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A Proclivity to Prurience by Cheryl Butler captures a world full of family drama and unexpected events surrounding the lives of Abbie, her son Eddie, and his friend, Joe. Yet, it is also very evocative; some may even class this as erotica, although, I’d say it’s actually much more than that, in both theme and the way it is written. I just knew I was going to get something different with a book titled “A Proclivity to Prurience.”

From a very early age, Joe has had a thing about his best friend’s mum Abbie. After the loss of his own mother and being removed from his abusive father, Joe goes to live with Eddie under Abbie’s watchful eye. However, as Joe grows older his obsession for Abbie (and not being able to have her) develops into a promiscuous lifestyle and a hatred for long term relationships. So much so, his love life is just a string of one night stands with anyone who will have him. And if they don’t want him? He’ll make damn sure they do… sometimes to the point where he almost forces them. He’s a game player and proud of it.

Years later, Abbie and Joe finally get it together one night, and Joe is seriously contemplating settling down with her, but it is not a happy beginning for them. That same night, there’s a fatality which turns both their lives around in a blink of an eye and to Joe’s horror, Abbie ups and leaves. For Joe, Abbie’s “mistreatment” of him is not something he can handle well. He’s always been the one to end relationships before they even start, not the other way around! Plus this is Abbie; the woman he’s been obsessing about all these years. How could she do this to him?

This book is full of characters living their lives as they think they know best, and of course, mistakes are made, and plenty of drama unfolds along the way. I felt sorry for Joe, and his inability to hold down relationships. There were even times I didn’t like his character much, but thanks to Cheryl Butler’s articulate writing style – the discoveries I found as her characters revealed their backstories through their thoughts and feelings – provided a deeper insight to better understand why some characters behaved how they did.

That said, it was a compelling, and passionate story with intriguing characters and an ending that was left open for more to come. I cannot wait to see what happens next because it’s clearly not finished yet. An intelligent and provocative read.
Secrets of a Fangirl
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
Hello, my name is Sophia, and I am a fangirl of many forms. A book with the word "fangirl" on it? YES PLEASE. You know you have my attention.

<h2><em><strong>Secrets of a Fangirl </strong></em><strong>is a book about a fangirl.</strong></h2>
AKA ME! And you, because you've got to be obsessed with something here. Maybe it's over a book or a show or even a movie.

(Are there secrets? Yes, but not deep, dark secrets.)

But namely, <em>Secrets of a Fangirl</em> is about Sarah Anne and her obsession with the MK Nightshade fandom, something she's been a fan of since she first discovered it. While her best friend Roxy has grown out of the series, Sarah Anne remains a fan secretly. She keeps her identity under wraps with a set of rules and continues to do so as she wins a place on a panel for a contest. But during the panel, she finds out her competition disregards her completely, and she wants to prove them wrong by winning the next part of the contest.

<h3><strong>Sarah Anne's parents are with her and I am all for it.</strong></h3>
I love how Sarah Anne's parents are with her the entire time. They show their support and they help her navigate the digital world as she makes her way through the contest. It's something that's important in a world of media, and I'm happy Dionne includes this in the novel.

<h2><strong>Dionne's latest novel is full of moods.</strong></h2>
I opened <em>Secrets of a Fangirl</em> and got swallowed up by the book (maybe it's the other way around). Dionne creates a protagonist all of us can relate to in some way. Throughout the book, Sarah Anne struggles with who she is and who she wants to be: does she embrace her inner nerd or continue stifling it? How can she continue to be who she is while not hiding a vital part of herself?

<em><strong>Secrets of a Fangirl</strong></em><strong> is a fun and quick read from Erin Dionne, with a protagonist that I cheered from the beginning of the novel to the end.</strong>

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Death by the River
Death by the River
Alexandrea Weis, Lucas Astor | 2018 | Thriller, Young Adult (YA)
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
<b><i>I received this book for free from Publisher in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.</i></b>
What the fuck did I read.

SERIOUSLY. What the fuck did I read. And why the fuck did I suffer for more pages than necessary?
<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-2767" src=""; alt="" width="300" height="149" />

<h2><strong>Contrary to all the raving reviews and praise for this book, <i>Death by the River</i> is boring as fuck (at least at the beginning). If any death occurred at the river, it was yours truly from pure boredom. &#x1f634;</strong></h2>
Beau Deveraux is the catch of a lifetime on the outside with his good looks and reputation. But on the inside, he's a psychopath, becoming obsessed with his girlfriend Dawn's twin sister, Leslie. She wants no association with Beau and warns Dawn to do the same.

<h2><strong>Good god, there is so much repetition.&#x1f644;</strong></h2>
The book nails this fact into our heads repeatedly, chapter after the chapter, and it's one of the main reasons why I couldn't stand <i>Death by the River</i>. I get it - Beau is nice and chummy but secretly evil and Leslie sees right through the facade. Everyone else is a lamb, all nice and innocent to Beau's ways.
<img class="aligncenter size-full wp-image-3903" src=""; alt="" width="245" height="245" />

<h2><strong>Then there's pacing plus the repetition. &#x1f623;</strong></h2>
It was slowwwww. Maybe it's the writing style, but gosh, I made it to 52% and nothing really happened except:
~ Beau's obsession with Leslie
~ Leslie's uninterest in Beau
~ Everyone's awe of Beau
<img class="aligncenter size-medium wp-image-4110" src=""; alt="" width="300" height="128" />
And two sexual assaults with no death actually happening except for the death of the victim's reputation, which is expected, considering the book <i>is</i> about sexual assault.

But ultimately, <i>Death by the River</i> fell flatter than a green onion pancake for me.

Just a side note, but green onion pancakes are delicious. I think I insulted them greatly. Green onion pancakes do not deserve this comparison.

<a href=""; target="_blank">This review was originally posted on Bookwyrming Thoughts</a>
Little Fires Everywhere
Little Fires Everywhere
Celeste Ng | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.3 (43 Ratings)
Book Rating
Truly, I've been meaning to read this one for ages, but those Hulu promos with Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington really did push me over the edge. Shaker Heights is a planned community in Ohio, focused on perfection. No one loves the community more than Elena Richardson, who has lived there most of her life. She and her husband have four children, and Elena works as a reporter for a local paper. They also rent a townhouse to deserving tenants. Their latest project is Mia Warren and her daughter, Pearl. Mia is an artist and Pearl goes to high school with the Richardson kids. Mia is everything Shaker is not--mysterious, interesting, and different. When Elena's friends try to adopt a Chinese-American baby, a battle erupts within Shaker Heights that splits the town--and Mia and Elena. Elena starts digging into Mia's past, but her obsession with this woman will soon put both Mia and herself at risk.

I'm not sure there's much I can say about this popular book that hasn't been said before. I'm often hesitant to read hyped books, fearing a letdown, but I really enjoyed this one. It's mesmerizing, drawing you into Shaker Heights, as one event keeps leading to another, things unfolding before your eyes. Disaster, you know, is waiting right around the corner.

Ng flirts constantly with the idea of being different--Pearl, for instance, isn't sure she likes being different--and loves spending time with the Richardson kids, who seem so average and normal. There are others who are scared of being different. We see different ideas of conformity. And the thread of fires--big and small--real and metaphorical--throughout the entire novel. Ng is an excellent writer; I was really impressed with how everything tied together. She captures the everyday moments so well.

The whole book was incredibly compelling; I had not realized that there was a mystery element to this one, as Elena digs into Mia's past. I was fascinated, and I loved how real each of the characters seemed. The four Richardson kids are unique in their own way, and of course, Mia, Elena, and Pearl are quite captivating. The world-building and storytelling here is amazing.

Overall, this book is just fascinating. I was hooked from the beginning and awed by the excellent writing, as well. I'm extremely curious how this will translate to tv (and what liberties they will take with the story). 4.5 stars.



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    Unpossible will test your skills, your reflexes, and even your memory. It will make you smile. It...


Kristy H (1252 KP) rated Just One Look in Books

Aug 12, 2021  
Just One Look
Just One Look
Lindsay Cameron | 2021 | Fiction & Poetry, Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Thriller
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
A slightly bland thriller
After an incident at the law firm where she works, Cassie Woodson finds herself temping. She's reviewing correspondence for a fraud case--several tiers removed from her life as a lawyer. While going through the tedious emails, she discovers a series of exchanges between one of the firm partners, Forest Watts, and his wife Annabelle. Cassie can't help but read them, fixating on the way Forest seems to love and adore his wife. But when she finds a way to "accidentally" meet Forest, her fixation with the Watts turns into a full blown obsession.

"He has no idea that I have access to every corner of his life. Even the dusty ones."

This was a perfectly fine thriller, though I found it a little bland. I think it's because I'm so over unreliable alcoholic narrators. For me, that trope is just done. I lose sympathy for the protagonist at that point and just stop caring. Cassie is just an insane train wreck of a character. The whole book felt like watching one, honestly. The premise here is that she's abandoned by her mother at a young age, hence making her unstable and leading to a series of incidents (including the one where she came unglued at her law firm). But I could never quite buy why she became so obsessed with Forest Watts and his wife.

"Eyes aren't the windows to the soul. Emails are."

Most of the book focuses on Cassie's preoccupation with Forest--starting with the emails and then branching out into real life. The girl is committed, I will give you that. She creates a binder on the Watts and everything. If only she was that dedicated to something more productive. There's also a subplot with her temp co-worker, Dalton. Then with about 10 to 15% of the book left, the plot takes a complete turn and things get more exciting. However, nothing that happened previously really seemed to gel with that plot twist, so I found it all a little odd. It was a strange, out of left field turn.

Overall, I found this book interesting enough that I kept reading, so I'm still giving it 3 stars. But it was a strange ride, to say the least. Others liked it more than me, so take my review with a grain of salt.

I received a copy of this book from Random House - Ballantine and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review.