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"The Room has been called the worst movie ever made, but it is also a cult favorite and has become the new Rocky Horror Picture Show in the midnight movie circuit. Sestero, one of the actors in the film, relates the twisted story of the making of The Room, and beautifully captures the admirable will, and the insane solipsism that is Tommy Wiseau, the mad and ultimately sympathetic man behind getting such a movie made."


Brecoles Nine (16 KP) rated The Flash in TV

Mar 12, 2019 (Updated Mar 12, 2019)  
The Flash
The Flash
2014 | Action, Adventure, Drama
Character Development, Story, Villians (0 more)
That it does get repetitive at times. (0 more)
The Fastest Man Alive
The Flash on CW! This show is absolutely brilliant in my true honest opinion. It started with Grant Gustin appearing as Barry Allen in a few episodes of Arrow, after that, they announced that his own show would be coming to the network. The hype encircled this new show, the veteran fans of The Flash were immediately on board. Then came the new fans of the Scarlet Speedster. This show has given attention to a hero I believe has been severely underrated and underappreciated. Barry Allen is a CSI Agent that gets struck by lightning and gains the power of the Speed Force, he becomes The Flash, the fastest man alive. The show focuses a lot on Barry just not being quite fast enough to beat the villain of each story arc, but it can be that sometimes Barry can't always save the day. For being a show called The Flash, it focuses on each hero and villain as equal parts to the show. Cameos from other heroes and villains of The Flash tv show back in the 80's-90's era are also a wonderdul addition and subtle nod that the Multiverse actually does exist. There's time travel, parralel dimension travel, seperate Earth travel, amazing character development, wonderful nods to past present and future DC Hero's and Villians. The show does somewhat get repetitive as in, it feels like they're losing ideas once they finish up a story arc. It does catch its footing after a few episodes, however. The Flash on CW is definitely the show that takes the cake from all the other shows on the network such as Arrow, Supergirl, and DC's Legends of Tomorrow. We will see if Batwoman stays on par with The Flash when they finish that one up.
Mega Man 11
Mega Man 11
2018 | Action, Platform
It's Mega Man. (4 more)
Old school with new school graphics
The stages are twice as long as normal
Double Gear gives you options
New Weapons change Mega Man's appearance physically
Double Gear makes me LONG for a Mega Man X9(Capcom!!!!) (1 more)
Some of the Robot Master boss fights are stranger than they should be.
Somehow old school is new(Switch)
Mega Man 11. The 11th true entry into the Blue Bomber's flagship series.

After 9 and 10 going back to the EXTREME difficulty and the 8-bit graphic, Capcom decided to show Mighty No. 9 how it SHOULD be done.

The Double Gear system changes things up. One Gear allows you to slow time down, great for precision jumps. The other Powers up your weapons, like the X-Buster upgrade in the X series. Makes me wonder why they didn't make Mega Man X9(CAPCOM!!!!!!). The stages are twice as long as normal, so that is actually really cool. And the boss fights are VERY diverse, so much so going into the first one, you think the others will be similar, but they aren't... which isn't a BAD thing. But it mimics the changes in the boss fights from X8(CAPCOM!!!!!!!!!!)

Mega Man 11 rekindles my love for the core series, but MAKES ME WANT MEGA MAN X9 THAT MUCH MORE!!!!

And it scratch the itch.

Stormy (1 KP) rated Caraval in Books

Jul 3, 2018  
Stephanie Garber | 2017 | Young Adult (YA)
8.1 (97 Ratings)
Book Rating
Fantasy at its finest
Every girl dreams of being thrown into a mystery full of magic, love and wonder... but at what price?

Scarlett dreams of the world of Caraval for years, begs for them to visit so she can see the show. Finally she is accepted to attend a private show with her sister before she is to be married to a man she has never even met.

She is thrust into a world of adventure with her sister and an unlikely companion, but the unlikely one is always the one you should watch out for.

After her sister is kidnapped Scarlett what complete the game is get her back unharmed. This book if full of mind games, magic, and plenty of adventure. It is sure to keep you interested until the last page. I for one can't wait to read the next book!!

Just remember, all the best books have a suprise twist at the end!
The Haunting of Hill House
The Haunting of Hill House
2018 | Horror
Genuinely creepy (2 more)
The tall man
The amazing 6th episode
Horror done right
What is the chance that I would watch the original "The Haunting" movie, only to see that the following day, a TV show based on the book that spawned the original movie, would appear on Netflix? Well, this is what happened to me. I'll start by saying I love the original movie. I love the psychological aspect of the horror. Sounds & shapes can be so much more terrifying that gore & jump-scares. When I saw the show under my recommendations, I couldn't wait, so I just jumped in.
I am not one to binge watch shows. My time is limited & I watch lots of stuff. But I was immediately hooked on this show. I watched half the season in one day & the rest the following.

The show does a very good job in taking the original movie's plot, changing things around & creating a terrifying tale that takes the psychological horror of the original, mixes it with some minor jump-scares & a compelling story of a family dealing with it's own demons as well as the spirits that live within Hell House. Yes, that was a very long sentence, which reminds me of the 6th episode, which is filled with long shots. The camera spins around, while things change around them. in fact, throughout the series, things change all the time. Sometimes statues turn their heads, ghosts appear in the background, faces appear in the furniture. Once I noticed one of these faces, just there, staring at the family. My fiance didn't even notice. I backed it up to show her. She went "Ooh! How did I not see that?"

The story does jump around in time, showing when the family first moved into the house, with 5 children & their parents & then in current day, still being haunted & compelled by the house. Every actor in the show is fantastic. Even the children really pull it off.

The ghosts in the show are creepy as all hell. My favorite is the tall man. I haven't been freaked out by a movie or TV show in decades, but I held my breath & stared as he...well, just watch.

I have recommended this to all my friends & those who watched it all got back to me to thank me. So, I'm recommending it to all of you too.
The Umbrella Academy
The Umbrella Academy
2018 | Action, Fantasy
Pretty much everything (0 more)
A distinct lack of rain!! (0 more)
Superheroes, time travel, doughnuts and talking chimps
Contains spoilers, click to show
Another day another superhero tv show - right?? Well this one is really something special. Was hooked from episode 1. The best way I can describe it is a not as dark watchmen tv series. Bunch of kids with powers adopted by man who turns them into a superhero team. Years later they reunite when their 'father' dies. Then happens time travel, drugs, assassins, talking chimps, bird watching, robots, JFK conspiracies, the apocalypse and doughnuts! Like watchmen this has an amazing soundtrack which adds to the quality of the show. This would get 10 out of 10 but I just find Ellen Page terrible and every scene with her just made me cringe so (SPOILER) when she turns out to be the villain (sort of) I was quite pleased!! Watch this show!!!

Nickg24 (492 KP) rated Chernobyl in TV

Jun 4, 2019  
2019 | Action, Drama, History
Incredible Acting Photography (0 more)
A masterpiece of a TV show
I didn't really know much about the whole Chernobyl incident (I was 6 years old when it happened) except what I read but this show was a real eye opener.

Its a heartbreaking story on how the disaster affected the lives of the residents and those further afield and shows how the highest authorities in the russian government tried to cover everything up.A few upsetting scenes in depicting the illnesses that occurred after the incident but for me the most heartbreaking part was showing the emotional difficulty one man had in being given the job of going round and having to shoot all the dogs and cats that were left behind and then watch them being buried in the ground and covered in concrete.

A real triumph of a show that everyone really should watch.