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Andy K (10821 KP) rated The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957) in Movies

Aug 26, 2018 (Updated Aug 26, 2018)  
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
The Bridge on the River Kwai (1957)
1957 | Classics, Drama, War
A masterpiece
After rewatching this David Lean masterpiece last night, it reaffirmed my view it is truly epic and one of the greatest films of all time.

When a British regiment is captures in 1943 and imprisoned in a Japanese labor camp, it is a battle of wills between the British commander and the Japanese camp tyrant. After a lengthy standoff, it is decided the British officer will be in charge of rebuilding the faulty bridge which had been begun earlier in a better location with a more stable foundation.

Meanwhile an American solider escapes, is rescued and ordered to return to the same camp to aide the British soldiers in destroying the bridge before it can be used.

The cinematography is glorious and the film never looked so beautiful on my 65" 4K TV. The colors were vivid and the atmospheres stunning, epic and mesmerizing.

Alec Guinness and William Holden are two of my favorites and these are the best roles of their career.

Take a moment (or 2 hours and 40 minutes) and give yourself the pleasure of watching this.

The Rental (2020)
The Rental (2020)
2020 | Horror, Thriller
5.6 (5 Ratings)
Movie Rating
After saying in my review of Tone Deaf that there are a lot of films that seem to be very similar coming out, you'd think I'd choose different films to watch... evidently not.

Charlie and Mina's hard work is finally paying off and they book a holiday home for some well deserved downtime. When they arrive with their partners they attempt to settle into the idyllic setting. But there's something not quite right about their host and their relaxing weekend starts to take a turn.

So... The Rental, Tone Deaf, The Intruder... People go to homes with weird owners and bad things happen. Something grabbed me about this one, it was a little different to the others and I'm glad I didn't dismiss it for the initial similarities.

I think the success for The Rental is its serious tone. In the other two films I mentioned we have an underlying humour, whether intentional or from overacting. It's much more of a thriller that made for some compelling moments.

Although the main cast are very familiar for various things, the "star power" didn't outshine the film around it. It's well balanced, and the chemistry between the four of them is incredibly good. The characters themselves aren't all that exciting though, and normally that would be a massive problem. While it may have been better to have something a little more thrilling happening with them, it actually leaves the film to do its thing around them.

The film was noticeably quiet to me, though the music did pipe up at key points to good effect. (Apart from one point that felt entirely out of place.) The pinpointed music combined with the location worked well together to add to the suspense as the film ramps up.

At only 88 minutes I worried about what a thriller could do in that time, but I needn't have. The build up across the film led well into the "action" of the ending, and that ending really appealed to me for how it dealt with everything that came before it. While I don't think The Rental is going to become a must see movie, it was definitely a pleasant surprise and worth the time I spent watching it.

Originally posted on:
Rope (1948)
Rope (1948)
1948 | Crime, Mystery, Thriller
Master Director working some Masterful Camerawork
For my next deep dive into a film of the "Master of Suspense", Alfred Hitchock, I thought I'd pull out a "one-trick pony" film of his, 1948's ROPE. Based on a stage play, HItchock decided to film this movie as it were a play - keeping the entire film in one location (an apartment) and to film it in (what appears to be) one long take.

And, darn it all, if he doesn't pull it off.

The film starts off with a murder, we see two young men (John Dall and Farley Granger) strangling their "inferior" friend. They then decide to hold a dinner party to see if anyone can tell that they have committed murder. Included in this party is the dead friend's girlfriend (Joan Chandler), his father (Sir Cedrick Hardwicke) and their old school teacher (James Stewart).

The fun of this film isn't "will they get caught", it's "how will they get caught - and by who". The cast is wonderful (especially Hardwicke) but they all take a back seat to the absolute stellar performance of Stewart who begins to piece together that something is amiss and turns the tide on the two murderers.

The real star of this film is Director HItchock and his camera. Since he decided to make this in one long take, it took a master of organization and logistics to pull this off, having stagehands move furniture and walls out of the way (and back in again) as the camera moved around. In 1948, a camera could only hold 10 minutes worth of film, so the "one long take" aspect of this is a trick, as it is really 8 takes with strategic timing of camera movements behind walls and backs to give the illusion of seamlessness.

The interesting thing of this "trick" is that you are totally at the control of what Hitchock wants you to see (and not see). There is a scene about 1/2 way through the film that completely ignores the action and the people in the scene and focuses on the trunk the body is in. It is a masterwork, and the tension of keeping your focus there throughout the course of this part of the film is scary, tense and mesmerizing.

One last thing, Hitchock makes a cameo in every one of his films. Try to tell where Hitch is in this film (and, no, it is not as someone walking by the apartment at the beginning of the movie).

Not one of Hitchock's best, plotwise, but one of his best, camera-wise. Well worth checking out.

Letter Grade A-

8 (out of 10) stars and you can take that to the Bank (ofMarquis)
Alien Resurrection (1997)
Alien Resurrection (1997)
1997 | Horror, Sci-Fi
Story: Alien: Resurrection starts as we arrive on a US space research facility where General Perez (Hedaya) is working on bringing back the aliens with clones of Ripley (Weaver), the latest number 8 shows incredible strength and development. Waiting for a delivery from Captain Elgyn (Wincott) and his crew Call (Ryder), Vriess (Pinon), Johner (Perlman) Hillard (Flowers) and Christie (Dourdan) a deal is agreed they can spend a couple of days’ rest on the research ship.

After Elgyn’s crew get involved in an altercation with the scientists they must escape but the xenomorphs have escaped onto the ship, joining up with Ripley the crew look for a way off the ship while staying alive.


Thoughts on Alien: Resurrection


Characters/Performance – Ripley is now a clone and the mother of the xenomorphs being created on the ship, she is stronger than before but becomes the best weapon against the xenomorphs. Call is the newest crew member of the pirates but she is harbouring a secret from the rest of the crew. The rest of the characters are your generic group of fighters, the tough one, the gunslinger, the smart one and the captain nothing original comes from these characters.

Performance wise, this isn’t the best Weaver alien performance but she is also brave enough to take it on with a different approach. Ryder is solid enough through the film. the rest of the cast are also solid with Ron Perlman giving his aggressive dick like performance on the good guys team.

Story – The story might not be the greatest, but it does capture what is needed for an alien movie, we have the military wanting to study the aliens for their own good, this happens every single film, we also have the group of soldiers needing to fight them off, but this film does offer a chance to build the relationship between the xenomorphs and Ripley. The problem for a lot of this story telling it that it isn’t original and isn’t on the same levels as the earlier films.

Action/Horror/Sci-Fi – The action is all mindless like you would expect from big budget style sequel too far down the line, the horror is now nearly all gone from the franchise but the sci-fi angle continues on strongly as we see how the aliens are now finding new ways to breed.

Settings – The whole film is set upon the space facility craft which is good because it keeps everything within the one location which is all we want in these films.

Special Effects – The special effects are good in this film and are one of the extra highlights within the film.

Final Thoughts – The weakest part of the Weaver alien films but still a good enjoyable enough watch.


Overall: Enjoyable enough.

Dean (6925 KP) rated Reminiscence (2021) in Movies

Sep 2, 2021 (Updated Sep 2, 2021)  
Reminiscence (2021)
Reminiscence (2021)
2021 | Mystery, Romance, Sci-Fi
5.7 (7 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Rebecca Ferguson (1 more)
The score
Misses the mark in a few areas (0 more)
You are going on a journey...
A strange film in many ways. I haven't seen much publicity for it, yet the trailer I saw last week gave me high hopes.
A noir style film set in the near future of a world that's largely flooded, including the location of Miami. Where the rich have built huge dams to keep their area dry while the poor are in flooded areas. So people pay to relive their memories of happier times to experience again with the technology available. The owner of this technology then tries to track down a mysterious woman who has gone missing.
Huge potential which in the main part is not explored at all. Some nice Sfx in places and sets of the flooded Miami but even the setting could have been used more.
The script is basic and what starts as quite an intricate plot becomes rather simple before the ending. The cast is pretty good, although Cliff Curtis is miscast as a tough guy, villian. It's stylish in places and fans of noir, detective films will enjoy it more but others may find it very slow going especially at the start.
A missed opportunity overall, one that might be more popular once available on the small screen. Although not a film many will reminisce about.
King Kong (2005)
King Kong (2005)
2005 | Action
Thoughts on King Kong

Characters – Ann Darrow is a stage actress who has ben performing in an unsuccessful show for years until her theatre gets closed down, she is getting desperate to work with famous play write, only to find herself meeting a film director working with him. Ann jumps at the chance to have a paid gig, only this becomes more than she ever bargained for, when she becomes the object of King Kong affections on Skull Island. Carl Denham is a film director whose latest film isn’t impressing his investors, he decides to run before having the whole projects plug pulled, taking his crew to an unknown island and even after the danger starts, he continues to film his evolving story. Jack Driscoll is the screenwriter that is trying to get back to his stage work, only to find that Carl has tricked him into remaining on the boat, forcing him to work on the screenplay, he starts to fall in love with Ann along the way too, willing to risk his own life to save hers. Kong is the feared ruler of Skull Island, he takes Ann as a sacrifice falling in love with the human on his island, he can fight any threat, including T-Rexes. He is the icon that we know from previous films bought to life once again.
Performances – Naomi Watts in the role made famous by Fay Wray, brings her own stamp to the role, handling the small comic moments very well through the film too. Jack Black might not have been many people’s first choice for the director role, but he proves a lot of people wrong with his performance, which still remains one of his best. Adrian Brody proves to be a great choice too because he gets to poke fun at the Hollywood stereotypes.
Story – The story here follows an ambitious director who takes his crew including a desperate young actress to Skull Island, a mysterious uncharted location only to find a land filled with unseen monsters including the king of the island Kong, who becomes friends with Ann the actress. This is the remake of the one of the classic films of the 1930s, it does tell the same story, only builds on everything to new levels, because back then, nobody knew how big movies were going to be, so this time we can look back at the movie building era, showing more of the conflicts between movies and theatre. The island is also much larger in scale with plenty of creatures which add to the story. we do even have small side stories which do work to fill the films lengthy 3 hour plus run time. We do get to see just how destructive the human can be to new worlds too.
Action/Adventure – The action in the film is massive, edge of the seat and most importantly brilliant to watch, be it the fights between creatures, monsters and humans, right down to the New York showdown with Kong. The adventure does take us to a new world, where we haven’t seen the creatures before, or at least not this size. It shows the most dangerous side of the explorer’s journeys in the world.
Settings – The film does use two main settings, first New York which is re-created for the time period perfectly, the second is the island which is filled with the beauty and terror you would have come to expect from an unknown location
Special Effects – The effects are one of the biggest talking points of this film, first of all Kong looks fantastic, large amounts of the film looks brilliant, but that one chase scene will drag this down because it is such a weak point for the film.

Scene of the Movie – Kong versus the T-Rex.
That Moment That Annoyed Me – The canyon chase the CGI looks awful.
Final Thoughts – This is one of the remakes that works because of the improvement in technology, it is epic in scale and manages to capture the true feeling behind what made the original such a memorable movie.

Overall: Stunning remake that lives up to the scale of the movie.
The Island at the Top of the World (1974)
The Island at the Top of the World (1974)
1974 | Action, Family, Sci-Fi
6.8 (4 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Professor Ivarsson is an expert on culture and language, he is almost forced into going on this expedition, where he gets to show off all the skills he has, while being wowed by the new location they find. Sir Anthony Ross has put together the expedition in hopes of finding his son, who has been missing for two years. He has always used his position of power and money to get what he wants and must learn to let his son live his own life. Captain Brieux is the captain of the zeppelin, he might have his own style which does clash with Anthony’s but he will take the risks others would consider. Oomiak is a local guide that is known as the most fearless in the land, he is the generic local figure that understands weak English.

Performances – The performances for the most part do feel very British, while that might be what the film was targeting, it does have a lot of, the idea that these people are better than anyone else, Donald Sinden is the highlight of this because he will get laughs from just how over the top he actually is in the performance. David Hartman doesn’t show that much charisma which might have made his character more interesting. Jacques Marin get laughs with his role, while Mako gets the laughs, he is capable of something much more entertaining.

Story – The story here follows four explorers that go in search of a mysterious island in the Artic, this will take people from different backgrounds to an unknown location with an unknown threat which they must survive. The story does feel like it is just another version of ‘Journey to the Centre of the Earth’ or ‘The Lost World’ which can be entertaining to watch, but they aren’t the most challenging of films to watch once you have seen a few. This story does feel tamer, while trying to bring a more realistic balance with the threat being Vikings, which could work with the number of tribes around the world that don’t want human contact. The story does rely on how the visuals of the settings look with most of the running scenes which just takes more away from the story’s impact on us.

Adventure/Fantasy/Sci-Fi – The adventure side of the film is searching for a new world, this is always going to be appealing and once we see the new world, we are left with our jaw dropped at how beautiful it is. The fantasy sci-fi elements mix together as they show how a community of people could have survived in an isolated location away from the world for so long.

Settings – The film does rely heavily on the settings which do look wonderful, we have the open ice location before we hit the land which is a thing of beauty, even if certain parts involving peril could have looked even more threatening.

Scene of the Movie – The escape.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – The dated special effects.

Final Thoughts – This is one of the most British attempts at a brand-new adventure idea, it is filled with stunning locations which only end up leaving us feeling like we have seen this all before.


Overall: The Brits will lead the way.
Alien Abduction (2014)
Alien Abduction (2014)
2014 | Horror, Mystery, Sci-Fi
6.5 (2 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Story: Alien Abduction starts by informing us this is based on actual footage found, *sigh*. This before going off to show us footage that looks like is being shot through a pair of fingers with screaming in the background. All this and the camera gets dropped out the spacecraft. The film then decides to inform us about The Brown Mountain Lights a location in North Carolina that has a high disappearance rate. Time for the experts and locals to give us their stories about what has been happening and a theory behind what is happening. More reading before we find out who the camera belonged too.

Oh great now the film starts with the Morris family and their camcorder holiday being filmed by autistic 11 year old boy Riley (Polanski). The family which includes Katie (Sigismund), Corey (Eid), Jillian (Clare) and Peter (Holden) are camping out around the The Brown Mountain. On the first night the children see UFOs in the sky and film it but don’t seem to rewind and watch it. The family continues their trip and gets lost while travelling to the next location and the family finds themselves stranded very low on gas. What the family finds next is a string of abandoned cars blocking the road and investigating the tunnel they find themselves under attack from aliens.

We now have to deal with an over panicked family running for their lives against an enemy they can’t imagine beating. The family makes out hiding with generic redneck Sean (Bowser) where they have to survive the night.

Alien Abduction started off by really annoying me for first 5 odd minutes because of the amount of reading on a found footage film is too much. One thing that always annoys me with found footage is bad decision and this is filled with them starting very early on. Let’s list them panicking too much, turning the light on in the dark so the aliens know where you are, not turning around after finding plenty of abandoned cars and finally after the first light sighting why didn’t you just pack up and go home. I know a lot of these found footage films criticise why they carry on filming but I think this one gets away with it by making the kid autistic and needs to film everything to keep him happy. In the end this does have good scares but not original ones and you never really end up feeling truly scared as everything unfolds because you know how it ends thanks to the beginning. (4/10)


Actor Review


Katherine Sigismund: Katie Morris is the mother of the family who is all out to protect her family from the aliens, she tries to stay strong after the early loss of the father. Katherine does a solid job by making us feel like she really is the mother of the house. (6/10)


Corey Eid: Corey Morris is the eldest son who has to become the man after his father sacrifices himself to save the rest of the family. Corey does solid job and like most of the cast we really do believe they are just a family. (6/10)


Riley Polanski: Riley Morris is our autistic cameraman and we see nearly the whole film from his point of view, this helps use try and get into the idea of the fear he would be going through watching his family being picked off one by one. It is hard to rate someone behind the camera. (5/10)


Jillian Clare: Jillian Morris is the only daughter of the family who has to try and help keep Riley safe once the aliens start turning up. Jillian gives a solid performance but never really shines. (6/10)


Jeff Bowser: Sean is the nice redneck who lives in and around the mountains that helps the family try and survive the horror that is out there waiting for them. Jeff does a solid job and his character constantly turning up makes us believe they could survive. (6/10)


Support Cast: Alien Abduction doesn’t really have much of a supporting cast with the only character we actual meet in the father of the family who doesn’t last too long.


Director Review: Matty Beckerman – Matty does a solid job with the scares, but gave away too much information about the location because there was no reason or chance for the characters to learn about the history. (5/10)


Horror: Alien Abduction enters the found footage horror genre nicely but will end up going down as a standard one. (7/10)

Sci-Fi: Alien Abduction uses the alien abduction well but never really makes us see more than we need to about the ship. (6/10)

Thriller: Alien Abduction never lets you care about the characters because you know what happens at the end, not all found footage films need everyone to die. (6/10)

Settings: Alien Abduction puts us in a location that could very well have unexplained experiences happening there but surely people would suggest not going there on a camping trip. (8/10)

Suggestion: Alien Abduction is one for the found footage fans out there to try it isn’t special but does have its good moments. (Found Footage Fans Try)


Best Part: Not holding back with the first alien encounter.

Worst Part: Too much given away early on with the reading.

Kill Of The Film: Katie


Believability: No (0/10)

Chances of Tears: No (0/10)

Chances of Sequel: No

Post Credits Scene: Yes there are two.

Similar Too: VHS 2 Alien Abduction part.


Oscar Chances: No

Runtime: 1 Hour 25 Minutes

Tagline: Fear The Lights


Overall: Found Footage falls from the sky here, literally.
Scooby Doo: Return to Zombie Island (2019)
Scooby Doo: Return to Zombie Island (2019)
2019 |
6.0 (1 Ratings)
Movie Rating
Characters – Scooby-Doo and Shaggy have both become tired of solving mysteries, they want the team to stop and get their way, they win the holiday for the gang which sees them going to an old location needing to decide whether to let the group solve the mystery on the island. Fred has sold the Mystery Machine, he is having daytime dreams of it returning to him, where he judges most other vehicles for not being on the same level as his beloved. Daphne is here, though we don’t see anything we haven’t seen before from her, while Velma has a blog showing us just how the character has evolved for the time, which does show the frustration here character has when she can’t solve the mysteries anymore. Most of the new characters are left to feel just here with only Alan the hotel manager and Seaver being properly introduced.

Story – The story here follows the mystery inc gang who get invited back to an old location to solve the mystery from their past, only to find themselves needing to fight cat people once again. The story tries to be self-aware of many of the previous films, which has worked before, but for some reason doesn’t quite click this time. The fact we have seen the evolution of Velma and not the rest of the characters disappoints, which also seems to play along the idea of being a film within a film, that just again puts too much wink, wink, nudge, nudge to the audience. If you are a Scooby Doo fan, this story is everything you need, even if it does have a couple of flaws along the way.

Adventure/Comedy – The adventure does see the gang return to one of their most famous locations, which is different to much of what we have seen before, while the comedy does land in a couple of places very well.

Settings – The film does take the gang back to Moonscar island to face a new host of enemies in one of the most famous locations.

Animation – This does have the typical animation you are used to seeing for the Scooby Doo movies, it never lets down and works for the slapstick side of things.

Scene of the Movie – The big jump.

That Moment That Annoyed Me – Daphne is almost just painted background character.

Final Thoughts – This isn’t the best Scooby Doo animated movie, it disappoints in a lot of places with how it handles certain decisions in the story and too many wink wink nudge nudge moments.

Overall: Basic Scooby Doo.