waiting. Aison and the others force Ciarra to alter the spell, forever cursing all future members of her tribe to become weres at 26 years old, as they have kidnapped the pregnant leader's wife, Kimi, as leverage. Ciarra is attacked by the other Strigoi, and Aison turns her, but not before Kimi gives birth and dies. Ciarra saves the baby and gives her to two Fae, enslaved by the Strigoi, to protect in their world until the time is right for her to meet her tribal mate and help bring down the original Strigoi. Years later, we meet Lea, the "wingless Fae" from the prophecy, and her story continues from there.

I really enjoyed this book, as there were lots of supernatural elements that I found really interesting. There are Strigoi, werewolves, Fae, tribal curses, spirit guides, etc., and it was really fun to read. However, I feel it would've been better had it been longer, as there were several instances I thought were rushed, such as the battle in the woods between the werewolves and Strigoi. I think it would've made a great novel, including a little more depth to the battle, the tribe's way of life and coping with the curse, etc. However, I still liked it a lot, and I look forward to more.

4 stars
Montpelier Parade
Montpelier Parade
Karl Geary | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
4.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received this book for free through Goodreads First Reads.</i>

Set in the not-so-distant-past in Dublin, Ireland lives Sonny, a schoolboy with not much hope of succeeding in life. Living on the poverty line, Sonny has no choice but to work at a butcher’s shop after school, and with his gambling father, a builder, at the weekend. On one such occasion, whilst working on a posh house on Montpelier Parade, Sonny meets the enigmatic Vera, whose beauty leaves him speechless. It only takes another encounter, and Sonny is infatuated with this elusive lady.

<i>Montpelier Parade</i> is a melancholy love story, describing the dangerous relationship between Sonny and Vera. Not only is it wrong for schoolchild and adult to have such an intimate connection, Sonny finds himself powerless to deal with Vera’s depression. Vera’s Sylvia Plath-esque demeanor results in events that go above and beyond what an adolescent boy ought to be dealing with – especially as he has his own problems, too.

Karl Geary has written this novel in the second person, placing the reader directly into Sonny’s position. “You say,” “She turned and looked at you.” – we, as the reader, become Sonny. This makes it easier to imagine the hardships he is facing at school, at home, and with Vera. We imagine ourselves in his position, thus making everything feel so real.

<i>Montpelier Parade</i> is not an easy book to read. Depression and suicide are very delicate topics to deal with. Combine that with underage sexual relationships with an adult, and you have got a particularly uncomfortable journey ahead. Then, to top it all off, the narrative is riddled with foul language.

 A comparison with wealth and poverty, life and death, and love, <i>Montpelier Parade</i> will attract many readers. Sadly, the story was a bit too crude for myself to enjoy. That said, I can understand why many will enjoy it, or even relate to it, however be aware, it is quite a serious, dark story.
Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass &amp; Sorcery
Rat Queens, Vol. 1: Sass & Sorcery
Kurtis J. Wiebe | 2014 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (12 Ratings)
Book Rating
Meet the Rat Queens! Betty, Dee, Hannah and Violet. The depiction of sass!

Due to their unruly behaviour of drunkenness and bar brawls, the mayor of Palisade has assigned the rat queens to the task of clearing out some Goblins in a cave, however if they fail they will have to leave the town.

I really loved this comic for so many reasons, first and foremost I loved the humour from all of the characters. I literally laughed out loud and that doesn’t happen often when reading a book. It was fun and very easy to read. The pace is constantly fast so you will speed through this book or you can take your time to appreciate the amazing artwork (I loved the artwork). The only thing that let it down was there wasn’t much of a plot, mostly battle scenes and not enough character development, however I chose to ignore this due to it being so friggin good!

First off this is a feminist graphic novel and appears that is becoming somewhat of a trend which is great to see. The main characters are all so different, they are all shapes and sizes, and not perfect with perfect tits and asses. The women are drawn to be attractive but each in their own way. They also got the LGTBQ theme going on in the story – Betty the Smidgen is a lesbian but done in a casual way. There is also different races in the book and interracial relationships. It’s so refreshing to see all, races, genders, sexualities in books now and done so with perfection.

This book is not for children or the easily offended so if you don’t like violence, bad language, gore and sexual discussions then it’s really really not for you as this is what most of the book is about.

I would definitely recommend this book to anyone that likes magic, battles, Orc’s, assassin’s, goblins, gore and more… This is a bind up of the first 5 comics in the series.
Noughts and Crosses: Book 1
Noughts and Crosses: Book 1
Malorie Blackman | 2006 | Children
8.1 (17 Ratings)
Book Rating
Why did it take me so long to pick up this book? This book is brilliant, I absolutely loved it. This is my first Dystopian novel and I will be definitely delving more into this genre.

For people who are unfamiliar with this genre, this is the definition: Dystopian is the exact opposite — it describes an imaginary society that is as dehumanizing and as unpleasant as possible.

This story is told from two POV’s, Callum and Sephy. Callum is white and a Nought. Sephy is black and a cross. Crosses are the ruling class and the noughts are the second rate citizens. The divide between the Noughts and Crosses is very clear and strict with no mingling.

Sephy and Callum are the best of friends even though society tries to keep them apart, they start meeting up in secret and as they grow so does their love for one another.

This book covers so many topics that are thought provoking, such as racism, predujice, terrorism and more. This book is very fast paced and action packed that you will fly through the book

I loved both of the characters, Sephy was a very strong and powerful character who was stubborn but knew what she wanted. Callum was equally as strong and wanted to make a change in the world but nobody would listen.

I loved everything about the book especially the ending.Oh my god the ending! I had a lump in my throat. God I love Sephy and Callum.

   <b> “Dear God, please let him have heard me. Please.
    If you’re up there.

This is the first of four books in the series and will definitely be reading the others which are: Knife’s edge, Checkmate and Double Cross.

I would recommend this book to anyone! It really is great.

I rate this 5 out of 5 stars.

Please check out my Blog for other reviews
Warren the 13th and The All-Seeing Eye
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
*I received a copy of this book from Netgalley and the Publisher in exchange for an honest review*

This is a book that I have had on my TBR for quite sometime *sorry Netgalley* and I even made it one of the books to read for #beatthebacklist which I have now achieved *fist pumps the air*

This Middle-grade book is excellent for this time of year the illustrations and story are quite dark- there is an eerie tone set to this book and definitely a Halloween book – it’s not scary but it has witches and other spooky beings.

This book is action packed with loads of fun stuff to read about – Warren has to go on quests and solve mysteries to help him save his beloved hotel that Aunt Annaconda is trying to take over. Supposedly there is an All-seeing eye in this hotel but nobody knows what it is and where exactly to find it – but this all-seeing eye contains a treasure – a treasure so powerful that he can’t let his awful aunt get her hands on it.

This book has a lot going on in it and a varied amount of characters that it doesn’t leave the reader bored for a moment and there is a mystery that you are trying to unravel whilst reading. There are some meaner characters such as Aunt Annaconda and her sisters but then we have other ones that are there for the young heir and help him.

I loved the fact that this book had illustrations and that it complemented the story very well, they were very dark, gothic style and used a darker palette – I just wish at some point I can read the physical copy.

Overall this is a great middle-grade novel,it’s fast paced and intriguing with an eclectic range of characters and will be appreciated by children and adults of any age.

I rated this 4 out of 5 stars

ClareR (5603 KP) rated Darling Blue in Books

Jul 30, 2018  
Darling Blue
Darling Blue
Tracy Rees | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A little light reading.
Set in the 1920's, the Darling Blue of the title is the main character in this book and follows the lives of not just Blue, but that of her family and friends. Blue's father, on the eve of her 21st birthday party, makes an announcement that Blue will marry the man who sends her a letter that she can fall in love with. She goes on to receive three letters, and some of the novel is about this search for a husband.
Blue also helps to save a woman, Delphine, from drowning in the Thames. She learns that she is in fact escaping an abusive husband. Blue's family take her in and help her. Everything seems perfect until, of course, it isn't.
It's a very bright and breezy book, filled with the hope that everyone must have felt after World War 1, but it all seemed contrived to me. Even the unpleasant 'stuff' seemed glossed over and hurried, and it didn't seem to be taken very seriously. The characters, particularly Blue's father, seemed to have very progressive opinions on certain things. Very modern, late 20th century opinions, in fact. I wonder if a character such as his would really have existed? He seemed to be very understanding of one particular plot twist which involved him and his wife, which I feel that even a man (or anyone else for that matter) today would have really struggled with. And the ending was just far too rushed and 'happily ever after'. It's a shame, because I really enjoyed the only other Tracy Rees book I've read (Amy Snow). I'll probably have to have a look at the other two books she has written between Amy Snow and this one, and see whether this is a blip. I hope so, because Amy Snow really did show promise.
Thanks to The Pigeonhole and to the author for a chance to read along with her.
Beastly Bones (Jackaby, #2)
Beastly Bones (Jackaby, #2)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I expected a more darker story
Contains spoilers, click to show
So it may help to read the first one in order to grasp a bit of understanding of the character relationships and the overall plot (there’s a main one underneath the layers here)

***Possible spoilers here you’ve been warned***

I loved the first one, really liked the characters and Jackaby’s quirkiness. With this one though, it’s a different type of case, albeit still with a supernatural/fantastical element but it felt like you were reading an Indiana Jones type of adventure. Which is all right and it made things different and interesting but I was looking forward to something a little more darker and spookier.

However, the adventure aspect with the missing bones was still well written and enjoyable to read. It took more of a comedic tone and I enjoyed the fighting between Lamb and Horner over the bones while poor Charlie seems to be always stuck in the middle of each argument. Abigail really shined in this one with her passion of dinosaur bones, she was in her element and showed how much she loved doing the job despite the obstacles she had because of her father and society. She really stepped up and developed a lot in this book.

And yes! She breaks the tension with Charlie!!! Finally! It was all throughout the novel until she finally took matters into her own hands. I like them both together. They seem to complement each other well enough even though it seems she has a much more determined and strong minded temperament whereas Charlie is more mellow and laid back. Well maybe Abigail will slowly bring him out of his shell?

What I enjoyed the most about this plot is there’s an even deeper and darker story underneath and this was just a diversion. That pale man is creepy and I hope it gets explored more in the next book as it features Jenny’s story too. This was a fun read but I’ll be happier going onto much darker things in the story.

Lesley (60 KP) rated Lies in Books

Aug 11, 2018  
T.M. Logan | 2018 | Mystery, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
This thriller had my heart racing, and surprised me at every turn!
I received an ARC of this novel in the mail, I was so excited! As much as I love a digital ARC, holding a real book in my hands pre-publication was next level. I was delighted. Anyhow...SOFT spoilers ahead. Not worth marking as spoilers but just a warning if you'd like to go in completely blind.

What a fun read! I was hooked within the first few pages. The premise seems so simple - Joe is driving in London traffic when his son, in the backseat, spots mommy's car across the road. They decide to surprise her and Joe sees her with another man...her best friends husband, Ben. Sounds so predictable, right? Joe decides to confront the man, since he already knows him after all, and he doesn't want to believe his wife would be unfaithful. We all want to hear the simple explanation that clears up what we genuinely hope is a misunderstanding. Unfortunately, this particular conversation becomes a physical altercation when Ben becomes aggressive, and he ends up unconscious and bleeding on the ground in the parking structure. Joe's son begins to have an asthma attack, so he leaves him there. From there - the book gets really good. What happened to Ben? Wherever he ended up, he decides that the battle against Joe has begun. As Joe slowly finds himself the main suspect in a murder investigation, even without a body, the lies of his life begin to unravel all around him. You're so busy engrossed in figuring out the mystery that you miss the obvious truth right in front of you - much like Joe. The twist blindsided me, and I thoroughly enjoyed the clever way it was written and the way it tricks and leads your mind as you read. Thank you MacMillan Publishers and St. Martins Press! I am loaning it to friends and family next to spread the word!
Sweet Little Lies
Sweet Little Lies
Caz Frear | 2017 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
Sweet Little Lies was billed as a thriller in Book of the Month's description, but it's more of a police procedural. I hadn't read one before, though I watch plenty of them on Netflix - they're a bit of a guilty pleasure! It was interesting having one in book form. It's not my typical fare, but I did enjoy it, far more than I probably would have enjoyed a true thriller. It's got all your typical parts of a police procedural - older family man cop, ball-busting female chief who isn't as bitchy as she first appears, troubled main character who snapped on a case, police psychiatrist, puzzling case, lying witnesses. All we're really missing is a partner who isn't actually a cop but somehow worms his way into cases anyway.

I'm conflicted about Cat herself. I like her - but I disagree with some of her decisions. I think she should have come clean about her connection to the case immediately. She doesn't because she's trying to protect her dad, but why? She spends most of the book talking about how much she dislikes him! Her entire family dynamic is pretty weird. They have issues.

I really enjoyed the writing of this book. The pacing was excellent - slow enough to absorb each new reveal properly, but fast-paced enough that the action rolls along. Goodreads says the book is "Cat Kinsella #1" implying it's the start of a series. I'll have to keep an eye out for them. For a debut novel, I am impressed at the level of writing, pacing, plot, and characterization. There's a lot of threads in this book that get gathered together at the end and tied up nicely, with only one escaping. That worried me until I discovered it's the beginning of a series; the one loose thread makes sense in that context.

While I didn't like this one quite as much as Goodbye, Paris, it's still another great pick from Book of the Month.

You can find all my reviews at
The Girl Who Smiled Beads: A Story of War and What Comes After
The Girl Who Smiled Beads: A Story of War and What Comes After
Clemantine Wamariya | 2018 | Biography, History & Politics
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A Must Read and Good one to Discuss.
It’s not an easy subject to write and review about. What can you really say about it when it’s filled with tragedy, mass displacement, and human suffering. It’s definitely an eye opener and if you’re wanting a book to read and discuss this would be an ideal one.

What is prevalent all throughout the novel is Clemantine’s feeling of displacement and how she’s not really entire ‘whole’ or she’s never really had a place to call ‘home’ considering all she’s been through. She’s gone through various countries through Africa only to be displaced time after time. It’s emotionally jarring and to even think that Clemantine was only a child during this period would be traumatizing to any child exposed to this world.

I find the book interesting and shows how her behavior is like once she moves to the US. Clemantine constantly seeks new opportunities but it feels as if she’s doing so to learn more about herself or to constantly fill herself so she can feel wholesome. Every time she accomplishes something, she goes out to do more. It’s never ending. It’s an admirable trait if you look from another perspective but if you don’t know her real background, you would assume she’s a normal, overachieving teenager.

Claire’s strength is admirable throughout the story. Despite all the chaos going around her, she is constantly trying to improve so she can get out with Clemantine. The sad part is, because of what was happening around them, they didn’t really have the chance to be actual sisters. Claire looked out for everyone, Clemantine stayed home and held the fort.

No matter how hard you try you can’t really put yourself in their perspective. You can’t really know how it is until you’re actually there experiencing it too (and no one wants that obviously) you can only wish Clemantine and her family will continue to lead on successful and fulfilling lives like they rightly deserve just like everyone else.