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Alice (12 KP) rated Blood Bank in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Blood Bank
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>I received a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review</i>

Blood Bank is the first book by Zoe Markham that I’ve read and it was one of those “swallow you whole” books. It was only a short little novella but it was packed full of action and kept your interest from the get go.

From the very first page we’re drawn into a story about the paranormal like no other; it begins with a carnival and quickly transfers into the town of Swindon and vampires. Not just any vampires – we’re talking brutal business men – not the romantic kind we all know – but vampires you DO NOT FUCK with.

There’s a club in Swindon where only the down-on-their-luck can get an invitation into its depths, where, if you can’t pay in money, you pay in the next best commodity – blood. The characters we see in this book are Zack, Ben and Lucy – all three of whom eventually have a link.

Zack and Lucy are in a relationship and this is basically where the story begins, they’re out on a date and as usual Lucy ends up paying for it, Zach has got himself into some big time debt and the only way to get out of it is to donate his blood.

Ben is a vampire – 10 years converted and hating it more each day – he comes to Lucy’s rescue when something bad happens to her and they develop a relationship that seems to be healthier than Lucy and Zack’s one. Zack has got the ugliest bracelet on which was supplied to him by his new employer, the creepiest priest agoing y’all. When they call, he has to come, if he doesn’t then the debt goes to his nearest and dearest.

The writing style of this book was one that I really liked, the correct terminology was used for the enemy of the vampires which was great and there was a suitable amount of freak out on Zack’s part and it was written with that in mind. Lucy was surprisingly mature given her age and I liked that about her.

There also wasn’t a lot of unnecessary filler dialogue or descriptions which I sometimes find with novellas – as if they struggled to fill the small amount of pages novellas take up – I didn’t find this with Zoe’s Blood Bank which has kind of given me an insight into her other writing which I’d love to read.
How much is Lady Georgina willing to risk to protect her secret? Will she be able to keep up her façade long enough to land a titled husband who will protect her at all costs? First things first...I have NEVER read a book quite like this. And I LOVE it!!! The storyline overlaps A Noble Masquerade from both Lady Georgina's and Colin McCrae's perspective. Giving us a whole new level to the story. Simply brilliant. (Kristi, I am happy you were able to retain a bit of sanity while writing it, the result is beautiful!!!) We revisit several scenes and now I want to go back and reread the original scenes in A Noble Masquerade. Kristi weaves the story together so beautifully. Both intriguing and refreshing, there is not a dull moment between the covers of this book. Lady Georgina's character definitely lives up to the expectations presented to us in both the novella and the first book of the series. I fully expected her to be self-centered and snobbish and that is how she begins. However, her secret (and no, I'm not telling you what it is) adds a new dimension to her character that produced compassion in me, for her (yes I am shocked myself). Her journey and growth is astonishing to behold. And I can say that I am truly proud of the person that she becomes. And can I just say, "Lord bless Colin McCrae." Annie over on Just Commonly has already called dibs on Colin, which is fine with me. But he is one of the most charming and by far a favorite hero of mine. His growing admiration of Georgina was thrilling to see unfold before my eyes, and closely mirrored my own feelings about her. Faith and self acceptance play a big role in this book. Not only being ok with who you are and how God created you, but thriving in that knowledge that God accepts us for who we are. It is truly important to realise how valued we are, not just by God, but our friends and family as well. And above all, there is nothing too great to keep the Father's love from us. I am even more excited now for Trent's story in An Uncommon Courtship scheduled to come out in January 2017.

I received a free copy of An Elegant Façade from the author in exchange for my honest review. All opinions expressed are mine alone.

Hadley (567 KP) rated The Turn of the Screw in Books

Mar 24, 2020 (Updated Mar 24, 2020)  
The Turn of the Screw
The Turn of the Screw
7.6 (7 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well written (1 more)
Ahead of its time
Overly descriptive (1 more)
The ghost stories of the Victorian era are full of scares and mysteries- - - from the karma-ridden future, past and present ghosts of Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol" to the comedic ghost story by Oscar Wilde called 'the Canterville Ghost." But among all of them, Henry James found another subject to add to the pot in the novella 'the Turn of the Screw.'

With only 93 pages and the viewpoint of a governess, the story is one that has been up for debate as to its meaning for over a century, a story that blends child abuse and ghostly possession way ahead of its time. But even with its great plot, the story falls short and becomes bland throughout most of its short pages.

So why is the meaning of the Turn of the Screw still being debated? There's only one thing that has caused that --- it's in the way that James wrote the story, nothing is explained and everything is vague, these being very important parts that can keep this book from being enjoyable to many readers. Here's a summary of the story: a woman becomes governess of two children, one of which is sent home from school (technically expelled, in today's terms), the entire book has this woman trying to figure out why the child was sent home, but with ghosts thrown into the mix.

The story starts off with a man telling this ghost story from letters he received from a woman (the governess). But, even at the end of the book, the story never turns back to the man finishing the letters, yet this was done so masterfully that when you are done with the book, you completely forget about the man at the beginning, something that isn't easily done today in most writing. The man is reading these letters to a small audience that is also never revealed why, something that will seem completely irrelevant for the reader.

Readers finally get their paranormal fix when our main character, the governess, sees her first ghost in the Turn of the Screw. Our governess goes on an isolated walk when she spots an older man staring at her from a tower on the estate. But not until after a second encounter with this man, she decides to tell a housemaid about it, who quickly knows whom she speaks of. The maid is very certain that the man the governess has spotted twice is a deceased man that used to work for the family, but the maid is terrified by this because this man seems to have been abusive towards the son of the family and now seems to be continuing to torment him even after death.

Our governess seems to go down a path of paranoia as she seems to believe that the children are seeing the ghosts, too, but refusing to tell her so, and she becomes convinced that the key to getting them to confess is to finding out why the boy was sent home from school in the first place. She tries many times to get him to tell her why, but lets him take control of the conversations where he is able to divert the attention to something else. When things seem to be too much for the governess and housemaid to handle, they decide to try to write the childrens' uncle, and ask him to visit - - - this being the uncle that hired the governess and asked to never be bothered by her again, and that he wants nothing to do with his niece and nephew ever again, and especially don't write to him about any problems.

James is considered one of the greatest authors of the English language, but although this novella did very well, he wasn't known for ghost stories. His most popular book is 'the Portrait of a Lady,' which is about a young woman who comes into a large amount of money only to have it stolen by two con-men. Being that he is a Victorian-era writer, you can expect the overly long paragraphs and descriptions that the time was known for in 'the Turn of the Screw.' I personally felt the story had too many interludes of the governess' thoughts and ideas, which border on rambling. There seemed no point in the governess obsessing over why the boy was sent home from school when there are ghosts tormenting them at home- - - how this mode was suppose to work has left me clueless.

It's a usual horror trope to have children being possessed as the core of a book because it's something that can shake adults to their core at the thought that their own children could be that vulnerable. But James was way ahead of his time in the Turn of the Screw. He was able to put together psychological standpoints that weren't even discussed in his time, bouncing between child abuse with those children acting out to the power that abusers can still hold over their victims, even after death.

I'm giving the story a high rating, although I really didn't enjoy it. Why? Because it was a great idea and it was well written. If James hadn't been so vague on key parts, and hadn't left readers with a shocking unexplained ending, then maybe I would have liked it more. I can only recommend this book to people who like Victorian ghost stories, but for paranormal lovers, I think it falls short.
Shalador's Lady (The Black Jewels, #8)
8.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book to be a very satisfying continuation of Lady Cassidy's story from The Shadow Queen (Black Jewels, Book 7). Even though a Bishop wields a substantial cast of characters between the pages of this book, each character is given his or her time in the spotlight, from my series favorites, such as Surreal and Daemon, to newer characters like Gray and Ranon. Each one has a subplot to work through, yet all loose ends are resolved quite neatly. I enjoyed how the plot would switch seamlessly between the story arcs of Cassidy's realm and Jaenelle's realm without taking away from either.

This book seemed to give the reader a glimpse into how the tainting of the Blood occurred by how good men could become bound to bad Queens. Kermilla played the role perfectly by how naive and self-centered she behaved, making her completely oblivious to the trouble she was creating. It is easy to see what Theran sees in her, because it is clear to me that were she to ever learn to use her strengths for the good of others instead of herself, she could become a very powerful force. Though I could not stand Kermilla from the very beginning, I think her character has too much potential not to use her in further books in the Black Jewels series.

The Kindred of the Blood continue to take a vital role in the progression of the plot, which I find both ingenious and quite humorous, as they are unpredictable in many ways. With the Kindred involved, there is guaranteed to be surprises - both good and bad. I could easily see a Kindred-centered novella come out of this book.

My favorite part of this book was watching the transformation of Gray into Jared Blaed as him and Cassidy fall in love. The progression is slow without feeling dragged out, and each stage has its rewards, with his casual relationship with Jaenelle's inner circle, as well as his introduction into Cassidy's circle. I'm a bit disappointed that Bishop did not create a way for Gray to gain the power he missed out on the first time, simply because it feels like he was punished for what he had no control over in his past.

I also love the humor that Bishop interjects so effortlessly into the plot, such as the interactions between Ranon and Gray and the rest of Jaenelle's court. The same old chemistry is still there with all of the "former court," and I have to wonder if the references to her court don't indicate a coming change in future books. I greatly look forward to the next installment in the Black Jewels series, Twilight's Dawn: A Black Jewels Book.
Shalador's Lady (The Black Jewels #8)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I found this book to be a very satisfying continuation of Lady Cassidy's story from The Shadow Queen (Black Jewels, Book 7). Even though a Bishop wields a substantial cast of characters between the pages of this book, each character is given his or her time in the spotlight, from my series favorites, such as Surreal and Daemon, to newer characters like Gray and Ranon. Each one has a subplot to work through, yet all loose ends are resolved quite neatly. I enjoyed how the plot would switch seamlessly between the story arcs of Cassidy's realm and Jaenelle's realm without taking away from either.

This book seemed to give the reader a glimpse into how the tainting of the Blood occurred by how good men could become bound to bad Queens. Kermilla played the role perfectly by how naive and self-centered she behaved, making her completely oblivious to the trouble she was creating. It is easy to see what Theran sees in her, because it is clear to me that were she to ever learn to use her strengths for the good of others instead of herself, she could become a very powerful force. Though I could not stand Kermilla from the very beginning, I think her character has too much potential not to use her in further books in the Black Jewels series.

The Kindred of the Blood continue to take a vital role in the progression of the plot, which I find both ingenious and quite humorous, as they are unpredictable in many ways. With the Kindred involved, there is guaranteed to be surprises - both good and bad. I could easily see a Kindred-centered novella come out of this book.

My favorite part of this book was watching the transformation of Gray into Jared Blaed as him and Cassidy fall in love. The progression is slow without feeling dragged out, and each stage has its rewards, with his casual relationship with Jaenelle's inner circle, as well as his introduction into Cassidy's circle. I'm a bit disappointed that Bishop did not create a way for Gray to gain the power he missed out on the first time, simply because it feels like he was punished for what he had no control over in his past.

I also love the humor that Bishop interjects so effortlessly into the plot, such as the interactions between Ranon and Gray and the rest of Jaenelle's court. The same old chemistry is still there with all of the "former court," and I have to wonder if the references to her court don't indicate a coming change in future books. I greatly look forward to the next installment in the Black Jewels series, Twilight's Dawn: A Black Jewels Book.
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection
Arcanum Unbounded: The Cosmere Collection
Brandon Sanderson | 2016 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<i>My thanks to the publisher for providing me with a review copy in exchange for an honest review</i>

Arcanum Unbounded is an anthology of classic and epic proportions from a true Fantasy genius which was full to the brim of Brandon Sanderson’s Cosmere universe. The book followed characters we all know and love and plenty of new characters to fall for – Dusk, I’m looking at you.

The book is divided up into “systems” with a neat little explanation as to the layout of each system; which is then related to a specific setting from the Cosmere – Elantris, Mistborn, Threnody, First of the Sun and a previously unnamed and unpublished Stormlight Archive novella.

Oodles of Cosmere.

I don’t want to go into too much detail about the individual shorts for those of you who have not read any the related systems books – (you have to!) – but each story gave a wonderful insight into the characters points of view and their unique history.

My favorites of this anthology would have to be The Emperor’s Soul, Sixth of the Dusk and Edgedancer. They each brought a little something special to this book – Emperor’s Soul took me right back to Elantris, the first ever Sanderson book I read and still my favorite to this day; Sixth of the Dusk had this overwhelming silence to it even when the characters involved were speaking (though this was few and far between in fairness) and this silence across the characters when Brandon’s characters usually talk so much was brilliantly done.

Edgedancer was a book in The Stormlight Archive system, though I’m slightly ashamed to admit I haven’t read all of The Stormlight Archive books yet, but I have them and this gave spoilers into The Words of Radiance (book 2 of the series so far) these spoilers are not really spoilers to me, maybe once I’ve read Radiance it will make a difference but my first read through made no spoilery difference to me.

Each individual short in the system was preceded by a little spoiler warning if there would be one, or a note stating where in the story arc it falls and was then followed by a sweet little Postscript from Brandon – each one tailor made for its preceding event; the best postscript was for The Hope of Elantris but I won’t give anything away, you had to read it.

Overall, Arcanum Unbounded is a perfect book to dive into Brandon Sanderson’s work as few of the stories in it actually need to be read before the main story – Mistborn: A Secret History, The Hope of Elantris, Edgedancer for definite. If you’re looking for a new fantasy author to sink your teeth into Brandon Sanderson is your man.
Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss, #3)
Isla and the Happily Ever After (Anna and the French Kiss, #3)
Stephanie Perkins | 2014 | Contemporary, Romance, Young Adult (YA)
6.8 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
In the third novel of the sries, we return to enchanting Paris. Isla, who we were introduced to in the fist novel now takes centre stage. Familiar characters like John and Rashmi's younger sister Sanjita join her. We didn't know much about the artistic Josh beyond his love of snogging and frequent altercations with his girlfriend Rashmi. I am pleased to be able to watch his character develop.

The banter, or lack thereof, between Isla and Josh just makes you smile. They're both endearingly awkward and adorable together. When they go to the comic book store and Josh finds out Kurt isn't her boyfriend, the interaction is very authentic. You can almost feel his dismay turn to confusion and then happy relief.

Despite the fact that Isla has had a crush on Josh for three years, its nice to see that it doesn't come between her and her best friend, Kurt. (Well, most of the time.) Loyalty is very impotant and she won't let anyone treat him badly. Her only other relationship ended because the boy she was dating couldn't get along with Kurt. She's not the best at confronting people and speaking up, but she never lets people take advantage of her best friend or mistreat him. That person will no longer be a part of her life.

Unlike Anna, when I read about Isla and Josh they feel like the shy, exhuberant high schoolers that they are. They experience the awkwardness of first live and the misunderstandings or insecurities that come with not being entirely confortable in a relationship yet. Falling so hard and so fast, but faced with the crippling fear that the rug is going to be pulle out from under you. Isla and Josh experience it all.

Just as I hoped, the Olympics brought the gang back to Paris - plus their new additions. The inseperable Anna and St. Clair, Meredith, lovebirds Lola and Cricket, and Josh. They claim they're back for the Olympics, but something even more important and magical happens. A proposal, in Paris, on the famed bronze marker. It was a return to the city where Anna and Etienne found their other halves and officially began their happily every after. It was a simple, yet touching scene.

I'm glad we find out how Calliope does in the Olympics, although there is very little detail given. I think her story would lend itself well to a novella. But, I'll be happy with what we were given even if that does not happen.

Despite all of the struggles and heartbreak, insecurities and mistakes - Isla and Josh still find their own happily ever after. The story and sweet and heart-warming. J'adore mon <s>petit chou</s>... mon livre - I fell in love with the series "the good parts and the ugly parts" and I hope you do as well.
Into the Drowning Deep: Rolling in the Deep Book 1
Into the Drowning Deep: Rolling in the Deep Book 1
Mira Grant | 2017 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (6 Ratings)
Book Rating
WOW. I don't typically read horror, but this was fantasy horror, and WOW. I picked up the novella precursor to this sometime last year - I never reviewed it here, probably because it was barely over 100 pages, but it was fascinating and haunting all the same. Rolling in the Deep told the story of the Atargatis, a ship sent out to the Mariana Trench to stage a mockumentary - supposedly looking for mermaids, but equipped with actors who could swim with mermaid tails. They never planned to find anything. Except they did. And they all died. One by one at first, a few people picked off, then the entire ship swarmed and eaten. The reader sees this happen, but to anyone not on the ship, the only thing they find is some footage on an abandoned ship.

Into the Drowning Deep fast forwards a few years; the production company, Imagine Network, is not doing so well, and they want to prove that the footage wasn't a hoax. So they assemble a new mission, this one with a lot more security. (Though they still picked security with an eye for what would look good on TV, rather than what would be effective, which was a poor choice.) The reader, of course, knows that the mermaids are real, and that they are dangerous, so you spend much of the first part of the book in a state of suspense waiting for them to show up. (I actually thought it took a little too long for them to finally show up, but the time was used for character-building.)

The book is very Lovecraftian, actually - from the strong, building sense of foreboding doom to the creatures that should not exist, to the kind of gibbering insanity near the end. It's probably why I liked the book so much; Lovecraft is about the only kind of horror writing I like, and I get the same feeling from Grant's writing.

So yes, the book is about mermaids. But these aren't mermaids as you've seen them before. They're not cute, they're not seductive, they don't want to live on land, and they're definitely not friendly. These mermaids are predators. Intelligent predators, but predators. And humans, apparently, are delicious.

Most of the characters in the book are scientists trying to prove mermaids exist, so there's a lot of science happening aboard the ship, and Grant doesn't shy away from it happening on the page as well. She also includes a pair of deaf scientist twins, and their interpreter sibling, which is important because the mermaids use a form of sign language as well. Most of the main characters are women, which is also great to see in such a large concentration of fictional scientists.

If you like fantasy horror, i.e. Lovecraft, you should definitely pick this up. Rolling in the Deep is also worth reading first - I think it definitely adds another layer to the sense of foreboding doom.

You can find all my reviews at
What&#039;s In A Name?
What's In A Name?
Pat Henshaw | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
What’s in a name? by Pat Henshaw is a short novella about a Barista by the name of Jimmy Patterson who gets dumped at a bar on his birthday by his boyfriend Alex. The burly bartender who we first know as Alex 2 then later as “Guy”, comes in to save the day when Jimmy gets drunk off his backside and finds himself in the bathroom with his head over the toilet bowl. All Jimmy wants is to know the bartender’s first name. The story starts unfolding when “Guy” makes a deal with Jimmy. He has seven days to guess “Guy”’s first name; one guess each day.

While each day for the next week, Jimmy and Guy’s relationship becomes deeper to the point where they end up falling in love and do find their HEA, there is so much more to this story than just your typical boy meets boy, boy falls in love with boy, they live happily ever after type scenario. Jimmy and his co-owner of Penny’s coffee shop learn that not everything is going to be a bed of roses as thriving business owners when someone ends up trashing their mall branch shop. Jimmy and Guy have their own issues that they need to work out through the week that they’re together as well.

What I found interesting as well as refreshing about What’s in a Name? is that right from the very beginning the book had a fairytale feel to it. First there was the feel of a Rumpelstiltskin story in so far as having to guess Guy’s name and getting seven guess’s to figure out out. I’m not going to give away the ending of the book or the answer in this regards but the fairytale overlays continue throughout the book.

There were quite a few twists and turns to What’s in a Name along with unexpected surprises that pop up throughout the read such as Jimmy’s ex boyfriend Alex, who we meet at the beginning of the book, showing up later. There was some mystery to this story as well and the person we thought was the culprit wasn’t the one “Who done it” after all.

The one big downfall that I found while reading the story was that “Guy’s” first name became predictable by at least the middle of the story for me. Luckily that wasn’t the main plot otherwise there was a good chance I would have lost interest in the book. There were quite a few underlying and overlying aspects to What’s in a name that it kept me coming back to see what happened between the two men. What’s in a name is a quick read that I got through in a day and it took me that long only because it was during the weekend when I had other things going on. I would definitely recommend this to my friends.
Bad, Dad, And Dangerous Anthology
Bad, Dad, And Dangerous Anthology
Rhys Ford, TA Moore, Bru Baker, Jenn Moffatt | 2020 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
8.5 (4 Ratings)
Book Rating
great box set!
Independent reviewer for Archaeolibrarian, I was gifted my copy of this box set.

These are four unrelated stories save for the common thread that one of the main characters is a single dad and a paranormal being.

I read all four, but I only really enjoyed 3.


I haven't read anything by Ms Moffatt before, but I hope I get to soon! I LOVED this! Thomas and KJ met years ago, and Thomas felt that connection. His daughter moving up from KJ's class at school gives him the perfect chance. But things are getting in the way, and a dark magic has to be dealt with.

I loved the cat in this, I really did. You don't get many undead cats playing a huge part in stories and he made me laugh, how he is with Thomas. And that he likes KJ.

It's funny, and sexy and this was my favourite, along with the next one!


This is a novella from the Wayward Wolves series (currently only one book!) but you don't need to have read that book to follow this.

Joesph's Nana frequents the pub he is watching. The owner is rather easy on the eye, but Levi isn't the only one keeping secrets from Joesph.

Joseph and Levi have immediate attraction and it takes them time to act on that. I loved that most of the people in the pub are not what they seem and the solution to Levi's Peacekeeping problem wasn't what I saw coming.

And it was sweet, dammit!


Vampires with a twist!

Hugh is a vampire who feeds on energy, NEGATIVE energy gives the biggest boost. So once a year, when his daughter is at camp, he goes off to help his police friends deal with their more dangerous criminals. Meeting a Fae who can smell Hugh's daughter and then goes off on one at him, wasn't really in the plan this summer. When Rykoff reveals the truth about Hugh's daughter, he knows he needs help.

Cute, really cute. I enjoyed this one, not quite as much as the first two mentioned but I did enjoy it. I'd read more of these sorts of vampires, I really would!


I didn't like this one as much as the other three, I got a bit lost along the way with this. But still, a good read, just not a great one (Sorry!)

A thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a few hours with new to me, as well as not-so-new authors. Ms Baker and Moffatt are now sat on my wish list!

4 good solid stars across the whole set, But 5 for Kismet and Cadavers and for Wolf at First Sight.

~same worded review will appear elsewhere~