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David McK (3274 KP) rated Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) in Movies

Feb 10, 2019 (Updated May 8, 2021)  
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
It's a Star Wars movie (3 more)
Donald Glover
Woody Harrelson
Alden Ehrenreich gives it his all in playing a younger Han Solo
Alden Ehrenreich is no Harrison Ford (2 more)
Predictable plot
The leader of Crimson Dawn didn't need to be who it is
The second of Disney's 'A Star Wars story' spin-off from the main (numbered) films followimg Rogue One, this one is largely held responsible for Disney's decision to slow down on releasing this spins offs (originally intended to be one every other year, in between the main ones) when it underperformed at the box office.

Personally, I feel a large reason for that underperformance is that, of all the characters in the original saga, Han is probably one of those least in the need to get an origin/prologue movie and that this was released during the summer months instead of the more traditional festive release period for a Star Wars movie.

Whereas Rogue One was, largely, a war movie, this one takes a different approach: more of a heist (complete with double and triple crossing) Western movie, if anything.

Awix (3310 KP) rated The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961) in Movies

Mar 3, 2018 (Updated Mar 3, 2018)  
The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)
The Day the Earth Caught Fire (1961)
1961 | Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi
Weather Forecast says 'Sun Everywhere'
Apocalyptic British SF movie shows how this sort of thing should be done. Nuclear tests shift the Earth on its axis, send it closer to the sun: civilisation struggles to cope with the prospect of looming extinction. Story is told from the point of view of the journalists of the Daily Express (don't laugh, it was a newspaper back in the 60s).

Very similar in its downbeat tone to the Quatermass movies Val Guest had previously made for Hammer - no B-movie this, but a serious, hard-edged naturalistic drama. Personal story of romance between lead journo Edward Judd and met office secretary Janet Munro is woven into the main plot with considerable skill; scenes of devastated London are well-mounted. A bit dated in some of its attitudes, but its concerns with the disastrous effects of climate change and its political cynicism mean it still feels surprisingly relevant today. Much better than any of the Roland Emmerich movies which have arguably ripped it off.
Amy Flowers is ready to follow her dream of opening her own cafe, and she’s hoping to do it by buying the local greasy spoon. However, Lou Lou, the owner, is not at all interested in selling. Amy stops by the cafe late one night and finds Lou Lou dead in her office. Naturally, Amy knows she has a good motive. Can she clear her name?

This is a fun start to a new series. The book focuses a bit on Amy starting her café early on, but the mystery begins to be the focus as we gear up toward the logical climax. Some of the characters could have been stronger, but I still came to care for them before the book ended, and I look forward to getting to know them better as the series progresses.

NOTE: I received a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Copy Cap Murder (Hat Shop Mystery, #4)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Scarlett Parker is thrilled to be going to her first Bonfire Night hosted by her friend Harrison’s firm. However, when the time comes to burn the straw man of Guy Fawkes, the group realizes it is actually Win, Harrison’s office rival who had come on to Scarlett earlier that night. Harrison becomes a suspect, and Scarlett must figure out what is happening to keep her friend from taking the fall.

This is another fun entry in a great series. The characters and their relationships continue to grow, and I love seeing the next chapter of their lives. The multitude of suspects made for a great mystery, and I was surprised when everything was revealed at the end. And yes, we do get some news on the cliffhanger at the end of the last book as well.

NOTE: I was sent a copy of this book in exchange for my honest review.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Wedding planner Kelsey McKenna takes on some clients planning a Napa County wedding a month before their big day. While Babs, the wedding planner they had been using, is very professional about these clients leaving, her assistant, Stefan, isn’t. Still, Kelsey is shocked to find a dead body in the office when she comes to pick up her new client’s file. With her reputation on the line, Kelsey has to find a way to clear her name.

I loved the first in this series, and this book is just as wonderful. Kelsey, her friend Brody, and her assistant Laurel, make a wonderful trio, and their friendship and banter is a pure delight. The suspects introduced here are just as strong, and make it hard to distinguish clue from red herring until Kelsey figures it all out at the end. This is a wedding you’ll be glad you crashed.

NOTE: I received an eARC of this book.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.

Awix (3310 KP) rated Mamma Mia! (2008) in Movies

Feb 16, 2018 (Updated Feb 16, 2018)  
Mamma Mia! (2008)
Mamma Mia! (2008)
2008 | Comedy, Musical, Romance
7.9 (35 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Licensed to Kill Songs
Massively successful Swedish power-pop jukebox musical. Proof that, when it comes to musicals, high-quality songs and music more than make up for dubious plotting, general cheesiness, and stars who can't actually sing or dance. Greek-island-hotelier's daughter is about to get wed, as a result she discovers her promiscuous youth coming back to haunt her - meanwhile a wounded howler monkey takes up residence in the hotel... oh, sorry, my mistake, that's just what Pierce Brosnan's vocals sound like.

Screenplay is sort of admirable for crossword-setter-like ability to crowbar in as many Abba songs as possible, no matter how tenuous their connection to the plot; cast hurl themselves into the spirit of proceedings with considerable courage. You do come away reminded of what brilliant songwriters Benny and Bjorn are; actual movie is more reminiscent of arriving late at office party and finding everyone else is much more drunk than you. Long-threatened sequel arrives this year; fingers crossed they find a way to include 'The Day Before You Came' and 'Dum Dum Diddle'.
I is for Innocent (Kinsey Millhone #9)
I is for Innocent (Kinsey Millhone #9)
Sue Grafton | 2008 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Five years ago, Isabelle Barney was murdered on the day after Christmas. While her estranged husband was acquitted of the crime, her ex-husband is now suing him in civil court in a wrongful death case. Kinsey has been hired to help the lawyer win the case, taking over from a PI who just died. His notes were a mess, so she is completely retracing his steps. But as she goes, she begins to wonder just who committed the murder. Is she helping the court case, or hurting it?

Kinsey is back in top form in this book. The plot twists all over the place before coming to a perfectly logical climax. Henry and Rosie are involved in a very fun sub-plot that provides some laughs. The suspects are strong, and we meet a couple of new supporting characters since Kinsey has had to move her office.

Read my full review at <a href="">Carstairs Considers</a>.
Dans ma peau (2002)
Dans ma peau (2002)
2002 | Drama, Horror
"Dans ma peau" is a film that got me into French cinema (along with Martyrs, but this is a different breed of film). It's both horrific and real. An allegory about the pressure of life, specifically as a woman, protagonist Esther injures her leg at a party and develops a fixation on the wound. She begins to mutilate the wound further, using the pain as a distraction from office politics and a hard decision in her romantic life.

Brief interlude: if you struggle with self harm, do yourself a favor and either avoid this film, or watch when you're in a good frame of mind.

This movie is filmed in an innocuous way. That is to say, it doesn't FEEL like a horror movie. In fact, it's hard to even call it that, despite the horrific content. There are scenes which stretch on to the point where the audience is horribly uncomfortable. But they're also REAL. How many times have you felt inadequate or embarrassed and wished you could disappear? That's what this film embodies.
My Not So Perfect Life: A Novel
My Not So Perfect Life: A Novel
Sophie Kinsella | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
8.7 (11 Ratings)
Book Rating
Great romance book (0 more)
Everywhere Katie Brenner looks, someone else is living the life she longs for, particularly her boss, Demeter Farlowe. Demeter is brilliant and creative, lives with her perfect family in a posh townhouse, and wears the coolest clothes. Katie's life, meanwhile, is a daily struggle--from her dismal rental to her oddball flatmates to the tense office politics she's trying to negotiate. No wonder Katie takes refuge in not-quite-true Instagram posts, especially as she's desperate to make her dad proud.

Then, just as she's finding her feet--not to mention a possible new romance--the worst happens. Demeter fires Katie. Shattered but determined to stay positive, Katie retreats to her family's farm in Somerset to help them set up a vacation business. London has never seemed so far away--until Demeter unexpectedly turns up as a guest. Secrets are spilled and relationships rejiggered, and as the stakes for Katie's future get higher, she must question her own assumptions about what makes for a truly meaningful life.
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