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In the Tall Grass (2019)
In the Tall Grass (2019)
2019 | Drama, Horror, Thriller
In the Tall Grass Review: Is the Stephen King horror worth a watch? (Spoilers ahead)
Contains spoilers, click to show
Netflix has really been stepping up their game with the number of horror shows being released this year.

What makes it better is the addition of a film adaptation of a Stephen King novella to satiate
fanatics’ hunger.

Except the question lies in whether I felt full watching this movie.

The story begins with a brother and sister duo on a long journey to San Diego. Sweltering heat and pregnancy do not mix well, alongside the long-winding roads of America until they stop by a field of tall grass. What can go wrong by stopping in the middle of nowhere that’s giving out a Children of the Corn vibe?
The siblings find themselves going through the tall grass after hearing cries from a very distressed child, only to find themselves stuck in a never-ending cycle where there is seemingly no way out and only a rock statue that apparently lets you see things you will never imagine of seeing.

The concept had a potential to give viewers something more and unexpected. But that’s the thing.
 It didn’t.

The first half of the movie set the scene of being trapped in a maze of grass, but then the second
half was pretty much the same, with only a couple of weird occult-like elements thrown in to fuel the dying flame. Not only this, but the viewer is left to piece the puzzles together, only to find out that they don’t match. You are left to question the purpose of the rock, the baby and Patrick Wilson’s seemingly possessed character.

If you enjoy watching a slow paced, psychological horror movie and the feeling of being confused, then you can go check this film out.

There is something captivating about this adaptation that keeps you hooked until the end but bear in mind, it requires you to have an open mind and low expectations.

Needless to say, you might as well go and have read of the book, which was also co-written by Joe Hill,the king of horror’s son.

Heather Cranmer (2721 KP) created a post

Oct 26, 2020  
Today on my blog, I'm featuring the Christian romance anthology THE KISSING TREE by Karen Witemeyer, Regina Jennings, Amanda Dykes, and Nicole Deese. Enter the GIVEAWAY on my blog to win a custom wooden sign and/or a print copy of the book - six winners total!

In this Texas-sized romance novella collection, courting couples, decades apart, leave a permanent mark of their love by carving their initials into the same oak's bark.

Regina Jennings: "Broken Limbs, Mended Hearts"
When a young man from her past returns and upends their small town with a new invention, schoolteacher Bella Eden is reminded of the heartbreak she suffered years ago under the old oak tree. When her job is on the line, can she trust the man who disrupted her life to help her fight for a brighter future?

Karen Witemeyer: "Inn for a Surprise"
Determined to keep love alive for others, Phoebe Woodward builds an inn that caters to couples. When her father sends a property manager to help make it a success, she finds her whimsical vision thwarted by his stodgy practicality. Finding the right blend of romance and reality is a challenge, and her spinster heart may be in for a surprise.

Amanda Dykes: "From Roots to Sky"
WWII airman Luke Hampstead found comfort in letters from the sister of a lost compatriot. When he visits Texas to thank her, he discovers her constructing a project with surprising ties to his letters . . . and that she herself is even more surprising. While a promising opportunity awaits him elsewhere, will what they've shared be enough to give their future flight?

Nicole Deese: "Heartwood"
Abby Brookshire's world is turned upside down when the historic tree she's strived to preserve as the head groundskeeper at the Kissing Tree Inn is put in danger of removal. Making matters worse, the only way to protect its legacy is to partner with the man she's been ignoring since he left town years ago. Will she have the courage to move on from the past and start a new beginning?

Jamie (131 KP) rated Little Lies in Books

Jul 26, 2017  
Little Lies
Little Lies
Heather Gudenkauf | 2014 | Fiction & Poetry
2.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Short with an intriguing premise (0 more)
Extremely predictable (2 more)
Unlikeable main character
Poor representation of social workers
The worst social worker ever
What bothered me the most about this book was how poor of a representation Ellen Moore is of a social worker. Just think, if it was you or your own children that were involved in a case, would you want the CPS worker talking to other people idly about it? Carelessly giving personal information out even years after the case has been closed? Of course not. It would go against the code of ethics. A considerable portion of the story involved Ellen discussing a previous case involving a now grown child to multiple people, some that were involved in the case and some not. Then there’s the added bonus that Ellen ends up investigating a murder right along with buddy cop, adding her own opinions and speculations on the case without doing any actual police work. One of her theories involved said child from a previous case, which is quite frankly ridiculous and a serious violation of the code. I personally found this portrayal of social workers to be incredibly irresponsible.

I also wasn’t digging the pseudo romance between Ellen and the police officer. Ellen is supposed to be happily married with children, yet keeps going back to how she’s sure that mister cop is sweet on her, and how awkward it is even though they’re close friends. I rolled my eyes when she felt guilty not telling her husband about the not date at a diner to look at crime scene photos and discuss a case. This extra bit of fluff just made Ellen’s character more of an annoyance to me.

The plot tries really hard to set up a classic bait and switch in order to throw readers off the trail and make the reveal at the end that much more surprising and exciting, but it was so painfully obvious it just seemed amateurish. A let down, really, considering how much I loved one of Gudenkauf’s previous works, The Weight of Silence. This story felt so shallow in comparison. Taking it as an introduction to the characters in Little Mercies, well, I’m not sure if I’d want to pick up the full length novel after reading this and that’s a shame. Overall, this little novella was disappointing and could easily be skipped.
An Amish Heirloom
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is a wonderful collection of stories! Amy, Kathleen, and Kelly are among authors that I love to read and read over again. An Amish Heirloom is beautifully written and collaborated, and each story brought something new to the table. As soon as I opened the book, I was hooked.

Amy, Kathleen and Kelly all wrote amazing stories for this novella. I loved the firefighter in Amy’s story! Of course, I’m married to one so I’m always partial to them. But, in trademark Amy fashion she creates a story that is believable and captivating, and full of second chances. Her characters, Leon and Susie, are chiseled perfectly and she always leaves me wanting more.

Kathleen’s story of longing and hope is stunning and also beautifully written. Shane and Lucy are sweet characters and I loved watching them interact! The connection they share over a Bible is felt throughout their story and I didn’t want it to end.

Kelly wrote a sweet story of a quilt and a baby bringing two people who have longed for each other together is another well rounded, believable story and I loved every second of it! Kelly, like Kathleen and Amy, is a well seasoned author when it comes to creating stories of hope, longing and inspiration.

However, despite me loving those stories, I wasn’t overly fond of Beth’s story in this one. For a while now, I’ve had a hard time getting into her stories. Something about her writing style has changed and I find it difficult to get into. But, I didn’t let that deter me. I read her story and pushed on and finished it, and while I didn’t care for this one, it still lent a nice piece to the collaboration.

That all said, this is a 4 star read for me! These ladies bring inspiring messages to the table for their fans and left me wanting more from them. Each story has something in it that is special to the characters, and really made miss my grandmother (she passed away in 2017), and how she would make everyone a quilt here, or give them something special there, to cherish and love. Well done ladies, and I look forward to another collaboration!

*I received a complimentary copy of this book from the publisher and was under no obligation to post a review, positive or negative.*
Lighthouses have long been the symbol of salvation, warning sailors away from dangerous rocks and shallow waters. Along the Great Lakes, America’s inland seas, lighthouses played a vital role in the growth of the nation. They shepherded settlers traveling by water to places that had no roads. These beacons of light required constant tending even in remote and often dangerous places. Brave men and women battled the elements and loneliness to keep the lights shining. Their sacrifice kept goods and immigrants moving. Seven romances set between 1883 and 1911 bring hope to these lonely keepers and love to weary hearts. The Last Memory by Kathleen Rouser 1899—Mackinac Point Lighthouse Natalie Brooks loses her past to amnesia, and Cal Waterson, the lighthouse keeper who rescues her, didn’t bargain on risking his heart—when her past might change everything.

My Thoughts: This is a collection of short stories "novellas" about lighthouses and their keepers. The authors have given a precise account of the lives that these people led while helping to save the lives of others. The hardships they faced, loneliness, living in a remote area and dealing with the aftermath of shipwrecks.

The stories will draw the reader in and will fall in love with the heroines in the stories. I think of all the stories my favorites were Rose and Natalie. Rose being strong and independent, Natalie has a wonderful outlook on life after losing her memory. The reader will love all the women in the stories, these are the two that I identified with the most.

Living on a small island has given me a love for the lighthouse, and I have visited many on the Eastern Shore. That's one of the reasons I enjoyed these stories and the characters in them. Whenever you visit a lighthouse you try to envision the people that were once living there, this book gives us a wonderful look into some of those lives.

The readers will also learn how important the lighthouse is to people and the ships. It is fascinating to learn the working day of the lighthouse keepers. It was pleasant reading that the writers did make sure that the word of God was written into the stories. God is our lighthouse and we must always remember to look toward the light.

I think that everyone will enjoy this novella.


Kyera (8 KP) rated Six of Crows in Books

Jan 31, 2018  
Six of Crows
Six of Crows
Leigh Bardugo | 2016 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
9.2 (45 Ratings)
Book Rating
Six of Crows is set in the world of the Grisha trilogy, but with an entirely new cast of characters. As the reader is already familiar with the world it only takes a few chapters to be hooked. The beginning of the book introduces us to the gang who we will accompany on a perilous journey.

Kaz is the mysterious leader with the gaze of a shark. He keeps more secrets than a diary and trusts no one. Kaz is never without his crow's head cane, gloves and willingness to do anything to get the job done. Inej is a wraith, able to make herself unnoticeable and get almost anywhere. She can scale walls, discover secret and have a blade in a man's back before he is any the wiser. Jesper is a good shot and prone to outbursts. He also has a gambling problem that has put him so far in debt that the only way out is to join Kaz on this likely deadly mission. Nina is the resident Grisha and a heartrender, although she must use her skills at times to heal or transform the others. She and Mattais have a history that is never far from either his mind. Mattias is Fjerdan and knows their target, but the only thing keeping him on this journey is the promise of a pardon at the end. Finally, it's Wylan the insurance and the son of the man offering them 30 million kruge to complete the job. He's also good with demolition and bombs, but not enough to warrant his place on the crew.

The mission is impossible or near to it, but they all have their reasons for needing it to succeed. Even though they're crooks, murderers and thieves you want them to succeed. They're strangely likable. All humans with flaws and backstories to show how they became the people they are and why. Leigh Bardugo's characters are wonderfully complex and well-developed. Each person's history is fluidly woven into the story and does not pull the reader out of the narrative or make them wish for a novella to help further flesh out the story or characters.

By the end, you love this misfit gang of hooligans and can't wait to read the stunning conclusion to this duology. Highly recommended to young adult readers who enjoy fantasy with great world building and character development.
Between The Lines
Between The Lines
D. Hale Rambo | 2022 | Fiction & Poetry
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received a free copy of this book via The History Quill Book Club. An interesting book and one that I don’t think I’ve read anything similar to before. The similarities and terminology used was very much book based which was interesting.
We follow Fiona Thorne who is what is known as a Turner (she can move between different worlds, by turning a page in the Book) and an investigator. We start with her tracking a lead for a smuggler who has been smuggling different creatures out of pages and keeping them somewhere. She follows him home, and as she had already tipped of a friend who works for The Guild (Turners who keep things in some kind of order) she makes sure that she is around the action when they arrest the smuggler.
She comes across a fire elemental who she frees from a jar, and after the arrest of the smuggler, she offers to take the fire elemental and the other smuggler fire creatures back to their home page. Once there, the fire elemental asks if it can stay with Fiona and goes home with her. Fiona names it Soots and from there a friendship forms, which unfolds nicely throughout the book. Fiona also makes friends with other creatures that she comes across, and as someone who normally works alone and doesn’t tend to have many friends, this is growth for her and it shows.
I loved reading this book, it was the perfect amount of fantasy mixed with mystery as Fiona tries to solve the case that she has been given. I did have a bit of an inkling about the end, but I did still second guess myself until the very moment that it happened.
The only thing that did baffle me sometimes was a bit of the terminology and trying to remember what was meant by certain terms around how Fiona moved through the pages, maybe some kind of reference would have been useful to have.
Overall, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and have already signed up to the newsletter to gain access to the novella in order to find out what happened to Fiona before this novel started! I hope that there are more books in this series as I would love to find out what the Druid means at the end of the book!
I Have Lost My Way
I Have Lost My Way
Gayle Forman | 2018 | Young Adult (YA)
6.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Lovely novel about three very different individuals
Freya, Harun, and Nathaniel. Three very different individuals whose paths are about to collide in New York City. Freya is an aspiring singer who has just lost her voice. Harun is running away-literally-from his loving, yet overbearing family. And Nathaniel is coming to New York following a misguided plan. Soon Freya will fall off a bridge and fatefully bring the three together. Each feels lost and alone in this giant city. Will accidentally finding each other change that?

I very much love Gayle Forman and am always excited when she has a new novel. This one almost felt like a novella, with my hardcopy clocking in at a little over 250 pages. It was a fast, easy read, as I quickly became immersed in the lives of these three different and diverse characters.. The book is told over the course of one day--the day these three individuals meet, but we get flashbacks into their pasts, as well. Each character gets a chance to tell things from their point of view.

Forman is a lovely storyteller, and it's easy to get lost in this book. If anything, the day--and the book--is over too quickly. I found myself drawn to each character for different reasons. They are each vulnerable in their own way, and it's easy to get lost in their stories. I loved how the characters had diverse backgrounds and ethnic origins, as well. It's a beautiful novel, really, with gorgeous writing. The storylines are often touching and heartbreaking, yet the book felt light and airy--buoyed by the unlikely trio's friendship.

The book seems brief and is over very quickly; it left me wanting to know more about all three individuals. It flies by, especially since you skip from one narrator to the next, limiting what you learn about each, and getting snippets doled out over the course of the story. It all comes together by the end, but at that point, I found myself still wanting to learn more about each of our three characters, or have more time in their lives. It's easy to get invested when the characters are so well-formed.

Overall, this is a very easy-to-read book as it flawlessly draws you in with its diverse characters and excellent writing. It often reminded me of another beautiful tale, The Sun Is Also a Star. It's over all too quickly, but is quite enjoyable while it lasts. Definitely a worthy read.
The fantasy theme was heavy with all four of the stories in the book. The first story is The Widow's Auction by Sabrina Jeffries. In this novella, a young widow is convinced that it is in her favor to auction off one night with her in return for a large sum of money that she can use to benefit her work with a all-boys' school. Of course, she secretly just wants to know what it's like to actually enjoy the bedtime act. In the realm of make-believe, this was quite the enjoyable mix of lust and romance with no negative consequences.
The second story is Luisa's Desire by Emma Holly. In this fascinating read, an immortal woman seeks an alternative to her need for blood to survive in a remote lamasery buried in the Himalayan mountains of Tibet. While she assumes that the answer is a particular form of meditation, what she instead gets is an aspiring monk who possesses a much more fleshly solution to her problem. Reincarnation takes on a whole new meaning in this short story, and I found the different take on vampires in fiction to be well-written.
The third story is Mr. Speedy by Elda Minger. In this plot, an ambitious young woman decides to make herself over into a man in order to sneak into and cover a male-only conference entirely about getting a woman to go to bed with the man. Her genius plan takes a left-turn when she discovers she is rooming with the city's most eligible bachelor coming off of a horrid divorce - whom she is overwhelmingly attracted to. The irony of this story is that the bachelor becomes increasingly interested in her before he is even aware she is in disguise. The humor of this story made it quite charming in a sexy sort of way.
The final story is The Awakening by Christine Feehan. The story begins her series, the Leopard People, with the tale of a young veterinarian lured deep into the jungle to track down her inheritance. Heavy lust and desire take over quite early in the story as the reader discovers that her presence there has been manipulated by a man of the leopard people who has already claimed her for his mate. The intensity and over-dramatization in the writing made this story less enjoyable for me than the others. I was also put off by the man's extreme obsession with the woman and his reluctance to tell her what was happening to her right from the beginning.
Jackaby (Jackaby, #1)
Jackaby (Jackaby, #1)
7.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I don't remember why this book was recommended to me, but it's been languishing in my library stack for at least a couple of months now. I finally got around to reading it - and it's delightful! There are three more books and a novella in this series, and the author has apparently started another fantasy series.

Jackaby is told from the viewpoint of Abigail Rook, an English miss who ran away from home in search of adventure. The book opens on her arrival in America, by way of the Ukraine and Germany. The only work she can find in this new town is as an assistant to Jackaby, a distinctly odd character who claims to see things no one else can. Abigail, however, begins to believe him, and accompanies him to a murder scene, where she spots mundane details that he had overlooked. With Jackaby spotting supernatural things that no one else can, and Abigail taking note of more mundane details that Jackaby misses, the two make a formidable team.

Jackaby, of course, has that infuriating habit of not telling Abigail all the things he knows, which leads to her not mentioning useful details because she didn't know they were useful. I'm hopeful, now that she's earned his trust, that in future books they will communicate better and work together more seamlessly.

The worldbuilding here seems to take "America as a melting pot" into the supernatural world as well, with creatures from various cultures migrating with their humans to America. Jackaby has a rather improbable knowledge of this huge variety of creatures, as well as a library to look up more obscure facts that aren't already in his labyrinth of a mind.

I liked that Abigail wasn't portrayed as stupid; she's a bit ignorant of the supernatural world, but she didn't know it existed until Jackaby, and she's learning quickly. She also can't see it like he can, so she of course misses some things that he thinks are obvious. He could be a little better about remembering that not everyone can see the supernatural, though.

The cover mentions that it's Dr. Who meets Sherlock, and that's a very apt description. Jackaby is VERY Dr. Who like, with the bustling energy and quick mind that comes off as arrogant but is more...oblivious, really. Abigail fills the companion role, along with a certain policeman that I'm hoping shows up in the following books as well. I will have to track those down and find out!You can find all my reviews at