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Providence: A Novel
Providence: A Novel
Caroline Kepnes | 2018 | Fiction & Poetry, Science Fiction/Fantasy
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Weirdly fascinating novel
As kids, Jon and Chloe are best friends, even though she realizes that Jon is a little different from the other kids. Then one day Jon vanishes after taking a shortcut on his way to school. The town searches for him, but it's a bit halfhearted they must admit, as he is not one of the popular and beloved kids. But his absence strikes Chloe in the heart. She finds solace in her art and begins fitting in better at school, making more friends. Still, she cannot forget Jon or how much he meant to her. Imagine her shock when Jon turns up four years later, after escaping from a kidnapper, and revealing himself to be viral and strong--everything he wasn't before the kidnapping. He also quickly learns that he has a strange and uncontrollable power over people, especially when he's feeling strongly about something. This power drives Jon into seclusion, isolating him from his beloved Chloe. Jon begins to search for the truth about what has made him this way, while Chloe tries to figure out her place in the world, with or without Jon.

Well, this was an interesting one and nothing like what I expected. Obviously Kepnes is well-known for her novel, You, which is a story of love and obsession gone wrong. Supposedly many reviewers felt that this new book was a far twist from YOU, but I couldn't help but feel that parts of it reminded me of that novel, due to some of Jon's obsession and focus on Chloe. Still, I can understand that feeling, as PROVIDENCE also has a bit of an almost paranormal science fiction twist to it. That is a change. It requires a little suspension of disbelief, but once you go with it, the book is incredibly addictive and hard to put down. I read it in one day while on vacation, completely addicted to the strange and fascinating plot.

There's no denying that Kepnes can write, and you become immersed in her characters. I was intrigued by Jon and a bit by Chloe as well. I didn't adore them, but they were multi-faceted, and their dilemma unique. I'll admit that I didn't even know that Lovecraft--the author on whom Jon's situation is based--was real, so obviously all of those references went right over my head. Ha! I might have gotten into that scenario more if I knew the author, but the whole "turned you into a monster--or did I?" concept isn't exactly difficult to follow, and it's an interesting idea.

The novel is told from the points of view of Jon, Chloe, and a detective named Eggs. I enjoyed Eggs' perspective; he added a much-needed third viewpoint to the tale. Eggs is tracking Jon, but we also get a nuanced look at his relationship with his wife.

In the end, this is a weirdly fascinating novel that is hard to describe. I'm glad I read it, as I can't imagine not reading any of Kepnes' books, truly. It's a story of dysfunctional and potentially misguided love, but I enjoyed how you could feel Jon and Chloe's need for one another stretching and pulling across the pages. Kepnes is just so good at obsession and oddity (and love) that I couldn't stop reading. I enjoyed this one.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley/Librarything in return for an unbiased review (thank you!).
She Is Not Invisible
She Is Not Invisible
6.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This was not how I expected it to be. I liked the uniqueness of it, though, and how unpredictable it turned out to be.
It starts in an airport, with the protagonist and narrator (who's name we learn to be Laureth) and her little brother Benjamin. We soon discover that Laureth is blind, which provides us with a very interesting account of the events of this story. They are going to America, alone, to find their father. He's a writer, and holds his notebooks very dearly - so when Laureth gets an email about one being found in America when he's supposed to be in Switzerland (and then he fails to answer his phone) she immediately assumes something is very wrong.

This is told mostly chronologically, but with memories scattered throughout. Laureth also gives slight hints as to what will be happening later on, reinstating the fact that she is writing about past events. I quite liked this - we were told about certain memories and events that were relevant to the story at that time, nothing more, nothing less.

It turns into quite a dark, suspenseful hunt. Laureth starts to fear that her father may even have taken his own life. The pair even get cornered by a man with a knife who claims to have seen her father. His partner later breaks into their hotel room, searching for some valuable contents of her father's safe. Coincidentally, they run in to her father just moments later.

The obsession of Laureth and Ben's father is coincidences; a very interesting topic. He goes into great detail in his notebook (which we are shown throughout the book), discussing theories and particular physicists' experiences. Bit by bit, he seems to be delving deeper and deeper into the mysteries of the universe. Laureth is caught up in this - she looks for clues in every page of her dad's notebook. But is she looking too hard? Is she finding signs that aren't really there?

Laureth relies on her brother to navigate the world, and although he is only going, he is superbly helpful to her. She is adamant on being an independent young lady, and even hides her impairment from most people she meets. As she is the narrator of this book, we are given an account that does not include any visual descriptions. Instead, the other senses are used far more - sounds and feelings especially. I really liked this.

The ending was wonderful. It was different - completely unexpected. I especially liked how her "coincidental" meeting with Sam turned out to mean nothing at all. And her father's account of what had happened, and his realisation that his obsession was pointless, was so ironic. Laureth and Ben had been on this massive journey, worried their father was so caught up in his obsession that his life was in danger. They began to find strange patterns and signs everywhere - only to find out how coindences are completely fake. 

And the last page was so clever, too. It was numbered 354 which is clever in itself - this number holds a massive significance throughout this book - but then there's also the hidden message that's revealed. One of the last sentences prompts you to look closely at the book, and then you find a heartwarming little phrase. I really liked this idea - it seems a bit naff, but actually worked really well.

I did feel like this was maybe a little more for younger adults (I'm nearly 18) but it was really easy to follow and quick to read. It wasn't lengthy or tiresome at all. 4 stars.
The Beloveds
The Beloveds
Maureen Lindley | 2018 | Thriller
7.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Slow-moving thriller with a despicable main character
Betty adores only one thing in her life: her childhood home, called Pipits, and desires nothing else than to live in it. Alone. So when her mother passes away and wills the home to her younger sister Gloria and her husband, Henry, Betty is beyond angry and ruined. She puts Henry and Gloria in a class called the Beloveds; people she deems loved and admired and lucky in love and everything they do. Betty, of course, is on the outside looking in on these Beloved sort. She vows she will do whatever it takes to get Pipits back, at any cost.

This novel features Betty talking to us directly in a conversational style, which I liked. However, sadly, the rest of this one didn't work too well for me. For one thing, it's just maddeningly slow. There is so much talk from Betty and she is so mean, crazy, and cruel. Halfway through the novel, I felt as if nothing had happened, other than her rantings. Beyond her being mentally ill, the whole book is built on her obsession for this house, and it became a bit much for me. I understand that it should be creepy, but it just didn't work for me.

For much of the novel, Betty isn't really even that good at being evil, she's just mean-spirited and a ranting drunk. I kept reading out of a morbid curiosity, but I really wasn't all that interested or engaged or drawn to anyone in the novel. In fact, I just despised Betty completely and couldn't even find myself liking her as a "bad guy." She was just mean. Also, again, I felt somewhat bad despising someone who was so clearly mentally ill, but she was so hateful, and her obsession with this house was just all-consuming and hard to empathize with.

Overall, this one didn't work for me. It was so slow, with such a despicable main character with odd motivations. However, I've read a lot of reviews where others really enjoyed its creepy nature, so it may work for you.

I received a copy of this novel from the publisher and Netgalley in return for an unbiased review (thank you!); more at
The Gunslinger
The Gunslinger
Stephen King | 2012 | Horror, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Thriller
7.8 (46 Ratings)
Book Rating
I first read The Gunslinger when I was in high school and at the height of my Stephen King obsession. Going in and didn't really know what to expect from the story since I didn't really look too much into the series when I first picked it up which I'm pretty glad I didn't because I have never been much of a western fan so I'm not sure if I really would have have this a fair shot.

The Gunslinger honestly can be on the slow side even for such a short book but King does an amazing job of really showing you the world ge is building while still leaving a lot open for the series to build around. After reading this for the first and second time in still not sure how I feel about Rowland aka The Gunslinger I do grow to really love the character in the next book but as an introduction my feelings are never really solid. The character that really peaks my interest is The Man In Black through out the book I just can't wait to find out more about him and why Rowland is chasing him.

Billie Wichkan (118 KP) rated Envy in Books

May 22, 2019  
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
She wants your life – and she’ll do anything to get it…
Erica has always wanted to be exactly like her neighbour, Faye: beautiful, thin, and a mother. But Faye’s life isn’t as perfect as it seems – she has a terrible secret, and slowly but surely, it is threatening to destroy her and everything she holds dear.
When Faye’s daughter Tamsin goes missing after school, the police turn to Erica. But is Erica the only one who has been enviously watching Faye? Or is there another threat hiding in the shadows…?

Well this is a right tale of stalking,obsession, fury, longing and ENVY!
This story is very well written and flows easily.
The novel is broken down into several small chapters which makes this an easy fast read.
I really enjoyed the evolution of the characters throughout the book.
Be warned the story is told from 4 different POVs' which I thoroughly enjoyed.
I thought this was as an amazing thriller which I thoroughly enjoyed reading and can wholeheartedly recommend.

Thank you to netgalley and the publishers for this arc in exchange for my honest review.
Spooning Leads to Forking: A Gay Teen Romance Story
Spooning Leads to Forking: A Gay Teen Romance Story
B.A. Smith | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spooning Leads to Forking by B.A. Smith
Spooning Leads to Forking is a very well written story about two boys who are figuring out just who they are. It is very fast paced, and you quickly get to the 'action'.

Dylan is a misfit, and happy to be one. Michael is the basketball star. One day their relationship changes in a BIG way, and you get the rawness, the nitty-gritty, the 'real' relationship two seventeen-year-old boys can have, including the insults, bitch slaps, and rough-housing. I would also say it is full of emotion and passion, bordering on obsession.

Very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, I would recommend this to anyone who wants a more 'real' story than one filled with unicorns and cupcakes (although they have their place too!). I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and would like to see more of Dylan and Michael as they grow older. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017)
2017 | Action, Adventure, Comedy
The cast (1 more)
Genuinely laugh out loud funny in parts
A little too much "so what you're saying is" explanation at times (0 more)
Surprisingly Good
Full disclaimer: I've never seen the Robin Williams's version of Jumanji.

This is another of those films that we've put on for "family time", I've had my knitting in my lap and my laptop or phone next to me ready to keep me occupied, and I've ended up being the one laughing loudest and sitting mouth agape in the exciting parts.

It was a genuinely funny film, some good slapstick moments for the younger ones and some more grown-up jokes for the adults. The cast worked really well together; they could have completely over-played their "real" personas in their computer game avatar parts, but it was actually very well done.

I would heartily recommend this to anyone looking for a film the whole family can enjoy - even if any of the actors aren't really your cup of tea, because I think they were all great in this - and one I would happily watch again. Even if my 5-year old has developed a weird obsession with Dwayne Johnson's muscles!!
Stephan's Monster (Vampires of Vadin #2)
Stephan's Monster (Vampires of Vadin #2)
Shelby Rhodes | 2018 | LGBTQ+, Paranormal, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Stephan's Monster (Vampires of Vadin #2) by Shelby Rhodes
Stephen's Monster is the second book in the Vampires of Vadin, and it goes off in a different direction than I thought it would! I was hoping for Asher and Kaiden's story, but no. Instead I get Jayden and Stephen, an opposite's attract couple, with deep and dark similarities. They are drawn to each other, and Stephen tries to help Jayden overcome his 'monster'.

Whilst these two have backgrounds as heartbreaking as you could imagine, this is not a heartbreaking story. Instead, it is one of acceptance, of love, and even of hope. Stephen's obsession with pink made me laugh, as Jayden's monster made me cry. So many highs and lows in this book, and I loved every word.

Nice to reunite with Adrian and Xavier from book one, plus other characters. If you enjoy dark romances with tortured heroes, then I can absolutely and utterly recommend this book!

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Spooning Leads to Forking: A Gay Teen Romance Story
Spooning Leads to Forking: A Gay Teen Romance Story
B.A. Smith | 2018 | Contemporary, LGBTQ+, Romance
8.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Spooning Leads to Forking is a very well written story about two boys who are figuring out just who they are. It is very fast paced, and you quickly get to the 'action'.

Dylan is a misfit, and happy to be one. Michael is the basketball star. One day their relationship changes in a BIG way, and you get the rawness, the nitty-gritty, the 'real' relationship two seventeen-year-old boys can have, including the insults, bitch slaps, and rough-housing. I would also say it is full of emotion and passion, bordering on obsession.

Very well written, with no editing or grammatical errors that disrupted my reading flow, I would recommend this to anyone who wants a more 'real' story than one filled with unicorns and cupcakes (although they have their place too!). I thoroughly enjoyed this story, and would like to see more of Dylan and Michael as they grow older. Definitely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!