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Merissa (11822 KP) rated Hers, Unleashed (Hers #3) in Books

Jun 15, 2021 (Updated Jul 18, 2023)  
Hers, Unleashed (Hers #3)
Hers, Unleashed (Hers #3)
Anna Adler | 2020 | Dystopia, Erotica, Romance, Science Fiction/Fantasy
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
HERS, UNLEASHED is the third book in the Hers series and follows on from Hers, Unbroken, with situations arising following actions and situations in that book, so I would definitely recommend you read at least that one first. Of course, my full recommendation would be to read both, but that's because they're both brilliant.

Roth has escaped one prison in exchange for a voluntary one of three months. He knows Selenia has no interest in his past, so if he can just disappear, he'll be fine. His mistress, Kaitlyn, is a Security Office who lives in one of the underground domes, so he figures he'll be even safer. But what happens when convenience turns into something else?

Oh, I do love these books!!! Anna Adler gives you a nicely rounded story with plenty of steamy moments plus action on the streets. Holly and Chase have a small cameo here, which was great to see. Selenia has changed since Book 2, and Kaitlyn hasn't really questioned any of it too deeply. Meeting Roth, and eventually hearing some of his back story, well, it all changed for her and they both realised the world wasn't perfect.

I read this book in one sitting, one sunny afternoon, and I thoroughly enjoyed every single word and scene. I really can't wait to return to Selenia and see what happens next. Absolutely recommended by me.

** same worded review will appear elsewhere **

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and the comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!
Jun 15, 2021

Andy K (10821 KP) rated Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018) in Movies

Mar 2, 2019 (Updated Mar 2, 2019)  
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018)
2018 | Action, Sci-Fi
Last in the world to see I know
I am embarrassed to say I hadn't seen this film until just now. I can't believe I waited this long especially with my new 75" TV and my kickass sound system. I guess I was worried I was going to be severely disappointed especially considering this film's pre-release reputation.

I can't believe I heard nothing about the surprise cameo at the end. Thankful to my friend Randall for not spoiling that for me.

Since I am far down the line, I don't feel the need to sum up the plot or go into every minute detail of my likes and dislikes.

I think others who said it "connected the dots" of pieces of information you already knew but had never seen. Many have said the movie wasn't necessary and if the box office failure of this film dooms other future, more different and adventurous future Star Wars epics in the making that will be the biggest disappointment of all.

No Star Wars film will ever recapture my biking to the Marc Cinema every day for a whole week to watch The Empire Strikes Back when I was 9 and it probably shouldn't. I have to say I was thoroughly entertained while watching the film and didn't see any glaring omissions or subplots that didn't fit within the overall film arc.

The acting was all very good, especially Woody who seems like he is in every big movie these days. How can you not love seeing the Millennium Falcon streaking through the sky and the sounds of TIE Fighters in pursuit.

Maybe the film caught me on a good or forgiving day, but it was definitely far from the worst way I can spend 2 hours these days.

The Narrows (Harry Bosch, #10; Harry Bosch Universe, #13)
The Narrows (Harry Bosch, #10; Harry Bosch Universe, #13)
Michael Connelly | 2004 | Crime, Fiction & Poetry, Thriller
9.3 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Harry Bosch Vs. The Poet
The Poet is back, and he is calling out FBI agent Rachel Walling. She has been summoned from a field office in South Dakota to a burial scene in Las Vegas to help the FBI track down this serial killer once and for all. Meanwhile, retired LAPD detective Harry Bosch has been asked to investigate the death of a friend by his widow. Everyone thought this death was natural causes, but Bosch begins to agree that there was something suspicious about his death. Where will the investigation lead?

While The Poet wasn’t originally part of the Harry Bosch series, this is a direct sequel to that Michael Connelly book. If you haven’t read it, you’ll definitely want to since it spoils twists in that book, and the story here will mean more to you as well. It is obvious to us that these two investigations are going to come together, and Connelly does a great job of keeping us entertained as he lays that ground work. We get plenty of twists as we go along, and the book kept me engrossed until we reached the very end. We get some follow up on the twist in Bosch’s personal life from the end of the previous book, and I enjoyed seeing his character grow as a result. The rest of the cast is just as strong, which is no surprise. We get the story from Bosch’s first-person point of view as well as the third-person point of view of other characters; these switches are never confusing and really enhance the story. Obviously, this is a darker book than my normal cozies, but I knew that going in and that didn’t bother me. This is another masterpiece from a wonderful writer.
1313: Giant Killer Bees (2010)
1313: Giant Killer Bees (2010)
2010 | Horror, Sci-Fi
3.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
It's fun to laugh at part (0 more)
Horrible acting (2 more)
Weird props (I'll get into it)
Looooooong scenes and establishing shots
So bad it's good?
This is a horrible movie but it's 1 of those movies that are so bad it's actually good? Good is a strong word though, it's funny to pick out scenes to laugh at.

It starts with a scene where a guy gets dropped off by a car and then walks for 15 minutes to a house which goes on and on (could have easily been dropped off at the house) I can tell this movie is going to be exhausting.

The director, David decoteau returns to the same house he uses in every one of his movies. Same furniture, same props. It's almost a running gag now.

The props they use are weird. There is a beehive someone is attending to is just a bunch of office boxes while the guy is wearing what looks like one of those white outfits that painters and forensic scientists wear.

The CGI on the bees is horrible and the acting is terrible. It's easy to laugh at but you find yourself feeling exhausted when they spend 20 minutes showing a guy rubbing his body on a bed (it's like 5 minutes with the same moves repeating) and a 10-15 minute shower scene.

You cringe and you can't wait for it to end but grab some popcorn, get some friends over and just laugh at this because I did have fun watching despite how boring it is. It was mostly all out if confusion tbh lol

I'd still recommend giving it a try just for a laugh. I still don't know the exact plot, I don't know any of the characters names, I don't know what's happening half the time but as long as you laugh, it's worth it.

Carma (21 KP) rated Chasing Eva in Books

Jun 17, 2019  
Chasing Eva
9.0 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
Eva and Clive met long ago at one of the parties their fathers held around the holidays. Their fathers had been friends and business associates for quite some time and at one party Eva and Clive had their first kiss. Fast-forward many years later to a chance meeting in the elevator of their mutual building. Now thrown together as someone is trying to manipulate her company, she relies on Clive to help her navigate this new normal.

Chasing Eva is a romantic suspense read continuing in the next 2 books in the series Loving Eva and Killing Eva. This was a first read for this author and overall I enjoyed her writing style. I felt though a little confused as to how Eva didn’t remember kissing Clive (not the most common name) all those years ago. And if Clive knew so much about Eva through the years, didn’t know she was running her fathers company and just a few floors down from his office.

So that aside, this story was an interesting read for me. I haven’t been reading too much in the romantic suspense genre lately (though at one time it was a mainstay) and this one I would classify as more romantic than suspenseful. It gives a good baseline for where Clive and Eva have grown since that first kiss, and how they can come together now and try a relationship. Eva has some self-doubts after seeing some of the women Clive has dated, but in the end he shows her that he has eyes for only her.

This new to me author gets 4 stars for this introduction to her series. I am almost through with Loving Eva and then on to Killing Eva to see how this triology ends. All opinions expressed are my own, no review expectation was given.
Basket Case (1982)
Basket Case (1982)
1982 | Comedy, Horror
7.5 (12 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Basket full o' fun!
What would your life be like if you were a former conjoined twin, couldn't tell anyone about it, and then also carried around your now separated deformed, menacing killer twin in a wicker basket?

Thus the premise of this entertaining, yet goofy 80s horror comedy.

Awkward, nerdy Duane Bradley comes to stay at a low rate hotel with a scummy array inhabitants in search of a normal life. He is always carrying this large basket which he holds dearly, but won't let anyone look inside. The basket occasionally makes unusual sounds and shimmies every once in a while, but its contents remain a mystery.

He goes to a doctor's office only to unleash the basket contents on the unsuspecting physician. Turns out his now unattached deformed brother survived their separation operation and is now a menacing, killer globule out for revenge. The killing spree continues for the other doctors and random hotel inhabitants, but then Barry meets a girl he likes. She likes him back. Barry struggles to keep his new love away from his brother who can also read his thoughts.

Will love survive?

Along with films like Braindead, Society or even Re-Animator, Basket Case makes its case as a cult 80s classic. Yeah fine, the dialogue and acting are cheesy and sometimes over the top, but the gore and interesting practical effect kills are there for fun. The creation of the basket creature was interesting and not something I had seen before. Once the revenge plot element was revealed, you are sort of rooting on the separated twins to continue and complete their quest of carnage just so you can see more clever murder sequences.

If you don't take it seriously it's pretty fun.

The Proposal (2009)
The Proposal (2009)
2009 | Comedy, Romance
If you have ever had an awful boss you will commiserate with Andrew Paxton (Ryan Reynolds) executive assistant to fiendish editor Margret Tate (Sandra Bullock). A Canadian, Margret is about to loose her Visa and prestigious job when she devises a plan to stay in the country by marrying Andrew. Realizing that Margret’s deportation also means he will loose his dream chance at becoming an editor, Andrew unhappily agrees.

To make matters worse a tenacious immigration clerk suspects the false conspiracy and threatens fines and felony charges if the bond is not truly romantic. In an effort to make their rouse seem more convincing the two not-so-in-love birds decide to visit Andrew’s family in Alaska.

Through a variety of comedic events and heart to heart discussions their relationship grows. But this new understanding of one another, and appearance of Andrew’s ex-girlfriend, threaten the marriage ploy.

While it is a cute movie the preposterous premise is the core obstacle with the film. Can anyone actually believe a person would ever fall in love with a boss so heinous that the office instant messages warnings of her arrival?

Further detracting from the film’s romantic attempts is the use of disjointed screwball comedy. These scenes, ranging from Ramone’s (Oscar Nuñez) bachelorette strip tease to Grandma Annie’s (Betty White) dancing in the wilderness, would have been more appropriate in “Animal House” than a romantic comedy.
Still the film does have some redeeming qualities; Ryan Reynolds’ bold delivery combines well with Sandra Bullock’s awkward appeal. Also the meritorious supporting cast will surely make you laugh. But if you are looking to be enchantingly swept away this is not the right film.

More funny than romantic the problematic premise makes “The Proposal” simply an OK comedy.