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Endless Knight (The Arcana Chronicles, #2)
Endless Knight (The Arcana Chronicles, #2)
Kresley Cole | 2013 | Young Adult (YA)
9.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
163 of 200
Endless Night ( Arcana chronicles book 2)
By Kresley Cole

Shocking secrets

Evie has fully come into her powers as the Tarot Empress, and Jack was there to see it all. She now knows that the teens who've been reincarnated as the Tarot are in the throes of an epic battle. It's kill or be killed, and the future of mankind hangs in the balance.

Unexpected allies

With threats lurking around every corner, Evie is forced to trust her newfound alliance. Together they must fight not only other Arcana, but also Bagmen zombies, post-apocalyptic storms, and cannibals.

Gut-wrenching treachery

When Evie meets Death, things get even more complicated. Though falling for Jack, she's drawn to the dangerous Endless Knight as well. Somehow the Empress and Death share a history, one that Evie can't remember--but Death can't forget...

I didn’t think I could enjoy the second as much as the first book but I did! I listened to it on Audio which I’m still getting used to. I’m absolutely in love with Death and god knows what Evie sees in Jack he is so annoying!! So yea I’m team Death! This was fast paced and full of adventure I would absolutely recommend Kresley Cole! The whole story that we finally hear about Death and the Empress is absolutely fascinating can't wait to see where this dark path goes!
The Book Jumper
The Book Jumper
Mechthild Gläser | 2018 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
7.0 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
The Book Jumper
Amy Lennox is a book jumper, only she doesn't know this until she arrives in Scotland with her mother Alexis. There she finds out she comes from a long line of Book Jumpers along with another family. Now a book jumper is exactly what it sounds like. You have the ability to jump into any book you like by sliding it over your face and bamn your inside. Name your favourite book and your there, in the pages of the book. Your not just in the book living the lives of the characters, your in the book able to talk to whoever you like and go wherever you like. Only you can't interfere with the story itself, but your able to go among the pages as you please. The purpose of a Book Jumper is to protect literature and keep things safe, so that the stories don't change.

Amy learns how to be one through lessons with the other students who to can Book Jump. She learns the history of the two families and how a manuscript 100's of years ago was destroyed. She is then given her first book to jump into and protect - The Jungle Book.

Whilst Amy is in the world of books she meets some great allies and experiences some great stories. But whilst she is in one book with a friend of hers, she hears that someone or something has been stealing ideas from the stories. They are stealing the thing that makes that story, the thing that starts that story off...
But who is stealing these ideas, on the island she lives there is only around 6 people. But is the thief from the island or is there more to who is stealing and why?

This book was so good and I loved every moment of it.


Christina xx
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Ivana A. | Diary of Difference (1171 KP) Sep 21, 2018

This seems so cool! Added on my list!


Christina Haynes (148 KP) Sep 21, 2018

Ah yay!?

Redemption (The Revelation, #3)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
I received this book from the author in return for a fair and honest review.

"Oh. My. God. Randi, you are awesome!" Okay, so I may have just stolen that from her books but the truth still stands. This series is one I found by accident but I have never been happier! The books are simply outstanding and everything about them is just perfect for me - from the covers down to the nitty-gritty of editing and grammar. I am a long-term fan of both Randi and The Revelation Series so I warn you now that I will be squealing like a fangirl. But anyway, onto Redemption itself.

If you want a book that you can pick up and put down again without any problems then you need to WALK AWAY!! These books will get under your skin, the characters within the pages you will love, then hate, then love again as Randi plays with your emotions. She is a wicked author ;)

Redemption will take you on a rollercoaster of a ride. You start with major, almost catatonic depression, then anger, then hope, then love, happiness, friendship - need I go on? There is a gamut of emotional highs and lows in this book and it's not just from the main characters. Smaller characters that have just had a supporting role up to now get their chance to shine. We learn more about everyone and meet new allies too. We meet old allies and feel our heart break all over again. Did I mention this book is emotional?

I love the way that Randi writes - she draws you into the story and it enfolds you. The characters get under your skin until they feel like friends/enemies or even frenemies. Whichever, you know them! They are not just words on a page.

This is a series of five books and as such they are not standalones. Randi has got the art of the ending down to a 'T' and she kills me every time! So far, I have issued a kleenex warning with both her previous books and this one is no different. The ending took me by surprise and left me reeling. I can honestly say that I finished the book, shook my head and went back to re-read the last chapter because I just couldn't bear for the book to be finished.

I am now impatiently waiting for books 4 and 5 and once I have my grubby paws on them, I will be re-reading this whole series back to back. A fantastic, hot, witty, smexy Paranormal Romance that will draw you in and not let you go. I can't recommend this highly enough!
The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure
The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure
2021 | Fantasy, Kids Game
Those of you with kids: you know how you are just aching for a good game to come out that will satisfy your 3-year-old’s interest, keep their attention throughout, and even get them talking about board games afterward? At least a game that isn’t super-basic and boring? Well have I a treat for you today. I may have just found the game for us!

The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure (can I please just call it MA from here please?) is a tile matching game based off the old evergreen Memory mechanic. However, this isn’t your gramma’s Memory. In it players are recruiting The Quest Kids to scare off the silly bad guys by matching tiles and collecting treasures. The player with the most stars at the end of the game will be the winner! But in actuality, all the players will be winners because all will have had a great time.

DISCLAIMER: We were provided a copy of this game for the purposes of this review. This is a retail copy of the game, so what you see in these photos is exactly what would be received in your box. I do not intend to cover every single rule included in the rulebook, but will describe the overall game flow and major rule set so that our readers may get a sense of how the game plays. For more in depth rules, you may purchase a copy online or from your FLGS. -T

To setup, shuffle the brown tiles, forest tiles, and river tiles separately. Lay out the brown treehouse tiles face-down into a 5 x 4 grid. Around these brown tiles will be placed the river tiles and forest tiles, the numbers of which are dependent upon how lengthy the players wish the game to be. Add the appropriate types of treasure tokens to the provided treasure chest and the game is ready to begin! We ALWAYS let our little go first. They like that.
On a turn each player will attempt to recruit a Quest Kid Hero from the brown treehouse tiles. Once a match has been found the player may begin taking their hero on an adventure! Adventures can only be attempted when a player has matched two Hero tiles from the treehouse. An adventure consists of finding a matching pair of bad guys, one each from the forest and river. For example, in order to find the matching Honey Beard bad guy tiles a Hero would need to search the river for one tile AND the forest for its match.

When bad guys are matched they provide the player with a certain number of treasures, as printed on their tile. The player reaches into the treasure chest and pulls out the correct number of treasures (my son’s favorite part). These treasures provide a number of stars (VP) depending on whether the player has matched a specific hero or not. Less stars are awarded if the appropriate hero is absent, more stars if that hero has been matched by the player.

Some treehouse tiles contain Quest Kid Allies. These Allies provide stars, but also very helpful special abilities to be used on a future turn. When these Allies are matched, the active player keeps the tile with stars and gives away the matching tile to another player. So that other player may also use the Ally for its special ability on a future turn. Alliances with a 3-year-old? I can dig it! Alliances that do not involve said 3-year-old? Watch out for the forthcoming tantrum.

Play continues in this fashion of matching tiles, scaring away bad guys and receiving treasures, and utilizing Ally special abilities until all tiles have been matched and claimed. Players all add up their stars on their collected tiles and treasures, and the most stars collected wins the game!
Components. This game is a ton of tiles and treasure tokens. That equates to, well, a whole bunch of thick cardboard in a box. The material quality is very good, but I am most impressed with the art style. I love game art that can be cartoony while also being interesting and detailed. Such is the art here. The characters are really well illustrated and each have their own personality. I have one gripe about the components: the treasure tokens feature a small picture of the Hero that allows it to be worth more stars. That Hero picture is very very tiny and details do not really transfer well to the small space, so it IS difficult to know which Kid will power up the treasure. I did find a workaround if players are not colorblind: each Hero is featured along with a color. That same color is used as the token icon and can more easily be matched to the Hero. It may save some headache if players are able to use the color as the indicator instead of the tiny picture.

In a nutshell this is Memory with strategy. The main game mechanic is memory – matching up the tiles in order to collect them. However, by throwing in the randomness of treasure token pulls and the Ally special abilities, MA just becomes a thousand percent more compelling for children and adults alike. At the end of the game my son is having a great time and almost always asks to play again. The adults are also impressed that Memory can be so much fun!

So if you are looking for that game to introduce to your youngster that actually challenges their little minds, then I strongly recommend The Quest Kids: Matching Adventure. Yes, it’s Memory, but it’s Memory that is actually fun. It’s Memory with a theme, and a kid-based theme at that. It gives the littles an opportunity to look up to these kid heroes and lets them imagine being heroes themselves. Any game that helps to empower my children will definitely be a well-loved addition to my collection. Purple Phoenix Games (well, my wife, my son, and I) give this one a victoriously heroic 16 / 18. I won’t say that I will beat you every time, but my son may. I dare you to play against him. Just make sure you throw all your extra Allies to him or he will get real mad real quick.
Glass Sword
Glass Sword
Victoria Aveyard | 2016 | Young Adult (YA)
7.7 (31 Ratings)
Book Rating
When it comes to book series, there's always a risk of the phenomenon called "second book syndrome." For those who aren't bookwyrms, this term refers most often to books that should have been left alone, rather than followed with a sequel. When I began reading Victoria Aveyard's sequel to Red Queen, Glass Sword, I was wary. A fellow bookwyrm informed me that she had not read the series yet and was largely unsure of whether or not she would because she'd heard quite a bit regarding the second book in the series being a flop. Nonetheless, I charged onward with the audiobook, once again narrated by the lovely voice of Amanda Dolan.

Beginning precisely where Red Queen left off, Glass Sword picks up after Mare and Cal have escaped the Bowl of Bones and Maven's betrayal. Together with Farley, Kilorn, and a few other characters come together in secrecy after relocating to rise against the new Silver King. Along the way, they pick up some allies - both expected and unexpected. Packed with action, it is easy to see why this series is a hit among young adults.

Naturally, I've read a few other reviews to see what the general consensus of this book is and I've discovered that most readers either hate it or love it - there's not a whole lot of in between. Personally, I enjoyed it. I found Glass Sword to be a fairly entertaining read and it served its purpose of keeping me awake on the hour long commute home (with no traffic). A few new characters are introduced, none of which are too memorable.

As far as romantic interests go, I can't really decide one way or another in regards to the three eligible males. I adore Maven's cold, cunning persona, Cal's stoic disposition, and Kilorn's particular shade of envy equally. Given that I don't care much for romantic sub-plots, a large part of me hopes that Mare doesn't choose any of them in the end. I enjoy watching as Mare changes and grows, and I am more vested in the kind of woman she turns out to be than her love life. Will she be the queen that her people need? Or will she become like Elara?

My only gripe with the narration of Glass Sword is the fact that Dolan pronounced Titanos in a completely different manner than she did throughout the entirety of Red Queen.
Genesis: Vision of the New World (Terra Nova #2)
Genesis: Vision of the New World (Terra Nova #2)
D. Ellis Overttun | 2019 | Philosophy, Psychology & Social Sciences, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Following on from the events in Universe: Awakening, the first book in the series (which you need to read before this one), this picks up events on Arkos after some time has passed. Minister Odessa is still concerned about the findings of the DEUS probes, and when there is an astronomical anomaly and a disaster on the planet itself she realises that she needs her most trusted allies to determine the threat that is posed. Meanwhile there is a change at the head of the lower-status Gendu, both in terms of politics and religion, which aren't universally popular. Society may be under threat from within and without.

This is a long book, but like the first one it covers a lot of ground. There is a far more investigation of the Gendu, their politics and their religion. The succession of Darius as head of the Gendu, and the rise of a greedy and flawed priest in the religious sect provide the backbone of the story. The Celesti are frustrated by only being allowed to observe and not interfere, but are focused on exploring the anomaly. Odessa also starts a related project to enhance some of the indigenous apes.

This is not a book that can be read in isolation. As the middle of a trilogy it answers few questions from the first book and raises many that are due to be resolved in the final installment. It is clear that everything is converging, momentum carrying people and events along as much they are exerting their own control. The author has constructed a world where the plot is driven from a number of different directions and this ensures that each chapter has something to add.

The writing is very confident. Overttun has really found his voice as an author and uses it to show the reader all of his creation. From the clinical efficiency of Odessa's experiments to the dirt and grime of the seedier areas of Gendu society, the narrative weaves its way inexorably onwards. The prose is lean and efficient, lending impetus to the story. The exploits of the already known characters will entertain as they are old friends, the new characters are all interesting and nuanced.

This is building to be a fabulous epic trilogy, epic in depth, breadth and scale. It isn't science fiction, it isn't a political thriller, it isn't a philosophical treatise. It is all these and more. I really cannot wait to see what happens next. Stunning.
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003)
2003 | Action, Adventure, Fantasy
Drunk Johnny Part 1
Yo-Ho, what do you get when you based you movie off of a disney ride, a great movie. Yes you read the correctly, this movie is based off of the ride at disney. So how does a 20-30 minute ride turn into a 2h and 20min movie, well you expand it. Expand it and make it have a great plot, good charcters, a great villian and a drunking Johnny Depp or Johnny Depp playing pirate Keith Richards.

The Plot: Capt. Jack Sparrow (Johnny Depp) arrives at Port Royal in the Caribbean without a ship or crew. His timing is inopportune, however, because later that evening the town is besieged by a pirate ship. The pirates kidnap the governor's daughter, Elizabeth (Keira Knightley), who's in possession of a valuable coin that is linked to a curse that has transformed the pirates into the undead. A gallant blacksmith (Orlando Bloom) in love with Elizabeth allies with Sparrow in pursuit of the pirates.

It was also significant in being the first film released under the Walt Disney Pictures banner to be rated PG-13 by the MPAA.

The film spun off four sequels, with the latest sequel released in 2017. The first two were back-to-back sequels in 2006 and 2007, Dead Man's Chest and At World's End, respectively. The third sequel, On Stranger Tides, was released in 2011. The fourth sequel, Dead Men Tell No Tales, was slated to begin production in October 2014 for a summer 2016 release, but was eventually delayed to May 2017. It was directed by Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg. While none of the sequels matched the critical acclaim of the first film, they were still box office successes nevertheless.

It is a classic movie, it has comedy, action, adventure and most importanly pirates.
Daughter of Chaos (Red Magic #1)
Daughter of Chaos (Red Magic #1)
Jen McConnel | 2014 | Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
In Darlena's world, magic is divided into three different categories. To put it simply - white is good, black is bad, and green is balance. Normally a witch will choose a path on her 16th birthday. Darlena has passed this milestone without declaring which path she will follow. One evening Hecate shows up and puts Darlena on the spot - which path will she choose? Darlena follows her heart and her instincts and chooses a colour that she has never heard of before - Red. It must be a real path because the next day she is expelled from school with no explanation. Anyone who hears what colour she has chosen, reacts in a very different way to how Darlena was expecting.

I loved how Jen McConnel set this all up and how it was all executed. The writing and links are flawless, with plenty of surprises along the way. I thought having Aphrodite as a patron of Red magic was brilliant, and anyone who thinks that love isn't chaotic is seriously mistaken!

With lessons to be learnt, Darlena has some serious choices to make. Some of which she makes on the rebound, some of which she has time to think about. With friends and allies helping her along the way, as well as enemies trying to hinder her, her life is moving along at breakneck speed. Will she find the time to figure out what to do?

With a cast of amazing characters, from the noble yet slightly self-righteous Justin to the flawed and grasping Rochelle, you have a fast-paced story that will keep you engrossed from beginning to end. I can't wait to read more about Darlena's story to see what happens next. Definitely recommended.

* Verified Purchase on Amazon *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
May 19, 2016

Otway93 (567 KP) rated the PlayStation 4 version of Assassin's Creed Valhalla in Video Games

Feb 13, 2021  
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
Assassin's Creed Valhalla
2020 | Action/Adventure, Role-Playing
Gameplay (4 more)
Easter Eggs
Mini-Arcs (3 more)
Dull ending
Repetitive, and a disappointing end to the trilogy.
After getting my hopes up, and initially thoroughly enjoying it, what an absolute stinker this game has turned out to be.

It could have been a great game, but the story, inside and out of the animus, has really let it down.

Firstly, the gameplay is fun, archery, swinging away with axes, beheading everyone in sight, and the mysteries, the new side missions, are an excellent addition, very fun with a great variety, and contain some great little pop cultures references and Easter eggs. The characters are also great, and probably some of the most memorable.

But now the negatives. The first, and for most a deal-breaker, the story. The story is made up of mini-arcs, which all involve gaining allies for your settlement. These tend to be very repetitive in most cases. But of course there are the two main arcs, Eivor's arc, and Layla's arc, the star of the previous two games.

Eivor's arc while very typical, has some really interesting ideas that will blow you away. But don't get too excited, we have no DLC yet, but so far all these awesome ideas and revelations seem to have been forgotten about by the end of the game. The end of his main arc is incredibly dull and predictable.

Layla's arc, unfortunately, while having a good twist, still remains dull, predictable, and comes to a dull, unsatisfactory ending that could have been (and probably was) written in a lunch break.

Finally, the bugs. From day one, this game has had quite a few bugs, ranging from fatal bugs resulting in lost game progress, and preventing the story from progressing, and minor things like being stuck in walls and on viewpoints, horses running out of control (while riding), and being permanently, totally drunk.

Overall, a huge disappointment.
Forever Marked ( The Marked book 4)
Rinna Ford | 2022
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
204 of 230
Forever marked ( The Marked book 4)
By Rinna Ford

harmony and peace can be found when three destinies are one.

Emelia thought claiming her caster mate, Ronan, would bring her one step closer to the peaceful life she craves. She couldn't have been more wrong. Her mates are at each other's throats, and she hasn't been able to communicate with her father for weeks, not to mention that they are once again in hiding after the latest Council attack. No, her life is far from peaceful.

The prophecy states that Emelia will be the one to free them all; to bring harmony to the chaotic and divided supernatural community, but she knows she can't do it alone. She will need to trust her allies, old and new, as well as herself and her mates. But when the dust settles, will it be enough? Can she defeat the ruling Council and save the ones she loves?

The end of the prophecy is here, but is Emelia strong enough to be the savior she's meant to be?

This was a decent ending to what’s been a brilliant series. Xan for most of this book and others has drove me crazy so to see him finally get his act together was a sigh of relief. The only thing that kind of bugged me was the ending, it’s been so built up and long coming and it just seemed a little rushed. I think it deserved a bit more time than what it had. The Epilogue was just so cute though.