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Wolf Hunter (Arctic Brotherhood #5)
Wolf Hunter (Arctic Brotherhood #5)
Jane Godman | 2017 | Paranormal, Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
Wolf Hunter (Arctic Brotherhood #5) by Jane Godman
Wolf Hunter is the fifth book in the Arctic Brotherhood series, and we finally have Sebastian and Cindy's story. The hints were there for these two, but we have had to wait until now to read all about them. Cindy has no idea how to tell the people that she regards as family that she was Hendrick's best friend, not lover. They all assume she has taken his bite, become his mate, and is now a werewolf. Even Sebastian, although the thought of that gives him feelings that he is not prepared to deal with. Too soon though, he realises he doesn't have a choice, when a story he is chasing ties up with the Brotherhood once more. Past links come to life, showing the Brotherhood that there has been more to this than meets the eye.

This story is very nicely written, and flows smoothly from one scene to the next. The ties that bind this book to the previous ones are all obvious, once you find them out! The characters all remain as brilliant as ever, completely different to each other, and yet wholly complementary. I can't wait to read the next book as this one has done a grand job of building up to the climax. With steamy scenes as a bonus, this is a wonderful story that will keep you turning the pages. Absolutely recommended by me.

* A copy of this book was provided to me with no requirements for a review. I voluntarily read this book, and my comments here are my honest opinion. *

Archaeolibrarian - I Dig Good Books!


    Sue Perkins

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    Spectacles is the hilarious, creative and incredibly moving memoir from much loved comedian, writer...

Superman: Dawnbreaker (DC Icons #4)
Superman: Dawnbreaker (DC Icons #4)
Matt de la Pena | 2019 | Comics & Graphic Novels, Science Fiction/Fantasy, Young Adult (YA)
8.5 (2 Ratings)
Book Rating
This is the fourth in the DC Icons series, all of which I have now reviewed. It started with Wonder Woman, then moved through Batman and Catwoman before culminating in Superman. All four books have been written by popular young adult authors, from Leigh Bardugo to Marie Lu to Sarah J. Maas. Superman went to Matt De La Peña, who I had not actually heard of before. He apparently wrote a book called Ball Don't Lie that was made into a movie in 2011, and another book titled Mexican Whiteboy. What I'm trying to say is that De La Peña's Hispanic background makes him a perfect choice for this book. Because whatever else can be said about Superman, his is the ultimate immigrant story.

And this book not only tells Superman's immigrant story, but deals heavily with immigrant issues around him as well. Smallville is deliberating a new law that is basically stop-and-frisk; Hispanic people are going missing; undocumented immigrants are getting beaten in the streets. Clark is rightly horrified, and vows to get to the bottom of the disappearances.

The book is very timely, and I love what it says about one of our country's greatest fictional heroes. It reminds me of Justice League: Gods and Monsters, in which Superman is the son of General Zod, and was raised by illegal Mexican immigrants instead of the all-American Kents. (It's a fantastic animated movie, and well worth watching.)

Lex Luthor makes an appearance, and for a while I thought Clark's best friend, Lana, was a stand-in for Lois, but Lois is mentioned ever-so-briefly late in the book.

This is the fourth and final book in the DC Icons series, and taken as a whole, they're quite good. I wish they were a little more entwined with one another, but I understand that would be difficult with four different authors. But they are a very neat re-work of the four characters' origin stories.

You can find all my reviews and more at
Kings of the Wyld
Kings of the Wyld
Nicholas Eames | 2017 | Fiction & Poetry
9.7 (3 Ratings)
Book Rating
Contains spoilers, click to show
This was another book that I picked after it was recommended from one of my favourite Youtuber, Holly Heats Books, and as always I wasn't disappointed.
Kings of the Wyld is a "getting out of retirement of one last job" story. A band of five getting back together to save the daughter of one of them. The story is very well written, action-packed with a touch on humour here and there.

Things I liked:

    -All the characters are very well written. They all have their own unique voice, personality and they offer something different to the band as well as the story.
    -The relationships between all the characters are well crafted. By the end, you know and feel how close this band is and how much they love each other.
    -I generally adore when an action/adventure book or movie has just a hint of comic relief without going overboard and turning it into stupid moments. And the author knows exactly when and where to add this little moment of humour to make you laugh without turning the story into ridicule. Love, love that!
    -You never get bored. There is always something happening, twists and turns and obstacles being thrown to our heroes, without the story getting repetitive.
    -They weren't a lot of twists and most were obvious but one of them I didn't see it coming. Maybe if I had paid more attention I could have seen it coming but I didn't so I was quite surprised.
    -The final battle. I spend the entire book wondering how 5 guys will manager to fight a whole army. And the answer wasn't something that I was expecting and it was epic! Maybe with some clichés, like the "final speech to get people to follow you", but they were all so well done!

Things I didn't like:

    -The fantasy world contains EVERY creature ever mentioned in fantasy, folk stories, and mythologies. From dragons and orcs to merpeople to vampires and werewolves. Which is amazing and interesting but... because there are so many creatures mentioned some of them are not described maybe because we should know how they look (?) and if you add all the author places and his own fantasy creature some time I got confused and overwhelmed and didn't necessarily know what kind of creature the author is talking about and I couldn't picture the scene properly in my mind.
    -Magic has no rules. Which I don't really mind but.... [Spoiler] at some point it was used in a way that kind of put me off. Towards the end, our primary MC loses his hand and I liked the fact that the author didn't shy away from injuring his character but... this was fixed a chapter later with a magic potion that just made his hand grow back. What? Why? And this is where a draw the line on the "magic with no rules". Don't use random magic as a way to "fix" your character because you didn't want them to be hurt after all! Scars are witness to our own story and our past. Those guys went through a crazy adventure they should have scares and injuries, so if one of them loses his hand during a battle why go back on that a chapter later with a convenient magic potion. I was quite mad about that part but it was just a minor part of the story.

Despite a couple of tiny details, I thoroughly enjoyed this book and would highly recommend it. It was one of the best books I've read so far this year.

The review can also be found here:
    Cullen IELTS 7+

    Cullen IELTS 7+

    Education and Games

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    This app will help you to: increase your vocabulary for the IELTS writing and speaking tests; learn...

Lonestar's Lady
Lonestar's Lady
Deborah Camp | 2017 | Romance
8.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
delightful historical romance
I was gifted my copy of this book, that I write a review was not required.

Gussy travels across the country to find the man she was supposed to marry a liar, and a drunken fellow. Max Lonestar offers Gussy an alternative, one that would get them both what they want. Can Gussy see past Max' history, his prison time, his heritage??

I thoroughly enjoyed this!

Gussy is a bit of a headstrong young lady, and for her time, maybe too much, but she wants what every girl of her age wants: a husband, a permanent home, children. Granted, she went across country as a mail order bride to get what she wants, so maybe not the best way, but Lonestar's alternative is better than a trip home. And let's face it, Lonestar is a much better looking man than her original intended! So she puts her heart and soul, and indeed her body, into making this work, even when Lonestar pushes her away when things get dangerous.

Pulled to Augusta like no woman has ever pulled him, he hopes and prays that this will work, that she will give him what he craves. I liked that he gave her an "out" option should they not be able to work it. I liked that he, and he alone called her Augusta.

It's quite obvious who is causing the trouble to Max and Gussy, to me at least, I just didn't think he would go THAT far! I LOVED that the town pulled together, finally, to help Gussy and Max rebuild.

Not overly explicit, it carries the right amount of steamy stuff that is proper for this book, and for the time this was set. Just enough, I thought! It does carry some prejudices but they were common at that time (some still today!)

Not a difficult read, just one of those books you can fall into and lose a couple hours, I managed to read this in one sitting. But well written, from both Gussy and Max' point of view, so you get to hear from both of them.

Thank you to Ms Camp for my copy, I thoroughly enjoyed it!

4 solid stars

**same worded review will appear elsewhere**
The Best Thing
The Best Thing
Mariana Zapata | 2019 | Contemporary, Romance
10.0 (1 Ratings)
Book Rating
This review and more can be found at my blog

This has been borrowed from the Kindle Unlimited Library.

I feel like I have to start by singing Mariana Zapata's praises. She is the Queen of slow-burn romances. I do believe that I have read everything she's ever written so far and this is her latest. I'm not the biggest fan of long books but I've found that with this author, I don't care how long they are because I'm so drawn in I just keep reading until I finish.

This one is no different. We meet Elena - Lenny - who runs a gym with her grandfather that helps fighters get ready for their next fights - MMA, boxing, etc - when her ex turns up who she hasn't seen for the last 17 months wanting to see her. I'm not going to go into much detail as that would ruin in but Lenny has an amazing personality and I love her thoughts in regards to him coming back - it includes various imaginative swear words and scenarios.

I love Lenny. As mentioned above she has a great personality and a great outlook on life. Pretty much every sentence she spoke (or thought) had me grinning like an idiot. In my eyes, she's such a great character. I also really liked Jonah. He was this mix of shy and sweet and just plain amazing. There are also some other characters that I loved liked Grandpa Gus. Some of the interaction between him and Lenny was hilarious. Then there was Peter and Mo, too.

I also like how she includes previous characters in her current ones. Lenny is Luna's - the main character of her last book, Luna and the Lie - best friend and appears quite a lot in this one offering her support.

It's really hard to write a fitting review of this book without spoilers, I'll just say that I thought it was pretty awesome.