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The Furthest Station (Peter Grant, #5.5)
Ben Aaronovitch | 2017 | Crime, Paranormal
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>Many thanks to the publisher and Netgalley for providing me a copy in exchange for an honest review </i>

<i>The Furthest Station</i> starts off with the same flair we've seen in previous installments to the Peter Grant series and I'll tell you, it's good to be back with Peter.

Though short at only 144 pages The Furthest Station is packed with enough information to give you an insight into the trouble peter can get into when left to his own devices. 

This novella is about ghosts predominantly and we experience Toby the wonder dog in his element. The same characters from the previous books star with a special mention to Jaget and Abigail - Abigail in particular was brilliant - incredibly smart and up on all thing supernatural. 

Ben Aaronovitch's typical descriptive monologing through Peter is as always brilliant. My favourite is below:

<blockquote> is the cry of the guilty middle-class homeowner.

This sort of thing always creates a dilemma since the scale of guilt you're dealing with ranges from using a hosepipe during a ban to having just finished cementing your abusive husband into the patio.</blockquote>

The ghosts eventually give Peter the information he needs to locate a crime happening and in true Folly flair it's filled with supernatural hijinks and Nightingale at his best. The magic was few and far between but the ghosts made up for it and the relationship between Peter, Nightingale and Abigail as well as Abigail and Molly were written very well. I look forward to seeing where the growing friendship between Abigail and Molly goes in the next books. 

It was a touch odd reading book 5.7 after reading book 6 but there were no crossed boundaries that made things seem complicated so great news there. Overall, very well written.
Opposition (Lux, #5)
Opposition (Lux, #5)
Jennifer L. Armentrout | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
8.4 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
The last installment in the Lux series. Luxen have invaded earth in their thousands without so much as a smidgeon of friendly intent. In the face of alien domination, salvation rests on our brave ragtag bunch of Lux, Hybrid and Origin heroes. Who can they trust? Where can they turn for help? Oh my, things are grimmer than grim.

Opposition was a decent read, and it certainly wrapped the series up neatly. However, it does conclude rather abruptly on a note which felt slap-dash rushed. On reaching the epilogue at only 63% -way before I was prepared for the story's end -I did feel kinda cheated. I don't know how long the book actually is, but it buzzed with a powerful not-long-enough vibe. And going off my kindle's progress bar, it was like I was robbed of almost half a book. The Shadows novella takes up the final 40%. I skimmed through this with very little interest. In place of this prequel, I'd have most definitely preferred more of the Opposition storyline, and there was a wealth of play space to expand upon the drama of the whole invasion fiasco and the fight against it.

I enjoyed the Lux series on the whole; the characters were great, and their interactions never failed to tickle me. But...

- Kat's excessive use of 'Holy alien babies' and similar such exclamations became increasingly annoying.
- The sizable proportion of word count devoted to declarations of love everlasting (and promises of sacrifice in the name of) would have been better spent on developing the actual plot.
- Daemon's lips 'kicked up' repeatedly. Sometimes, he could have just 'smiled'.
- Kat and Daemon reacted to situations in some bewilderingly dumb ways.
- Solutions to, and escapes from life threatening situations of doom played out way too swiftly and conveniently.
Staked (The Iron Druid Chronicles, #8)
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
8th - yes, 8th! - entry in [autho: Kevin Hearne]'s 'Iron Druid' series, this actually picks up a short while after the novella 'A Prelude to War' (in the compilation [b: Three Slices|28506035|Swallow (Three Slices)|Chuck Wendig||48659925], rather than straight after [b: Shattered|32438|Shattered|K.R. Dwyer||3047286].

And yes, I didn't know that until I read the prelude/authors note, which resulted in me putting this one on hold until I read that particular entry.

When the series started, Atticus was on his own, hiding out in Arizona, until he makes the fateful decision to stand up to rather than run from the Celtic God who believes that Atticus has stolen a magical sword from him.

Since then, events have snowballed out of control, with Atticus now joined by his apprentice Granuaille as well as his own Arch-Druid, who was frozen on a time-island for millenia. This, of necessity, means that the story is no longer told from one point of view: rather, we now have three seperate plot threads (usually told chapter about) that combine into one at the very end of this, when Atticus and co. finally coming face-to-fang with the vampire Theophilus, who was responsible for inciting the Romans to virtually wipe out the Druids in the first place, and who now wants to finish the job.

As always, comiv relief is provided in the form of Atticus faithful hound Oberon, with Granuaille's wolf-hound Orlaith providing the same in her sections of the story while Owen struggles to get to grips with modern living in his.
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
While I had heard (read) this described as 'the new Richard Sharpe', this is a novel that, if I'm honest, I was unsure of whether to purchase or not - those are some big boots to fill, after all, and I'd both read and later been disappointed in other books that made the same claim.

However, when I read the short prequel novella [b: Jack Lark: Rogue|23646134|Jack Lark Rogue|Paul Fraser Collard||43253728], that was enough to convince me to start in on the series proper.

having now read this, it is very obvious where the template comes from, even down to the evil Sergeant Slater who is really Hakeswill in all but name. As the first in the series, however (even before said prequels), I am prepared to make allowances.

The novel actually starts with Jack Lark leading his troops to cross the Alma river (in the Crimea), before moving back to six months before to show the events that led up to this: events that see Lark (who is from the East End slums) deciding to impersonate his officer when said officer dies on the way to his new posting.

As for the battle of Alma itself: while it is one that I had heard of, it's not one that I am overly familiar with; not one as famous as (say) Waterloo or even the Battle of Balaclava that would later occur during the same war (the Crimean). As such, and interwoven in the latter part of the novel - I actually find the history just as interesting as the fiction.

I think I will be picking more of these up :)
Chasing Ghosts
Chasing Ghosts
Glenn Rolfe | 2016 | Horror
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
When it comes to novellas by Glenn Rolfe, I expect a sense of urgency. That’s probably because the first thing I read by him was Becoming, which if you’ve read my review, you’ll know I enjoyed it immensely. In that regard, Chasing Ghosts does not disappoint. Brimming with non-stop action, this short book is akin to settling into your chair for a good slasher flick.

Chasing Ghosts doesn’t really bring anything new to the table, which means Rolfe has one hell of a challenge if he’s trying to make it stand out. If you’ve ever seen The Hills Have Eyes, that’s what this book reminds me of–though the setting and cast are a bit different, what with your inbred hillbillies and woods versus mutant savages and desert. Fortunately, Rolfe’s prose alone is enough to guide the story forward, and I actually devoured this in one sitting.

The novella does fall victim to the same cons most short books do, though. Because of its length, there isn’t really any time to grow attached to any of the characters. We know enough about them to recognize them as human, but that’s about it. I would personally love to see this as a more in-depth, full-length novel where attachment to the ill-fated players is more likely.

Once again, Glenn Rolfe has sated my desire for gore and bloodshed, further solidifying his place among my list of must-read authors. In fact, I eagerly await the opportunity to read more of his books.

I received a free copy of this book for the purpose of review from NetGalley and the publisher. All opinions expressed above are my own, without bias.
In the far future humankind has spread into space but a series of wars together with the harsh realities of living beyond the solar system has taken its toll. Amongst the scattering of colonies the Last City is the final bastion against extinction. Ruled over by the autocratic and ruthless Toros Strand, society exists in a rigid hierarchy defined by which level they occupy. From Strand himself on the 100th floor down to those who live in the lower levels - and below - the city there are many stories to be told.

The simple setup allows a number of current science fiction authors to stretch their imagination as they investigate the workings of the Last City. Each story looks at a different aspect - although most of them concentrate on the lower levels. A very noir private detective who is more than he seems. A secret route through the city for those who wish to disappear. Hunting for lost areas to loot and claim. A dangerous race across the outside where the stakes are high. There are also a couple of tales which show how the city appears to those who are beyond it.

The standard is high and every new story feels as fresh and interesting as the one before. All are packed with great ideas, enabling not only some stories dealing with straight forward science fiction themes but also ones covering social hierarchies and injustice, intolerance of 'outsiders' and the harsh tactics employed by totalitarian regimes to keep their populace in check.

I've tried to think of a science fiction short story collection I've enjoyed more, but there simply isn't one. I'd say there were plenty more stories to be told in this universe, perhaps another short story collection or novella wouldn't go amiss. Authors willing of course...
The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (Bridgertons, #1.5-8.5; 9.5)
The Bridgertons: Happily Ever After (Bridgertons, #1.5-8.5; 9.5)
Julia Quinn | 2013 | Fiction & Poetry, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was a lovely end to a series that I have enjoyed the whole way through and I am sad to be leaving the Bridgertons behind… for now, as I’m sure I will be revisiting them time and time again.
This book is a collection of second epilogues for each of the books in the series, starting with Daphne’s story and ending with a novella about Violet’s life. It was lovely to have some questions answered, like what on earth did Gregory and Lucy call their nine children? Did Francesca and Michael ever have children? And most importantly did Hyacinth ever find the hidden diamonds in the house? All of these questions are answered in the second epilogues contained within this book. Julia Quinn also writes a little foreword at the start of each of the second epilogues which either sums up the previous book and the questions she has given or gives a little insight into what you are about to read.
As ever, Julia Quinn’s writing has been so easy to read that I have found that I have not wanted to put this last book down, wanting to find out more about this family and their lives, but I also definitely did not want to get to the end because it would be over. A very rare feeling when it comes to a book series in my opinion.
I will be looking into Julia Quinn’s other series to see if I can fall in love with her other characters as much as I have fallen in love with the Bridgerton family, and I am very much looking forward to watching it play out on screen with the next Netflix series that is going to be released this year. Hopefully it will live up to the source material!

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Meet Me at the Top in Books

Jul 27, 2022 (Updated Jul 27, 2023)  
Meet Me at the Top
Meet Me at the Top
S.H. Pratt | 2022 | Contemporary, Romance
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
A short but oh-so-sweet story.
MEET ME AT THE TOP is a short but oh-so-sweet story about two people who meet by accident and yet make an impact on each others' lives.

Alice is having a dream trip to the city where her favourite film was made. She meets Sam when she goes to a bar to see if she can sit in the same seat. I would say the attraction is immediate, but neither of them acts upon it. After all, that would be a little weird! Instead, they chat and then bump into each other again later on. This leads to a dinner invitation that Alice has the choice to accept or not, completely on her terms.

I really enjoyed this story but I. NEED. MORE!!!! This is the reason novellas aren't my favourite. This only gave me a snippet and left me with so many questions I need answers to. I loved how Sam and Alice were together, how they admitted to their attraction whilst acknowledging the difficulties they faced. It was a bittersweet ending for me, only because I. NEED. MORE!!!! I need my HEA for both of them; they deserve it and so much more. Please, Ms Pratt, tell me they're happy and together! I'm begging you.

A wonderfully warm tip-of-the-hat to Nora Ephron, written in S.H. Pratt's heart-warming and succinct style. A great novella that I have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jul 22, 2022

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Carrillo's Cowboy in Books

Mar 25, 2021 (Updated Aug 2, 2023)  
Carrillo&#039;s Cowboy
Carrillo's Cowboy
Tee Smith | 2021 | Contemporary, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
CARRILLO'S COWBOY is a quick read that still manages to give you a full story. Now, I'm not saying that everything is there. You know how I always want more! What I can say is within the pages you are given, you get more than enough to make your own mind up about the characters.

Callie is trying hard, so hard, to keep her father's ranch alive. She has some good friends to help, plus a rodeo to organise, but she could always use more help. Luckily for her, that appears in the shape of Cody, a drifter who wants to find a reason to stay. And luckily for him (!) those reasons are Callie and her children.

Oh, did my heart break for Austin. Poor lad. He wanted so much to be loved by his dad (who was a first-class jerk, can I just say!). Grace is the other child, and she is the one who doesn't seem fazed by the move to the country, or the lack of contact from her dad. All of the characters are written brilliantly, giving you insight into their world.

With a smooth pace and storyline to keep me turning the pages, Carrillo's Cowboy was just what I needed. Of course, now I need more in this world. I need to know Wal survives for another rodeo for a start!

A great novella that I have no hesitation in recommending.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Mar 25, 2021

Merissa (11800 KP) rated Warning! Deep Water! by A.L. Lester in Books

May 9, 2022 (Updated Jun 20, 2023)  
Warning! Deep Water! by A.L. Lester
Warning! Deep Water! by A.L. Lester
A.L. Lester | 2022 | LGBTQ+, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
WARNING! DEEP WATER is a gorgeous, gentle, slow-burn of a romance that takes place after WWII has finished -- when rationing was still a thing and same-sex relationships were illegal.

George served, as did Peter. George, unlike Peter, had a home and job to return to. Whether or not it was everything it should be is another story. Peter became a vagrant, sleeping rough and taking odd jobs. George finds Peter living in one of the greenhouses and takes him in. Wary at first, he gives him the space and time Peter needs to return to the land of the living.

The atmosphere of this book is perfect. You can visualise easily enough just how it must have been -- not only with recovering from the war but trying to have enough food, trying to find love, trying to live a 'normal' life.

I've given this novella a 5-star rating, which is exceedingly rare for me. I love a story I can get my teeth into and pass away the hours BUT I couldn't honestly give this book any less. It has everything I look for in a story, with enough detail and world-building to make it clear. Yes, I wanted more. Of course, I did! It's a brilliant story and over far too soon for my liking. Is that enough to knock off a star? Not for me.

This story gave me everything I wanted and left me wanting more. Highly recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 3, 2022