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Mark @ Carstairs Considers (2109 KP) rated Dead-Bang Fall in Books

Feb 2, 2023 (Updated Feb 2, 2023)  
Dead-Bang Fall
Dead-Bang Fall
J. R. Sanders | 2022 | Mystery
9.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Helping a Face from His Past
PI Nate Ross thinks he has a simple case when he’s hired for a penny-ante theft caper. But that’s before one of his suspects is killed in a back alley. While Nate didn’t witness the crime, he did see the victim go into the alley with someone that Nate helped put in prison five years ago. However, a few hours later, that man turns up at Nate’s office claiming to be innocent and hiring Nate to clear him before disappearing again. Nate buys most of the story, but he knows he didn’t get the whole truth. That feeling only grows as he starts to investigate. Can he figure out the whole truth?

This is a great trip back to 1939 Hollywood, and the setting comes to life. As a throwback PI novel, it does start out with a little too much jargon of the time, but fortunately, that calms down as we get into the story. It does have a bit more violence and foul language than in one of the cozies I read, but it doesn’t go overboard. The plot is strong with quite a few twists, compilations, and half-truths before we reach the fun climax. Nate much face his past here, and we are reminded about enough to make the growth real. Meanwhile, we get a couple of fun returning characters and a batch of great new ones. If you enjoy PI novels set in this era, this is one to check out.
Frosty Relations (A Witch’s Night Out #2)
Frosty Relations (A Witch’s Night Out #2)
Tara Quan | 2014 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the second book of the Witch's Night Out series although you could quite easily read it as a standalone and you would be absolutely fine. The characters from Book 1 are mentioned but play no active role in this book.

In this story, Jack is not happy as he has lost his best friend to a woman, all the staff have gone home, and it's Christmas Eve. He goes to Mina's office to rant at her, only to discover that she has a date to get ready for. He isn't happy with that idea although he refuses to admit why. Mina has had a crush on Jack for years but has tried to move on, including having a relationship with someone else that didn't work out.

Mina is petite and fragile looking, but she has a backbone of steel. She won't put up with any crap from Jack - or anyone else either! I loved a particular scene in this novella when you learn just how strong Mina is.

This is a quick but hot read, set in a glacial environment, with a male main character who comes across as a real piece of work but is actually a nice guy if he lets himself be. Well-written and smoothly paced, this is another excellent book from Tara Quan. Definitely recommended.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book; the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Dec 15, 2015
The Postman (1997)
The Postman (1997)
1997 | Action, Sci-Fi
Kevin Costner released 'Waterworld' in 1995.

It sunk at the box office.

This was a few years later, based on the highly-respected David Brin novel of the same name.

I'm sure he wasn't expecting this one to flop either. Set in the far-off future of 2013, following a un-named catastrophe of some sort (no, not Trump)

The problem, I feel, is simply the length at nearly 3 hours long - there's some good ideas in here, and some good scenes, and a refreshing society-is-now-getting-better-again thread, after the unnamed events that led to the dystopian future shown at the start of the movie, but I do feel that the first act (in particular), playing up the threat of the fascist army led by General Bethlehem, could have been excised somewhat.

I understand why it's there - it needs to give Costner's character something to push against - but I think the book (and from what I remember) handled that aspect better than the movie does.

So, yeah, Costner plays a drifter who - after his escape from that army - discovers an old Postman uniform, initially putting it on only to become warm and then 'delivering the mail' simply as a scam to get food and shelter. However, over the course of that movie, that scam takes on a life of its own and more and more becomes the truth, finally ending with a code in the late 2040s after his death and where - going by dress, etc, - things seem to be back to 'normal'.