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"Isn’t it weird? How do they do that with their voices [ululates manically]? There’s a really good documentary called Death Cults or something, and it shows you them digging this enormous bunker, and [Elizabeth Clare Prophet] says: “The world is going to end on this date with a nuclear war”. The bunker’s not finished on time, but they go down anyway, come back out about a week later and the world hasn’t changed [laughs]. She says the master’s order wasn’t right, and that the world will actually be in four or five months. So they all go back down, and it doesn’t happen. It turns out she has brain tumours, which probably explains the entire cult, and then she dies. But it’s still going! They interviewed them a few years later. The women all look like Elizabeth Clare, with their suburban haircuts and clothes, and big smiles! There’s one piece on the album where they’re cursing pop music, and it’s just stunning. Hilarious. We play them at the beginning when we DJ!"

Godzilla (1954)
Godzilla (1954)
1954 | Sci-Fi
8.2 (17 Ratings)
Movie Rating
The beginning was inspired...
Contains spoilers, click to show
I was first introduced to Godzilla in cartoon form in the 1980′s as a child, but it wasn't until 1998, with Roland Emmerich's blockbuster reboot that I had seen the infamous beast on the pearl screen. I had also seem bits and bobs of the many original sequels as a child and they had made absolutely no impact on me what so ever! But I became aware of the significance of this, the original, only recently and it was due to this discovery that I hunted down the best copy available.

I ended up with the 2005 Region 1 release, which also includes the U.S. reworking from 1956, Godzilla: King Of The Monsters!. I could not have imagined that a the 1954 version of Godzilla, or more literally, Gojira, could have been so mature, so sombre, or so tempered with its sledgehammer philosophising. Produced just nine years after the devastating nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which effectively ended the Second World War, Gojira takes up the mantle on doing what Science Fiction does best, and created the cypher in the form of Godzilla, to represent the devastation left over from the nuking of these cities.

Godzilla is a nuclear beast, affected by U.S. nuclear tests and is now toxically radioactive and upon landfall on Tokyo, rains down, literally, nuclear destruction up on the city, in a manner not dissimilar too that levied upon either of the cities, Hiroshima or Nagasaki. But its not just about that. It about the creation of the next WMD which would ultimately be used against Godzilla but poses and moral dilemma that Robert Oppenheimer himself would appreciate, as to whether such a creation should be allowed to be developed. It also looks quite seriously into establishing the potential evolution of a creature such as Godzilla and uses plausible palaeontological arguments to justify his existence.

The pacing was good and though Godzilla strikes from almost the opening frame, there is a sense of an ongoing crisis rather than an impending apocalypse, with news outlets reporting throughout as plans, both military and civilian are sited.

All in all, this is not just the birth of the massive and largely corny and cheap Godzilla series, it is a striking, intelligent, moving and incredibly well judged masterpiece of 50′s cinema. But I should have known. Most rubbish franchises began with an inspired first movie, something to break the mould and this does the job perfectly.

But it isn't without its flaws. The special effects, though not all bad, are below par even for the time, but effective as for telling the story, some were very good with ALL being well conceived and ambitious. Some were very poor though, such as the model ships, which were unnecessarily below the standards and look like bath toys. But the cinematography was wonderful, with Honda shooting this in a classically manner. Tension was built brilliantly and the action rose to several crescendos and the excellent score by Akira Ifukube was not overused but brought to perfect effect when needed.

The acting was first-rate as well, proving Japanese cinemas reputation. But this was my first real foray into Japanese cinema, and what a treat it was. Many would look at this and see a cheap old film and others will see a film that whist let down by some less that brilliant visual effects and the fact that a lot of people, certainly in the U.K. find subtitles difficult, as a masterpiece not only of Eastern cinema but of cinema full stop. Truly realising its narrative and spirit, its cause and message. This was about a county in mourning not only for the hundreds of thousands lost by Fat Man and Little Boy, but for the war full stop. The 1950′s were a time of great political fear and reconstruction after WW2, and this is a film which taps into the brewing Cold War and fear of annihilation from human behemoths which once released can never be returned.

HIGHLY recommended but not for children as they will bore, miss the point, get put off by the subtitles, black and white and quite frankly its a mature and bleak film and not the 1998 remake. And thank God or Godzilla for that!
I took a chance on <b>The Revenge of Radioactive Lady</b>, it's not my usual read, but the cover and synopsis caught my eye and decided to give it a try. I was rewarded by a quirky story with neurotic, yet realistic, characters that was compulsively readable. Each chapter is told by a different person, Marylou/Nance and everyone in the Witherspoon family.

Though not as humorous as led to believe by the various quotes on the cover, the most amusing of it happened in the first chapter and nearer the end, the rest of the book is filled with many dramas that had unusual, and not quite so grim, outlooks to them. The book flows nicely and the descriptions were easy to visualize, so I could clearly picture the settings. The characters each have their individual voices that make it easy to separate each of them from the others; I found everyone to be interesting in how they acted, reacted and dealt with the situations that popped up in the story. I both sympathized and hoped they could better themselves by the end. The author tackles some tough subjects (pedophilia, murder, adultery, creating a model nuclear reactor) in a light, yet respectful manner, and who also incorporates some Cold War history into the story too. I had no idea that around 800 unsuspecting pregnant women were given radioactive 'cocktails' (iron) to see how it would effect their fetus. Further information can be found in [b:The Plutonium Files: America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War|212087|The Plutonium Files America's Secret Medical Experiments in the Cold War|Eileen Welsome||205297], which I am now interested in finding out more about this and other unethical testing, thanks to the author. Overall, the book is a quick and easy read, and I'm glad I had the opportunity to read it.
Machete Kills (2013)
Machete Kills (2013)
2013 | Action
6.4 (9 Ratings)
Movie Rating
B-Movie Exloitation Film
Like I said in my Machete review, its so weird and odd to see some of these actors working together, cause you would never think in a million years that some of these people would work together like.. Mel Gibson, Charlie Sheen, Sofia Vergara, Amber Heard, Walton Goggins, Lady Gaga, Cuba Gooding Jr., Antoino Banderas and Vanesssa Hudgens. Like would ever thought that all of these actors would work together in a B-Movie Exploitation film called Machete Kills is just strange and somehow it works. I dont how, but it just works.

The plot: When the president (Carlos Estevez) of the United States has a mission that would be impossible for just any mortal man, the person he needs is Machete (Danny Trejo), a knife-wielding ex-Federale agent. Machete's mission is to take down Voz (Mel Gibson), a madman revolutionary and an eccentric billionaire arms dealer who has come up with a plot to start a nuclear war. Facing death at every turn from assassins, Machete pulls out all of his skills to get the job done.

If you havent see either of the machete movies go watch them.

Emma @ The Movies (1786 KP) rated American Assassin (2017) in Movies

Jun 26, 2019 (Updated Sep 25, 2019)  
American Assassin (2017)
American Assassin (2017)
2017 | Action, Thriller
Mitch and his girlfriend are on a love filled holiday in Spain. He's just proposed, she's just said yes, and now they're going to celebrate. But the happy event is cut short when a radical Islamist jihadist cell appears at the resort and attacks. Wounded, and filled with rage at being unable to prevent her death, Mitch finds his new purpose in life.

Eighteen months pass and he has managed to gain an audience with the terrorist responsible for the death of his girlfriend. Vengeance has consumed him, but US Special Forces swoop in and kill everyone denying him the chance to settle the score.

He is debriefed and recruited into a black ops team, Orion, by the CIA's Deputy Director. Here the recruits will be trained by ex-Navy Seal and Cold War veteran Stan Hurley in asymmetrical warefare.

Weapons grade nuclear material has gone missing. Their mission is simple, but who is the operative who seems to know their every move?

Seemingly the critics panned this one. Would I ever need to see it again? No. Was it bad? No. It was a perfectly entertaining action movie... buuuuuut... there's not really much else to say about it. The best bit about this film for me was Michael Keaton. Definitely stream it, if it's under a fiver and you like this sort of film then it's worth buying.
Aftermath (2014)
Aftermath (2014)
2014 | Action, Mystery
7.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Aftermath starts by showing us a man struggling to walk through an abandoned landscape. We then flash back to one month earlier where we learn about an ongoing war between America and Israel. We meet or protagonist Hunter (Thomason) as he listens to the ongoing war before nuclear explosion hit leading him to rescue a young family. The group also meet another survivor in the road but find a place to stay underground in a farmhouse with another small group of survivors. Hunter explains they will need to spend at least a month underground while the fall out of the nuclear attack settles. We follow the group through the month as tension rise over time.

When I saw this and the title I was actually looking to settle down and watch a horror like film, but what we got was so much more. First off there is no horror involved, it is all tension building character development. We see the group over 30 days and how their situation gets worse as each day goes by, with only the radio to update them. We get to see how the radiation slowly changes and infects them while others try to get in. it plays on a range of emotions and comes off very bleak. This is a great story of the struggle to survive after a nuclear attack from the point of view of the innocent victims. (7/10)


Actor Review


C.J. Thomason: Hunter doctor and survivalist who leads the group of survivors as they try to make it through the attack in a farm basement. He tries to treat everyone who has issues but even with his skills he can’t save everyone from the situation. C.J. gives a good performance as a reluctant leader. (7/10)


Monica Keena: Elizabeth stranger picked up on the side of the road, she stays with the group and sometimes looks out for younger members by her calm nature. Monica gives a solid performance but sometimes struggles in the action scenes. (6/10)


Edward Furlong: Brad over protective redneck who doesn’t want to let the group in and is always against the decision to let them in. he is a hot head but as the time goes by he wants to look after the group as much as the rest. Edward gives a good performance and does a good job with the only character that shows full emotion. (7/10)


Support Cast: Aftermath’s supporting cast is mainly extra people in the basement who go through the struggles but also includes the people outside who are too far gone to let in.


Director Review: Peter Engert – Peter does a good job directing Aftermath creating genuine tension throughout. (8/10)


Action: Aftermath only has a few action scenes and they are quick, but each comes off desperate like the situation the people are in. (7/10)

Thriller: Aftermath really pulls you in as you want to know what happens to the group and feel for them when things start to get worse. (8/10)

Settings: Aftermath uses its isolation setting that the group creates for themselves to survive really well, as it keeps us unaware of what is going on outside. (9/10)

Suggestion: Aftermath is worth watching, but I do feel like the casual fan might not enjoy this, it really will appeal to those who enjoy a solid drama about survival. (Try It)


Best Part: The bleakness that surrounds the story.

Worst Part: Aftermath can come off feeling a little bit slow.


Believability: Aftermath tackles a potential real problem the world could face. (7/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: No


Oscar Chances: No

Runtime: 1 Hour 32 Minutes


Overall: A Great Unwatched Thriller
Batman: A Death In The Family
Jim Starlin | 1989 | Comics & Graphic Novels
6.2 (5 Ratings)
Book Rating
Ah, 1988/89.

I was just entering double digits, the Cold War was still in force, and DC decided to bump off Robin.

Of course, when I say 'Robin' I actually mean the second character (Jason Todd) to take that mantle (with the first being the more famous Dick Grayson, who has now become Nightwing), and when I say DC I actually mean the DC readers - in a (then) unprecedented move, DC had actually left it open to the readers to decide his fate, via a telephone poll.

It is, of course, Batman's nemesis Joker who is responsible for the killing, after he (yet again) breaks out of Arkham Asylum and heads to the middle East to sell a nuclear weapon that he just-so-happened to have lying around. Batman goes off in pursuit, with a sidelined-by-Batman (due to his erratic nature) Robin on the trail of his real parent; a trail that leads to the two of them meeting up (amazing coincidence, Batman!), Robin ignoring Batman's advice and proceeding to put himself in harms way.

Apparently there was also a media storm around this; around the fact that over the course - and due t 0the events of - this plot-line, that Batman was moving back to his nihilistic vigilante loner roots rather than the kid-friendly character he had become: he even goes so far, in this, to punch out at Superman! The horror!!
The Guest (2014)
The Guest (2014)
2014 | Horror, Mystery, Thriller
You'd believe this purposefully sidesteps its possible themes or commentary on the adverse effects on war and a government that will sooner do shady things to save a microscopic smidgen of face rather than its own supposed heroes (though it still does a vastly superior job of showcasing them than most autopilot, sleep-inducing, reductive, and recycled WWII movies as of late), hell it hardly even sets up its own backstory let alone the potential depth of it all... but also who *really* cares when the resulting product is a legitimately balls-to-the-wall, terminally fun blast of awesome sauce like this? Wingard is the fucking man, the amount of directors I'd excuse a plot execution as flawed as this for I could probably count on one hand but the sheer lunacy of this unrestrained pulp powerhouse is more than enough evidence of his gift for unforgettable roller coasters of trash. This all - of course - would be next to nothing if not fueled by Dan Stevens in one of my new favorite performances of all time as a re-educated government massacre machine who behaves more like an inherently hostile alien body snatcher than a human being. Pair it with some cerebral editing, point-blank violence, real propaganda era-esque nuclear camerawork, Lance Reddick, and one of the most euphorically implemented soundtracks in all of film and it was impossible for this to ever fail from the get-go. Loved every second of it.

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Chernobyl in TV

Oct 6, 2019  
2019 | Action, Drama, History
No words...
Every once in a while, a piece of cinema comes along so profound, epic, chilling, horrible, emotional, disgusting, jarring, magnificent and wondrous it completely takes my breathe away. When I was a child it was films like E.T., Return of the Jedi and Raiders of the lost Ark. Since becoming an adult, it has changed to movies like Schindler's List, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Requiem For A Dream and now Chernobyl.

This five part HBO series not only accounts for the immediate aftermath of the disaster, but shows the relatively unknown sagas of those people who were just doing their jobs not knowing their heroism and ultimate sacrifice probably saved millions of lives and maybe the entire planet Earth.

The men in the control room of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant did not know what just happened. They heard an explosion and then thought there was a fire on the roof of one of the buildings. Residents in the nearly town went out to see the spectacle taking their children and stood on a nearby bridge so they could see. Those men with the local fire department were called in the deal with the fire and quickly arrived to see the devastation they faced. Little did they know most of them were doomed with this assignment.

Soon after, nuclear experts are called in to formulate a plan to not only contain and extinguish the atomic blaze, but also to contain the radiation which the wind is carrying to neighboring countries. Proud Russian state officials also downplay the situation to the rest of the world and are wary to ask for outside assistance not wanting to show weakness.

After the plan to douse the flames in successful a new problem arises. Large water tanks which are supposed to be empty now contain water from the fireman's work which now could cause a nuclear megaton explosion killing millions and laying waste to an entire region of the Earth. A plan is also forged to deal with this new development.

Meanwhile, hospitals overrun with casualties are now forced to deal with unimaginable human suffering from those who took the worst of the radiation. Their agony and torture is some of the worst human suffrage short of war time in the history of the Earth. At the same time, a scientist and nuclear expert speaks with the men near death to assume a timeline and details of what took place during those fateful minutes before the disaster.

The monumental feat this mini-series puts to task is truly astonishing. The technical and historical detail filmmakers took to ensure accuracy is among the most impressive I have ever seen. The European locations used for filming were authentic to the last detail and the style of film was harsh and unrelenting. I watched all 5 episodes straight through as I couldn't wait to get to the next installment. As each ended, I was left with my jaw on the floor is amazement wear tears in my eyes and streaming down my face. Creator/writer Craig Mazin should be commended for his screenplay which is based on quite a lot of first-hand accounts of the situation from people who witnessed it.

Lead actors Jared Harris, Stellan Skarsgård and Emily Watson were all astonishing, especially Harris who portrayed Valery Legasov with such conviction, you as the audience were outraged and sympathetic to his role in this ordeal.

The human suffering portrayed onscreen through the use of remarkable make up effects were so real there were several points I had to stop the film just so I could catch my breath. I was so emotional while watching this masterpiece I feel now like a changed person after just having witnessed something as magic as this perfect piece of filmmaking.

I was so enamored with this production I watched all the making of material afterwards and a documentary about the real events including some of the real graphic patient images that I will never forget.

Hopefully, this will be shown in schools in the future and future generations will continue to learn about the Chernobyl catastrophe as a symbol of human arrogance so that it will never be repeated.


Elli H Burton (1288 KP) Nov 2, 2019

Okay I HAVE to watch it now!


Andy K (10821 KP) Nov 2, 2019

Lol I hope you love it and are as moved as I was.

Salt (2010)
Salt (2010)
2010 | Action, Mystery
6.5 (15 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Disappointing 80's retread...
Contains spoilers, click to show
Salt. The trailer looked rubbish, dated and starring Angelina Jolie, was never going to tickle my fancy. Reminding me of Rodger Donaldson's, Kevin Costner starrer, No Way Out, I felt that the attempt may be to bring that 80′s thriller to a new audience but instead we got a very confused tome. Firstly, I will cover the good points, which start with the script.

Though heavily flawed and mired by poor dialogue, pacing and a schizophrenic narrative, it was clearly intelligently conceived and several neat twists, though generally predictable, had survived. And besides the music, that's about it. In the end, this is a film with little identity, seeking to confuse the audience and bring them into the complex world of double agents and apocalyptic doomsday scenarios.

The story begins with Evelyn Salt, who after being released from a Korean prison and being brutally integrated as a spy, married her "Cover" husband who we believe she actually loves, in spite of the fact that he is being used as the aforementioned "cover". Then, 2 years later, she is brought into interrogate a Russian defector who tells her that she is a sleeper agent whose mission it to kill the Russian Premier, which she vehemently denies and goes on the run to prove her innocence and protect her husband

Sounds pretty straight forward so far But after about half an hour, everything shifts as she assassinates the Russian President, dons a Russian hat, meets up with the defector and watches her husband drown before her eyes to prove her loyalty to her brethren of sleeper agents. Then, she murders ALL of them! She meets up with another sleeper, breaks into the White House, blows part of it up and ends up in a room with a "master agent", a key player from earlier in the film and completely predictable twist, with a dead U.S. President and a nuclear countdown ticking

The main problem with this isn't the outlandish plotting but the fact that we never really know who Salt is. She starts out as a normal CIA agent, who is then placed under suspicion of being a Russian sleeper, then she 's on the run and until this point were satisfied that she's being set up, but then she is not only guilty, thereby destroying all the character development of the first act, she's a VERY guilty and clearly a bad guy.

Then she is forced to watch her husband die to prove her loyalty, only to promptly kill those who murdered him, so really, what was then point? This was a man whom she was wanting to save at all costs in the opening 30 minutes but when she finds him he's left to die.

Then she commits an outlandish assassination of the Russian Premier, or does she? But by the time she's making her way into the preposterously defended nuclear bunker, I simply don't like her, or really understand what the hell she's playing at? And without the empathy for the titular character, there's little going for the film.

This is an ambitious project but fails to engage with me, as Jolie is a truly terrible leading lady in my opinion, and casting her in such a duplicitous role was a mistake. Even if a character changes allegiances, we still know who they are but this is not the case here as Salt seems to have a split personality with little explanation.

And the final point must be that if Russia had trained a band of sleeper agents this skilled, this lethal that they could not only infiltrate the U.S., but fight their way into the heart of the White House's Nuclear Bunker, I believe that the Cold War would have heated up a long time ago and that we'd all be speaking Russian too!

A real shame that what could have been a pretty effective Cold War thriller was allowed to descend into an unpleasant and non-empathetic watch.