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His Girl Friday (1940)
His Girl Friday (1940)
1940 | Classics, Comedy, Drama
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Movie Favorite

"I’m desperately trying to find a way not to include His Girl Friday because it’s kind of been touted a lot. But it’s my favorite romantic comedy couple on screen. I think Cary Grant and Rosalind Russell in that picture are roughly as great as Beatrice and Benedict in Shakespeare’s Much Ado About Nothing. That’s how great they are. It’s my favorite Cary Grant performance because it combines the leading man side of his persona with this crazy farceur. I just love hearing people talk as fast as most people think. And I love the fact that they condense this three-hour play into whatever the running time is — ninety, ninety-two minutes — and they basically didn’t cut anything; they just got it all in. I adore this film. That first scene… You watch that first scene when she comes back to the office, and it’s 10 of the greatest minutes of romantic byplay ever, and it’s beautifully performed. I revere Hawks more highly than I do John Ford, and that’s saying something. For me, if you don’t have a Hawks film on that list, you’re lying."

Pushing the Limits (Pushing the Limits, #1)
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Well, I'll start with, why haven't I read this sooner? I purchased this for 20p back in November 12 and it's now January 14?!?! Okay, so I guess I wasn't as into NA back then but since?

Anyway. This was good.

Both Echo and Noah have issues that they need to deal with. I liked them both from the first meeting in the counsellors office. So they didn't exactly get along to start with. So what?

Being able to read both POV was enlightening. Sometimes I prefer only seeing one but with this, seeing how Echo was dealing with her issues and how Noah was doing with his was great. I liked how they helped each other deal and how the counsellor worked with them both.

I liked them as a couple, better than Luke and Echo together anyway. In fact, most of Echo's friends were horrible. Noah's might have been stoner's but Isaiah was really nice. Not so sure about Beth though :/

Anyway. I have books 1.5, 2 and 3 in the series to be getting on with but unfortunately they will have to wait.

Tom Chaplin recommended Melody A.M. by Royksopp in Music (curated)

Melody A.M. by Royksopp
Melody A.M. by Royksopp
(0 Ratings)
Album Favorite

"It was great times, I was living in London. Actually, I should probably temper that. It was shit times, but there were one or two great times, it would have been like 2001, living London, having no money. I was working in shitty, office temping jobs, typing numbers in to computers, it was soul destroying and, in the evenings, we’d rehearse but I lived for the weekend. I remember that album came out and there hadn’t been any albums that had come out that had grabbed me that had the combination of being real songs that you could dance to, almost like house music dancing. Around that time, I was taking so much ecstasy and every weekend I’d take a couple of pills and go dancing. That album was a perfect companion for those times. I remember going to see them on my birthday at the Astoria or somewhere like that, and just having such a wicked time. These days I just don’t have the energy to go out dancing, but I loved it, it was truly brilliant. For me it’s still the greatest dance record that I know of."

Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
Big Trouble in Little China (1986)
1986 | Action, Comedy, Fantasy
Kurt Russell (0 more)
Jack Burton's Big Trouble in Little China
Big Trouble in Little China- is a excellent fantasy martial arts action-comedy film.

The plot: The film tells the story of Jack Burton, who helps his friend Wang Chi rescue Wang's green-eyed fiancée from bandits in San Francisco's Chinatown. They go into the mysterious underworld beneath Chinatown, where they face an ancient sorcerer named David Lo Pan, who requires a woman with green eyes to marry him in order to release him from a centuries-old curse.

To compete with rival production The Golden Child’s casting of box office draw Eddie Murphy, Carpenter wanted a big star of his own and both Clint Eastwood and Jack Nicholson were considered but were busy.

The studio felt Kurt Russell was an up-and-coming star. Russell was initially not interested because he felt there were "a number of different ways to approach Jack, but I didn't know if there was a way that would be interesting enough for this movie.

You wouldnt think that the director of "Halloween", "The Fog" and "The Thing" would director this but he did

Its a excellent film.

Peter Strickland recommended Toy Story 4 (2019) in Movies (curated)

Toy Story 4 (2019)
Toy Story 4 (2019)
2019 | Animation, Comedy, Sci-Fi

"I got dragged to this by some young relatives in Greece after a frustrating day in an immigration office thanks to Brexit. I hadn’t seen the first three installments and the film was dubbed in Greek, which hindered my grasp to some degree, only it turned out to be one of my most memorable experiences in a cinema and a lot of that was down to the uninhibited audience. I saw the film in the same open-air cinema (on the outskirts of Athens) where I saw “Dirty Dancing” over 30 years ago, which was even wilder with the beyond capacity audience who went crazy when the film’s climactic dance erupted. Though not reaching the euphoric audience chaos of the latter film, “Toy Story 4” was a timely reminder of how valuable and downright memorable a communal cinema experience is. I was completely swept up in the highs and lows of the film and never imagined that the fate of a single-use plastic item could reduce adults to tears. It was funny, scary and heavy on the heart in places. I actually bought it on DVD hoping to repeat the experience."
